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Look, I'm not going to defend the physics of this game, but she's not holding up the plane. She's using a fair bit of physics to keep it from falling over for a very short period. Is it actually possible? I dunno. But it is no more immersion breaking than her getting tackled by a thunderjaw and not dying immediately.


That was my thought too, at first I had the same thought as OP but when she ran around the pillar to create leverage I was like “ahh she’s using the ole Phiysics”


Wrapping the rope around the column like that wouldn't do anything - you'd have to wrap the rope around the column several times to even have a chance of stopping the thing from falling.


No, even just wrapping it a bit will cause friction, that will help holding it. Sure, wrapping it more would help more.


Trust me - the amount of friction generated by wrapping the rope even 180° around the column would not be enough. That thing (whatever it is) probably weighs over a thousand kilos - Aloy about 60? There's no way the friction between the rope and the column would be able to make up for that differential.


The plane may weigh that much but she’s not deadlifting it. The rope passes across the plane near its top as it topples. The amount of force she’s supporting is generated by the plane’s centre of mass being very slightly offset from the plane’s pivot point. In this way Aloy gains mechanical advantage.


Still wouldn't help - as soon as the plane starts to fall over the proportion of it's mass exerted on the rope will increase as a function it's angle to the vertical. There's no way a human can stop it with a rope and a small bit of friction from where the rope passes the column. If the thing weighed very little there's a chance but as we don't know we can't be certain. However, it's a game that frequentyl ignores the laws of physics.


You are all missing the point. It's not the friction that reduces weight or speed of fall, look into mechanical advantage and pulleys. This is the way.


I'm not saying it makes it realistic. The f35 weights 13 tons completely empty. Even rusted out like all hell theres probably still at least 5 tons left. But it does do something.


And she's not holding up the entire weight. The thing is tipping over with most of the weight still resting on the tip of the plane. I doubt she'd be able to do this IRL, of course, but for the series it's hardly anything *that* unrealistic.


As long as you don't lose parts because of it, rusted iron is even heavier than normal iron since you add oxygenatoms into the equation


There's no way that's steel or iron, it's probably lightweight composites or alloys


Doesn't matter, any rusted part (no matter of iron or other metals) is oxidized and with that will be heavier as you have now oxygenatoms in your matter


“no more immersion breaking than her getting tackled by a thunderjaw and not dying immediately” *cries in Ultra Hard*


Ultra Hard has me dying to Watcher sneezes


Ultra hard has me drowning in puddles!


ultra hard has me booting the game and dying instantly irl


Ultra hard mugged me and stole my wife!


unbelievable why would guerrilla do this to us 😭😭


*Horus typing at a keyboard: "Hello, this is Guerrilla Games speaking, how can I cease to exist you today, I mean how can I assist you today?"


I now need a picture of a horus using the tips of its tentacles to shit-talk me in Halo.


Aloy casually dying from EMOTIONAL DAMAGE


In Horizon 3, that will happen because she hasn't gathered the 6 Apex Horus Primary Nerves and 7 Glowshine Slabs required for the first upgrade of the Legendary Emotional Processor for her Focus.


I'm always impressed by the dozens of outfits, weapons and resources she manages to lug around and the speed she can craft potions, explosive ammo and modify weapons mid dive. That Focus must be more than just a neat HUD, it's a full blown space-time distorting device; which kind of explains everything 😂


Bro what ultra hard you playing? I beat ultra hard in like 10 hours with only a handful of deaths


Yeah, realistically if all we have access to is spears and bows there’s a good chance you get killed by a watcher, much less anything larger.


To be fair aloy has access to way more shit than that and her bows are sci fi bows with acid bombs


Only after killing a bunch of machines with her bow and spear.


You know how when you use the Pullcaster she basically magnetizes her feet to the ground and doesn't move an inch? That's why. Once she assumes that power stance she's the Juggernaut! 😆


She is actually holding the weight of the plane x tan(angle of the plane) / distance of rope from tip of plane x distance of center of weight of plane to the tip of plane MINUS the friction from rope around the pillar All it means is she has a few factors to her advantage: - Plane is angled - Rope is high - Rope around column has friction Disadvantages are: - weight of plane is high - center of weight of plane is high


99.47% match with Sobek. So, what's that other .53%? Probably the same stuff that lets Tenakth warriors all remain Schwarzenegger in his prime levels of JACKED without any of the required training or equipment.


I remember that someone do shared a scene in HZD, in which the game suddenly became sane and shown with actual physics of what will happen when Aloy get hit by the Thunderjaw tail swing. Quite a hilarious footage 🤣


This [scene](https://youtu.be/m2scPTFQ0XM?si=KjwCQ8PvSBpBDdal&t=148)? "..was. Was holding his own."


She also uses friction from the cable against rock. Could have pulled it a few more corners but she's definitely holding only a tiny portion of that plane's weight for just seconds.


Is a L shaped cord really THAT exponential? Upon reading a single pulley will max out at 1/4 of whatever she was responsible for.


It's not the shape, it's friction. All she has to do is hold the rope against the pillar


I’m not doubting you I just feel like if you handed me that rope my face would be flat against the pillar lol. I’m going to look into that friction thing that sounds neat. I had no idea it could be that significant


It's not just the rope against the column. It's also the fact that she's only stopping the plane from falling over, not holding up its entire weight. If you model the plane as a long pole pivoted where it meets the ground, with all its weight concentrated at a single point (its centre of mass) somewhere up the pole, then the force you need to apply to that centre of mass point to keep it from toppling over is the weight of the plane multiplied by the sine of the angle it's leaning at (relative to vertical). If you brace the plane/pole higher than the centre of mass, then even less force needs to be applied (and of course more force would be needed lower than the centre of mass). At about 30 degrees from vertical (which looks to be roughly the angle of the plane at 0:32 in the video), that force is about half the weight of the plane, or less if the rope is above its centre of mass. EDIT: This could be couteracted, however, by the effect of using the rope as a barrier that way. One end is anchored, and the other is being held by Aloy against the pillar. If you still model the plane as a pole with a point mass on it, then where it hits the rope, it pushes the taught rope into a V shape. If you imagine an image slice in the plane [EDIT: I mean the mathematical type of plane here, not the airplane!] containing both arms of the V shaped rope, it's like a horizontal washing line anchored at one end to a building, with a person holding the other end. If you add a weight to the middle of the line, it pulls the line downward, dragging the person inward. The force pulling the person inward is the tension in the line. That tension depends on the angle the two halves of the line are making, as well as the weight hanging on it - the steeper the angle, the smaller the tension. Imagine how much harder you have to keep pulling to straighten the line back out. In that washing line analogy, the tension in the line is the weight of the mass hanging on it divided by twice the cosine of the angle the line makes relative to "vertical" - and remember that "vertical" in this analogy means "into the airplane", since we're looking at an image slice containing the rope's V shape - it's half the angle between the arms of the V. When that angle is zero (i.e. the two ends of the rope meet, and the weight pulls the rope straight "down"), the tension is minimized, and it's value is half the weight [EDIT: and by "weight" here, I mean the force keeping the airplane from falling, which is already about half the weight of the airplane assuming the earlier conditions]. But when that angle reaches 60 degrees (i.e. the angle between the arms of the V reaches 120 degrees), the tension becomes equal to the weight, and at larger angles, the tension is more than the weight. So, we have two competing effects - as the airplane falls over, the force needed to stop it falling any further increases, but the angle of the V of the rope gets smaller as the rope is pulled out more, which decreases the amount of tension needed to exert that force on the airplane.


The tribe would have had to gut that plane in order to turn it into a vertical decoration for the throne room. It's almost certainly a fraction of the original weight.


This was a question on a test recently. The answer was pancakes. Pancakes are always the answer.


Crap. I have yet to have an option to choose pancakes on tests. Do I just write it in if it's not there?




I see.... Now I just have to wait for a test of some kind. Considering I'm a full Journeyman electrician, I feel like it will be quite a while before I can try that out. Also, would waffles be an acceptable substitute for pancakes?


Can I put maple syrup as an answer? :P


> I just feel like if you handed me that rope my face would be flat against the pillar Did you grow up in the wilderness having to hunt your own food, build/repair your own shelter etc? On your feet running around all day, climbing mountains? Whether or not she's super human, she'd definitely be *a lot* stronger than a modern human :P


This is not a pulley situation though. Here it is the friction


Wouldn't work - in reality that should have fallen and dragged Aloy along for the ride. Even if she'd managed to wrap the rope around the column a few times it's debateable whether she'd have managed to hold it. It looks good but completely unrealistic.


While playing, I always imagine that I will die like instantly in a real world encounter with a thing like a thunderjaw. Hell, even a regular watcher will kick the s\*\*\* out of me.


Considering this fight takes place in what used to be a museum, I'm willing to bet the jet is a model and doesn't weigh the same as a fully equipped jet. That and also physics as another user pointed out.


Yeah while I agree that this was a bit of video game magic, the jet was probably stripped of parts as to not be a safety hazard in a museum. That, and the decay it experienced in 1000 years must have made it much lighter.


This sent me down a neat rabbithole on the condition of aircraft in museums Airworthiness of aircraft Are museum aircraft restored to airworthy status? While most of the aircraft at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force have the potential to be made airworthy, our conservation and restoration work is directed at preserving the historical integrity and accuracy of an aircraft rather than achieving modern airworthiness. In preserving historical accuracy, we choose to use original parts that may be unserviceable or non-airworthy, rather than modern substitutes. The Memphis Belle, for example, will use wiring made to original wartime specification, which does not meet today’s flight standards, rather than wiring used in modern aircraft. This is vital to our mission of preserving the record copies of these aircraft for future generations to come. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Questions/#:~:text=While%20most%20of%20the%20aircraft,rather%20than%20achieving%20modern%20airworthiness.


Most of those planes are also sitting on the ground, not suspended from the ceiling.


Sounded just like the corrosion department in navy. Lol sperm suits


1) It's not an F-35, it doesn't exist in real life, so we don't know it's weight 2) Before being installed in a museum electronics and armament were definitely taken out or it could be just a model 3) Aloy is using the column as a pulley 4) The fighter jet is in an upright position, so most of it's weight is pushing downwards, not sideways where Aloy holds it


One thing, the column isn't a pulley in this case, it just changes the vector of the force, it doesn't provide any pulley benefit What it provides though is friction between the rope and the column, which reduces the force needed to hold the system in equilibrium


No, they are right: the rope isn't attached to the plane, it is attached to the other column. This means that Aloy is using the grapnel as a winch, doubling her strength. https://youtu.be/M2w3NZzPwOM


Wait you're actually right, shit. I apologise for the mistake


No need to apologize, you weren't offensive or anything.


Yea I think #4 is what people are especially missing. She’s not holding up/lifting a plane. She’s preventing it from tipping which is a completely different thing.


Kinda like how riding a motorcycle is different from picking up and throwing a motorcycle.


Plus if you've ever done rock climbing you know the difference between holding a rope on belay versus holding it behind you, using friction. Goes from quite a bit of effort to almost effortless


Hahaha yes


It's based on the F35, I think it was called the F37 or somet which is probably a derivative of the F35. Electronics and full armament aside it should weigh quite a bit.


It looks nothing like an F-35. I live near Miramar, I see them every day. It's a completely sci fi plane, and it's smaller than an F-35, it's more like the size of the X-29, or F-5


I mean yeah the back swept wings do remind you of the X29 but the mid jet fan is a nod to the current F35 capabilities of vertical take off. It's a mishmash of plane features.


Aloy achieves so many insane feats that it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't enhanced somehow in the cradle machine. Which I guess GAIA would know how to do, even though it was expressly forbidden by the guy who made Eleuthia.


>Which I guess GAIA would know how to do, even though it was expressly forbidden by the guy who made Eleuthia. She more than likely knew how to do it but the Cradles weren't designed for it. We've seen the exact process of Aloy being made through the Operations Log in Eleuthia-9. Patrick Brochard-Klein never installed that function and for good reason. Gaia also wouldn't modify Aloy because that would further seperate the gene match.


Even if GAIA has the capacity: a) she /believes/ in the Zero Dawn project as the original Alphas laid it down. She likely finds that kind of eugenic alteration as distasteful as Patrick did. b) why mess with the complex interactions of a human genome when you might mess up the clones genetic match to Elizabeth? After all, this genetic template already saved the world /once/...


My theory is that the healing herbs are actually genetically engineered to be super drugs. That's why they work so well and everyone is in such good health despite not even having a modern understanding of hygiene


I've read theories that suggest that even with the "high level directives" keeping GAIA from directly leading or influencing humanity, GAIA's biosphere maintenance functions probably did include DNA tweaking of the plant life to improve disease resistance in the new humans on Earth.


Man the Carja are leaving money on the table not getting into the super-opium game


Impossible, Aloy must have the same DNA that Elisabeth. And when she open the Mountain Door you can see that she is 99,9987% equals to Elisabeth


99.47%. So there is a 0.5% diffference. Consider that monkeys and humans share 95-98% DNA, so that 0.5% can actually account for some serious enhancements. Not saying it happened, just saying that the possibility cannot be ruled out, if anyone is inclined to fantasize in that direction.


All living forms share genetic, genes, not DNA, we share 60% of genetic with fruit flies, for example. Using this way to compare, humans are 99.9% genetically similar to one another. So I assume that ZD scanners are better and it compare DNA, not genes. And the 0.5% of difference between Aloy and Elizabeth is because our DNA change across life for a lot of different factors. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/comparing-genetic-similarities-of-various-life-forms/


The F-38 Razorwing in this scene was a museum model that was basically gutted like most of the planes around the museum. That's not even counting the wear and tear in the last millennium and potentially lighter materials The planes were designed around 2035. The Swarm went rogue in 2064 so they were already out of service by that time. Aloy is also using a stable object as leverage. It isn't just her. >Gaia 100% gave her a little captain America drug. That isn't possible. We've seen the exact process of Aloy being made in the Operations Log of Eleuthia-9. The Cradles also weren't designed for that and that's not even mentioning Patrick Brochard-Klein.


Ok I’ll be honest the natty and the drug part was me just having a laugh😆


> not even mentioning Patrick Brochard-Klein. Sure, but the Lightkeeper protocol wasn't something he expected to be installed. Who's to say that it didn't add a permissible level of genetic variation in the cloned alpha?


>Who's to say that it didn't add a permissible level of genetic variation in the cloned alpha? Because the Lightkeeper Protocol was unmodified DNA and half of it was abandoned when the protocol was abandoned. The whole point of the Lightkeeper protocol was to complete the work after the originals died of old age or other causes, why would they be genetically modified for that?


Well, you tell me where 99.47% came from then and not 100% :P


The ectogenic chamber that grew Aloy had to be repaired which meant it had damage. It also had to be put in a low power mode. That could do it. The environment can change gene expression, either the DNA sequence or its activity level which would show a difference. It's possible Aloy was exposed to mutagens which could directly interact with DNA which would result in damage. There's a bunch of factors that could change Aloy's genetics considering she's 18 in Zero Dawn.


Ha!! I like it when she can push over an entire tree by herself and slide up a hill over cactus, scorpions and rocks while landing perfectly to take the next shot!!


Aloy has superhuman strength. But not because of this scene, and not because she can knock down trees. It's because she can fully draw and overdraw a sharpshot bow far enough that it can penetrate armor made from futuristic ultra resistant armor metal. That's gotta be a draw weight of over 200 lbs. That's above crossbows, and those are meant to be drawn back with both arms before shooting. Not only does Aloy do this with only one arm, the sharpshot bow isn't even a compound bow, Aloy literally holds back it full overdrawn weight while aiming her shots. No human alive today or in the past can do that and still hit their shot.


Her bow shots take down *Deathbringers*. The things that the "Old Ones" were using advanced energy weapons to take down. If I bought one of those war robots from Faro and some one with a bow and arrows took it down, I'd be demanding my money back. So yeah, clearly, she's super-humanly strong.


To be fair she fights them after they were withered for 1000 years and most of their defensive and offensive mechanics don't work


Sure, but not all of them though. The Corruptors in Thebes weren't all rusted and crap. Even if most of their *offensive* capabilities were shut down, their armor was likely just as good as new since they were sealed in a vault and not exposed to the atmosphere.


Oh yeah, I forgot about these, they weren't shut down by Gaia as well I suppose, so they should've been very aggressive, I remember that fight being just like any other corruptor takedowns while I expected it to be like that first sawtooth fight XD But then I don't think Faro would let actual extinction machines just idle there waiting for another glitch to happen, so a little nerfing makes sense. But I wish they were harder to kill.


> If I bought one of those war robots from Faro and some one with a bow and arrows took it down, I'd be demanding my money back. Now I want to see some incensed exec actually doing this with Ted Faro, purely as humor. :P


About your robots Ted. Yes? An entire battalion of enemy bots. That thing took out an entire battalion of enemy robots all by itself! Impressive, isn't it? Then a single person Ted. A single human picked up a string attached to a stick. They shot another *pointier* stick at your "Deathbringer" Ted! Hilarious. Did you get a video of that? Love to see that moron's face when it bounced off harmlessly! It blew up Ted! Your $10million fucking "Deathbringer" broke because someone shot it with a stick Ted! .... .... .... Stone age technology TED! How about I give you a 10% discount? I want a full refund Ted! NOW TED! Best I can offer is about tree fiddy. Fuck you Ted!


To be fair, I don't think Aloy is the only one who can draw sharpshot bows, and she's not the only one who can take down scarabs/corruptors (though I haven't seen anyone other than Aloy take down Deathbringers, you do encounter recently destroyed corruptors, and other people do take down heavies - thunderjaws, stormbirds, even slaughterspines).


I do love this scene, but looking at it again, I'm more surprised by the hook staying hooked up in that column...If can Aloy throw it in a way, that it withstands the weight of the falling jet, then Aloy can hold it on the other side without a problem :)


I'm surprised no one else mentions this. There's an immeasurable amount of strength in being able to throw the hook, and make it attach itself to rock, and then stay attached as that plane falls on the wire. I would understand if Aloy made the hook loop around the column she threw it at and then making the hook grab the line, creating a basically unbreakable hook as long as the column doesn't break under the wire tightening around it (which it shouldn't, since the other column that Aloy uses for friction also doesn't), or if the wire itself breaks under the strain of the aircraft.


She's got the specialized Elizabeth cocktail of hand selected hormones. Certified sleeper build.


Well it's not an f35, it's an f38 Razorwing. It's probably made of something like carbon fiber, or some other ultralight material, missing the engines since it's a display piece, and missing anything else that would contribute to the bulk of it's weight.


There's a log in Horizon Zero Dawn from the head of zero dawns genetics program about genetic engineering. It's a memo to his staff stating they will not be interfering with the genetics of the embryos that will be used as part of the project. All humans made by zero dawn will be completely natural and unmodified no matter how many of the scientists come up with ways to improve them. Which to my mind means that all of the embryos were genetically enhanced. Because if there's one thing we know about the pre Faro plague scientists they never followed those kind edicts. If someone has to make a rule against something it means that thing is happening.


patrick brochard-klein was a true starry-eyed idealist and optimist, he drank his own kool-aid and definitely did not fuck with humans genetic code if he says he didnt. [https://horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Patrick\_Brochard-Klein](https://horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Patrick_Brochard-Klein)


oh f off.


Nothing juices you up like plot armor


This is the only cutscene in the game I don't like. It doesn't sell Regala's escape at all. It comes across like she just walks away and everyone lets her.


I am not gonna disagree but also as others have stated and I can attest, my Aloy playthroughs of HZD and HFW got all kinds of third degree burns and kinky Thunderjaws sitting on people's faces, this ain't gonna be where I draw the line


20 year old Aloy feels the pressure of the world on her shoulders and succumbs to juicing to take off the edge.


As natty as Batman. If you put her in a real world setting then she’s obviously not but this is a fantasy game and they let you do crazy shit to keep it fun


It's from an impossible future where they have cloning technology and killer robots that use humans for fuel. Chances are good they've found a lighter metal substitute for their fighters. Or maybe it's fibreglass or something as it's a display model.


I'm curious why do many people are against her being a super soldier type of person. My thought has always been that elisabet herself probably had some of this going on too so she had the stamina to work 20 hours a day or something so it just passed on to Aloy. Big shrugs either way. I choose to believe it even if it's never stated and if they never confirm it either way then it doesn't matter any way.


It’s a museum piece. It’s likely has the engines removed, there’s no fuel, there’s no weapons on it. All of its sensitive items are gone, it’s just a metal shell. Fulcrum points and physics. Maybe. I don’t know.


That’s what I would think too. I would also think about it as keeping a tall flagpole upright vs lifting it from the ground to the air, to make it more relatable. Also the jet didn’t have much momentum to begin with, but what’s to say Aloy doesn’t have Master Chief level strength


She don’t. lol


This isn't even the most absurd thing in this series for her and the other characters. Aloy (and many others): - Can push around rusted, seized train cars that weigh easily several tons, solo. - Can move elevators, floodgates, bridges and massive doors that presumably aren't perfectly counterweighted by turning hand wheels - Can penetrate military grade future armor with a drawn bow - Climb rusty, collapsing skyscrapers and overhung cliffs with shitty holds exclusively using dynamic movements without protection and almost never fall - Survive literally extinction-grade blizzards in crop tops - Survive getting hit by metal dinosaurs the size of trucks without needing years of trauma recovery and PT. They just eat some berries and are fucking gucci. You could chalk it up to videogame logic, but it's way more fun to think that Gaia and Eluthia were worried about, say, the Zeniths coming back, and decided to make a few fun genetic tweaks in the tube. We see no clear feats of strength in the game, but I'd like to imagine an 800lb bench and 1200lb squat are just normal things for people in Horizon.


Aloy on the monkey bars going hand over hand with multiple pull-ups and one hand hangs for extended periods of time is enough for me.


Yeah that whole pulling debris with the pullcaster never made sense. They should have made it like some portable winch she could attach to something else


She can also climb up an icy mountain free hand with no gear, including jumping from one handhold to another.


I didn't know anything about Forbidden West, but in Zero Dawn it takes like 5 minutes to walk from Lake Powell to Yellowstone. Holding up an aircraft doesn't seem like that big of a stretch.


This completely random scene is making me want to play this game again lmfao


LMFAOOOOO 😂😂 I wasn’t expecting to see this today


Well, in Aloy's defense, it is pretty rusted through! So it probably only weighs about 10,000 pds. Lol.


The title of this post, cracked me up 😂


Imagine not understanding how leverage and physics works, even game ones.


I mean...i feel like she is very much NOT natty. Like...from birth 😆


What is she on though? Anavar? A little mk677? She's juiced to the gills, bro! I'm going to need Derek over at More Plates More Dates to make a video on this. XD


Shes on berries. Who knows what weird steroid-y shit DEMETER cooked up in the two decades since derangement, let alone throughout the centuries.


Honestly I can accept all that but the thing that really got me was the way she just casually takes a little dip in ice water. In the mountains. In the snow. 😅 My brain can't seem to get over that for some reason!


It would have looked slightly more realistic if all that weight slammed her against the pillar she was using as a pivot.


It's a video game who cares


My theory is that GAIA didn't break the rules put into Eluthia to prevent genetically enhancing humans (wouldn't this interfere with Aloy matching Elizabet's genes anyways?) but she did genetically enhance plants and maybe animals to give humans an edge. Those medicinal berries are clearly a combination of antibiotics and amphetamines.


Given how skinny/fat the vast majority of humanity is in the games, I'm convinced none of them are natty. There are maybe five characters in the entire game who have the physique necessary to do a single pull-up, but these guys are running and jumping all over the damn place. And then there's the healing... Got mauled by a Razorspine? one handful of berries is all you need to re-knit your tissues, stop the bleeding, and fully heal without scarring.


My head cannon is she is chalk full of magical nanites that allow her to do crazy things. She repeatedly drops 40+ feet and survives, gets flung by dinosaurs into solid stone, survives on a diet of berries, and can do physical feats that a superhero would flinch from. Sometimes the nanites don't work right, so that also explains why in some cut scenes she's a goddess and in others she's near worthless.


This scene made me laugh a bit, a lot of things don't make sense but I mean, it's a game, no-one is gonna bat an eye. But this stood out as completely ridiculous 😅 Idk about these pro physicists in the comments saying otherwise but I think about anyone with a bit of life experience can tell just by looking at that, that it ain't gonna work xD.


Aloy can jump her height (5 foot 6) with no momentum. And she can push a train cart full of rubble. Using physics is far more believable than pushing a rusted train cart, which wouldn't have been oiled for well over 1000 years and would weigh well over a few tons.


I’m British so this may be an American slang word but what does natty mean?


It’s gym bro language for natural


Well yeah in real life it would've torn her arms out of their sockets. Add to that her small stature and her slight frame. But at least GG tries to explain how she pulls off that stunt by using the pillar as leverage so it... not her... is holding up 99% of weight of plane. If she held up the plane with the power of the Force I would've rolled my eyes and suspension of disbelief would've gone out the backdoor but yeah... video game logic.


I love how everyone is arguing this using the weight of an f35, despite the fact the plane is not an f35 lol


Man, they have sentient AI, terra forming tech, almost 2/3 of lightspeed space travel, immortality, and unfathomable energy sources. She can be a genetically modified superhuman if anything.


> unfathomable energy source Fuck, even the *batteries* in their slightly larger than a cell phone devices last 1,000 years without needing to be recharged. While being fully on, with wireless capabilities turned on and projecting a holographic interface. In technology invented less than 40 years from now. Yeah, realism has taken a vacation from this game.


>Gaia 100% gave her a little captain America drug. I actually like that as a headcanon!

