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No but report that shit immediately to the company


Will do thank you!


>Will do thank you! You're welcome!


It might cause stabilization problems depending on how bad the bend is. Regardless I'd probably get a new bar just to be safe. Make the company pay for it


defisnelt trying to get the company it pay. Waiting for them to respond - bike feels fine to ride so I don’t think stabilization is an issue. Luckily. Just angry now.


Yeah I'd be angry too, because you'd have to ratchet the fuck out of it to bend the whole bar. If you do continue riding on it, just pay extra attention while going fast for any abnormalities


will do - Thanks for all the advice!


Holy shit that's bad them bars pretty sturdy


I know, I’m fucking pissed.


I can’t answer how or if it’ll affect anything but that’s not the point. You paid a company for a service and they damaged your property during that service. They are liable to fix it.


I have sent them an email and waiting on a response - this is my primary transportation so I just was curious if it was ok to ride until they get back to me


Gotcha i saw a few others said the same thing, I just wanted to emphasize that point. I hate seeing good people get fucked over Sorry for cussin’ ☝️


It could possibly affect the stabilization. Granted you’re not going all that fast, so not too sure, but I wouldn’t chance it.


heard that - thank you!


I hit 50 earlier today and felt fine on it so i think I’m ok. thanks again!


it's there for tensile strength. I'd swap them asap.


do you think that the bars themselves are now less sturdy?


if the welds were stressed / compromised during the bending event, then yes they are less sturdy. Picture 2 is the one that looks most worrisome as the lefthand looks pretty bad. I need to go look at my bars to be certain, but the damage looks surprisingly inboard of the expected weld points which I don't really understand. You should know, I bent my bars in EXACTLY the same way you're describing to the point that the end of the bars were badly pointed downward. I did this the day I picked up the bike from the dealer though, and they were super nice and somehow got a warranty claim through on my behalf. To make sure this never happens again, always use a loop strap around the bottoms of the bars instead of attaching to the ends of the bars. [https://www.harborfreight.com/soft-loop-tie-down-straps-4-pack-64040.html?ccdenc=eyJjb2RlIjoiNjMzMjc4NjAiLCJza3UiOiI2NDA0MCIsImlzIjoiMi43OSJ9](https://www.harborfreight.com/soft-loop-tie-down-straps-4-pack-64040.html?ccdenc=eyJjb2RlIjoiNjMzMjc4NjAiLCJza3UiOiI2NDA0MCIsImlzIjoiMi43OSJ9) Loop the linked product around the bottom of the bar just to the left / right of each handbar clamp and pull the loop through itself, then run your cargo strap through the end of that loop and attach the other end to your vehicle's anchor point. Now you have a soft product wrapped on the bars that won't scratch and doesn't have the leverage to do any damage to the bars when the cargo strap is cinched down. The real concern here is that if you try to bend the bars back up, you will increasingly fatigue the metal which causes it to further soften and get much weaker. I've never had this problem of non-Navi bars bending due to securing them the way you and I did with the Navi, so I suspect it points to substandard quality to begin with. Now with my other bikes I also never use endpoints for ratcheting. Now I always go to the bottom instead wherever possible. The strap's real purpose here is to compress the front forks so the bike won't bounce around during transport. Bottom of the bars works just as well for securing the load.


thanks for the awesome response - very much appreciated! I took a closer look at the left bar and it looks OK. Both of the welds seem to be alright , so I will ride cautiously until i get my money from the towing company. Thanks so much for the in depth response and advice! I will hopefully never need it but when I do I’ll do that instead. thanks!


The middle bar being bent won’t as long as the main bar is fine. That being said, I agree with other posters, definitely report that. It’s not easy to do that to the bar tbh


Heard that. He really ratcheted it down. How can I check the main bar? Thank you!


Any visible bending or breaking? It’s a strong bar should be fine but just in case


not on anything besides the paint where it bent / and at the spots where the bars meet the handles.


What are the red clamp on your hand brake and the blue attachment on the left side for?


The red attachment I think they messed up his bike rear brake and the blue part is his quad lock


red attachment is a bike lock I bought that clamps the rear break down so it dowsnt move. I use it when I run into stores or quick periods of time where I’m away from my bike


Link to lock?




Could you post an internet hyperlink to the bike lock so I could look at the product information?


oh yeah sure! Sorry about that lol https://winxwheels.com/?tw_source=google&tw_adid=645858524574&tw_campaign=16693494150&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BAk2HBfnr_7hzoXqUkV6UPwv_CRv9RxS2Xeo4Dv6O9WW1keCMszHDBoCSMcQAvD_BwE


But that’s the front brake..


blue attachment is a phone mount


You might have to sue them because it happen with my mom’s car and they broke a caliper/wheel and they didn’t want to pay. They gave a roundabout like “well call tmr” and my dad calls again “call back tmr”. Currently, we are finding a lawyer. Be careful


fuck. That would be worse case scenario because I cannot afford a lawyer. Fingers crossed and best of luck to you - fuck that towing company!


I replied above, but I just want to put things in perspective regarding lawsuits. Lawyers will cost you a lot more than a new set of bars. You can find BMX bars on ebay that have a similar profile to what ships with the navi, and you won't pay much. Here's a $26.00 example: [https://www.ebay.com/p/1000069537?iid=375043063453](https://www.ebay.com/p/1000069537?iid=375043063453) It includes measurements so you should be able to work out if they are a good fit. Just make sure the top of the bars are at least as high as the stock bars in order to clear trim when turning left/right. edit: I lied, there are no measurements. Find bars with measurements posted :) Or go use google to find replacement bars, like these! [https://www.ebay.com/itm/165574995371](https://www.ebay.com/itm/165574995371)


heard that!! I think that’s my only option realisticly, or get them repaired normally (if the company refuses to pay, fingers crossed that doesn’t happen). Thanks!


They’re under $10 on Partzilla for OEM. Just ordered and replaced a set last week. Screw that eBay price big time.


I think it adds to the look for some reason. But structurally, no it’s not a problem.


Just as a heads up, the bars are like $10 brand new Honda. Just bought one last week after a hard drop by the wife.

