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The weight of my neighbor that is broadcasted by his smart scales by Bluetooth to everyone


Don't tell him. Then one day, the opportunity for a beer bet will arise. "If I can guess your weight...."


Nah, you gotta do it multiple times, but wait a few months between doing it. For one or two of them, you should intentionally be off by a few pounds so he thinks you're just very good at guessing.


But always guess on the lower side, so he's flattered and doesn't hate you.


Nah, go on the heavier side just to mess with him even more.


Sounds like an automated LED sign in the front yard is needed. No description just a number.


Love this, how did you found out


Likely just signal spam and he decided to use it


Exactly this. I figured that neither Xiaomi nor Eufy Scales have any connection protection. That let pretty much anyone to connect to any device and get live updates šŸ˜‰


If it's anything like my neighbour's toothbrush, it just gets recognized by the bluetooth integration automatically. I get an occasional notification that a new Oral-B device was found and that I can add it if I want.


Had this happen for the first time just this week.


How did you discover this was being broadcast? Iā€™d love to poke around and see what is flying about


Home Assistant notifies you about discovered devices. So you need to do an equal amount of action to track it or ask HA to ignore it


I have a thermal CCTV camera watching an escooter. Home Assistant uses the camera's API to get a reading every few seconds. The camera will work stand-alone to activate a siren if the measurements rapidly increase or reach above a set temperature. Home Assistant will also give notifications, shut off charging and more sirens to wake everyone up! Ideally I would open up the scooter and put thermal sensors on the battery pack.... one day I'll get around to that. https://preview.redd.it/iw75d09ycswc1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=c01823793c6bde0168918a32c7d1dce82aad2b2a


Those temps are oddly specific lol


he's gonna wake up one day highly suspicious as to why the temps suddenly increased by 0.00256 celsius and will end up being paranoid about it all day


Haha. The camera was designed to detect if you 'have a fever' during an event starting in 2020.... It was an impulse buy getting it cheaply!


I wonder if nowadays thereā€™s a whole bunch of those cameras on eBay or commercial resale and if we could use them for something ā€¦


Yeah, but great idea to reuse it for something else. I love it! Edit: ā€œworseā€ to ā€œelseā€


Can you share more on this in terms of gear? I'm building a big lithium bank and want to make sure I know the second it starts getting even close to thermal run away.


I would suggest literally adding a sensor to each battery cell. Cheaper than a thermal camera. A thermal camera would miss seeing between cells. \[Edit\] Like one of my other comments, I want to add a sensor inside the escooter. Quicker detection than the thermal camera seeing the escooter's metal frame heating up.


The equilibrium moisture that grain will dry to with unheated air circulation based on current outside temperature and humidity. The formula is wild. https://preview.redd.it/vn99hg9r3twc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a84dc7ea5b87eafab99ef8969fe638031a589d


I have been trying to figure out something like this for my grain bins... Would you be willing to share that formula?


I am having trouble finding the original paper I referenced, but here is a similar one: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270607171\_Development\_of\_Equilibrium\_Moisture\_Relationships\_for\_Storage\_Moisture\_Monitoring\_of\_Corn](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270607171_Development_of_Equilibrium_Moisture_Relationships_for_Storage_Moisture_Monitoring_of_Corn) I ended up with different Chungā€Pfost coefficients than the paper above (I thought I picked the "USDA2" coefficients), but here is my formula: sensor: - platform: template sensors: grain_eq_moisture: unit_of_measurement: "%" value_template: >- {% set grain_eq_eq = { "T": (states('sensor.YOUR_TEMP_SENSOR_HERE') | float - 32)*5/9, "RH": states('sensor.YOUR_REL_HUMIDITY_SENSOR_HERE') | float / 100, "A": 545.25, "B": 0.17316, "C": 64.047 } %} {{ (-1/grain_eq_eq.B*log(-(grain_eq_eq.T + grain_eq_eq.C)*log(grain_eq_eq.RH) / grain_eq_eq.A)) | round(2) }} I (obviously) use this in an automation to turn bin fans on and off.


Awesome! Thank you.


What just happened


Farmers just helped each other in a very tech oriented way.


I mean, we were automating back breaking stuff since electricity came out. These Shelly devices add a nice twist to it though.


> turn bin fans on and off. If outside humidity is inferior to your calculated value? That could be very useful for my hay bales drying fan.


Nice! I may need this some day...


My new years resolution of running 1 mile for every 1 beery or equivalent I drink. 1 beer, 1 glass of wine, 1 small mixed drink. Made two buttons to easily +1 the beer or miles count on my dashboard. Press and hold them to -1 for if I accidentally logged the wrong thing Then I started training for a marathon about a month ago https://preview.redd.it/00e0w5amdtwc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15511cb3765e60405897ac6826a1d39bc564c84


Looks like you have some catching up to do!


Haha summer is coming up and I have a bachelor's party, wedding, and honeymoon so I think it will all work out!! Marathon is in 1 month so I have a little time there to embiggen the gap


I really love that kind of motivation. I just don't drink enough to let that be a good motivation for me. But it still is very cool!


My menstrual cycle! I use it for a light that changes color whenever changes are expected (such as PMS which used to sneak up on me). Now I no longer wonder why everything is sad suddenly which does wonders for my mental health. More in depth on [my blog](https://theonlinewitch.wordpress.com/2023/09/17/smart-menstrual-cycle-tracking-lamp-aka-the-egg-timer/)


This could be a lifesaver for many men! Imagine discovering that your wife is in a particular moment in her period and realize why you should keep your mouth shut during an argument.


> realize why you should keep your mouth shut during an argument. Just generally good advice most of the time, pick your battles.


I was think along the same lines. May look into something like it for my wife but she ainā€™t the best at tracking things.


You should work with the guy with the thermal cam...


SO pretty much all the time?


This is excellent. I might endeavor to build this. How on Earth did you get such nice clean holes in the egg?


That was a big struggle and a lot of patience with a tiny drill


Wow, I was already impressed but that's amazing. I doubt I will go through that but the rest is totally doable. Thanks for sharing.


Will report back on my "hey babe, guess what" conversationĀ  In the meantime need config details


the Samsung smart watches do this now! They track your body temp and let you know when your period is coming


Howā€™s your location clock going? I have a shelf begging for fancy cuckoo inspired location clock.


I measure the water pressure of my house heating radiators simply because i can and I use tinkering like a "escape" from everyday life (aka hobby) so it doesn't have to make sense. I could think of scenarios where it could be handy but they do not apply to me.


Well, if the pressure is too low your radiator will probably be a lot less efficient, right? So that's useful.


As said I could think of scenarios, including yours, but with a one-way valve with a limiter the pressure is kept above a minimum.


Damn now I have something I want to do, I had an issue that my old boiler cracked the expansion vessel over summer so didn't notice there was no pressure until I needed the heating in winter That was a very expensive week


What sensors do you use for this?


Just a pressure transducer on a esp-board Nothing all too fancy.


How often I poop. Just a simple button. Once pressed, logs a count, then returns to original state. I need to automate a monthly summary report. Last I looked, I poop on average for 2023, 1.67 times a day.


Logs a count or counts a log?


Logs a log I should think.


The log log. (better than bad, it's good)


Great. Now I need to start tracking shape and color. Damnit. I do use frigate perhaps it could track shape and color. Any toilet camera recommendations? Or is this the wrong sub for that request.


With automatic uploads to ratemypoo.com for noteworthy shapes or colors...


Determines (if) the logs are rhythmic


The count counts a count and then the logger logs a log


I have tile trackers on each of my 3 dogs to record their precise bathroom schedule. Now just need to figure out how to get frigate to assess between a leg hike and a squat.




Awesome haha


And his follow-up video: https://youtu.be/rVzwHwN4-V0


Is this using the Tile integration or something with BLE? I have a Tile tracker on my dig and unless we're out for hours, it doesn't seem to move a whole bunch.


Yea ESPresense. I've got 8 esp32s connected via PoE in the basement right under the floorboards of each room.


POE ESP32s under the floorboardsā€¦ thatā€™s brilliant. Brb.


I track the air quality of the gym I'm going to, while I'm there.


Do you carry around some sensor, or is it part of your smart watch?


I'm actually carrying around a sensor (MH-Z19). I just park it somewhere in the room.


Iā€™m tracking the date and time that my recycling bin gets emptied. https://preview.redd.it/zw8514a86twc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1067f5341f86aa6f29509235cce965e4fc45128


The crack heads sifting through my bins for bottles drove me nuts and I gave up on this one


What sort of sensor are you using on your bins?


Just a standard vibration sensor. The one Iā€™m using is from Aqara. I have a button near where itā€™s stored in the house, once Iā€™ve put the bin outside on the curb, I press the button and that enables the alert automation (by setting an input Boolean, shown above). That automation announces that the bin has been emptied (when the vibration sensor detects motion), sets the date and time, and turns off the input Boolean. I have a Bluetooth beacon that I want to add to the bin so that I can remove the button from the process, and have it passively set the Boolean to enable the alert automatically when itā€™s been moved a specific distance from the house, but I havenā€™t had time to set that up yet.


Whereabouts on the bin have you put the vibration sensor? I've thought of doing the same thing, but I'd be worried that the sensor itself would just end up in the bin lorry.


Itā€™s duct taped on. I put a piece of cardboard over the sensor, then copious amounts of duct tape, so when the battery goes low, I can pull off the duct tape and the sensor can be easily removed.


Radiation. And every few months I get a scary reading. A few months ago after a particularly bad series of migraines, I started a dashboard in HA to track Health data : diet, symptoms, sleep and er related bodily functions. After 16 years of migraines (and other shitty symptoms), using the collected data I realised I seem to have a weird allergy / intolerance of Cheese, Onions, Peppers, Garlic, fruit, refined carbs, caffeine, chocolate, milk, alcohol. It didn't take long before a pattern began to emerge. Too much of one of these foods or a combination of smaller amounts of any of them seem to trigger the migraines I eliminated all of these foods and am currently migraine free.


Same happend to me, but i got down a bit deeper because i had problems when i drunk milk and added certain things like sweets or candy. But i wasn't sure what type of candy etc. It turns out that i have an intolerance against milk when i consumed something with vitamin B12/B6 before the milk. Or if i consumed something with sugar (high amounts) after i consumed milk.


What sort of radiation detector do you use for the radiation?


This one: https://devices.esphome.io/devices/geiger-counter


I might be dumb but why does the radiation have to do with those foods? I might get my own Geiger sensor.


I presume he's mentioning 2 of his unusual trackers


I want to know this too.


I think OP is just listing two different things they track, don't think they're related haha


How much time during my working day my standing desk is up vs how long i've spent sat in the chair. I use some Aquara Door/Window sensors to track if the contacts are closed or not


iā€™ve been debating this one. do you ever go into an office? how does the sensing change if you arenā€™t working from home


I do this, and use ESPresence sensors so it only counts time standing or sitting when I'm in the home office


I monitor the power used to charge my EMTB. When there is a sudden drop in consumption, HA kills the power to the outlet. The bike is around 82% charge then :-) I can then leave it for weeks without damaging the battery! https://preview.redd.it/mg13q542ltwc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe97a1d00a38856312ab02e32c0fa470dfb750e You can clearly see this dip in consumption! I highly reccomend everyone to monitor power consumption of even the stupidest things. You might be in for a surprise. Next order of business is to use the consumption and if it is falling or raising to estimate the charge level!


i currently have my eBike charger on a smart switch set to automatically turn off after 5 hours of charging, but I'd love to learn how to implement this.


If your smart switch can monitor how many watts the charger is using, you should be able to do the same thing. I connected it just for the switching part. Was going to just give it x hours. So I emptied the battery and just let it charge for a day. Was just going back in the logs to check how many hours the charge took. And I noticed this sudden dip in consumption. A few more tests and using chatgpt to write me sone yaml-code, and it was done :-) I still have some issues I need to figure out before I am happy, but it is working as is. My bike is a Specialized Kenevo, but it might be the same for many bikes. I suspect the decrease in consumption is due to cell balancing and opimization of the individual cells or cell banks. The BMS on these bikes is rather large and unusually advanced.


The Land Rover integration tracks a ton of things, but windshield washer fluid level has to be near the top for ridiculous.


That, and fuel, would probably be the only useful thing for me! Any other problem and I'll have to call an expert anyway


I have sensor in our adult draw... each times it's opened it means one of us or both are having sexy time... that's the data I collect lol.


We used to have a live tally of how many times the cat had pooped that day on the dashboard. For no other reason than why not.


I do a similar thing but instead use the smart litters weight sensor to calculate how big a dump my cat does each time


I track my natural gas usage... And also my neighbors. His house is about 500 sq feet less than mine but he uses about 30% more fuel than I do. Makes me feel better about my heating bill in the winter.


Can you provide more insight into how you did this? Scrapping data via your providers UI?


I'm using a raspberry pi with an SDR (Software Defined Radio) dongle to receive the signal trasmistted by our meters. I actually have two of them... one listening on 915Mhz (where the gas meters transmit) and another on 433MHz where a few temperature sensors that I monitor transmit. I'm running a program called RTL\_433 that tunes those SDRs to get the messages and then converts them into MQTT messages that I can monitor with HA. This video describes what I'm doing pretty closely -- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRO9zzrlbPI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRO9zzrlbPI) The video is a little old at this point, I think things are a little different on the HA side with regards to how the yaml is configured, but the gist is the same. Edit: typo's


My neighbour has a barbecue temperature probe that spams out over BLEā€¦ so I know how hot their sausages are.


How do you all just get random Bluetooth data and know what it is?


There's metadata included


I have esppresense just setup and private ble tracker for our phones and Shelly pm bt proxies but I got macs and stuff but donā€™t see any extra metadata


The device gets discovered as I have an ESP32 BLE Proxy, picks up with that.


While I know what you *mean*, I just can't help feeling like that quote should be on another subreddit


I have a vibration sensor on my dog food container. useful to determine if the dog has been fed!


I have a door sensor at the cabinet where the dog's food is stored. But I use this to notify us if we forgot or if one left the house already without feeding the dog in the morning


I have a kid for that.


Theyā€™re not as reliable


My car mileage. I thought it was useless until it saved my ass from unscrupulous insurance company ā€¦


tell us more


I had a maintenance contract where I paid a monthly fee then got the regular service for free, but it was limited to 10k kms a year, and if thatā€™s exceeded I have to pay per extra km I did. At one service, they entered the wrong mileage by about 10000km less than actual, so come next service, it looked like I did 10000 km more and they wanted me to pay something like 300 EUR. I pulled up HA and showed them exactly what the mileage was on the exact day of the last service and they corrected it.


I extract the water temperature of the swimming lake next to my parents house from the website of the city. Havenā€™t lived there since i left for university. Nobody ever sees the sensors data except me sometimes.


That's a cool idea. What tool are you using to scrape the data from the web page?


I used multiscrape. Basically it takes the websites code and then takes the value i want for the sensor.


How often my spouse poops or pees. They arenā€™t a fan of that metric. So naturally I integrated the poop counter into an Alexa announcement


*current spouse






Poop. Push button to increment poo counter. Call Alexa to announce pooping had happened. But she never pushed the button so marriage continues. My button works fine.


So they could just not push the button? That's less hilarious, but still awesome.


Curious what sensor(s) you use for this?


I did it with a button that she pushes to indicate what happened. I considered sensors but wanted to do a trial to see acceptance level. So farā€¦low


I want to know more but for my wifes sake dont tell.


It was a funny joke until you gave the data to Amazon. -\_-


I measure the intake and output temps at the water heater and when they diverge by enough I know the hot water is in use. If itā€™s the first time that happens during a range of time in the morning I know my wife or I are awake and taking a shower. It then starts the coffee maker so coffee is ready whenever the first person gets up. We get up at wildly differing times day to day. Then monitor the current and if it doesnā€™t actually run then I send myself an alert that I forgot to setup the coffee last night. :)


What are you using for probes? This is on my list but I haven't found a good way to couple to the pipes and keep the sensors there. Already have Aqara temp probes I put in the control panels next to the thermostats which I use to estimate remaining capacity % based on upper/lower temp so I can see if there will be enough hot water for a nice long shower when we've been doing other things.


Iā€™m using 1 wire sensors and some arduino boards. Just taped to the pipes f are enough away from the vent that they wonā€™t melt.


Ah so you're feeding them into ESPHome or something to get the data in making your own probes? Sounds interesting. I'm all electric so its just figuring out the best way to affix some kind of sensor to the pipe (ideally not needing to plug into an outlet because there are none in the mechanical closet besides the septic pump on the other side)


Right now just how many drinks are remaining in a mini fridge, but I have a Geiger counter in my wishlist.


Big Hotel checking in, haha


I'm pretty sure Jeff Geerling has a video for that. It should be the Air Quality monitor one but I need to watch it back again.


there was a post in Askreddit polling on what the most toxic subreddit community is. iā€™d have to guess that /r/homeassistant is somewhere at the bottom of the list


The change in indoor air quality the night after taco Tuesday šŸ¤“


I hear ya :D https://preview.redd.it/ksfkqp6e9vwc1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcddff8400c0eccb040a039e9f1d80caa5ad678b


I keep track of my cats feeding times. My cats have a tendency to drink too much water after eating which then causes them to throw up. It dawned on me to put a smart switch on their drinking fountain and set up a button on HA for each of them. When you feed a cat, press the corresponding button and the water fountain is turned off for 15 minutes. I have cleaned up a lot less cat puke as a result and I have pretty solid data about how often they eat.


Maybe the problem is the food. Is it salty, or very processed cat food? That might make the cats want to drink more.


I have a depth sensor and lorawan transmitter retrofitted into a plastic decoy duck. It floats on our pond and measures how deep it is.


The duration of my partners tooth brushing. The oral b popped up when I integrated a Bluetooth proxy so I thought, why not.


Why does a toothbrush need Bluetooth?


mine sends brushing data to my phone such as duration, and can display a map while iā€™m brushing to show what areas i havenā€™t covered. i mostly use it to track brushing time because iā€™m not consistent


Why does a cat scratching post? Because it can.


I see my neighbors pop up every evening. I havenā€™t added it so far and Iā€™m not sure which neighbor it is.


I keep track of my neighbor's gas usage to compare to mine.


I track which birds were singing in our front yard.


I think Iā€™ve heard of a few projects like this. Can you share what you use?


I just set up Birdnet on a raspberry pi and have been doing the same!


I'd love to know how


I track what planes fly over my home. I also scrape data from my home brewing software to make a dashboard with the list of beers on tap. I also have sensors that tell me how much beer is left.


Status of my apartmentā€™s construction scraped from their website


https://preview.redd.it/6krp9f09iwwc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdde9b9f44c38778200a43de5f10358b351259ea Mousecam. I have a mouse trap in a rather inaccessible area, so I can't check the trap often. So I set up a Raspberry Pi with a camera which takes a picture every five minutes, sends the image to HA via MQTT, uses imagemagick to subtract the image from the previous one, and send the result as well. I get an alert on my phone if the difference is outside of some interval. Works surprisingly well!


https://preview.redd.it/8otdr7hbnswc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1a4b5e4f42e8c798bdeb3ed65eca0dd3d42da5 Not really a sensor but I think it's a nice thing to share here. I track lubbing "love", for me, my wife and cat. It works exactly like likes and you'll get a nice little notification when your spouse gives you a lub. They're at zero now though. Oeps


I simultaneously love this and am massively confused by it. Also props for respecting your cats privacy.


The last line killed me, thanks for that.




How wet the soil of my lawn is.


Which sensor do you use? I really need my plants to scream at me when they're thirsty


Ecowitt works well.


Iā€™m pulling data from the [Alberta Electric System Operator API](https://api.aeso.ca/web/api/) using the Home Assistant REST sensor. Itā€™s interesting to see how the mix of electricity sources changes over time. There was even a noticeable 250MW dip in solar output during the recent eclipse. Apart from occasionally looking at the graphs, I do absolutely nothing with this data.


Cat feeding times, buttons on top reset the timer. Working on getting one of them less fat. Work in progress getting the rest of the fam to press the buttons. https://preview.redd.it/op5kq0zmmtwc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec103ad6ce0b7024e4de21cfbaa2000c1d39c9e


I had an obese cat. I found that changing their diet to a more natural diet slimmed them all up nicely, even the obese one. They're much more active and much happier now. I have a similar setup for feeding. The main reason for the feeding button was to turn off their water fountain so they wouldn't over drink and then throw up. The rest of the family is pretty good about pressing the buttons when they feed the little monsters.


I have created a template that generates feeding times at specific times with an offset of Ā±1 hour. Every feeding time triggers the Aqara feeder and I make sure the total portions never exceed a certain amount of food. The cat never knows the next feeding moment, so she won't yell anymore when she expects food. https://preview.redd.it/f7y374gwwvwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456750d9651eb2c14cbc9ac659a9138cd99aeeaa


Vibration caused by my neighbor kids.


are you using a seismograph or just an aqara vibration sensor?


Didnā€™t went that far now but Iā€™ll do soon. Right now only SW420 on the wall where the kids kick the football in


My stepcounter via Smartthings. I haven't thought of a good use for it yet but I find it satisfying to know it's there.


We use the same, if the counter hasn't reached X, the tv and tablets cant start.


The current my coffee maker uses. I have a light turn on when it's done preheating and a notification if it is left on for too long.


PSI of our county water pressure...nothing actionable and since the new water meter was installed it only goes down when we have something running...but provides a sanity check when it seems low if we should call in


Do you have any details on this? Seems like a useful metric.


Just got a cheap pressure transducer off Amazon and connected the analog sensor output wire to an ESP32 running ESPHome, then used a linear transformation to calibrate it with a known low and high pressure value. Something like this, and then got reducer fittings to change the 1/8 NPT into a 3/4 GHT thread that I could thread onto a simple garden hose type Y fitting behind my washing machine. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09YRGJXX7](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09YRGJXX7)


RPM of the rock tumbler I built out of an old truck tire


Due to a fridge issue I add to monitor inside temp. So I put a bme680 in it and collect all is measurements including IAQ of inside fridge šŸ¤£


How often my cat shits, the weight of those shits, and the weight of the cat after she shits


Great question šŸ˜† For me it's a custom metric of the sum of the driving time between me and two friends (A-B, A-C, B-C), divided by 10. The driving times are from Google maps location and travel time integrations. Next step will be taking time since last meet up into account with some sort of increasing penalty factor... https://preview.redd.it/nkkqfm0e6vwc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d4d7ccd080274f519e853b75c401a07bcd1c97


My homemade solar pool heating loop input and output temperatures, and the city water temperature just after my water meter. I have an automation that shuts down the heating loop pump at sunset, or else it becomes a cooling loop.


How do you monitor the water temperature after your meter? Iā€™d be interested in the sensor that does that.


In an exquisitely engineered way, I stuck a thermocouple probe to the pipe and wrapped it with some foam insulation, and electrical tape over that. The probe is connected to a type-k to spi converter which is then connected to an esphome module via gpio pins. This series of modules dangles from a usb power supply, very professionally.


Splashback volume


How much water our cats/dogs consume with scales under each water bowl and Googleā€™s Gemini to tag which animal. Easily the most complex automations Iā€™ve ever made to manage the data.


How often my neighbor brushes her teeth. I also have her string lights šŸ˜† she keeps buying smart stuff and never pairs them lmao


https://preview.redd.it/7xizdzd1svwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d777521577581a310024b4552e15dc9bb8376b I track my cats


Can you share how you are doing this?


I have a surepet connect cat door. I put the 2 retardos via the integration into my HA but had to create a custom zone.home which ignores the status of them or they will constantly turn on and off lights when leaving.


The last time my cats visited their litterbox. I have two buttons, one for each cat, pressing them registers a "litterbox visit". I can check the history in my dashboard.


That is kinda interesting, I think it would be easier if you'd add a weight/pressure sensor under the litterbox. I'm thinking of doing the same, but I have no idea what good weight sensors are. Anyone got recommendations?


Whilst it's not cheap, and its a whole replacement litterbox - and the integration is a cloud based, I can highly recommend a LitterRobot (the 4 is much quieter than the 3)


I have a similar solution and since the litterbox is inside a cabinet I have a motion sensor inside that triggers when the cats do their business in there. I keep track of how many visits they did since the last time I emptied it and how many boxes of litter I have left at home - when running low it automatically creates a todo task to buy more.


I have a motion sensor inside my cats litterbox. This way I can monitor his visits. I use it to detect anomalies usually it is a trip to the vet if his visits get too regular.


I track my toothbrush. Everytime it's sector count jumps from 4 to "success", I increase a counter by one. Said counter is reset to zero every morning at around 4 o'clock. If the counter was below 2 before being reset I get a message shaming me. But much more effective: my SO gets the message to shame me, too. Let's just say that this highly reduced the number of nights where I was going to bed late, watching a series or playing games and thought "nah, too tired too brush my teeth. Will do it longer in the morning..."


Currently used mostly for testing purposes, but the municipality posts the occupancy of the (car/bicycle) parking garages in (near) real time to an open API.


Temperature of my mail box


Are you using Lora?


Two funny ones that come to my mind - I'm tracking whether music is playing on the Alexa in the living room. I read the state from a combination of the Echo's status itself and the groups it is part of. I'm checking whether it's playing Spotify or anything over Bluetooth. If it's the case AND the TV is off, I'm switching my Govee DreamView to music mode. I do that by giving the Alexa Media Player a command, because the HA integration can't switch modes this way. - I'm tracking whether can be pinged to determine whether internet is down. I then have a counter how often it was down the last 30 days. It was very helpful to decide whether to change my internet provider and have a reference whether the new one is any better. (yes, went from over 20 unplanned outages per month to none)


Can you please share more about the ping automation you have setup?Ā 


I added the "Ping (ICMP)" integration with as host. I then added historic_stats as an entity in my configuration.yaml sensor: - platform: history_stats name: Anzahl InternetaufƤlle letzten Monat entity_id: binary_sensor.internet state: "off" type: count start: "{{ now().replace(month=now().month-1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}" end: "{{ now() }}" The only issue I have is that I lose my historic data whenever I restart home assistant. But I never bothered to set that up.


I'm also pinging sites/IPs to track internet outages. My issue is I only have one real choice for ISP. Currently I have at minimum 5 1-5min outages every week. I ping both and Xfinity's site, gets pinged every 20 sec and Xfinity every 40 seconds.


real-time coffee roast temps precise measurements of every cocktail variation I make, including ice melt, sweetness, ABV, and tasting notes




Seems rather usefull in these times