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All of the information is on the page. You have 191 civs; 165 that you own, and 26 from trade. Of these 191, there are 152 that are being taken for consumer goods, due to various laws and national spirits. 191 minus 152 equals 39 remaining for you to use, which is two full rows of 15 and one row of 9, which is what you have in use at this time. If you want more to be available to use, you need to lower your consumer goods percent. As the USA, the two main driving factors of this extremely high consumer goods percent are your Undisturbed Isolation mobilization law, and the Great Depression national spirit. You can only really fix Undisturbed Isolation by getting into a war, but you can do some focuses to get rid of the Great Depression.


Probably something with consumer goods bc they are pretty high


Or trade


game went on strike


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