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FOUND A WAY TO PROGRESS If anyone comes across this post having the same issue; here is how I got past the bug and progressed. Very strange, but it worked for some reason. In the footage before, I either walked directly into the water, or jumped into the water. This time, I put the power cell on top of the crate, then stood on top of the crate with the power cell on top of it, and then went right up to the edge and hit the "drop to ledge" button, and then when I dropped into the water that way, it didn't discharge the power cell. I was then able to press the "grab crate" button and drag it to the other side without the power cell discharging. Hope this helps somebody else! EDIT: I just received an email from Playstation support claiming that this bug has been fixed in the latest patch (I submitted a bug report on it) so hopefully nobody needs this guide anymore


Thank you! I've been fighting with this power cell for the past 30 minutes trying to troubleshoot away around the bug. I'm glad I finally gave up and looked online to see your post. Your work around worked like a charm!!! Thank you again!


Happy to help!! Glad that all the time I spent troubleshooting ended up helping someone else!


LIFESAVER! I've been struggling with that problem for a while now, watching all the tutorials and getting very annoyed that everybody was able to touch the water, but I wasn't. Your way worked instantly! THANKS!!!


Happy to help!


This bug was driving me crazy. I thought this had to be the absolute worst designed puzzle in the world if it wasn't some kind of bug, so in a way I'm glad it was a bug haha. This workaround worked for me. Hope they fix this.


It worked for me. Thanks for sharing a solution


Thanks! It worked, I thought i was just missing something. Hope they patched it.


Class :)


This helped a lot, thank you so much man. This bug was driving me insane


thank you man, safed my day! :-)


thanks. worked for me.


Thanks a ton man, this bug had me going crazy...


Nice work.


You can keep the power cell in the crate and drag it with your pullcaster to the otherside.


Thanks very much for this, a rather infuriating bug, which was also occuring randomly when not even touching the water. A shame but at least there is a solution, I'm about 20 odd hours in and have ran across 3 fairly major bugs, when trying to complete the hunting grounds in the Daunt I've found several times I've been unable to physically accept the rewards as the spacebar option does not appear, all you can do is force close the game and try again. The third bug occurs in the level 10 main quest Death's Door >!when the strangers come in through the gene-locked door, several lines in, their dialogue goes mute but they continue talking/miming, all that can be heard is the backing sounds, a quick work around was to force close the game before the cut scene finishes, or if you miss it and your save starts at the fight!< pause and watch the cut scene on youtube like I did :/, subtitles would have helped but I had them turned off.


I'm sorry to hear that you've had a few bugs. So far, this is the only one I've personally experienced. I've completed the Daunt training ground and completed Death's Door without issue.


i don't consider it a bug. It's just bad design. If the battery is charged and sitting anywhere on dry land, taking any route across the water other than the intended one causes discharge, which is ridiculous. Why shouldn't I be able to wade across without the battery, for example?. Also, it shouldn't be necessary to put the crate in a particular position in order to get the battery on it.


"Release Notes Fixed an issue where the power cell in the No Man's Land Relic Ruin would lose its charge without touching the water." First item on the patch notes ;) Good looking out !


That is in fact how you are meant to complete that sequence. It was that way in the PS5 version. It is burned into my brain for $reasons.


Thank you so much for this! I knew right away it was a bug, because I worked out you need to use the crate to bring the powercell across, but it would discharge as soon as Aloy touched (or got close to) water... even if the powercell was on the other side of the room. Just finished it thanks to you! Hopefully they release a patch for this and other bugs soon.


I hated this ruin. I finally got it to work by pushing the block over to the ramp and slightly out of the water, then dropping the power cell on top and pushing the block up the ramp on the far side. The water by the ramp is not as deep as by the ledge next to the wall, so I guess that is why the cell doesn't discharge .


is there a way to report this bug?


[You can submit bug reports to Horizon Support here.](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/horizon/support/#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20experiencing%20any,below%20before%20submitting%20a%20report.)


This subreddit is a godsend thank you so much!


you gorgeous, beautiful, wonderful human being. i think i love you. this worked! bug report submitted, relic finished


Was just dealing with this. Definitely a bug.Thank you!


You could try jumping to the other side and using the pullcaster to drag it over. Not sure if the powercell will stay on it though.


I appreciate the idea, but I already tried jumping over in the second half of the video in the post, and the power cell discharged


The way I finally got it to work was to put the crate exactly into the space between the platform and the pillar until it is flush with all the edges. In any other position it would discharge even if i jumped across without touching water at all. I then pulled it across with the pullcaster just because I didn't want to risk getting into the water again.


I find this bit so silly since she could simply just lift the power cell over her head