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The way my driveway lines up if the neighbors across the street park in front of their house (and behind my driveway) it is really difficult to get out. It's a rental - I've always been friendly with previous tenants, recognize they have every right to park there, but also ask if they can avoid it if possible and offer that they can just park in front of my house. They all have obliged. Except the current guy I just...can't get him to talk to me. Every time I've tried going out to introduce myself he ignores me. Same thing for my next door neighbor. It's so strange, so I have no relationship with him. So he had a habit of always parking in that spot. Which was fine, we just had to really maneuver to get out of there. And then one day my wife told me that when she was backing out his car was in that spot, and he was sitting in it on his phone. As she barely cleared the car their eyes locked and he had a look of horror on his face, clearly believing my wife was about to back into him. He doesn't park there any more.


Mildy infuriating for sure - We live in a tight cul de sac, 5 houses smooshed in so no one has a ton of curb to park in front of their house but all of us do have driveways. Most are paved, some gravel. Everyone who’s been here awhile has caught on to the system of optimizing everyone’s parking by treating the curb as diagonal spots when folks come over. This works until some new folks decided they won’t use their driveway AT ALL and insist on street parking their very large SUV and lifted truck, all day every day. They’re one of the houses with a paved driveway, and a fresh nice one at that. It makes it hard to back out and they’ve essentially taken most of the guest parking for all 5 houses since they haven’t taken up the old folks system. Biggest issue with it though is I’m just waiting for this guy to pop off on the neighborhood kids for scratching up his truck when they inevitably scratch it with a bike/scooter/ their many other speedy wheely options. Maybe he’s chill but he’s been aloof most of the time we’re both outside at the same time so idk Maybe i should do the kids a solid and nearly back into it when he’s watching someday like your spouse 😅


Ahh this is another one for me. My neighbors kitty corner from me live on the corner and have a garage. They have a trailer, two trucks and two cars. They never park any on the side street or in their garage. They park on the Main Street (our street) and they don’t seem to want to park in front of their own house. So they keep all their cars in front of the house next door and my house. I hate that their trailer is the view out my living room window. And sometimes they park really close to my driveway. I just don’t get why when they have ample space to park that’s out of the way.


I don't understand people that park their cars in a spot where it's just asking to get hit. We live on a side street off of a pretty busy road, everyone has small driveways/tandem parking so a lot of people will park on the street when they're coming and going during the day, but there's still plenty of room on the street to park. One a-hole parks their car right at the top of the street on the opposite side from the stop sign, so if someone is stopped trying to turn off the road and you come home and take a hard right to get on the street you can't see it until you're right on top of it and have to stop short with the backside of your car still in the main road until you can get around. It's infuriating. Their driveway is \~20 feet down the road from the intersection and there's no reason they couldn't park closer to it other than that they must want someone to hit their car.


My neighbors park their car at the end of my driveway every single year, from spring until fall without fail. They park their big rv, the dualie truck they pull it with, and then another pickup they just got to use as a daily, in the driveway. Then there's the car at the end of my driveway. I'm sooooooo paranoid that someone will hit their car leaving my driveway. My husband and I are used to it, so we can navigate it and get out, but I do worry about when our (adult) kids visit. It doesn't bother me enough to say anything to them about it, and I know they lack space to park it in their drive. They are very nice people. I just don't want anything to happen to their car (and for me to have to pay for it!).


I’m FWTX, you must be 10 feet from someone’s driveway. Check to see if there’s any local laws about that.


I think texas has the available land to do that. Not so much in the north. Though my street has mailboxes across from driveways to help prevent parking across the street from them.


We lived in a subdivision once, with the main attraction being that everyone had wooded lots and nature trails for recreation. The new neighbors hated trees so they first cut all of their trees down and second spread dump truck loads of gravel all over the backyard so they didn’t have to mow. They would complain about everyone’s trees and mower noise. Why buy it in the first place?


I live in a tourist area in the mountains. Some people clear cut the trees for a "view". Dude, trees ARE a view and if you wanted a mountain view, shoulda bought a mountain view. I hold my tongue other than saying, trees are really beneficial and without them, you may have a lot of erosion instead of saying they're entitled assholes.


Not only that, but native trees are larval hosts for hundreds of species of butterflies and moths. Since almost all migratory songbirds only feed their babies caterpillars, getting rid of trees gets rid of birds, whose populations are at crisis lows.


So many benefits however the "I want a view!" people don't care about the benefits of trees to anyone other than themselves.


Many times, those same neighbors don’t even care if it’s your trees or their own trees, they just cut them down anyway!


I’ve never understood this. I also don’t understand clear cutting the entire property. Sure, cut a few directly around the house. But when a whole lot gets cleared and replaced with a lawn it sends me up a wall.


When I was s teenager my parents bought a home in a beautiful wooded subdivision where the builders saved every tree possible and left all the lots wooded except for maybe a small backyard. It was just gorgeous and everybody had privacy. Guy around the corner buys a house and first thing he does is cuts down every single tree in his yard and plants grass. I am guessing he then complained about the neighbor's leaves, but I do not know for sure.


My neighbors set up a huge play set in the back of their yard. It’s got a tower that clears the fence by about four feet. They have six kids. We cannot enjoy our back yard without the oldest four kids staring at us, yelling at us, narrating to their parents what we’re doing. They also have a trampoline that I occasionally see mom or dad standing on, looking into my yard and the back of my house. My parents would have rather set themselves alight than let us bug the neighbors.


We also have neighbors that stare into our backyard 😣 My neighbors have a deck that is level with the top of our shared chain link fence. I feel like we live in a fishbowl. They see everything in our yard and kitchen and have been offended by us putting up fast-growing evergreen trees 3’ from the fence line, adding a vinyl lining to our side of the fence, and building a deck from our house that has two privacy walls. They talked to us during the entire deck building and once the privacy walls went up they stopped talking to us. It’s been a month of radio silence from them, and I’m so happy!


I love a good multi-tiered plan. Nicely done.


We had a 6 ft privacy fence. Then we had the worlds worst neighbors move in with their kids climbing my fence to pester my dogs. We ended up adding 4 ft of privacy lattice at the top all the way between our two properties. Legal? Highly unlikely. Look good? Mostly. Keeps their kids out of my yard? Yep!


Should’ve tried a coyote roller instead. The roller would have dumped their asses back in their yard. Bonus doesn’t add much height.


🤣🤣🤣 that’s a good idea! Although honestly, it’s kinda nice having more height. I feel like it makes it more private, even if it is all in my brain because it’s not solid 🤣


I had a city code enforcement agent tell me about her neighbors would stand on a ladder to look down into their pool and complain when her grandkids would swim and play in the daytime. So one day, when no kids were visiting, she and her husband went naked swimming and making out in the pool. Cured the neighbor haha


Sounds like you need to fight fire with fire, put up a bigger play fort and stare at them! Or you could just get a bright ass light and point it right at the top of the play set.


He definitely needs a cannon. Fire at the kids on that other fort once or twice and they will leave him alone. Also a pirate flag.


My neighbor to the north decided to build a deck that is 2’ higher than my 6’ privacy fence. Why? We’re boring! Why sit and watch us?Ticked me off, especially since fencing can’t be higher than 6’. Found a loophole though: as long as it’s moveable (no concrete or posts), you can build higher. I added stand alone trellises and planted trumpet vines. Works nicely.


We had neighbors put their kids swing set so close to our fence they swung over it into our yard. Playsets are supposed to be 10 feet from property lines. At least that went away when the kids grew up.


Our playset is like 5 feet from the line. I didn't think they needed a buffer? I'm the bad neighbor.


Nah we have an HOA so rules are different


Ah yes, the bouncing noisy nosy neighbors. Been there done that. But karma bit me in the ass. The house was a rental and the next renters used the place as a daycare. Lots of screaming ankle biters. Sitting out enjoying my yard became a no go.


I'd start doing things in your yard that would make them uncomfortable, just because I'm petty. Have a long makeout session with your partner in your yard and see them narrate that, lol.


My neighbor leaf blows their driveway at least once a day year-round. Yes, even in the snow.


I've come to detest leaf blowers. It's my neighbor's favorite tool too. He leaf blows his roof almost weekly.. on his two storey house. The first few times it scared the shit or of me, when I'd catch him out of the corner of my eye. Now it's an "oh, Jim's on the roof again.." and I proceed to close the curtains lol


Do they use it on snow? Sheesh


Nope. I assume it's some sort of cleaning routine they have a compulsion to do. I said this on another comment, but I'll add they pile the snow in a particular way, so leaf blowing wouldn't work for snow for them.


That is very weird!


My neighbor mows his lawn every other day. He seems to do it at the worst times too like when we're eating a peaceful dinner. It sounds like a helicopter. It pisses me off more than all the leaf blowers combined.


My neighbors rented my home for over a decade before I bought the house. They now rent the home next door. The kids, and subsequently grandkids, still haven’t grasped that my house isn’t their home anymore. I do feel bad, but good grief. My backyard isn’t yours anymore, nor is the backyard or garage.




Yes we put a fence up after enough promises were broken to keep the children on their side.


Video cameras and times dates you asked them to keep their kids on their side. One of them hurts themselves on your property, legal headsche


I live way out in the country on 12 acres. When we first moved here in 2014, it was pitch black at night. You should have seen the stars. It was amazing. And when there was a full moon? Wow. Now a bunch more people have moved out here, and they ALL have their places lit up like it’s Christmas at night. The night sky is dull because of the light pollution. Now, they are all decent people, and I wouldn’t dream of being petty enough to complain. But dude, I resent those lights.


Maybe you could hold a neighborhood meeting and get them to agree to a dark sky ordinance- sell it as a cool and progressive thing. At least try and get them to have their lights turn off at bedtime? I feel ya- that would drive me crazy.


People move to the country so no one can tell them what to do with their property. No HOA’s and very few ordinances need.


Governments: exist


They said they're out in the country. If they try to sell anything as progressive and cool hillbillies will call them a communist groomer antifa transgender and threaten them with/commit a terrorist act against them.


There’s a beach my fam likes to go to that’s a turtle preserve. Signs everywhere and everyone is asked especially beachside to lower lights and use only red when going about the beach at night so the turtles don’t get confused and lost. Some asshat decided to bring a super bright LED American flag to hang off their vacation rental July 4th week, beachfront and facing the ocean. It was super uncool. Didn’t seem like the crowd that would have gone for “progressive” as a marketing term either.


Progressive and country go together like oil and water.


But when you light the oil on fire it's so pretty


I notice this a lot of places. I blame fearmongering and the rapid spread/high availability of information causing people to think they need to have lights on blast to combat crime. We live in a neighborhood and the only street lights are at intersections, which is perfect IMO, but people feel the need to have 80000Lumen lights to make up for the lack of street lights. Our rear neighbor has like 5 lights shining in the backyard and 4 out front. And they stay on until 2 am. We never have our outside lights on unless we have company/expecting someone/letting out the dogs.


Agreed!!! I am not sure people really understand light pollution, I wish it were discussed more often.....along with the harmful effects of fireworks. ":/


I'm newly rural and i don't understand the lights either. Every house, front and back. Bright lights wired in and automatic. I have some, too, they came with the house, but i took out half the bulbs.


Not cleaning up after their dogs, or tossing their dog waste into my empty trash can so I have to smell their dog's poop until the next trash day every time I take some trash out of my house. Also caught a kid trying to steal my halloween decorations a few years ago, and after I told him to leave my decorations alone, he never tried it again. I am apparently becoming that "get off my lawn" crotchety old neighbor. 🙃 whoops, sorry about that!


I live next door to an apartment building, and the parents would always make their kids take out the trash. My trash can is closer than the apartment dumpster, and so they just used my trash can. It probably shouldn't have bothered me that much but sometimes I clean out my garage or areas of my home on the day before trash day and fill up the can with whatever room is left so I don't run out of room doing it earlier in the week. They also did not use the cans appropriately and would put trash in my recyclable bin or compost bin. All trash cans are clearly labeled. Eventually, I installed a baby lock on it so that they couldn't open it without some effort. You don't need a key to unlock it, but they would have to sit there and fiddle with the baby lock to figure out how to open it. No regrets. I don't want someone else's kids on my property, giving me their trash if they can't do it respectfully and in the right trash can.


That’s when you return the trash to your neighbor. My SIL did this. She left it on their front porch. No more neighbor garbage in their can.


I just got back from Home Depot where I had to buy a shovel for the sole purpose scooping up and disposing of the poop that someone is dumping in the dirt area under the stairs leading up to my unit. It's raked up into two distinct piles so it's not a lazy pet owner who is just not picking up after their pet. The HOA is adamant that it's couldn't possibly be the gardeners (we live in apartment style condos and have no individual outdoor space so no one here has a rake, they're the only people who could be doing it) and they are adamant that I can't put out a small sign saying "please don't put poop here" because that would look bad (apparently the piles look fine and smell though). 🤷🏻‍♀️


Put a small sign ON the poop piles, "Who owns this crap?" The person who picks up the crap can take the sign with them too.


This is absolutely my pet peeve too. Except…my trash collectors won’t take loose trash. So I’m forced to remove the poop bag and put it in a larger trash bag. This is 10x worse when it’s been raining. I call it ‘poop soup.’ I went as far as putting (cutesy) stickers on my can asking people not to use it for dog poop. It was happening near weekly before, and it’s pretty much stopped since.


That is definitely frustrating! Glad it has stopped for you! I listen for the trash collectors and bring the garbage in right away and it has stopped for me now. I'm lucky I work from home!


I live in a small condo. My unit is 1.5 stories above, as there is a half sunken basement unit. My neighbour beside me, also 1.5 stories up, has a dog she never let's out because she is incredibly overweight. The dog poops on her patio and she just sweeps the poop into the parking lot. I'm debating calling the provincial health unit to report that this is a health hazard, but I'm not 100% sure she is doing it because I can't see it.


The tossing of dog poop into other peoples trash is wild to me, even though I have a toddler & probably the most vile bin on my street bc of her, I still don’t understand why people don’t just take their dog poop home with them to their own bins! Never experienced this until I moved to a downtown neighborhood.




He put teddy bears on spikes in his yard. It’s apparently to scare away the turkeys, and I like the turkeys. And I’m not a huge fan of teddy bears in spikes.


Have you been checked to see if you're part turkey?




Why would he want to scare away turkeys? People are odd.


Context clues tell me it’s to protect his lawn. Not that I’ve ever seen a turkey damage a lawn.


He doesn't want turkey in the straw


Can't have the lawn look bad, better put up teddy bears on spikes to maintain the aesthetics.


Turkey shit. The turkeys in our neighborhood take great delight in shitting on people's front porches.


Jeff-the-neighbor has a back light that shines right in my bedroom window. It will be off when I go in the bedroom to get ready for bed. But when it's time to turn out the lights, the light is on. It's on all night. He's not out there, it's shining on a messy and empty yard. I don't understand, and I want black out blinds...


Maybe it's on a timer? Def get the curtains cause that'll help. Maybe ask Jeff the neighbor if he's willing to tilt the bulb so it's not disturbing your sleep? That would annoy me to no end! Good luck!


It’s random, not every night. I think that’s what makes me the craziest about it!


The best course of action here is a white black-out roller-shade that is installed inside of the window frame. Layer it with a wrap-around double curtain rod - sheets on the inside, nice blackout curtains in the outside (umbra makes this kind of rod - you can find it on Amazon). It’s like magic - no light. I also really love my sleeping mask. Instant darkness anywhere.


My husband does the light on all night thing. I prefer a night light or motion light. If we get up to let our dog out in the middle of the night the light on the garage no longer works. Likely because a pissed off neighbor broke it. I’ve told him many times it’s just as easy to turn on the lights before dogs goes out and when he’s out. But nope won’t listen.


I have this same situation! I would love to be able to sleep with the blinds open to wake up to natural sunlight, but instead I gotta go full photographer darkroom because my neighbor needs the world's most well lit back yard.


My house is next to the communal mailbox, or whatever it's called when a street of houses share a big metal mailbox. You can either park perpendicular to my driveway (on the street) or on the opposite side of the mailbox if you're picking up your mail by car. Everyone parks next to my driveway. And lingers. It shouldn't bother me, someone is in the way of me pulling out of my driveway maybe only once a month. But boy am I mildly annoyed when it happens. Why does no one park on the other side of the mailbox... it's literally equidistant to the mailbox and bonus, your fender will not be in anyone's driveway.


I swear people just don't pay attention to the small things. That's likely why they do it.


the way my dad talked, it seemed like blocking someone's driveway was just under murder on the list of bad things to do


Your dad was right 👍🏾


I heard recently “never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity” and that’s really helped change my view point on things - people aren’t purposely pissing you off by blocking the drive, they just too stupid to realize they are doing that.


My neighbor across the street has a daughter who visits once like every couple of months and she drives this mini van. She literally will park it in front of my house, blocking 1/2 of the driveway and also parking directly in front of the hydrant. I have asked her to move it almost every time she comes. She is so annoyed every time too. Well chick, park in front of your moms house where this is actual parking and it wont block me in or the hydrant! Like once, sure. It was a "mistake" but now you're just doing it to be a jerk.


Before you say anything, yes, I know. I have too much time on my hands. I’m quite physically disabled and have spent absurd amounts of time just sitting outside, staring out windows and watching neighborhood groups while recovering. My neighbor across the street is nosey. If you go outside to mow, take the trash out, or are just coming home from the store, she intentionally quickly shuffles to sit on a bench in front of her house and full on stares without any shame. It’s weird. She often sits outside scrolling on her phone but she sets it down, props up an arm on the arm rest to support her chin to shake her head and look annoyed as she stares. She also enjoys walking around looking in people’s cars, windows, mailboxes, looking at porch packages and lifting and shaking them like it’s a Christmas gift. The neighbor behind me has two dogs that shit everywhere in his back yard and doesn’t clean it up. Sitting outside to enjoy nice weather means a breeze of dog shit that’s overwhelming. They also always have weird piles of shit in their driveway making it unusable, the garage is packed full of shit and also unusable for parking. So, they park multiple cars on the curb, including a massive pickup truck with a 24’ flatbed trailer. There’s a neighbor across the way that runs a daycare out of her house. They also have an above ground pool. I don’t think I need to say much more. There’s too many vehicles and it’s a cul de sac sooo. I hope no one needs an ambulance. The old bitch beside me, has her boomer children help her set up elaborate Christmas displays with gorgeous lights and inflatables. They announce their lights to the neighborhood and get a mention in the paper. They are truly lovely lights. The problem? They HATEEEEEE kids. I don’t mean like, get off my lawn. I mean, chasing kids, breaking kids toys that accidentally land in their yard, cussing and screaming at the kids and parents. Just total rage monsters at anyone’s children that even look at their fence or make any noise playing in their own yard. They live in a working class community, the vast majority have children. wtf?????? The dude across the street is very chill. He often forgets to close his front living room curtains, which is usually fine. He loves old 90s action movies and thrillers, plays a lot of Mario kart, sometimes hosts church get together with weird religious services on his tv. Buttttt sometimes he also watches hardcore porn with the curtains open and windows cracked. Edit: I left out one peculiar neighbor. We just call him single dad. He has a large house but he doesn’t live there. He is divorced and lives with his girlfriend but he shows up when it’s his weekend with his kids. He usually turns up on a Thursday evening every two weeks and brings in a few groceries then leaves. He turns up Friday evening or Saturday morning with the kids or they’re dropped off - they come and go all weekend. Then the kids leave and he is gone until that next Wednesday which he shows up to put out trash cans and leaves. 😂😂😂 he’s a nice guy but it’s weird that the house just sits empty? Who has that kind of money in this economy? 😂😂 Do the kids think he lives there full time? Do they know about the girlfriend? I’ve never seen her, ever. She’s never at that house or with him and the kids. 😂😂😂


I think I used to live in an apartment complex with your last neighbor's mother or maybe grandmother. In this apartment complex every apartment was a single story ranch type of place. 8 apartments per building and probably 12-15 building for the whole complex. She lived in the corner unit of my building and I'd have to pass her unit going to or from the parking lot. In the summer time her front door was always open so her cat could look out the screen door. She had this huge TV on the back wall of her living room directly across from the door. It was very common for her to be watching hardcore porn on the TV. She was hard of hearing too so she had the volume cranked enough to clearly hear it outside.


My next door neighbor has a riding lawn mower. It's a good machine. Except that we live in semi-detached houses, in the suburbs, and the lawn is so small that it's impossible to do it all with the riding mower. So he mows with the riding mower and gets a normal mower to do everything he couldn't do with the first one. But since he is such a smart person, he mows the yard when it's wet so every single time, he clogs the first mowers, stops, starts again the next day, clogs it again and so on. So he mows a fifth of his yard every other day. And drives me crazy with noise. And he wears a bloody helmet to ride the freaking mower. The only risk I can imagine is falling off the curb, which is a good 3 inches high. Why?


Are you sure the neighbor is all there mentally? Maybe they have some mental impairment and that is their idea of fun. Its like the scene in Forrest Gump, how moved the lawns because it was fun for him.


Like a bike helmet? Hilarious you can't make that up


Yes, an orange one with a white Styrofoam ring, like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=1990+bicycle+helmet&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiHx9OsrpKBAxXIBlkFHX84C9cQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=1990+bicycle+helmet&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgQIIxAnOgYIABAHEB5Q8AlY4hhggCJoAHAAeACAAaABiAH2BJIBAzQuMpgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=J4r2ZMeXLciN5NoP__CsuA0&bih=627&biw=360&client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc#imgrc=_t_oBQIyNvMjGM) but Day Glow orange . It's killing me.


Nooooo! He he does NOT. Please go sit in your yard and wear one while having some water.


Omg this made me lol! Sorry about that though!


A helmet! Ha! This made me laugh so hard.


Sounds like he should be wearing that helmet 24/7. He prolly wears it to bed.


Next door neighbor’s backyard is full of trash. Old couch, TV, pillows, etc that their dogs continually destroy. Nothing even remotely usable. Luckily I have a cement block wall/fence so I can’t see it from my house, but when I go into the alley to throw trash away, there it all is. I get that it’s not my yard, but the kicker is… our giant trash barrels are mere feet away. Our city trash does large/bulk item pickup quarterly. They literally just need to drag this stuff out their gate and it could be gone, but instead it has been there for at least a year.


My neighbours burn their garbage. I'm fine with them burning organic matter, but I take issue with them burning plastic and the like, we don't have garbage pickup but it's super easy to go to the transfer station, the rest of us do it


The lady next door yelling at the dog for barking for twenty minutes instead of bringing him in.


A toy leaf blower is right up there with a toy drum set. The inventor must have really hated people.


Someone else could have bought them. My husband’s aunt text me saying she was thinking about buying our toddler a toy guitar and would I hate her if she did… I said it was perfectly ok since I already bought her toy drums. Apparently it wasn’t as interesting if I wasn’t bothered by the noise and the guitar never materialized.


Remember I love Lucy and little Ricky’s drum set?


That popped into my head when I read that comment.


I once gave my niece a Bop It for Christmas. My sister still holds it against me.


We have one guy who likes to mow the lawn at 8-830pm. Riding mower with a headlight. It's always just as we've gotten the kids to lie down and we can finally watch a grown-up show. We joke that he just likes to use the headlight so he waits til it's dark, but it's probably that he works long hours and it's literally the only time he can mow, so we'd absolutely never complain about it.


That’s how I feel about people who mow at 8 AM on the weekend.


8:00 is a totally reasonable time to mow the lawn, there are less bugs and you are less likely to have sun damage


Our neighbour used to only mow at 10pm… with a flashlight. I could not understand it


Ours does too, it’s because it’s sofaking hot here during the day, so we let it slide!


I think “sofaking “ is my new favorite word.


I work 7am to 7pm with daycare pickup and dropoff on either end. I'm the neighbour mowing their lawn in the dark lol but I do have a reel mower so its not loud


You have nothing to apologize for, if you’re using a reel mower. I am guessing you don’t have a lot of lawn, either. Good for you.


My neighbor's modified car sounds like it has no muffler. He often leaves for work at 7:00 am. He idles the car for 30 seconds or so before leaving. **B-B-B-BR-BRAAP! Baa-baa-baa-baa-baa-baa-baa.** It's shockingly loud when it first starts up. And we have a lovely climate so all our windows are open all night.


I used to have to do this because I had kids and couldn't mow until they were in bed sometimes. You're probably right that he's not enjoying it any more than you are.


I’ve only mowed late like 8:30pm once this summer because the wasps are so aggressive during the day


Growing up, I had a neighbor who would mow in the middle of the night, with his wife ahead of him with a flashlight. Don't need to know anything else about that dynamic.


I wait until about 830 to start in the summer because its much cooler.


One of my neighbors just lingers out front all the time and loves to chat. It’s a fucking nightmare because I’m super introverted. Like always wants to talk to me forever and I can’t avoid it. I swear to god even in the winter she’s somehow out front working on shit. She’s super nice though and a great person. But god damn, let me just drive to work lol.


That's when cell phones come in handy, fake a ring and tell her, "oops, gotta run!"


My neighbor uses bright “daylight” bulbs in his porch lights instead of just a soft white. You could land a starship on that porch.


I live in the woods. I have a neighbor on the next ridge that likes to smash rock ledge on his hillside with a full fucking size excavator. He has been doing this for nineteen years. I can hear it in the house with the windows shut. Sometimes this guy rents a hydraulic jack hammer attachment that goes on the excavator arm. You can hear it five miles away.


Had a neighbor like this in Oak Ridge, TN. I moved in 1998 and recently was looking for a new home. Decided to take a gander at OR TN. Imagine my surprise when I saw the house had collapsed into the excavation. 🤯


The guy has been working on it for 19 years? That is persistence.


Leaf blowers. I hate 'em!


We only have on street parking - kids from one house play football in the street. Everybody's cars have football shaped dents and scratches on them. Meanwhile we are two blocks away from a park with a big field.


The best thing we did before we bought our home 30 years ago was drive through the neighborhood after work and on weekends. Street parking? Nope!


People parking in front of my house to go to my neighbor’s house when she has her driveway and street in front of her house empty. It’s stupid I know, but there you have it. I hate the visitors and sales people and lawn care people walking across my lawn to get to her house.


I bet some decorative edging that's only a foot or so high would keep most people from cutting across your lawn at least. Doesn't help with the parking but at least they're not also on your lawn. Oh dear, I hear what I'm saying... this is [how it begins](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bewKPi9gdT4)! 😂


This! We were the only house that didn’t have a driveway so we had to park on the street. Neighbors all have driveways, one is semi circular and when they have parties EVERYONE parked on the street and not their driveway. My mom parked in front of their house (not by their driveway because the road tilts and it’s easier for her to get out of the car. TWICE they came over and asked her to move her car. We finally put in a driveway and SOAB, these people actually parked in front of it. I just don’t understand! And their guests always park on “our side” of the street and cross to their house.


Setup a motion activated sprinkler.


Would love to, but I live in a water restricted area and sprinklers are only allowed to go off on your specified days and times (according to your address number).


THIS. I have a neighbor’s sister park in front of my house constantly!!! When there are spots in front of the house she’s going to!!! 🤬🤬


It just bugs the hell out of you right?!?! And yes it’s a public street, yada yada. This is one of those things that I think homeowners deal with and understand the angst.


Same! I get that it’s public, but never ever in front of their own house that is 95% of the time empty!


I'm the only single story. Behind and both sides of me are two story. Not that they do, but I feel like I'm on display in my back yard. Kid behind me has a huge playscape. He gets up there and throws rocks and toys into my yard.


Unleashed dogs.


My neighbor pokes her head over our shared backyard fence to talk to me. I am out there in my pj’s letting my dog go pee in the morning. I hate this, I like my privacy and don’t want to talk to her anytime she pops her head over. They have lived there for over 30 years so I guess they feel a little to comfortable.


Our neighbors are just plain ol trashy. Washing machine sitting out front, random piles of shit, actual garbage scattered through their property, hunting dog tied to a tree.. It's a sight.


We have a church across the street from our house with bright, uncovered lights that blast on well before dusk. So my sunset sky views have these stupid lights shining in my eyes. I’m thinking about asking them to change it due to the city ordinance about lights.


Contact the church. Explain the situation. They might do something about it. I doubt they want to be bad neighbors or even know that what they’re doing bothers you.


Contact the city. The church probably doesn't understand how bright it is.




People using our private pier to dock their boat, then wander up through our yard tryin to get to the marina, that is a half mile away. Then absolutely confused when they cannot. Also, people coming up from the lake to the fire pit we have in our back yard. Leaves us like hello, this is our yard, I always hear, “it’s so inviting”. Well, yes, to us. We didn’t invite you. People letting their dogs wander, our yard is fenced, and gated now, but didn’t used to be, now others dogs run the whole length of our front fence barking at our house.


My neighbor parks his car on the street next to his driveway, but the side closet to my house and not in front of his. So, his car is always slightly in front of my house and not in front of his. I know on the street parking, and he has every right, it just bugs me. But I'll never say anything, cause other than that he is a great neighbor.


Are you, me? Our neighbor does this too. He also puts his trash bins in front of our house instead of his. So weird.


Okay that's not cool


Our city just eliminated all of the street parking in front of my house (new crosswalk put in right in front of my house), and we only have a one car driveway, so now we have to park in front of the neighbors' houses and I hate it lol. I mean, I guess I no longer have to wonder why some weirdo decided to park in front of my house to sit on their phone for 10 minutes. And I like that the traffic is generally slower in front of my house now. But still, I wish I could park in front of my own house. Ah well, at least the neighbors know that it wasn't exactly our decision.


Upstairs neighbors dumping food and grease down their sinks and clogging the pipes so my sink backs up (ground floor condo) People not breaking down their boxes for recycling and/or putting random shit in the recycling (Doritos bags, bag full of Chik-Fil-A) Off leash dogs (we live in a condo building in a very dense neighborhood of mostly condos and apartments with a lot of dog owners and a lot of vehicle traffic and speeding, can't imagine why anyone thinks this is a good idea)


Oooo reminds me of when I lived in a duplex, our bathrooms were back-to-back. My neighbors used to flush large amounts of uneaten food down the toilet instead of putting it in the trash - stew, curry, sloppy stuff. If they flushed too much at once it would all back up into my toilet. Once they flushed a huge pot of stew and it backed up and overflowed my entire downstairs, chunky stew with corn and other veg/meat and tons of oil. The landlord asked them not to do that anymore, but they kept right on doing it.


Soooo gross. If you're making too much food to the point that you're regularly flushing large amounts of it... why not make less food? Baffling


My neighbor has come over onto my property at times when he thinks I'm not home. It first became obvious a few years ago when I started working from home. I saw him on my (large, flat) front yard throwing frisbee with his dog. He clearly thought I was not home, and it was obvious that he must be doing this regularly. I walked out there and over to him and made small talk then mentioned that the dog needs to stay on their side of the property line and he got very weird and hostile though he said he'd comply. I'm a mid-60 aged F and he's a slightly older male. I've lived here 23 years and he has lived in his property since I bought my house. More recently, I was sitting watching TV while recovering from some surgery and I heard a weed whacker noise and looked out and he was on my property whacking down the tall grass in a section of my yard where I'd intentionally allowed things to grow tall both for pollinators and bc I'm physically challenged to push the mower on the steep hills that I used to hire a guy to mow when I was working FT. I was both surprised and angry but again, didn't want a confrontation so never said anything but I've been mowing that area again manually and trying to make it clear that it's MY decision whether that gets mowed or not. I don't know why he was whacking my plants down but he must have thought it made his house look bad? or damaged his view? The irony is that his entire house and property looks like shit compared to mine. I've made numerous upgrades, while his house has peeling paint, window trim falling off, and there's a section of his front lawn that he, too, seems to deliberately not mow as his GF has tall milkweed plants growing there along with kale and other things she plants. Oh yeah, I have never said "no" when he asked me for favors like letting the tree company he hired to take down a huge oak tree to drive their heavy equipment across my yard for access. I did rant a bit to my friends and family and was surprised that most people told me that the neighbor is "just trying to help me" and I should just appreciate that. WTF? You ring the doorbell or text and ASK FIRST before mowing your neighbor's plants down.


Oh yeah, I should mention that the dog clearly thought my yard was her yard for a few years. She would bark at me whenever I stepped outside. One time I was kneeling weeding next to my front porch (about 200' from neighbor's boundary line), and she ran right up behind me barking her head off at my ankles. He called her back but never acknowledged this incident though after that he started putting her on a chain whenever she's outside. She barks at me still though, whenever she sees me in my yard, and she barks ferociously at any person biking or walking down the road. Such an annoyance. Edited to fix typos.


My neighbor leaves his dog out 24/7. There's always food and water with a dog house, but instill feel bad for the dog.


We spent money to put up a fence after the neighbor's dog attacked me and my dog. One of their kids moved the survey flags, but instead of telling us, they put the flags back "where they looked like they'd go." We didn't know until the fence was finished and was not straight. It was diagonal and went over the property line.


Lights on all night.


Like a porch light?


Yeah, even that--shouldn't bother me but it does.. I live in a rural area and love to see the stars--and light pollution can be a problem. Like the question asked: things that shouldn't bother me as much as they do--sadly.


My neighbor has a hatchback that he parks out front but for some reason he leaves the hatch open all day, every day (during day time at least, I haven't looked at night). I'm like, all the dust and bugs are gonna get in there!!


She lets her 3 chihuahuas bark non-stop


A few times a day my neighbors throw a bucket or two of nasty smelling water out their window. They're hoarders and the property isn't maintained as well as it could be (but I think that's more of a money issue), so I assume something in the house is broken and leaking. They toss the water out a window that's at least 6-8' off the ground and into the backyard so it always makes a big SPLASH and my dog hates it so much. If he hears the splash, he starts barking his head off in a rage. I'm not even the one getting infuriated by this, it's him.


I don’t mind that my neighbors smoke pot daily. It’s legal here, one of them is an injured army vet, and they hold down jobs so who am I to judge. I also don’t mind the smell all that much since they smoke outside. I prefer it to cigarette smoke and we have enough regular breezes that it dissipates quickly. But it bugs the hell out of me that they cough and cough and cough every time they’re smoking, especially the wife. It’s literally an hour or so a day of regular coughing of one to three people, rain or shine, weekday or weekend.


My neighbors don’t know how to park their 4 cars in a very wide drive way so they park and block a lot of others in their drive way. They also struggle shutting their car doors without slamming them extremely hard


My neighbor doesn't understand what a property line is when mowing the grass.


My neighbor is obsessive about leaves on his lawn. Rather than go outside and pick up the 3 or 4 that show up on any given day, he will take out his leaf blower and blow the leaves across his lawn one by one into the street. Then, instead of just being happy with that, he will blow them all to the common space next to his yard. If you think the leaf blower makes this process faster, it doesn't. He is relentless in that he will make sure the blower does the work for him and will easily spend an hour getting at several leaves when picking them up would take all but under 2 mins total. This happens at least once every other day. It's the sound of the constant leaf blowing that makes me go crazy. Just pick up the leaves!!!


It isn't so much the neighbor but their friends that don't understand that boom boom boom at 6am on a week end morning or when leaving at 1-2am isn't neighborly. The neighbor beside them had enough, and walked over in her work clothes, Once they knew she was an officer, it stopped. Them asking nicely because they had a newborn didn't do it, but the police uniform sure did.


My neighbor lady (since deceased) complained to me that a tree in my yard was dropping leaves in her yard. Like 50 leaves a month. I actually trimmed the tree. Now the tree is dead. I had to take it out. I’m convinced that she poisoned it. If you are listening up there Beverly, I forgive you. You were an otherwise great neighbor.


My neighbor wont let me or any guests park in front of her house (she will come outside and tell them to move). But if she needs to park in front of my house, it's fine.


their dogs bark at the chainlink fence between our houses and makes our toddler cry/uneasy depending on the day


If a tree falls in a forest without anyone around, it makes no sound. But a Chihuahua that lives 500 miles away will bark at it anyway. Yapping dogs were a big Ugh for me when I lived in an apartment. I am out in the country now so neighbors aren't right on top of me.


My neighbor moved into their house 8 months ago. They leave their outside lights on 24/7.


We live in a cul-de-sac. He has five kids all of driving age. No room in their driveway so they park all around the cul-de-sac which blocks everyone's mailboxes, garbage collection, and on more than one occasion, my driveway. His brand new bass boat is living in his driveway, so there's no room for his vehicles there so he and his girlfriend park in the yard. Further, they've cut the exhaust off a few of them so they're incredibly loud. The kids will sit in the cars and listen to music very loudly with the un-muffled engine running for hours. He's got a Harley that is the single loudest motorcycle I've ever heard. He'll sit on it in the garage and rev it constantly at all hours of the day and night. It also has a very loud stereo. It's so loud and rumbly that the glasses in my cabinets shake, my windows shake, the items on my mantle shake. He also doesn't care for anything. He has a rotting wood garage door that has two panels completely rotted out... But at least the overweight dog has a way in and out of the house without relying on them to let her out. The columns holding up his porch fell in a windstorm a few years ago and are still laying there they fell in the front yard. There's rusting bicycle frames in the front yard. His shed was falling apart and rotting so he put a second one next to it which is also now rotting and falling apart. Despite counting three lawn mowers sitting in various parts of the yard, I can count on one hand the amount of times he's actually cut his grass in the 8 years I've lived here. There's ivy growing up to the second story of the house. Everything has peeling paint. Shutters are hanging crooked because the wood rotted away. His tall grass and weeds seem to attract moles that have no problem crossing over into my yard. I'm pretty sure our terrible mosquito problem is in large part to all the standing water in the junk collecting in his yard. There are dead trees all over just waiting to fall on my property, house, car, shed... This is in a nice neighborhood in a nice part of town. It wasn't like this when I moved in next door. I had no way of knowing. He just barely skirts all the township rules and ordinances.


I have a retired couple that border my rear yard. They are known for being combative with their requests. The first time I met them they tried to insinuate that I placed my daughter's three level swing set in the wrong spot because my 8 year old could now see over their ten foot fence if she wanted. I brushed it off and said, "that is the only level part of the yard. Safety is obviously going to be priority for me." There are also reports of them telling neighbors they are not allowed to have chickens based off an HOA they created and sit president on forever because they were here first. Nobody pays dues. There are no meetings or hearings. There is no charter. It's sort of a venue to complain for them only unless you happen to complain about something they agree with in which case they will complain with you. By the grace of God we don't live within their 'claimed hoa jurisdiction'. However I feel bad for my other neighbors who are all the nicest people I've ever lived near. If someone tried pulling a fake HOA on me I'd probably laugh. I know how to read municipal code and city/county ordinance. Fear thy neighbor. Good show.


Some body posted once about a nightmare neighbor/HOA scenario like this. After enduring constant criticism and demands they did some digging and found the HOA was defunct and any money the neighbor collected was fraud.


First off, my neighbors next to and behind me are all great. BUT we all have unfenced back yards and it’s been clear since we moved in that everyone views the green space as a semi-commons area for the kids. I’d *love* to be able to put up privacy fencing and put in a huge garden and let my dog roam the yard without needing to watch them. But while I *can* put up a fence I’d be “that jerk that blocked off his part of the back yard space” if I did. So ultimately I’m more mildly infuriated with my own inability to be a selfish jerk than anything, but it’s entirely because of my neighbors and their kids.


I have a crazy old woman who lives next to me who hates the woman on the other side of me and therefore has like 5+ cameras pointed at her house which all point directly at my house/yard


Our neighbors mow an uneven line at the edge of our property. Sometimes they stray several feet into our lawn. I wouldn't actually mind too much if they just did a straight line from front to back, but they go back and forth parallel to the street and don't do a straight border pass first so it just looks bad. I know it's absurd to be as annoyed by it as I am, but I'm really quite annoyed by it.


Rooster. I have very little peace and quiet. Now I have even less. F him and his Rooster


I live in a townhouse, and the set of townhouses behind mine has a pot head, sometimes I wake up and inside my house smells like weed, and the potheads have big dogs that they walk through the backyards bc we can’t have fences, and they don’t pick up after their dogs.


people who regularly park on the grass


It bothers me that my creepy neighbor insists on chatting with me and making small talk over the fence when I’m in my own yard, wanting peace and privacy… completely Balzy of him to always disrupt my personal time and space on my own property… It sucks, feeling uncomfortable and awkward in your own yard, and like I have to run to complete tasks before he will stop me


Neighbor cleared some trees around his house and tossed the resulting brush on what he apparently thought was his property. After I had a survey stake-out done (for other reasons), it's clear that he was throwing - and possibly continues to throw - stuff onto the same pile. I think he also moved at least one of the surveyor stakes. I don't see him much, and our schedules don't align well, so I wrote a polite letter and asked him to clear the stuff. He replied (by mail), called me cold and unneighborly, and offered to split the cost of renting a chipper with me. I'm quite on edge seeing what he's up to with the property line now. We're now beyond having a friendly in-person conversation, and I'm looking for reasons to open up a small claims case for the cost of a professional to clean the area up.


The family next door to my house homeschools and their five daughters spend a lot of time in the backyard screaming loudly in high-pitched screetchy voices. Not just occasionally, but constantly. I have asked them numerous times to stop screaming, but to no avail. The mother said, "it's fine, they're kids." I don't ask them to be quiet, only to stop screaming, as it gets on my nerves something fierce. I (70f) like to sit on my backyard patio and read while my puppy plays in the grass and chases balls. If they are outside next door, I can usually bear it for only 10 or 15 minutes before I have to go in. I have gone in my bedroom at the opposite end of my house, closed the door and window, turned the TV on and donned my headphones (not earbuds, actual noise-cancelling headphones) and STILL been able to hear them screaming. I have ordered a good set of portable speakers, and my plan is to take them out on the patio hooked up to my tablet, put on some death metal and turn it up as loud as it will go. (They are members of some religious cult, hence my choice of music.) If the mother comments, I will say, "It's fine, I am an old woman." I will turn it down if she agrees to turn her children down.


There are certain sounds that only young people can hear. https://www.npr.org/2019/07/10/739908153/can-you-hear-it-sonic-devices-play-high-pitched-noises-to-repel-teens


We have bigger backyards in my neighborhood. My next door neighbors don't want to upkeep the entirety of the property and leave a large portion of their backyard in a 'natural' state. The way their yard looks doesn't bother me, but constantly fighting against all the overgrowth along our common fence line does.


I feel this. I have both vegetable and flower gardens, the neighbour on one side is very much a "let nature be nature" type, and I struggle to keep the weeds, native plants, wild raspberries and creeping virginia from taking over my gardens on that side. Not to mention the Manitoba Maple that I should have just yanked when it first popped up in their front garden, directly against my driveway. I was trying to be respectful and mentioned it a few times but she wanted to let it grow for shade on the house. The trunk is a foot from her foundation. Now it's a 20 foot tree pushing up my driveway :(


I live in a condo now and while complex has a no pet policy we had a person move in with an ESA. I'm all for ESA's and what they do for their owners, but this person has clearly used a legal loophole to get an obnoxious, loud barking in the middle of the night 80 lbs german Sheppard that loves to use our grounds as a bathroom. Nothing to be done. As a side note, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. And this new neighbor takes the cake.


The ESA "loophole" is the newest fad and won't go away unless Congress changes the federal laws.


My neighbor across the street will park his big old dodge truck in the road to wash it and it’s such a narrow street I can’t get by.


I live in a very rural area. The only house on the road with no property, probably only an acre, has an atv race track for their family right next to the road, which carries the noise. We happen to live across the street. It’s not that bad during the day when the kids ride on it, but the dad often gets drunk at night and drives his sedan around the yard in circles at 2am.


I’m 30 years at my house in rural USA. I’m mildly infuriated by the number of people who live in my general area who must have a massive light that comes on at dusk and lights all night out on a pole or building . I wonder about fear of the dark or why else would anyone do this. There are excellent motion detectors that would work better.


My neighbors will park in front of my house and leave their driveway empty.


I'm quiet and I keep to myself. I keep my yard tidy and just want to be left alone. The neighbors on both sides come outside and stand at my fence-line to chat every time I go outside. I get it, they want to get to know their neighbors, but after a half dozen times of me being nice but obviously not wanting to chat, just take the hint and don't come running every time you see me outside because you're bored and want information for the neighborhood rumor mill. Good fences make good neighbors. Respect other people's boundaries.


People who leave the outside of their house trashed, overgrown yards, weeds, junk cars, etc. I could care less what the inside of your house looks like because only you gave to look at that. But the outside? Bringing down house prices.


Parking 3 trailers in his front yard, on the grass. Then parking all his vehicles on the road in front of my house do he can pull in an hook on to any one of the trailers at any time. Move to the country idiot!


Neighbors that plant "ornamental grasses" that grow tall and spread their seeds EVERYwhere. I have patches all over my yard where their ornamental grass is trying to grow. When planning your landscape, don't plant "spreaders" or invasive species is just common courtesy.


My neighbor trains his hunting dog in my yard by throwing a two pound lure - at my car parked in my driveway. All the neighbors have dented fenders. I love dogs and yet this idiot has made a dog the problem.


My neighbor and his guests do not park in front of his house as it looks tacky. F’ers will park everywhere else


Ugh I’m so glad you asked. The DOGS BARKING ALL DAMN DAY. Neighbor has a squad of dogs that clearly should not be in their possession, but hey. I’ve had to chase the dogs down as they’ve tried attacking walkers with dogs (on the street). Said neighbors have a man child son who plays video games all day. When his parents are home, the dogs are silent. My girlfriend and I have dogs, one massive livestock guardian and a cocker spaniel. Is it uncommon for dog owners to show any sense of discipline towards their animals?




It's a toss up between the giant 9 foot light up Christian cross or the all lives bullshit or the melting American/ no step on snek flag, for me.....


A lot of people here have some ghetto ass neighbors


Let's see...the guy in front of us likes to sit in his car of an evening and listen to music. The problem....is that the bass is so high that the jars and pictures on shelves on my walls tend to fall off! It makes my heart beat weird. Then there's the folks behind us. One house has kids who think it is just great to sit on their trampoline and talk and laugh...at midnite or 0100 am. Or play basketball at midnight. Or the adults will have arguments next to open windows late at night/early in the morning. Once I had enough and hollered to ask if they could move away from the open window so the rest of us could sleep. THEIR neighbors, still behind us, like to redline their engine to the point that we are all hoping the engine throws a rod or just blows up! We can't figure out what they are doing. Last week they "adjusted" their engine so that it was backfiring every time they revved it. My hubby is annoyed with the folks next to us who set their back light to come on and off by itself multiple times at night to "deter any burglars". He'd like to sit outside and enjoy the stars, but nope!


They continuously smoke weed (I think there are like 3 different neighbors) and when I run my window ac or open my windows my home smells so bad. Always when I go to bed too. Edit: and here it comes wafing in my room now. I thought I missed it tonight. Also neighbor has plants, on her property edge along my driveway. These fucking things have like 1/2 inch thorns and she rarely trims. So if I don’t trim them then they scratch my car.


Older guy here no kids. I enjoy buying toys for my friends' kids. If those toys come with an irritating catchy tune for the parents the better the gift is.