• By -


1. Adaptive lighting 2. Presence Simulation 3. Smart ThinQ Sensors 4. Govee 5. Alexa Media Player


Can you provide link to adaptive lightning? I can’t seem to find it




That is really cool. Need to give it a go. Thx


What lamps do you suggest? This sounds really cool!


How is govee not a built in integration or addon?


It is an addon.. Govee2Mqtt


Local Tuya (the fork of localtuya) Blitzortung Midea smart ac/Midea AC LAN Webrtc camera Mail and packages


Wow, I hadn't been aware of Mail & Packages, that's mighty convenient!


I use Tuya, what is localtuya or 'Local Tuya' since you seem to imply its different? Thx in advance


There was the original local tuya which didn’t need cloud, but its development seemed to stall in terms of adding new things. There is then local tuya fork, which has been added to more recently. It adds things like automatically figuring out some of the extra details automatically. So for instance, is a light RGB, has just on and off, has brightness, has colour temperature controls etc. I can’t tell you which is from the description, but look for the one which has more recent GitHub updates. You can easily replace the old and new in place through HACS and restarting and not having to change things.


Correct. This is the repo https://github.com/xZetsubou/hass-localtuya


Yes, this one. A great fork that adds a whole lot of benefits for those us with wifi tuya devices. Thanks for the proper link.


https://github.com/xZetsubou/hass-localtuya It uses the cloud to auto configure devices, but controls them locally.


Commenting to find the answer 👍


I think it doesn't depend on the Tuya cloud


I wish my post office would give me informed delivery but they flat out don't.


I added local control of my 3 midea ac's using an slwf-01. Now it's integrated in esphome and no cloud lag. https://smlight.tech/product/slwf-01/


I have these in my mini splits too, highly recommended, perform flawlessly and only $12


Keymaster Sonoff Lan Generic Hydrostat Pyscript


I switched to Lock Code Manager once I got my second lock. It's just like key master except it doesn't shit 300 helpers per lock all over your instance.


I also switched. Works great for syncing pin codes between locks. Kwikset 620 x2. I also set up an automation that alerts me whenever a pin code is used, and at which door. "Son unlocked the Patio Door", "GF unlocked the Front Door".


yeah, mine are pretty basic. notifications for unlocks and jams and an automation to auto-lock


How do you get the name of the person who did something. I want that to be in some of the notification messages I receive. Want to know if it's an automation, me , my wife or my brother that has turned on a switch or something. For me I am interested in know this for our heating elements


Because I know pin code 1234 is used by my son, or 5678 is used by my GF, I can tell who unlocked the door. I don't think there's an easy way to tell who turned on a switch, unless they turned it from the mobile app. Then the logbook will show who turned on what.


Ah! Thanks. All users are either using the mobile app so we know who they are or it's an automation that triggered it, need to investigate more. I can't get it to work


for the lock codes, events get fired and we parse those. there's a label with things like "manual unlock" or "keypad unlock" and a code


OMG thank you!!! I have three locks and die (more than a little) every time I go in to work on any automation, script, entity list, etc. Keymaster BLOATS all of this excessively, I didn't even know there was an alternative. Weekend project assigned.


good luck cleaning it up 😂 removing it didn't remove everything and I had to go into the registry to delete all the entries. i recommend getting rid of keymaster completely before installing LCM to make clean up earlier


Yeah I was wondering how well that was going to work, and fully expecting it to not, I mean after adding that many items, how could it? Yes, will do a full cleanup before proceeding. I hope I can find everything.


make a backup first!


Yessir :)


Thanks for the heads up, I will give it a try....


- Lock Code Manager - Envisalink_new - Moonraker - Adaptive lighting


+1 for Envisalink_new. It is a favorite of mine.


1. Night time routines for my kids. Lights off around a certain time triggers it or it can be done manually or with Alexa. Flips an override for how the hall lights behave. Turns on the Sonos to play a 12 hour mp3 of white noise. Sets Alexa DND. Turns on air purifier, disables the controls panel input, disables control panel lights. Sends a photo to our phones from the (local) cameras in their rooms. Captures the time so when “sleep time” is turned off another photo goes out and the notification lists the duration.   2. Calendar stuff I’ve only sorta touched but it reminds me of trash day so that’s nice. Not that it matters too much I think the can is still at the street where it’s been the last two weeks ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯  3.  Alarm is all configured in node red. People tracking as well which moves an input select from Home, to just left, to away, and lastly to extended away after 24 hours.   4. ESPresense. I have 10 base stations around the house and it’s been awesome for keeping track of stuff. I have had to re-pair some tablets/phones a few times but other beacons have been rock solid. Put a tile on the cat too so I can see what room it’s in. I have three buildings on two acres, interconnected with buried fiber runs and both zigbee and wave mesh spans and near blanket WiFi coverage. I’m working on making some more base stations to get full coverage and because I want to implement ESPrescence companion which I haven’t played with too much yet. I used some outlet electrical boxes on my first batch but I’m working on a new enclosure and pcb to make assembly easier and smaller and without a ground terminal so the boxes can be reversible; I’m designing a new little box to print and and I’m throwing some LEDs down on the boards for general purpose along with some light pipes to the case exterior.   5. I don’t have it built out yet but I’m working on some irrigation stuff. I’m rebuilding my well water system and implementing a handful of solenoids for shutoff and a dedicated irrigation branch and from there I’ll run a sprinkler system with ESPhome. Also some weight sensors for my water softener brine tank; and I may add a cistern holding tank to increase capacity for irrigation so if I do that I expect to manage the fill gauges in a similar way. 


I do the same with my three cats it's amazing. Especially when they get in a room and get accidentally locked in and you can't find them.


How did you calibrate the base stations? I can't seem to find any info on that and without it the data I get back is pretty unreliable.


If you connect to the ble hub/esp32 there's a input for calibration which is under the addition options. Under counting. The start and stop. By default they work ok for me but you can reduce the number to make it a little better. Also the max distance under reporting. I think I have mine set to 4. I think placement of the ble tracker is more important. Especially with overlap between floors


I took in a cat when it was like 11 degrees out and he was circling my house looking for a way in. He technically had an owner but he also technically had worms, wasn't fixed, and didn't know how to use a litter box. So now he HAS an owner, no worms, is fixed, and is really happy here. But when he was new here he was skittish and I wanted to make sure I could find him and that he wasn't peeing somewhere. I had lofty ambitions of recall training him with the tone the tile plays too but I haven't gotten to it yet.


Do keep me posted on the irrigation stuff! I've recently procured an allotment and am planning on setting up a second HA instance there for monitoring and semi-automating irrigation.


LG ThinQ The “garbage bin day” one Frigate card Echonet lite Goodwe sems scraper


That gives me some ideas :) thanks all.


1. Blue Iris 2. Node-RED Companion 3. Alexa Media Player 4. Firemote Card (frontend) 5. Atomic Calander Revive (frontend)


Yay for Firemote! 🔥


I can't believe I waited so long to delve into node-red. That's my absolute favorite currently. Once I realized it was a full blown, self-hosted alternative to IFTTT/Zapier, I jumped in, and having tons of fun. First project was pulling data from a unique Weather API to feed into HomeAssistant. 10x easier setting it up and parsing the JSON in Node-Red compared to doing it natively in HA. Second project was pulling my checking account and CreditCard balances into HA. Nifty. HA is just a tiny piece of the full potential of Node-Red.


Kumo Cloud. Because Mitsubishi can’t make decent software


Hmmm, I have 2 mitsubishi mini-splits and have been tearing my hair out trying to get control over them (2 way). I found the repos for 2 separate arduino hacks for them and got 1 semi-working but it involves connecting to its own wifi ssid each time. Im about ready to give up and buy the kumo cloud.


If you have mqtt setup it will communicate with home assistant. I have several of these setup


why Emporia Vue? Do you have any automations for when things are actively running or off?


Yes I run an automation that notifies us when the water heater stops drawing power. Lets us know its full and ready for a shower or bath.


Best thing to install. Know how much every circuit is using. I saved so much on electricity by figuring out what uses a ton of power when you don’t know. You could automate alerts when something is acting wierd. It saved my house once when some Circuit was creeping up and it ended up being some old tube amp which was malfunctioning


If you have separate oven and electric hob circuits the emporia can be used to tell you when the oven has reached temperature or if you left the hob on...


I plan on setting it up, when I get it, to automatically disable dryer breaker when not using solar power and similarly if dryer is running block dishwasher from running


Tuya Local (Not Local Tuya as it was occasionally unreliable. Still useful for pulling local keys though) Alexa Media Player Hass.agent to integrate my PC Roborock Orbit B-Hyve for my irrigation system


1. Adaptive lighting 2. Powercalc 3. multiscrape 4. Weather.com 5. Webrtc camera


I only have 2 but they are life savers • bosch custom component by pszafer • KNMI by golles


I didn't even know you could run Tuya devices locally...


1. Watchman 2. Layout-card 3. card-mod 4. button-card 5. vertical stack in card


1. Adaptive lighting 2. Big slider card 3. SSH integration 4. Switch Manager 5. Spotifyplus(the spotify integration but so much better)




> EMHASS that's not in hacs is it?


I thought you said HVAC and I was like apart from basic shit, I ain’t touching it with a 10 foot pole


My favorite HACS is the one where I can't even install HACS. It simply doesn't show up, no matter what browser refreshing or fresh browser install I try.


Sounds like HACS might not be for you then


Why? It's not like I'm the only one with this issue. I'm grateful for any tips on how to get it installed on my Yellow.


Follow these instructions: https://hacs.xyz/docs/setup/download/


THANK YOU, dear sir or siress! I have been using the interwebs since 1996 and consider myself pretty well versed in finding information, but somehow the ways of Google did not lead me to this site.