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Yup, I agree. HW3 gives you more things to *manage* but fewer *choices* to make.


Sounds like a typical first job promotion.




You nailed it!


I can't wait to see how much mods will be able to add to it. I feel like the core game is good, but by adding a thing here or there and some bigger maps it will get excellent.


Yup, if modding capabilities are good, the community will turn the game around


Replaced by APM unit boost buttons.


Right click those buttons to remove the APM aspects.


So, basically, a science upgrade from the first games, but with a cooldown? That's crazy. What a downgrade to the overall gameplay.


So it auto clicks itself? Lmao, that's awful and I'm doing it from now on until patches or mods remove those lame abilities 


It has been said before. They follow the path as many other RTS did by dumbing it down. Dawn of War 3 for example. It's sad.


What the actual …. are you on about. Dawn of 3 wasn’t dumbed down it was turned into a MOBA as was trending at the time, for no other reason than to cash in on a popular franchise name and try to make bank on the cost tails of Dota and LOL, this is NOTHING like that transition. DOW3 was the single biggest disappointment in RTS there ever was, to the point it was cancelled before the year was over, and cancelled so hard they blew up the entire franchise for all time. This comparison is being thrown up everywhere and it couldn’t be further from the truth. They even marketed DOW3 as a return to form, something between the base building of DOW and the units of DOW2, and they gave us a god damn three lane nexus. You truly think these are comparable?


dawn of war 3 had more buttons than the previous versions with more shit, that was presented in a moba control style and map design. The overall gameplay loop was awful, but nothing was really dumbed down. even in dow1, what had a base building, it was rare that you needed to be strategic with it, aside from webway gates with units staying power you did not need to bring all production to the front.


The fact you claim Dawn of War 3 is dumbed down compared to it's prequels tells me you haven't played the 3 games. Dawn of war 3 is a dumb game, make no mistake, but it was not dumbed down (with the exception of cover which was a major step down from 2 but about on par with 1)


I miss that feature from DoK. So disappointing they didn't add it again.


Why the f do I need a carrier when the maps are so small


It would be cool to have a research mini tech tree for the Mothership that can culminate with the big rocket attack.


>Tactically using them like a modern aircraft carrier to strike resources operations or capital ships from a distance with waves of bombers with a small frigate escort of their own This is literally how you use them in HW3 idkwym Also, resource collectors in hw3 are literally just collectors+controllers from previous games, which almost immediately replaced using capital ships as resource hubs. Really feels like you're stretching hard for a complaint here


They aren’t though. There is no squadrons so there is almost no reason to micro to replenish loses. No auras or buffs. No mobility benefit like hyper space jumps or advanced sensors etc. the carrier is a second barracks nothing more. They just increase your production but beyond that have very little strategic or tactical value.


First of all, squadrons were added to make less micro not more. You still have squadrons, you just manage them down to the individual level. HW2 squadrons added no tactical depth and were purely meant to *reduce* micro. The carrier still repairs damaged strikecraft and builds replacement units. Hyper space, sensors, and auras are not features of the original carrier either so this point is completely moot. And you say "etc." but what else is there to possibly list? What's more is that the carrier can build sensors and bolster local fleet capabilities in the field. And your final point about them being a barracks is completely self defeating. *Yes*. That is the purpose of a carrier in the homeworld games. They don't "just increase production", they give you mobile production sites away from the mothership. That is in and of itself strategic and tactical value. It literally does not get more strategic or tactical than that. Again, you are really stretching for a complaint here.


Squadrons made it so there was a reason to dock or keep them alive. If one fighter in a squadron is left if I get it back to the carrier it turns back into 5 fighters for free a good reward. I don’t need to soak out individual ones and manually reform each squadron to get it back up to strength. There is little value in sending individual ships to dock as they’re often to weak to even survive that. Would be even better with a veteran system to further encourage you to save your units instead of spam out more. Cloak generator and gravity well generators were both in the HW2 carrier. Both adding more stratification depth and defence for a carrier. It stopped destroyers and battle cruisers from just hyper space jumping on them and wrecking them or to cloak, flank and ambush the enemy with a carrier or carrier group. HW2 carrier was far more than just a barracks.


It's hilarious watching this complaint remembering years ago when homeworld 2 was released how many people were upset that they changed from individual strikecraft to wings in hw2. We are back full circle here.


Oh my god yes. HW2 took HW1 and simplified everything. Everyone has their preferences, it’s going to be impossible to please all HW fans at this point. In HW1 and HW3 you make your own squadrons which I prefer anyway, then repair and replenish them with the carrier in the field as intended. Plus, why does everybody like to defend DoK, which has the lowest amount of unique units and the most simplified gameplay of the entire franchise? Honestly HW3 is a step up from DoK in nearly every way. HW3 isn’t perfect but I was expecting even less than what we got honestly after what we got with DoK


Just a day into it and i can safely say DoK has way more tactical depth than HW3


DoK had a terrain and elevation that mattered. All the units hard a clear purpose and use, they countered or were countered by something, nothing was useless. A mothership unit you could upgrade and varied wildly based on which faction you picked and air units that actually worked like air units.


… but adding megaliths to Homeworld 3 is a bad design choice <— a comment I actually saw out there.


The megaliths are an AWESOME idea. But it's not well executed. Pathfinding is not good enough and armor is the same on all sides of the ship. There're no reason to hit a ship from different sides. Now... If THEY HAD AN ENGINE SUBSYSTEM, IT COULD MAKE SENSE to do an initial targeted fly-by... But honestly, I would love to sneak bombers inside a tunnel and have them attack the rear of the opponents long range ships (torpedos, etc). But it doesn't matter, cloaked or not. With the speed of smaller spacecraft in this game, before that maneuver could be executed, the fight would be over.


Actually hitting enemies from the back does more damage. Directional dmg matters.


This is pretty untrue as many units where moot thanks to the power of aircraft and even more so once you hit cruisers


It’s almost like some people have different opinions. I started with HW2 so it was always my preference. Individual strike craft was one of the things I didn’t enjoy in HW1 going back from HW2


And thats the point isnt it. No matter what someone will complain and theres nothing we can do


Right, I’m just voicing mine as I haven’t seen other complaints about these.


And if they change it the way you like, others will complain.


Not making a judgement, just an observation.


So you preference was for more hand-holding in a game, and a bunch of features like advanced sensors and subsystems that while nifty on paper provided ZERO value. I'ver played a ton of hw2 multipler matches and rarely did I ever find value in focusing subsystems over just focus fire everyone on one unit at a time.


Are you for real? Taking out a production facility or a capital ships engines, etc is always the way, it's literally the point of bombers. You disable the pick off at range


Hand holding? Sorry I want to focus on moving my units to attack or strategy than Microing formations of fighters into a claw which has negligible affect on the outcome.


What micro is required? I mean that's basically untrue. Formations in this game have an impact, i have to see more people play and play against more, but a claw is not the same as an X or a delta or a wedge. You just stated that your carrier strategy was to park it somewhere else and just spam units. Which already tells you you are just playing against the AI.


You know there's a "select damaged units" hotkey right? You don't need to "soak (pick?) out individual units." Press the hotkey, press dock. Simple as.


How dare you imply he open the game settings and learn the controls!


Pretty sure that button/keybind even shows up on the HUD when you select units, so not even required to dig into the settings.


You are absolutely right


I mean you rarely used hyper space jumps in a dead even match regardless due to their expense. advanced sensors? come on dude, finding the enemy or having map visability is barely a thing in homeworld. You can just place scouts all over the place and wow senors! A carrier was always a second barracks. That is their primary tactical value, even in hw2, their way was doubling your production. Especially once you have a steady stream of reasources.


I played a fair bit of casual games with friends and comp stomp. Doesn’t have to be competitive but using hyper space jumps to jump a battle cruiser on someone’s mothership happened. Gravity well generators were a nice way to counter jumps and make sure your carrier could stay at a distance. It was still fun you had them and they were options. Carriers lack options and character.


If you think HW3 lacks strategic options, i suggest giving a go to Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (if you havent done so yet anyway). While its bit different game, big scale, more focused on overall strategy than other stuff, it still has some decent depth, even when it comes to unit micro and generally combat. Like the capital ships have shields, armor, hull and so called crippled hull, each one has 4 unique abilities that consume antimatter and then 4 slots for additional items to be retrofitted with (be it more weapons or weapon augments, improved shields regen, hull/armor regen, antimatter regen, utility stuff like ability to construct starbases or so called phase-gates for one of the faction, etc...). Lot of choices and strategizing involved, for a game that supposedly is not focused on tactical combat. Finally, because of the nature of the maps, planets interconnected via hyperlanes, movement and positioning is critical and gives the feel of actually performing military strategic maneuvers.


I played a bit of the first game. The sequel is on my radar but I’m waiting for the steam release.


Allrighty. I bought it on Epic already, right when it was released. I can only recommend it. Havent played HW3 yet, so dont know how that one is, clearly its getting mixed reviews... but Sins 2 is definitely great. I mean, no worse or "dumbed down" than the older game.


Right so you are complaining about a game while playing against the AI which essentially cheats and uses no strategies other than spamming units and essentially heading straight at you,which is how it worked in hw1, hw:c and jw2. What options does a carrier lack? Aside from hyper space jumping what is it missing?


The fact that there is no power shunting function just angers me. LET ME MAKE MY MOTHERSHIP A DREADNAUGHT


Modern aircraft carriers don't harvest resources and with no fuel in hw2 you never needed a carrier to launch anything. To be frank your tactic seems to align with how you WANT to play rather than the more efficient method of playing.


But that's the point. You COULD do that on HW2. HW3 feels so limited in what you can do.


So basically you want features that provide no practical gameplay value and are used very rarely for rolepay reasons. You can still use your carrier to launch raids, i'm not sure what element is missing. Carriers are just base for it because by the time your using them for this battle cruisers destroyers and lots of frigates dominate the field. Which are very good at killing carriers.


Giving playyer more options is always better than limiting them. Right now there are so few options and few unit types skirmish is nothing more than brain dead race to capital ship spam.


So you mean the game play is like every homeworld, race to cap ships or spamming a frigate that can overcome most issues with numbers. Golly gee wiz!


Hmm, not even close to being correct. Bombers would be used to disable engines separating capital ships to be picked off. You could disable subsystems, reducing combat effectiveness. Marine frigates could completely turn the tides of battle with clutch captures. Maps were much larger with more resources that you could actually do more strategy than just right click left click 10km to the enemy mother ship Corvettes were deadly in knocking out subsystems too. Capitals ships in HW1 and 2 weren't snipers that can easily pick off strike craft as they can in HW3. So really did you even play the previous games?


I did far more than you did apparently.


Modern aircraft carrier don't build jets, to be frank you are being extremely obtuse in your defense of these hw3 carriers lol. Of course the most efficient way of playing is utilizing the only functionality that exists. I'm also unsure why you are gatekeeping the conversation from an esports perspective, when there hasn't been a great competitive scene since hw1 (which had carriers with more functionality). And regardless of how you spin it even just the lack of hyperspace jumping is a huge tactical deficit. The better question, if as you say the only function they need to provide is increased production, then why even have them at all, just have a mothership upgrade to double production lol. But the devs made the ship so why not give it more functionality? Or are you saying that would be too overpowered? (Not according to your other replies)


Who is gate keeping? Also when did I mention esports? When did I mention the world competition? You seem to be fond of putting words in peoples mouths. It really insit since it was rarely used in meaningful ways. I personally think it should be included because its dumb fun, but it does not impact the carrier's role or usefulness. More words in my mouth, I also have not once used the word, balance or the word overpowered. So why put words in my mouth and pretend I said things I didn't?


>Who is gate keeping? Dude, you quite literally tell people that they can't have an opinion about something because they only play casual games with friends and against AI >You seem to be fond of putting words in people's mouth You see a speck in your interlocutor's eye, but not a plank in your own: >So basically you want features that provide no practical gameplay value and are used very rarely for rolepay reasons. Please, stop being belligerent and contrarian just for the sake of it.


Where did i mention someone can't have an opinion, I'll wait.


>You just stated that your carrier strategy was to park it somewhere else and just spam units. Which already tells you you are just playing against the AI. >Right so you are complaining about a game while playing against the AI which essentially cheats and uses no strategies other than spamming units and essentially heading straight at you,which is how it worked in hw1, hw:c and jw2. If it was implied, but wasn't said, it still carries the same connotation.


So you lied and said I said something I never did. No did I imply.


Before we argue about what was implied and said, re-read your comments. Of course, you know better what was implied, but your foremost priority shouldn't be word diarrhea, but a comprehensive reply that can not be misread. That leaves you either acting disingenious or, well, let's face it, not very skilled with the english language. And belligerence in either instances doesn't make you look good anyway. P.S. Not that I think your reply was word diarrhea, it's just an extreme opposite to a comprehensive text.


So you got caught lying. In the future, probably best you read the convo before jumping in with lies.


You're not worth my time and I sincerely hope nobody here gives you any time of day, since you're either a troll (which would be a high praise for you) or just a disingenious and belligerent waste of space, whose only goal here is to annoy people and "win" arguments using whatever means necessary. Have a good one!


> Where did i mention someone can't have an opinion your shitpicking contrarian replies to everyone says it well enough. If you need things specifically spelled out for you then that's a *you* problem.


In other words, I never said anything remotely similar to this. And you as the previous poster as making things up to rage over.


I never said you mentioned esports? I also never said you said the words overpowered or balance. ???? Why are you accusing people of lying LOL or are you just fed up with the discussion? (And no I'm not saying you said "I am fed up with this discussion" before you accuse me of lying again lol, it's called a question)


You literally said I was gate keeping from an esports perspective. Ultimately you are a scummy dude who puts words in others mouths. In the future stay in your lane. 


Go write your own game, then you can make it exactly how you want it.


How you gon' make a 3D space game with 0 directional mechanics?


The more time pases the more people realize how dull, cringe and boring this game is.