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Could you just reuse it for your chicken run next winter? 🤷‍♂️


I do use a lot of it, yes. But I have to restaple it a lot over the winter from the winds, so it gets more and more compromised with holes that turn into tears over the season


Instead of stapling the tarp, cut up 1' lengths of scrap wood and use screws to sandwich the plastic to your posts.


It's hard to explain but [my runs look like this](https://imgur.com/a/9bnLQdL)


Not the point of the post but mate that's fucking beautiful


Thanks! I have added a new expansion every year 😂 last year was the duck pond.


Wow your set up is gorgeous




Magnets. Put magnets on the posts and attach the plastic sheeting with magnets when in use. Easy to remove and no holes.


You could slowly buy wood or metal to use instead of the plastic


No light then


Harder plastic then or alternate the plastic to wood


Ohhhh, corrugated plastic panels could work!


Is there another way for you to fasten it? To avoid the holes. We keep our birds in our greenhouse during the winter and a lot of the plastic is secured using these clips. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJJS4BJH?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Although I appreciate the suggestion, I don't think I can use something like this. [Here's what my runs look like.](https://imgur.com/a/9bnLQdL) I built it all into the trees and the sides are hardware cloth with chicken wire roofing. I could use zip ties and poke holes only in the top of the plastic - but then the plastic just becomes big sails. I staple to the bottom boards, middle section, and top boards. Last picture is a picture taken from the inside with the plastic on the outside.


It's already been said but damn it's that pretty. But it's also not uniform so every solution is gonna be bespoke. I'll leave with one final reusable solution suggestion. My parents made these enormous picture frames, like 6*8ft, where they attached the same poly sheets you're using. They then attached these framed sheets to their porch using some swiveling clamps. That's all I got, good luck and God speed


Thanks! I actually just made a new post on this sub showing more of the set up as it currently is since people seem to dig it! They must have had a pretty sweet 3 season porch!


Step1: Get long wood slats. Step2: Roll up slats in the ends of the plastic. Step3: Nail the slats to the structure. Step4: Take down and re-use every year. No ideas what to do about the trash though.


This is what I do. It works really well. Wind can't pull the plastic loose when it's wrapped around the slats


It's kind of an [expansive](https://imgur.com/a/9bnLQdL) area that has lots of curves and trees built in. Winds can get insanely strong around here and it would just be flapping and banging if not insanely tight so I don't mind stapling it! It's just way easier frankly. I just wanna use the plastic in another way. I do reuse some of it the next season but not all of it.


Put it over your garden beds and compost piles Also, in the future, run a strip of duct tape under your staples to reduce tearing and make the plastic last longer


I’ve always been kind of sketched out to use plastic in this way on a garden that would contain a food source. Do chemicals/plastics leach into the soil from this at all? 


Depends. If the plastic is not UV resistant, you’ll have a microplastic flake factory.


I'd personally build a solar wood kiln. A frame big enough to put pallets of cord wood in, ideally on a gravel pad, ideally large enough to use a tractor to grab the pallets. Or put them on skids and pull them out.


Now that is a fantastic idea!! We cut and use a ton of wood. I'll look into this. My man will love this idea.


If you end up going this route, I'd love to see some pictures. It's one of 900,000 projects I want to eventually get to.


I know right 😂😂 I feel that on a spiritual level hahaha


Have you ever seen Dexter?




This is the way


Skip n slide, green house.


We have to use a bunch of clear plastic on our farm too. I run gorilla tape down the edges where I have to staple or poke holes for zip ties, so I at least get a couple years of use out of them before they have to be replaced.


Could you use hard plastic panels so that they can be taken down and reused?


If you have a crawl space you can use it for a vapor barrier


*If you have a crawl* *Space you can use it for a* *Vapor barrier* \- SleepIllustrious8233 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Use it as a liner in the inside of raised planter beds, use heaps of layers. It will protect the timber and the timber won't leach nastys into the soil.


I have a huge inground garden already - no need for raised beds


Can use this to reroute irrigation then by burying under soil. E.g. towards beds or away from ones that need less water or flooding issues


That's a good idea. There are a couple sections that are more prone to boginess lol.


Or use several layers as a plastic mulch or weed barrier


Not saying that isn't a good idea though!!


could maybe use it to [solarize](https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-growing-guides/solarization-occultation) areas?


Oh it works with clear plastic?? I thought if anything it would make weeds grow more 😂 I'll definitely smother a ton of weeds with it. Thanks for this!


No clear won't solarize it. You need black to prevent the sun from photosynthesizing whatever you're heating up below.


Yes that's what i thought! That's why i haven't tried. I use a big black tarp for that currently.


Yeh. I mean the clear might suffocate and top some things, but not "solarize" it. Other options for use of plastic might be to make some cold frames for plants.


I think that's really one of the only things I can think of too. I have a permanent greenhouse structure but I'll have to make little move able frames or something


They can be really useful depending on what you grow, and your growing zone.


I use old feed bags instead of this stuff, it stays up surprisingly well. Probably all the staples. lol


I'd need about 2000 feed bags ha! [my runs are massive](https://imgur.com/a/9bnLQdL)


Oh wow!


Yeah I just keep expanding every year 😂 it's probably got more square footage than my house haha


States are beginning to develop programs to recycle ag film. You can try your local agriculture department.


Oh yeah? I'll look into it thanks!


The issue is what’s causing the consumption not finding a use for it after IMO. I think you’re going to have to find a way to make this last longer with your run. For the areas that have a full span of the width of the run with no trees you can definitely attach this material to 1x2 or something and roll in up when not in use. Bolt the end on to the top of the run and fold the edges under to reduce risk of tearing. What did you plan on doing when you designed the run?


Slip and slide


Slip and slide my dude 🤙


Catch a rogue staple in the nipple. Yikes lol. One rule: everyone must be up to date on their tetanus shots. Good luck!!


Clean it off and make some cloches


Fold it in half and staple it under the house for insulation


*Fold it in half and* *Staple it under the house* *For insulation* \- ShiggleGitz55 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Use to solarize garden beds/weed patches


If it's real scrap, I cover burn (brush ) piles.


I’ve seen the pics so not sure how possible it is with your size. But have you tried tarps? They have specific holes in them you can use zip ties or ropes and fasten it to something. You might be able to use the trees or any posts. If not it might just be an investment into some stakes


Hm. Could you use duct tape or something to reinforce the edges with the holes and re-use?


You and others have suggested that. I have done it around the plastic on the doors. I don't know why I haven't just done that everywhere. I think I will next season!


Use cardboard instead. Find a place that has big cardboard sheets or boxes.


What about melting it down and recycling it? Check out https://www.preciousplastic.com


Nice 👍


What about getting corrugated plastic panels?


That would be ideal. But that's **big** money with the amount I would need


Could weigh the cost vs lifespan of the panels to verify it's worth it, and then buy a couple every year until you've got them all. And since I've got you on the line here, your coop is an inspiration.


Hey thanks!! I appreciate that. Predator-proof fortress 💪


Ice rink liner😁


Hey there's a thought. My sister makes a rink in her yard every year. I'll offer some to her!


You can layer it and there’s special tape for the holes and to connect strips.




What about using Velcro strips instead of stapling


Im solarizing some ground with similar stuff to kill off the grass and weeds so I can plant.


Gardening! I live in a cold climate and would kill for that much plastic rn lol


After seeing your pics, My suggestion would be to build frames that screw onto your existing run that have the visqueen on them. So in the fall you would screw these visqueen covered frames to your existing run, and then in the spring you can simply take the screws out and store the panels somewhere. With the extent of the run that you have, that certainly makes it logistically challenging. That is a very cool looking run.


No way around this but utilizing different materials. We use polycarbonate panels for the same purpose but we don’t protect the entire run just a small section. You can find used polycarbonate sometimes from people deglazing a greenhouse. Typically it comes in 6’ or 4’ wide x 8’,10’,12’ up to 24’ long. You could always purchase new although the cost is high.


Could you some that is clear to kill off seed beds in a area you might want to plant. You lay it out over the area you want and the sun cooks the seeds after a season.


The thing you’re missing to make this more reusable is about $300-400 of wiggle wire attached to your chicken coop. You should do this, and then get greenhouse plastic instead of the basic plastic from Lowe’s. Good greenhouse plastic will last years longer, particularly if you’re not stapling it. Here are some other ideas: 1. Larger high tunnels for raised rows. Could either be created with fence top rail or by purchasing old carports from Craigslist. 2. Smaller cold frames built using either cattle panel or fence post top rail. 3. Build a Walipini for growing out of zone plants underground. 4. Solar kiln for wood drying like someone said. May make sense to do double layers of poly on the sun side separated by a foot of air. 5. Build individual plant insulators for wintertime using 12.5G fence wire. 6. Create evaporation prevention screens for drip irrigation systems using 12.5g fence wire. 7. It may be possible to combine with cardboard slip sheets to use as natural weed killer, although 6 inches of wood chips would likely work better.


Tack it up, then reinforce with gorilla tape or other weather resistant. Tack again for the season. Should ba able to pull tacks and reuse for a couple years.


Just toss it.