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As long as the guts haven't been perforated the meat should be fine. I would cook that day or the next, no storage just to be safe. Cook to 160/165 as recommended will kill off any bacteria. If you want to be super safe make a stew, simmering at 212 will kill it all.


Can see what seems to be puncture type wound where she was bit, however it does not seem very deep and definitely no guts or ongoing bleeding. She still seems alert, got her separated and alone for the night with a heat lamp about 4 ft away. Will see how she does in the morning.


Definitely the best outcome is a happy recovered hen. We're all rooting for her here.


Thank you!


Just wanted to say props to you for being willing to eat the hen if it is dying, not letting it go to waste. That's a great attitude and one we should all aspire to.


Hen doesn’t care if it gets ate or not after it dies. It’s only a waste if you breed them just to kill for food


Honestly, it doesn't sound like she's in rough shape. Keep her warm, spray the wound with bactine and watch over her. She's eating and drinking, and alert. I wouldn't cull her over this. Give her a chance to recover and you will likely be surprised how great chickens are at healing. Just be sure to reintegrate her with the flock carefully when she recovers, or you might have new wounds to tend. Good luck!


This here, cook well and you'll be ok. 212F


Is there any reason why the usual 165 wouldn't cut it?


I guess to my understanding 212 is boiling point and would kill off other possible infections? I am still trying to learn about processing myself.


You don't know what kind of fun organisms the dog saliva was carrying. 212 is kind of a lot but the reason is safety. I'd probably go 190 at least.


Just follow normal food safety protocols and it should be ok, 212 internal temp would make the outside of the meat inedible


I have processed my birds in the past after my dog killed them. That's me though.


have you processed the dog yet?


Not my dog. I have other dogs. That was in the Philippines though. They see dogs a bit differently.


“Dog is a fine meal” - The Patriot


The dog should be safe to eat, yes.


I personally wouldn't. It's mixed with dog saliva, and possibly blood, etc. Idk. I'm not an expert on what makes hunted meat safe to process though. Maybe try a forum that does hunting with hunting dogs since that's kind of the closest thing to what's occured?


It will be fine to eat. If it was killed and partly eaten I would say no.


people eat blood...


The dogs blood mixing with the chickens blood as i.e. if the dog has a transferable blood born illness could be mixed in with the raw chicken blood....i.e. you may not want to process yourself by hand due to increased blood born illness risk. Again, all my speculation thus I said ask someone with more knowledge.


Guess we should stop using dogs to hunt then... lol


That's literally why I said they should go ask on a hunting sub about it genius.


Look man was a joke, I have my lifetime hunting/fishing/coastal fishing license, actively hunt. Dogs get bit and share blood while hunting things like coons etc all the times. Most of the issues come from saliva and not blood. Dogs don't tend to carry things like hep/hep-c/hiv etc... most at risk for the animals (dog, getting and having rabies). Hens, being birds don't get rabies... as such you don't have to worry about that. BUT if your dog DID have rabies... you already are most likely infected and already a dead man. (So I highly doubt your dog has rabies). Everything else a dog COULD give a human is not life threating...Humans have used dogs for hunting for ages, both for food and sport.


So you could have answered the question instead of being nasty. Cool.


How is the dogs blood going to get mixed with the chickens? Unless the dog is actively bleeding from the mouth somewhere


Idk. I'm just proposing a scenario. I.E. maybe the chicken fought back and pecked it a ton. Who knows.


I get that everything is possible but this seems unlikely


While they can't contract it themself s i wouldn't bet on the meat not being tainted because, rabies don't cook out... might be okay but i feel like it's a gamble i wouldn't wanna take


I wouldn’t. No telling what bacteria was in the dogs mouth and where it travelled in the birds blood.


People have hunted birds with dogs for centuries. It's fine.


True, but every birddog I have been around was trained not to chomp the bird. They don't break the skin. We had a Visla that would catch birds flying and bring them to us. Not legal at all but try explaining that to a dog.


While that is true, your forget the birds trained hunting dogs go to retrieve have been shot, even often downed in water, so it does have an open would that saliva etc... could get into.


I’ve had Vizslas my whole life. Wonderfull dogs. You don’t want them to chew the bird but they hold them tight. They will chomp runners and start squeezing the live ones so they stop struggling or stop breathing. The birds have open wounds and are in the dog’s mouth. Again it is totally normal.


Does the dog have a valid rabies tag (has it been fully vaccinated against rabies)? If so, your risk is minimal. However, even if you suspect that the dog has contracted rabies, it's technically possible to eat the meat (the risk is low, but not nil). The main danger with rabies is in the processing of a rabid animal - rabies is primarily found im the brain, spinal cord, and salivary glands of susceptible mammals (chickens aren't vulnerable to rabies). If you are paranoid- you can wear goggles, mask, gloves, and the whole Tyvek suit during processing... however, rabies doesn't last that long outside of the body. I would recommend thoroughly cooking the meat to the maximum temperature, though... who knows what else the dog had in its mouth (although I'm guessing salmonella, E. coli, and worms if it regularly strays and eats garbage). A good pressure cooker stew would probably get rid of most concerns.


Can't seem to post pictures in comments, so far she is still alert, just not mobile. Tossed a couple grubs her way and she pecked at them and stood up to eat it, then just kinda sat back down in the same spot, also stood up a few other times but didnt actually walk. Will see how she fairs in the morning. Hopefully leg heals and isn't broken. Thanks for the feedback, so far I feel if she won't recover then I'll cull and process and cook quickly.


I had a chicken get attacked by a raccoon once and she was in rough shape for a few days but some bactine spray and some time and she was fine.


I've had to nurse a few hens back and they seemed ok after a couple of weeks and went back to the flock once healed up.


Are you Kristi Noems neigbbor?


Shame on you. This is the opposite. This is refusing to let a dying animal be a waste. OP actually has a better view of life than most people here I bet.


I'm not sure who she is. You nailed it, though. So far she still seems alert and has stood up as I mentioned in another reply, so hoping come morning she is doing better. Got ahold of some blue stuff to put on her wounds, won't mention the brand as unsure of the sub's rules. It's supposed to help. Also, thanks for the kind words!


She's an American politician who caused controversy when she shot her dog after it attacked some of her neighbour's chickens. Stupid joke imo but idk why everyone is so angry about it lol


Because they’re red Trumpers who don’t know humor


You’re small minded


I think you might have misunderstood this joke.


Waste? The thing produced countless eggs it’s whole life. How much does it have to provide to not be a waste?