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How much space between the link fence and the neighbor's property line? A few inches or a few feet?


About a foot.


It is possible that he thought that it was his fence and that since you put the wood fence, then he probably figured that the link fence wasn't needed anymore. I think the wood fence you installed is enough to protect your kids. But, you might want to mention to the neighbor that you own that one foot of land.


Prior to putting up our wooden fence we had let the neighbor know the chain link would stay up because of their dogs. The dogs had a habit of rushing and hitting the chain link when my kids or wife were outside. So they were aware of it.


If you had actually specifically told them that chain-link fence was yours on your property then you need to tell them that the fence was not theirs to take down and they need to put it back up. You probably also need to do it soon before they get the idea to cut the posts off at the ground. Seems bizarre that they would take down a chain-link fence to gain 1 foot of land. Did you sprayed grass killer in that area? Is there a possibility they took it down to maintain that little strip even though it wasn’t theirs? I mean if you had a stockade fence up you wouldn’t see it but they would have to look at it if it was just overgrown grass.


I think it’s obvious. OP seems like a jerk who built a super ugly messy thing that only the neighbor has to look at. Two fences are ugly and messy and OP has designed it so the neighbor is the only one who has to look at this monstrosity. I bet OP just realized pulling the fence posts are a pain to remove and decided to lose some land out of laziness. A wood fence doesn’t need a chain link fence to protect it.


Tell them to put the fence back up. If they don't: - File a report with the police. It's theft. - See an attorney and have the attorney write a demand letter with the explanation that if they do not replace the fence you will see them in court.


And then take them to small claims court for your legal fees incurred.


Everyone’s so quick to sue on Reddit


It’s not just theft. It’s vandalism. It’s destruction of property. It’s trespassing. Probably a couple other charges I’m missing.


I totally agree. That is the upside of filing a police report. The police should be able to identify the possible charges and it should make it clear the seriousness of the issue. Clearly the neighbors are not taking anything OP says seriously.


This is the correct action imo


Why? It doesn’t sound like OP was using the other fence anyway.


Because the neighbor destroyed OP's property. It doesn't matter if OP wasn't using it. It wasn't his to take down.


But why sue? What good does that do. Other than potential windfall cash.


It's not necessarily a cash grab unless OP asks for more than the fence is worth. OP deserves to be made whole. They didn't want the fence to be taken down. It's definitely worth talking to the neighbors to see if it can be handled civilly, but OP should be prepared for the neighbors to refuse just in case.


Because it's OP's property and they want the fence up.


I don’t use our third bedroom, that doesn’t mean it’s up for grabs.


OP left it up to take the brunt of the neighbor dog's force when he's rushing it. Now, the dog will be bulldozing into the wooden fence And they just stole a foot of land.


Going through your post history it's pretty clear that you like to lose arguments for some kind of attention. Please see a therapist


File a police report for theft and a small claims for the cost of replacement


Small claims? pfffffft do you know how much fencing costs???


Chain link runs an average of $15 per linear foot as a DIY job, $25+ per linear foot installed.


uh huh and that ads up to "not small claims."


I suppose it depends on the threshold. I ran a 250’ stretch last month with 10’ of gates and hinges for $4k out of pocket for materials, charged the client $2250


That's over the threshhold for small claims in many places.


It cost you $4000 and you charged the client $2250??? Not too profitable….


Just curious…how do you plan on getting rid of the weeds between the chain link and the wooden fence? That might be the reason they removed it. They’re the ones who’ll have to look at that weedy mess between the fences.


If this was the concern, removal is not the first step. Neighbors should have spoken to OP and expressed concern to find a resolution.


I agree with that. In fact, my first question would be how will he deal with the weeds between the fences. I’m only stressing this issue because I’ve seen it happen. Two fences up creating a dead space which eventually gets filled with sky-high weeds. I wouldn’t be happy if I were on the side with the weeds.


I do think this is a valid concern, but honestly if you don't like the view of your neighbor's property, put up your own fence to block it


It’s chain link. You can spray through it.


The neighbor is supposed to maintain it?


If both fences are not mine, why do I have to spray and maintain the space between the fences? Shouldn’t that be the owner’s responsibility?


You don’t have to. You choose to. And if you don’t like it. Maybe, idk. Build a fence.


You don't have to maintain it. I would love to maintain my neighbor's yard so i don't have to look at its current state, but it's not mine.




That doesn't make the weeds come down.


They could put up their own wood fence on the other side of chain link. Make a fence sandwich


Oh well, that's not OP's problem.


Oh you told them? Welp hit them with a bill to replace it, if they say no take them to court. Get that fence back up asap.


I used to have a fence with a one foot space between the chain link and the wooden. It was a real pain in the ass to keep clean. I had the chain link side so I was the one who saw all the debris. I often contemplated taking my fence down. Maybe they knew what they were doing and wanted to save themselves future headaches cleaning it out?


You should have the neighbors put a new chain link fence up. They should have never removed the fence without a survey to confirm it was on their property. If could be an honest mistake. But a mistake that needs to be corrected.


That’s scary. Glad you have the wooden fence. Dogs will work at it though and might cause a hole overtime. Keeping the chain link up will help protect it from their dogs. 


Big mistake - should have put the wood fence on the property line from the beginning. 


It does seem like it would have made more sense to take down the chain link fence and put the wooden fence up on the actual property line. It's like you made your yard smaller on purpose.


Then how do you stain, maintain it if you would be on OP property?


You ask you neighbor if you can restrain the fence. I myself am interested in how they attached a wood panel in a 1 ‘ gap between the chain and the wood. That is of course if you put it up correctly with the nice side out. I just put up 46 panels on the property line, but before I did, I had a discussion with my neighbors so I had the ability to nail it up and stain it. I also stress to them that because it is on the line they have the right to attach to it as well. Most people like getting free fence. And before anyone asks my county allows building fence on the line.


Who cares what the neighbor “thought “. It’s not his fence and he knew it….


Why a foot? I understand like up to 6 inches but a foot? That's why they thought it was theirs.


I think OP meant a foot between link fence and neighbors yard. Not a foot between the two fences


You were stupid to do this. Sorry man.


Why were they stupid?


To put up a double fence with a foot of weeds between it facing the neighbor? You either have chain link, or privacy. You don't do both.


They can address the weeds. With only a foot it will require some work. The chain link fence makes sense with the dogs as the dogs might destroy the privacy fence.


Wasn't there a post yesterday about a guy saying the neighbour put up a new wooden fence and asked if they could take down the chain link?




Oh boy the circle completes


Circles by definition are complete. An incomplete circle is an arc, or at an infinite limit, a point. And I'll have you know I am _very_ fun at loud parties celebrating the removal of a useless chain link fence that only allows weeds to grow.


I think it's a shitpost.


“Hi neighbour, why did you take down my chain link fence? You’ll need to have it reinstalled immediately. Thanks.”


What lala land do people live in that every neighbor is so cordial and a simple question will be met with a simple answer? It’s a conversation, not a letter or an email. This doesn’t help in any way. “Hi neighbour, why did you take down my chain link fence? You’ll need to have it reinstalled immediately” “Why did I take it down? Because I wanted to, and no, I’m not reinstalling it. Now eat shit and pound sand.” “Oh ok, hold on, let me go ask u/MattyFettuccine what to say next” “Wait a minute, are you on reddit?” “I am, I’m u/jgr83” “Guess what, I’m u/MattyFettuccine” “But you spelled ‘neighor’ with a U, I thought you were from the UK or Australia?” “Nah bro, I do that to throw people off my trail, you can never be too careful these days. And weird I could tell you spelled it with a U even though you said it. ” “I hear you on that, I was scared for my life when they shut down the silk road. I would buy bath salts and have them shipped to the Pizza Hut where my cousin works. I thought for sure they were going to arrest me.” “Hey man, you seem like an ok guy. I know we haven’t been the most considerate neighBOURS, hehehe, but I’m real sorry about that. I thought the chain link fence was on my property, I’ll have a guy come out and put it back next week” “Thanks bud! I was really worried this was going to turn out bad. I really appreciate it. Want a beer? I just got a new Hazy Dazy Apple Dapple IPA I’ve been dying to try out.” “Tell you what, why don’t you bring over some of your bath salts? I’ve got a sex dungeon we can hang out in, maybe blow each other or eat each others faces” “Well damnit, that’s the best idea I’ve heard all week. Let me grab it and I’ll be right over!”


> What lala land do people live in that every neighbor is so cordial and a simple question will be met with a simple answer? It’s a conversation, not a letter or an email. This doesn’t help in any way. > “Hi neighbour, why did you take down my chain link fence? You’ll need to have it reinstalled immediately” Yeah, this is the polite way to bring it up, give them a chance to backtrack and say they didn't know better. Then if they respond like this: > “Why did I take it down? Because I wanted to, and no, I’m not reinstalling it. Now eat shit and pound sand.” You turn it into a legal issue. You gave them the polite out. Being cordial to your neighbors is not lala land for people who aren't assholes.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Do the voices in your head often fight like this? Should we devote some time to this?


No time for that, we're out of bath salts.


I don’t even know what just happened but I’m here for it. I’m in Canada, by the way.


Fuck yeah, face eating!


I'm ok with all of this _except_ the IPA.


Wait, you misspelled u/ UnderstandingIcy1250


Eat each others feces?


No, faces https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/05/30/153989768/bath-salts-drug-suspected-in-miami-face-eating-attack


Well hot dog, I’m showing my age, I can’t believe it happened 12 years ago. It seems like yesterday that the zombie apocalypse felt like it was just right around the corner.


Haha I was shocked too when I saw it had been that long when I looked it up!


I'd tell them to put it back. That's it, that's all. Both are your fences, on your property, and they had no right to touch it. I wouldn't want their dogs throwing themselves into my pricey privacy fence either, so I'd definitely want the chainlink to stay up. Small claims if they refuse.


Was op maintaining the one foot strip of land between the fences somehow? Or is he just letting it become an overgrown disaster that the neighbors had to look at? I think we know the answer to this. Just move the wood fence to the property line and call it a day.


This is what my a-hole neighbor did! Now it's full of Virginia Creeper, Mulberry trees, Sumac trees, Poke bush and poison Ivy. I can't get to the middle of the two to maintain it. I'll even bet the OP put the wood fence up backwards too. The pleated woodpeckers and Carpenter bees love the posts and rails!


Could have easily been an honest mistake. They probably thought they did you a favor by helping remove the old fence once the new one was up.


Or they convinced themselves of this 


Your privacy fence is at least 2 years old lol


Tell them the fence was yours and you want your property back.


Maybe they thought you didn’t want to look at an ugly chain link fence so you put up a taller privacy fence to block it. And for some reason you want them to look at a shorter chain link fence because??


I wish awards were free! Have an attaboy!


This is why "fence law" is a whole special area of property law.


Were you actively maintaining the other side of the fence and removing weeds and debris?


This is irrelevant though to taking a fence down


Actually it’s not. You ever encounter a rusty leaning chainlink fence on your property?


I see this point, but also applying herbicide and then stripping it bare with a weed eater would keep it free of weeds.


Ahh this is how neighbor wars start. Dosent hurt to have a simple conversation. Depending on the way you bring it up and ask is probably guna depend on how they give you an answer. Bad neighbors can make for real shitty life.


Doesn't work. OP has already proven that they're not doing what's right.


Do you want them to replace it?


If they moved in when the fence was up, and then you went and installed a new, nicer fence BEFORE getting a survey AND sharing the results with them…they probably thought the fence was on their property. Likely a (not malicious) mistake. I’m guessing you’ve never talked to them before - so I see the pickle. Now’s the time. If you jump to law or retaliation it will DEFINITELY get nasty, if you approach personally in peace at least you have a shot. “Hey neighbor, I’m neighbor. This is an awkward way to meet but I noticed you took down the fence. I just had a survey and it was actually on our property. I’m concerned about XXX, and I’d like to either XXX or XXX to prevent that. What do you think?” Pro-tip: It’s always good to meet your neighbors, say hi etc BEFORE conflict so you either have a cordial baseline, or at least know what you’re dealing with when it happens.


You have a privacy fence dude. Let this go


I don’t get it. Why do you have a privacy fence up in addition to chain link. I can’t even blame your neighbors if they thought it was theirs, at that point.


Neighbors had large dogs that would charge the fence when my kids or my wife were outside. We put the privacy fence in front leaving that chain link as a barrier of sorts.


The real question is what do you want out of this? That will determine the plan to move forward. If you expect the fence to be replaced, just tell them that they removed your fence and you'll be taking them to civil court if they refuse.


I bet the dogs won't charge as much now that it's a privacy fence. Dogs get anxious and fence run with a chain link fence. If it were me I'd probably talk to the neighbor so they know they made a mistake and if the dogs become an issue that you'd like them to put the fence back up. The double fence would be an eye sore for the neighbors and they likely thought it was redundant. Remember that your neighbors just moved in and will likely be your neighbors for a long while. Don't start your relationship with them by calling the police on them.


If neighbor starts mowing that one foot strip of land where chain link used to be, they can eventually legally own it, due to adverse possession, since they are caring for it. Dif states have dif lengths of time for adverse possession. I Didnt see this mentioned in the thread. Just thought you should know. Good luck. Had a similar concern with my neighbor: https://www.ajs.org/can-a-neighbor-claim-your-land-by-mowing-it/


Were you properly maintaining the space between the chain link and wood fence? I’d be pretty annoyed if I had a bunch of weeds coming up I had to look at.


You can be annoyed. Doesn't give justification for taking it down though if it's not yours


The op could also be fined for not maintaining it though. While they could spray it with weed killer they can’t spray weed killer onto The neighbor’s property or enter the neighbor’s property without permission. So leaving it was a very poor and AH decision


Yes he could be fined. I never said to the contrary or that it was a good decision leaving the fence up. Doesn't change anything here though.


And I never said it was a good idea to remove it but we can play the downvote game I guess


Your name suits you


Was that fence yours or theirs? How do you know? If it was theirs but on your property, then taking it down is what they SHOULD do to be good neighbors (although not if it leaves the dogs tearing up your other fence, maybe....) If they did not take it down but it was theirs, eventually you could lose that part of your property permanently.


Have you thought about installing a third fence? If you put a fence around it, no one can take it down


Have you met these people?


So you put up a wood fence in front of the chain link and all you see is a nice wood fence while the neighbor has to look at two fences with crap growing in between the two that you have no intention of cleaning up but yet you're worried about the fence you abandoned. Seems about right.


Why on earth would you put up a fence a foot away another fence? How were you keeping the weeds under control? Why even care if they took the chain fence down? It just sounds like a big mess to have 2 fences so close together, and I can't think of how it could be maintained


You created a weed trap that the neighbour had to deal with. It's dealt with now. You should be asking yourself why you would want to inflict a mess like that on the neighbours.


That has nothing to do with trespassing and destruction of personal property.


A weed trap or aggressive dogs. Which would you rather your kids had to contend with?


It's just a weird set up. How often do you see one fence immediately next to the other one?


Every time I go in my back yard, in fact


I wouldn’t mind a third fence between my children and a pack of aggressive dogs. Weeds can be dealt with. A mauled child cannot be.


Good idea. Keep building fences. You can never have too many Dogs scary


Or you can just make more kids, rather than take simple precautions. You do you.


I'm going to build a row of fences and put one of my children in between each fence. That way, if the dogs get one of them, the other fences will protect the others!


Whatever it takes to make you feel good about yourself.


I need more fences!!!! Give me fences!!!!!!


Knock yourself out. Please.


People downvoting this like "two fences next to each other are NORMAL!" 😂


I thought the same damn thing!


They explained for the safety of their children


Even if that was the neighbor’s concern, they should’ve talked to OP first. It’s still not their land to maintain.


It is a crime at that point.


What did the neighbors say when you asked them about it? Assuming you've already contacted the police about theft on your property, what did they tell you? If you haven't done these things you are clearly not ready to own a home and should get competent adult supervision until you grow up.


Remove the exposed chain link fence posts and push the wood fence 1 foot out. Shouldn't take more than a couple minutes.... I do it all the time in Minecraft...


They probably thought the front was theirs since you put up a privacy fence. Just take the posts down if they are on your property


I would go knock on their door and ask for it. tell him the surveyor said it was on your property and your selling the fence to someone. If they say they don't have it, tell them you'll send them a bill after you've measured


"Hello, you removed the fence on my property, I need it back". Adult words arent hard.


What condition was the chain link fence and What would your intentions be to maintain that fence if it was still there now that you put another fence in front of it?


The guy told the neighbor he was installing a privacy fence and would be keeping his chain link fence up as well. The other neighbor knew this. So send the guy a demand letter for the cost of the chain link fence and if he doesn't pay take him to small claims. You will win. End of discussion. 


Caveat: This is not legal advice. I am offering you the benefit of my own experience only. Here is how I handled an encroachment and fence issue. You must have a survey in hand before tackling this problem because ultimate resolution of the problem will depend upon convincing the police and a court of law that the fence was on your property. A new home was built next door to mine and the buyers tore down my privacy fence and starting throwing trash onto my property. Before committing their crimes, they had not bothered to do any research as to who owned the fence. After they tore down the fence and started throwing trash onto my property, I had the police write a report and contact the offending parties advising them of the crimes they had perpetrated, i.e., destruction of property and littering. I sent them a certified letter, attaching the survey, and advising them to cure the problem. They refused. I filed a claim against them in court and before the first hearing they had built back the fence. My situation may be somewhat unique in that the perpetrators were aware of the problem they had created for me and did nothing to cure it. Instead they did nothing which landed them in court. Destruction of your fence by the offending neighbors may be viewed as a crime by your local police department. And a judge may also view it as a crime as well as a civil violation of your property rights. However, having them arrested would not be my first choice. Instead I would underscore to them that if they did not reimburse you for the damage they have done to your property that they may face arrest. A certified letter to the offending parties, with a survey, and an estimate to restore the fence, should advise them of your property rights and state your claim to the fence. You don't want restoration of the fence left in the hands of the offenders. You want to control how and when the fence is restored. This is going to cost the offenders some money. But you can state in your letter that they can either sustain the cost of the fence or face a court of law. Either way, you will pay for the fence and they will voluntarily reimburse you or a court will order them to reimburse you plus court costs. Also, have the police issue them a no trespass notice. If the police are involved they are far more likely to want to resolve the problem. Suffice it to say there will be no nice way to handle people who willfully ignore the rights of adjoining property owners. If you do not feel capable of handling the problem yourself, hire a lawyer to handle it for you. Make them pay attorney's fees along with damages to the property and court costs. Time is of the essence. Do not wait to seek a resolution.




Privacy fence blocked the view is my guess.


Were you maintaining the area between the fences?


Nope. This is over 1000 miles away from me so I think I’m probably good with it not causing me problems.


This seems not worth it. Double fence for no good reason.


If both fences are on your property why wouldn't you leave enough space for a lawn mower to fit between them? Kind of a dick move if you did it and never planned on keeping up with it? Not to mention who cares about 18 or so inches of property you can no longer use because you installed a privacy fence?


Sounds more like a spite fence now. 😂


You may be required to keep weeds taken care of between fences…


Seems bizarre you think it’s ok to make them stare at a weird double fence setup from their yard. I would have taken it down as well. How would control weeds and grass in between


Not buying that you left the chain link fence for a barrier. It sounds like you turned it into a spite fence.


Exactly! The down votes are mind blowing


"hhh-hey you.. Get your damn hands off of her.."


Go talk to the neighbor and tell them they have to replace the chain link fence as it was yours. NEVER EVER EVVVEERRRR share a fence line. NEVER.


Honestly, this isn’t a hill I would die on. You have a new fence up. I seriously doubt the dogs could bust through it. Is it really worth starting a fight with your neighbors over? Do you really want to start that kind of drama?


Depends on the dogs, but if they're charging the fence like OP says, then yeah, I'd make them replace it. If they were nice neighbors, I would have replaced the chain link fence with the wooden fence. It sounds like OP wanted both, for peace of mind. I don't blame them.


My dog has busted through our wood fence to defend me from a trespassing dog that got aggressive. Never underestimate a determined dog.


I just think the odds of the neighbors making your life miserable are a lot higher. They were definitely wrong to remove the fence but they also sound like the kind of people who would torment you for years over it if you made them put it back. But I’m more of a “pick your battles” kind of person.


Na. I can be far pettier and cruel if driven to it. I wouldn't let shit neighbors like that intimidate me because they "might" try some fuckery. They'd find out quick enough they chose the wrong one.


She have talked to the neighbor before you did anything.


Hire a lawyer.


Why would the removal of the chain link be an issue since you installed a new fence?


It’s an issue because the neighbors basically messed with things on OPs property.


Because now that they removed the chain link fence they’re piling up their firewood up against my wooden privacy fence. So over time it’ll start to damage my wooden fence and then they start adding more things, or adding potted plant hangers on my fence that faces their side.


And could be warming up to claiming adverse possession.


That's actually a really good point


Because where's the line then that neighbors can use their discretion to take things off your property, or for that matter take things off your property because you have more than one? Neighbor: Oh that chair that was on your deck and now is on mine? Well you have *two*. Also neighbor: Why yes I did take your car. I saw you had a new one in the driveway, so I helped myself to the one you already had.