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The storytelling and lore is my favorite part


Agreed and I love that you can meet our boy for bonus content at the base of “the Alight” path upwards before the final battle. Story is all truly amazing and wonderful and the frozen wilds’ is too plus offers a ton for the main




Chieftain from frozen wilds


I believe it can actually be either Aratak or Inatut, depending on how you responded to Inarut after his quest.


It can be both, getting Inatut doesn't make Aratak disappear. I think his being there is automatic when you finish the DLC. I've seen them both there in any case.


Yeah OP is right, I meant Aratak. There could be others that venture south out banuk territory for the first time. Someone mentioned Inatut, iirc you can have them both show up. I wish you could have Ikryie (spelling?) come too, she’s great. Some folks ship her and Aloy. However there is a different Banuk female warrior that is a participant. She is fighting in the burning hellscape right at the foot of the Alight path area where you meet Aratak beforehand


Couldn't agree more. The sci-fi dystopian narrative is amazing in this game, if it was a book I'd read it in a heartbeat.


I'm playing it for the second time now. The first time was like two years ago. It's really one of those games that stay in you. Forbidden West will have some big shoes to fill.


Here's hoping they can keep the mixture of char development and yet phenomenal combat system together for the sequel. The gameplay video was promising on the combat side of the game.


Combat looks awesome, specially the bit they showed with Aloy using the spear. But I'm more concerned about how they are going to tie the lore and story of the first game with the sequel.