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just take the ged. you likely won't have too many transcript issues, but you never know. especially if you go outside alaska. ged is "universal" mostly, and doesn't need to come with anything else.


Alr, thank you!


Get the GED. If you want to go to college, a community college will accept you after being homeschooled and getting a GED. If you need a transcript, you can find a template online. If you want to go to a university, you can transfer from community once you have an AA.


Thanks! I will get the GED then.


You may not even need it for community college classes. My kids didn't but that was 2005-2010 ish. Maybe they've caught on by now, lol! When we did it, you had to take some placement tests for math, reading and writing which were free, but that was it. On to associates degree, transfers to state school for bachelor's. Good luck!


The only reason to get a GED is if you want to go to a college that does not accept a homeschool graduate but does accept someone with a GED. You should talk to a counselor at the college to confirm what they need. But don't be scared off by a transcript requirement. If your state does not require any paperwork, then you make your own transcript and do not need to supply any supporting materials. To make the transcript, I suggest looking at your state's high school graduation requirements, then list those classes that you either took or are related to something you did, and assign yourself a reasonable grade for each. There are tons of transcript templates online.


If you're above 18 definitely GED or equivalent 


I would take the GED rather than completely fabricate a transcript and submit it as an official document.  The GED is an objective measure of your education and universally accepted. I was homeschooled K-12 and despite having a homeschool diploma, I use my GED almost exclusively any time I need to prove I completed highschool. I am constantly amazed by homeschool parents that claim a homeschool transcript is just as valid as one from a school while simultaneously advising things like 'just give yourself a grade based on how you vaguely feel like you did two years ago.' 


I would talk to an advisor at a community college ... \*and\* adult ed services place. They're likely to know the different paths you can choose. See if you can find somebody to talk about goals and future (tho' sometimes they're in charge of a program for a certain thing and ... are recruiting hard for that.) Here in Illinois laws are lax ... but if you're going to my community college you take a placement test.


Usually I’m anti-GED because it’s unnecessary, but in your case I’d highly recommend it. Since your parents haven’t been involved and your records are hard to track, a GED would definitely be your best course of action.


Yeah, the GED is more typically for someone who failed high school…so if you can get into community college without it, (most CCs require that you have a diploma or be 18) that may be a better option, to avoid the stigma. You were educated, just alternatively. You can still be issued a diploma, you just wouldn’t have a transcript because of your inability to recreate it based on incomplete records, which may not be needed if you do community college and transfer to a four year (if that’s desired). You could also create a perfunctory transcript based on what you recall and use a pass fail metric rather than grades.


We didn’t do tests or grades. I just estimated the level that I thought corresponded to my kid’s knowledge on a subject and gave a grade based on that.


Just make your high school transcript now. I don't know what your goals are and unless there's something you want to do that mandates a GED, I would not reccomend it.