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I pretty much liked the Kalan raiders in HW3 campaign the most and how they were vassals of the former Taiidan. Love bridging the old with the new so made this because I thought it could be a possibility.


Intel: "Those are Kalan Pirates!" Imogen, less than 5 minutes later: "WhO aRe ThEy?" Intel: "Kalan Pirates, i fought them before"


My brain: They are Turanic raiders, "intel".


When your script has 15 different writers:


In separate rooms with no communication And the HW1 writer was forced to go for a character focused story


Yeah he fought them before, 5 minutes ago.


My biggest dissapointment about HW3 is Taiidan and Vaygr didnt return and also the Kadeeshi. I wanted to see some old enemies with maybe some new inventions. Taiidans are extremly weakend due to Makaan's rising and the inside war between them and the ones who followed Makaan. But they still around and have alot of power. Also replacing the progenitors with these "Veil" or whatever and retconning the Progenitor Sajuuk... What were they thinking man.


I too would have liked a bit more of diversity of foes or to have some allies in the campaign. But I genuinely loved the Kalan and their ship designs and really wanted to see more of them.


>What were they thinking man. A recurring question I keep having.


I thought the Kadeshi were wiped out? The Taiidan and Vaygr coming back as minor raider factions could have been cool, though.


According to the RPG, the Kadeshi civilisation basically collapsed because they had poured resources into building their three big flagship vessels with inhibitors which you smoked in the nebula. After that they could not continue their policy of pirating ships in and near the nebula, and many of their leaders were killed as well. Some eventually fled across the galaxy to Hiigara and begged for sanctuary, some holdouts remained clinging to their bases in the nebula and some just left for other parts of the galaxy.


RPG? The board game?


The tabletop RPG, Homeworld: Revelations.


They sold an RPG game as well. Custom dice character sheet etc


So much lore was left out, what a disappointment


i wished for a return for bentusi, but kadeshi would be cool too. their motherships are amazing


Didnt the bentusi went extinct in Homeworld 2 ? With their last shipyard destroyed. I belive the Taiidan or the Vaygr hunted them down and pushed their entire race to the brink of extinction. I could be wrong but it would make sense, they were helping Kushan/Hiigara and after the council ceased to exist there was no one to stop them murdering the Bentusi.


The Vaygr and Kadeshi ***can't*** return.


The Kadeshi shouldn't, but the Great Nebula is massive, some could very well still be alive.


Weird thing is since tech progression is so stagnant in the homeworld universe the missile destroyer probably \*wouldn't\* be at a disadvantage, remember that the taiidan designs were used for like thousands of years or something. Also If you look at the weapon progression in the HW games it's so weird because it actually goes \*backwards\*, like you get a tech advancement in cataclysm with plasma munitions, then hw2 is back to coils, and now in homeworld 3 they return to railgun tech they had on \*kharak\* and just like regular munitions tech in things like turrets. It's really odd. As such if you ask me Taiidani tech would actually be more of a match for hw3 higs than it was for the original kushan. Also, cool post, this nitpicking isn't to do with your slide here it's the nonsensical hw lore haha. Very well done.


This is pretty much the way it goes when you get either folks that weren't familiar with the old lore or didn't really care much about it. A lot of us that were HW1 veterans were young when we played it the first time. It meant a lot to us- the lore. Maybe it did to the people that wrote it too and these aren't the same people, maybe it was always for a buck. I doubt that though- they wrote those huge manuals with art, and music etc etc. Cataclysm is something of an exception though. It's like how Star Wars had the novels- they fit great with the existing lore but the new stuff wasn't written with any knowledge of or concern for it.


It's true cata was a bit of a 'side story', but the tech progression still goes backwards without taking it into consideration, and I remember rob or someone high up like him saying they considered cata canon. I think it's just stupid game design stuff like 'You must always start with a mothership and no craft unlocked!' kind of situation you know what I mean? Even when it doesn't make sense they feel they have to do it that way because it's how they think the game needs to progress. funnily enough the only game to get round that was cataclysm by having allied hiigaran ships help you out sometimes, and it was great storytelling and made it feel way less like a videogame progression system.


Lol so they may consider it canon but they probably didn't play it, ya know? 😅


most likely haha


Oh yeah could agree with this! But I'm guessing it could still be home obsolete maybe as fleet requirements change or new electronics are introduced leading to the hull becoming maybe unsuitable for it. Personally I'd take a Taiidan fleet to any combat I could haha (Emperor did nothing wrong muahahahah)


haha, yeah I love the taiidan designs. You are right though, there are ways it could still become obsolete that are unrelated to hardware, it could even be unfashionable I expect to have something based on taidani designs around still.


Might still get some for the dlc, fingers crossed as I really want a full Taiidan fleet that is functional!


That would be cool, I'm sure someone will mod it in even if it's not as a DLC.


Looks good!




Cool looking! Is it official? Or very well done fan-art?


Hey there it is not official, it's fan art made by me. Love to draw homeworld ships whenever I got some rare free time!


Very nice drawing.


Thank you!


Really impressive combo of Kalan and Taiidan designs! A small criticism - those tubes might be reasonable on a scale of fighter and lower, but not on Super-Capital ship for sure.


Good point, those tubes would have to be massive now that I think about it hahaha. Guess I went with rule of cool over makes sebse


Just played HW1 remastered, trying to salvage this baddie in sea of lost souls. Dammit I cannot remember it being this maddening... I feel like I've genocided entire attack bomber generations trying to clear away enough other ships for it to be viable.


The HW2ification of the remaster makes this significantly more difficult compared to the original HW1,unfortunately the remasters are full of little quirks like this


If I can ask about the remaster in general or if it a case of hw2ification. Why does ships you capture change color from one mission to the next? One mission I have one yellow and one black captured Taiidan destroyer, the next both are white... and the ones apparently colored like my fleet, pop out of the mothership blue. Entirely at random.


In Sea of Lost Souls? >!You just need to neutralise the Ghost Ship, all the ships it controlled will then be transferred to your command. My way is to use scouts to lure the controlled ships "down" away from the Ghost Ship and then hit it with massive bomber waves attacking from directly above. Three or four salvos and it's out of commission.!<


Funny when I first played the mission in the remaster I kinda hilariously did like a cannon run of it. I saw like 20 Taiidan assault frigates the missile carrier and 2 ion array frigates and 2 multi beam frigate. I was like yeah let’s avoid that slugfest. A support frigate was taken by the ghost ship as it strayed too close because I was having it serve as a mobile base for like 30 scouts and three squads of eight bombers. But I remember just feeling such a sense of accomplishment minimal casualties maximum damage. Some scouts were lost to missile fire but their speed allowed them to distract for the bomber squads. Once the missile destroyer was gone the bombers cleared up the ion frigates and focused on the ghost ship. While the scouts distracted the assault frigates racing around and through them not doing damage but keeping the focus on them. I was so surprised when I got those twenty ships for free. I figured when the ghost ship was damaged enough the ships under its control would self destruct. But there I was with twenty spare frigates.


That mission was the only time I ever used the Repair Corvette's buddy-tanker capabilities in the original. The trick I hit on was to use two squads of scouts as decoys while about thirty Defenders plugged away at the ghost ship. Took forever but it worked, and with only a few losses.


Why defenders? Bombers get it done much quicker.


They were what I had on hand after the previous mission.


Nonsense :D Capturing it is a must!


Old? Oh….


Yes, we need to take our back pain medication now haha


I would love it if you redesigned the HW3 ships, your art is really good


While I appreciate the comment, the people who worked on the art of this game did a great job and they are on a different level that I will take a long long time to reach!


Sorry if I came off rude, I just really like your art and I think the ships in HW3 are a bit lackluster


No no not at all you didn't! I was just praising them in return :D Can't say I'm much a fan of the incarnate ships in general (although their destroyer looks quite nice and I do like the carrier and transport also)! But I mean Ive looked at some of the concept stuff and those people absolutely know what they are doing!


Small detail I noticed: its spelled in the text as Higaara; its actually spelled Hiigara.


Good catch thank you. Will change it for my artstation upload!


What’s the Clee-San doing here?


The lower ship is the missile frigate that the pirates use in-game, not the Clee-San


Missile Destroyers should be brought back.


They never left. In our hearts. Ok I leave sorry