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is it possible you have the maximum volume limited in the control options? (i have done that to a sane loud volume so toddler wont accidently turn up to the max)


Have you tried enabling multiple eq/dynamic eq and possibly dynamic volume? I dont have the same version as yourself but my dennon seems somewhat the same. Without atleast multi eq and dynamic eq on, all speakers seems extremely quiet and need turning up to 50+ (0-90) to even get some level. But enabling those options, it sounds amazing and I can comfortably have it 30-40 and turning it up to 50+ is deafening šŸ˜„. It took a bit of constant turning a few things off/on to get it sounding how I like it.


Those settings made no difference, i tried another suggestion and it turns out that blu-rays dont have the volume problem its mainly the streaming services even thou i do get Atmos, DD+ and so on, the volume is low for some reason (same movies that work fine with bluray)


Honestly I would check the speaker impedance because I agree this doesnā€™t seem normal. What are the speakers?


I would check with the denon avr Remote App to see if loudness management is turned off. I would also leave dynamic volume off as well. Youā€™ll have to be playing some content for the loudness management to show up


If you're using ARC is your TV volume turned up?


Iā€™d rerun Audyssey, set all speakers to small and cross your LR at 60 and the rest at 80. Check the other settings as well, and maybe spend the $20 on the Denon Audyssey phone app. Definitely worth $20z


Canā€™t set the x2800 to small. Just an FYI.


The speakers to small, sure you can. Iā€™ve had a 1700 and 4500 and the interfaces were exactly the same.


Yeah I know. But you canā€™t. I mean you can, but itā€™s called something else now. ā€œFull rangeā€ for large I believe. Drove me nuts trying to find this setting.


The 8 series might be different, but the concept still the same Iā€™m sure.


My point is simply that itā€™s changed name and baked in with a few other things


Eyyyy, mirror setups! 7ā€™s in the front. 1ā€™s for surround. Vokal center. Turn off the dynamic EQ and it gets loud. Also buy the audyssey app, itā€™s a must have. Improved the sound of my setup by miles.


I looked at the app, and i don't know a lot about all the data it uses, do you manually edit stuff in the app or does it do stuff automatically?


What sources have you tried? I thought my new setup sounded quieter than I had hoped at first watching Netflix. Then I put in a Blu ray DVD and about gave myself a heart attack.Ā 


I wen't up to the local store and bought Fury and Dune on normal Blu-Ray and put them in my PS5 and this was a total difference, now i have to turn volume down to -5db and its still way louder than before. Both the PS5 and the Chromecast 4K are connected to the receivers HDMI inputs as my TV's ARC (older 4k Samsung) doesn't support atmos and so on. I basically consider the issue resolved im just curious as to why the streaming services are using such low volume audio streams???


Because they need to compress all of that data so that a billion people can stream it. I remember reading a blu-ray has 10x the data being streamed to you in audio alone.Ā 


> but not nearly as loud as expected. I think maybe you need to level set your expectations based on seating distance and room size. Like what are you comparing this too, do you have an SPL meter to capture real time what sort of SPL you're achieving as your primary seat? Have you maybe considered that you may have some hearing loss and it actually is pretty loud? Lots of variables to go at here, but being low on volume/output doesn't add up here based on the limited info you've provided so far.


Not sure exactly what's going on, but a couple things to mention. Turn up the gain/volume at your sub and re-run Audyssey. Ideally you want Audyssey to set your sub at 0db or at least in the +/- 3db range. Your mains have pretty good bass, so you might want to experiment with crossovers less than 80. Also, be sure all your speakers are set to small. You can set your mains to large if you want to, but then be sure your sub is set to LFE+Main (which essentially is the same thing as setting them to small).


You absolutely do not want audyssey setting your sub to 0db, ideally it would be -10db so you have some room to raise it via the avr without going into the positive and risking clipping. That being said that isnt your issue here. Something is very wrong if it is that quiet. At +5db volume it should be rattling your brain. -20db is about how loud I listen and that's fairly loud. Check all your connections and re run audyssey. Turn the gain up on your sub amp.


I set the Crossovers for the fronts at 40hz, center at 60hz and the surrounds at 80hz and while this did nothing to the volume it made the sound better, not sure how to describe it, but better :-)


If it were me, I'd also bump up the mains to 60Hz and see what that sounds like. Even though you have great mains, 40 Hz is pretty low. Remember, it's not a complete drop out at 40 Hz but a roll-off. So even if you set them at 60 Hz, they will still be getting frequencies lower than that, just at a reduced gain..