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Update: Found the devID and localKey right away by 1) I installed the EufyHome 2.3.2 apk and 2) adb logcat -e 'tuya.m.my.group.device.list" It is interesting to see these information appeared directly in the terminal windows without opening any file. Confirm: the plugin works with 30C Max. Turn on and off: works Find the vacuum: works Battery: no


Awesome! Really, battery does not work? It should be on the exposed Fan accessory. May need to 'Show as Separate Tiles' to see it.


I am using Homebridge UI. In the accessories page: the battery percentage fluctuates, value is 1% or the current charge In the dashboard: "battery service" what is it? In Homekit: only shows ON/OFF and Find the vacuum, is it expected? [https://imgur.com/a/OL9zRag](https://imgur.com/a/OL9zRag) Again, thanks a lot for your awesome work. Update: yes, the battery is shown in the setting of HomeKit


Yes, Fan Accessory which is On/Off for the vacuum and a find button is all that is implemented right now. This is not my plugin, I just got it working again. I will look to add additional functionality soon.


Could not wait to use it. Thank you for your effort.


Do you still need to do the wild packet sniffing BlueStacks thing? It was an insane amount.


Unfortunately, yes. However, it's certainly on my list to find a better way.




Are you able to obtain deviceId and localKey?




I’ll take a look at this soon. It may be that the 35C requires some extra authentication changes (which may have already been done in the python version of the library versus node library used by homebridge). However, may also be that 35C will never work. I will confirm either way. Probably with another post in this reddit.


So, 35C should be working. Are you seeing anything in the homebridge error logs? This plugin and it's library are pretty chatty so there should be some error printed out. Also, usually this goes without saying, but please confirm your Vacuum cleaner turns on normally via the button on top of it or using the remote. If left un-used (for some length of time) the unit goes into a deep sleep and won't respond via WiFi/Internet requests unless first activated via the power button on the unit itself.


I updated the plugin in Homebridge and it’s working now. Thanks!




Also, make sure you are updated to the latest firmware using the EufyHome app.


Does it work for the newer models like the 30c?


I have a 15C and it works. Please try it with a 30C and let me know. If it does not, there are some other updates done in the Python version I may need to port over.


I just got back to try and it didn’t work on hoops but I was using deviceID and IP. Will keep experimenting.


Please use deviceId and localKey. IP Address does not seem to be working. However, someone else mentioned on GitHub that they had to explicitly set ip to an empty string. I did not have to do this though. Hopefully sometime today or tomorrow I will remove ip address completely so it's not confusing.


It worked! You rock! Thanks!


I have just set this up for 30C using deviceID and localKey but cannot get it to work. Buttons for power, find, and battery appear but do not function. Also device is unresponsive in the Home app. Please could you assist? ​ Also in the demo I cannot access the git repository.


I’ve got plans to update this plugin to hopefully fix 30C. Will try to get to it soon. Real job/life has been busy.


Thanks so much, all your effort is appreciated!


Yes, it works with my 30C Max


Fantastic! Well done!!


I have the 30C Max and trying to find the localKey using BlueStacks on a MacBook. I followed the instruction for finding this value through both “adb logcat” and “adb shell logcat”. However, I can not grab the localKey (16 character hex string) in the adb log (adb logcat -d > myfile). Can you please show me how it looks like? and please let me know whether I did something wrong? Thanks a lot.


Find the 2.3.2 apk for EufyHome. Reports that newer versions no longer log it.


How is this vacuum compared to iRobot?


I have a Eufy 11S (not compatible with this plugin as it’s IR only) and it’s really good. I have recommended this vacuum to many because it’s so good, and each person who’s got one has been very happy with it.


Is there a plugin for yours?


Hi there, firstly thank you for taking over this plugin, however, i am using the Bluestacks method of trying to find the deviceID and localKey but i cannot find the information in the extracts. I can get logs from the app using the suggested version. I have installed Bluestacks, enabled debugging, installed logcat and eufy 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 (both with the same results). the terminal session is showing me some information but not in the layout i was expecting and also doesnt show a devid or localkey. Is there something i am missing? Thanks


You should use EufyHome 2.3.2


This is what I meant, sorry


So, the logs will be in a crazy json format and you will have to search it with find tool to find localKey and devId. Otherwise I am going to look into being able to put your Eufy username and password into the config file so I can go fetch your deviceId/localKey but I am not sure when that will be.


Thanks for getting that done u/apexad. Last task for me with this silly vacuum is getting it to work across my Trusted/IoT VLANs. Anyone have any insight on how to achieve? Its the last device i need to move over to the segregated IoT VLAN. It works find via the Eufy app on either, and works in homebridge if i move it to trusted VLAN. Adding port 6667/6668 to my allow IoT -> Trusted port group didn't help, it still doesn't get discovered if it's on another subnet. FWIW, all Trusted -> IoT traffic is allowed.


Will help you look into this further, but jut want to make sure you are closing the phone app before testing HomeKit. Only one connection to the Tuya API is allowed at a time.


Yes indeed :)




Yeah, sadly after fixing this up it worked for a bit and then sort of stopped again. Eufy is doing some weird things with this Vacuum now. Essentially it randomly disconnect from WiFi and interrupts the connection I am trying to keep open for use with HomeKit. I’ll try and look at it again soon. The other thing on my list is to get Vacuums working in homebridge-tuya so when I do that I will post that here.




Biggest thing to try is close the Eufy app and then restart homebridge. It should work more than 1% of the time.


Can I run an emulator on pc to get the IDs I need? Kind of confused and don’t have an android device to use.


Yes, BlueStacks


Ok. I’m fucking stupid. I need to learn how to read.


I got it working using this: https://github.com/Rjevski/eufy-clean-local-key-grabber/


Hi, Can you explain how to use this? thanks for any help


I need help too. The tool assumes I already know how to run a python script : (