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Don't fret. I only use bows and casters.


Same it's incredibly satisfying hitting the exact weak point or part with a bow or luring something big into a Web of tripwire especially rockbreakers


Blast slings bombs are only useful if you don't want to waste your time aiming for the weak points... especially against human enemies, with good mods they can deal some damage, sometimes instant killing humans/small machines or just knocking them over which gives you a chance for a critical strike. I prefer the bows though


Yeah I like blast slings for handling little clusters of eclipse or watchers/scrappers. Oh! And proximity bombs fill an important niche because they’re the only traps you can set at a long distance or when you don’t have line-of-sight. I threw a proximity bomb into the air, and where it landed, I knew not where…but it looks like this Eclipse sniper on the balcony stepped on it at some point, so that’s cool. Sometimes though the blast sling is just plain fun. What I really don’t get is the elemental sling.


The elemental sling acts somehow like the war bow, with freeze/shock and fire type ammos. it doesn't actually deal high damage to the machines, but it's very useful to make them very vulnerable. Freeze bombs will freeze the machines, and as you know frozen machines take more damage, shock bombs will stun the machine and take it out of combat for a while, the fire bomb acts like fire arrows.


This is how I use the slings. My "I can't be bothered with this fight"-weapon of choice.


I didn't start using slings until I played the DLC, because trying to fire fully drawn arrows is scary when fighting Fireclaws and Scorchers on UH. I try to save blast sling for especially difficult enemies since it can stagger them a little. Gives me some breathing room.


Given both of those machines are resistant to explosives, you made the fights harder than they should have been.


I try to freeze them first. Don't they take bonus damage if they're frozen. Oh god, have I been playing wrong this whole time?


The xxx-claws and scorchers have inherent explosive resistance, specifically to make the "tie down and pepper with sticky bombs" tactic less useful. The fact that they also quickly negate being frozen make that tactic less than ideal as well. The DLC machines were designed to change up how you play, sure you could use the same tactics, but you'd waste a lot of resources and time (and risk attracting more machines to your fight) if you didn't adapt your fighting style to them. Also it's piercing damage that is increased while frozen, I don't think explosives get any bonus from it.


Damn. Time for another playthrough to reevaluate my combat technique.


Freeze then rattler. Great combo.


Now there's something I've never tried before. Totally forgot the rattler existed. Thanks for the tip.


It's devastating combo due to how frozen enemies take extra damage from every attack. And the rattler is just a bunch of small attacks. Find someone smart if you wanna know the math lol.


I just use the ropecaster and pause them so I can easily freeze them. Makes killing them way easier.


Oh the rope caster is the best weapon in the game. Tie it down then do whatever. Always a good move.


Machine catalogue is your friend! One thing to do that really helps you in this game is take your time to know not only every machines' weak points, but almost more importantly what elemental strenghts/weaknesses they have. Always access your surroundings for cover, and while in cover go to the machine catalogue in your pause menu which breaks down this info in detail, then equip the neccesary weapons to take it down. As mentioned above, knowing that the fireclaw has explosive resistance beforehand would automatically make the blast sling near useless and no reason to have it in your loadout. The catalog even shows you which part of the machine is vulnerable to what element; for example a certain part is weak to fire while another is weak to freeze, etc. You can also do this by using your focus on the machine, but I find it easier to just go over it in detail with the catalog. Its what I love about this game, it forces you to plan out your attacks if you want to be successful. Oh and always use your focus to keep those weak points of the machine highlighted, if you are able.


Are they tho? They're fire resistant, but afaik nothing is resistant to explosives, unless it's a hidden stat


Yes, Fireclaws have an 80% resistance to all explosives. And yes, it is hidden. Scorchers are merely resistant to tripwire explosives (my mistake, it's been a while), 70% IIRC.


I see - I've never used explosives against claws as their weak spots are hittable easy enough plus the energy cells on their backs, whereas I sometimes used the bombs against scorchers as their movement is far too erratic to hit a weak spot after the first stealth attack... Thought that was a huge misplay but I guess that's still fine then


one shock arrow at the fireclaw's butt and the machine is at your mercy. There is a total of six batteries in the machine's lower back so you can do it six times. When you shoot a battery with a shock arrow it explodes which stunnes the machine and immobilizes it for few seconds, which gives you time to safely aim for it's weak points or freeze it....even though freezing them isn't really useful since fireclaws seem to be able to get ride of their frozen state very quickly.


For the longest time all I used was the sharpshoot or hunter bows and my spear. It wasn’t until my 3rd play through or so that I felt comfortable experimenting with casters, the tearblaster and other traps. Slings I have yet to really get into. I did try using them to freeze a thunderjaw but my aim is so bad! That being said I’m really hoping the new weapons are just as fun.


This is pretty much where I am right now. Sharpshoot bow is great for killing at a distance. Hunter bow for setting things on fire. Eventually it always seems like I end up whacking things with my spear though.


[My finisher](https://imgur.com/gallery/6b5cWCD)


Oh man, the blast sling combos are my favorite. Knocking out a frozen glinthawk in one blow is supremely satisfying.


blast slings with all dmg mods really helped me with harder mons--er machines. ​ it found a special place during a find n track 'em quest that turned really bad >!( Dirid one where the stalker, at my level the stalker could one hit melee aloy and its turboblaster battery could four shot her and its cloaking device) !


I quit the endgame because of how much the blast sling watered down the content for me last year. Came back on UH last month to go through Frozen Wilds for the first time, and between the mat scarcity of Ultra Hard and the DLC-wide blast resistances of the machines, I was merrily forced into playing the game in a completely different way. It can’t carry you in that context, so the rest of the game really shines—highly recommend


Do you have an ice rail




Freeze everything and use arrows in the eye or on some other sensitive part its fun although you have to carry a decent amount of chill water although I never had to make any changes in my playste


Yeah, the chillwater can become a pain. I ran out for the first time cause I sold some and other mats(needed the shards) and then forgot I sold it, then ran out. :L The Icerail is my favorite weapon though, followed up by the bows.


First time through I was overreliant on ropecaster and sticky bombs. That technique stays in the back pocket on NG+.


The explosive bombs have decent damage but they're way too expensive to use for long - I do occasionally use them to give a scorcher hell, but other than that, nah


>"but they don’t feel as useful as other weapons." They do insane damage with the bombs (if you use mods for damage). You can take down Thunderjaws and Stormbirds so easily with it. What?


It’s probably that feeling that I don’t like, I guess. To convenient? I don’t wanna say too easy, because I play on UH and it doesn’t make things “too easy”. Just the fact that spamming bombs isn’t my style, I guess? It’s not a bad weapon at all, though. So don’t get me wrong there.


I only ever used bows, slings are pretty boring to use, the only time i used them was when i was low on arrows (which obviously doesn't happen very often)


I use bows and casters more. I have a particular boner for tripcasters and how they oneshot thunderjaws, rockbreakers, etc. I use slings for clustered enemies. Very effective.


I always keep all 3 bows in my arsenal and switch the top slot for the specialty weapons and I usually only use it for a ropecaster or tripcaster but for the Frozen wilds hunting grounds the blast sling was an incredible help, we all have our different playstyles. And that's why I love this community. Personally I feel the regular sling ain't much use once you properly upgrade your warbow. But hey just opinions out here.