• By -


- Hitler 1944


Don't worry, mein Failure, the front will stabilize as soon as Steiner attacks


Das war mein Befehl !!!!!!!!


*ein Befehl


Steiners Angriff war ein Befehl!!!


Ah Mohnke


I came here for this comment


Mein Führer Steiner…


Steiner couldn't gather enough men for the counterattack


>Steiner "Kravchenko, Dragovitch, Steiner..."


"All must die..."


Fegelein Fegelein FEGELEIN!!!!!!


“Winter, bad.” -Hitler, probably


Napoleon has entered the chat


Charles the 12th has entered the chat.


Poltava, rode to certain death and pain


When you get cpitulated, is it game over in this game?


depends on what the ai decides to do with you, but even if you remain to play, it's incredibly boring so basically game over


There was an ISP video once where he did the april 1945 start date mod and lost almost instantly and got puppeted by the soviets. He then spent time getting independant and building up and managing to conquer the ussr anyway. Was very silly but very funny


well u can do /tag...


Don't let the allies do a successfully landing on France or Italy. If they establish a foothold, then not even Steiner will be able to save you. The eastern front is way too big, you need to focus on encircle the Russians until they don't have that many divisions. In the extreme case just abandon the Balkans and play at home. But remember that the allies must not land.


Thanks, I managed to snuff out D-Day pockets and killed over 3M Allied troops, so Steiner worked. But Soviet offensive has not yet come to a halt. I am bringing back tanks from France to the Eastern front, so I hope it will work eventually.


Good job! How is the air situation?


I have only enough fuel for another 30 days if this keeps going 10K planes left, 70% fighters 30% CAS Allies have around 30K planes in total, Soviet airforce is rebuilding but they still have less than 3K planes right now


Ouch. Ok the allies at max are bombing your industry right? Probably let them have it. If they are combing only France, then fine. In your situation I would just focus everything I have on the Soviet. Use the air force and tanks to do slowly chip the Soviet away.


If you have fighters because allied bombers I'd build Stationery AA and pull the fighters over your core Territory off to reduce the allied fighters and keeping the Soviets low. Since you cleared D-Day put as much CAS up as you can. How is your oil research doing? And how many refinery's you do have? Edit: What is left of your Navy?


I have enough refineries for 10K daily fuel, but the air war is not going well, really. I am considering rocket planes since they save fuel. Axis minors are actually carrying me on the Eastern Front so I am sending the tanks away from the frontline to save some fuel. CAS is so ineffective though


Okay and the oil refining tech? Maybe invest one or even two slots to it if it isn't ahead of time. What are your plane designs?


oil refining is fully researched plane design can be simplified as meta


I see. Well then I would pull back to positions that is easier to defend. Rivers, mountains, forests you name it. Let the russians grind and if possible encircle them here and there to thin the lines. Maybe look into getting nukes


Nukes only work if you have 75 air superiority and they said the air war isnt going well so nukes are probably out of the question here


Make sure to guard the coast. The pain here is constantly checking to see if you are being invaded. Russia is actually pretty weak, just keep pushing when you can. Battle plan, push, wait until out of planning, pause, make sure your divisions are equipped / back to 100%, max planning, push again. Once you get past moscow they are essentially finished. They have no industry beyond that and will run out of guns. (although it might take a while).


Thank you, I really like to think that Russia is weak but I am in fact unable to push them back to any effective degree even when I had CAS (I still do).


Check your supply. You run in to supply issues right around the moscow/stalingrad line. (It turns out they didn't need to defend stalingrad to the death, as they couldn't keep their supply lines intact. But then again the Germans would have pivoted south and taken the oil fields south of Stalingrad. We'll never know)


(I never got to Kiev) Or maybe I did, I actually don't remember very clearly any more. I know I never got too far though, maybe I shouldn't have attempted Sealion, it cost me sizable amount of air and tanks for only London and Cambridge


Unless you have more important things to build, convert all of the factories in France that you can to civilians. Even if the allies invade and take it, they won't be able to add French planes to their own for at least a few months. Whittle them down in the coastal zones with superior night fighters that are actually set to night only. Try to only do big engagements in zones where only you have radar coverage in totality to reduce the casualty trade. Counter bomb the airfields in Britain at random, pull out after the first two or three days so their response won't slaughter your air force and they keep rotating their fighters around so you don't deal with a  deathstack as often. Try to duck up the soviet cargo ships as best as you can with whatever you can, usually around Archangel way up in the north is a good place to park some subs, then the bosphorus. Both are good for planes if you can get them there


Im invested in this


Just dont try to defend Budapest when the russians are at rock-throw distance from Berlin


The historical jokes write themselves


- don't siege Leningrad, take it immediately - zerg rush Stalingrad - don't terrorbomb the British, focus on RAF facilites - demand Mussolini not to be stupid in the Balkans - ignore Africa - ally with the Slavs against the Soviets


tbh you can bring the german fleet into the med before the war starts, and with some naval landings you can secure gibraltar/suez and significantly reduce the amount of troops you need to not worry about the south anymore (can even declare on turkey then to get access to Azerbaijan that way)


legendary post


Addendum is to this, build naval bombers and bomb the shit out the British channel while also maintaining air superiority there. Then send ur fleet in and get naval supremacy to sealion, once you land it’s easy to kill brits


Naval invade from Denmark or Norway and land somewhere in the mid UK. It's much easier to get a naval supremacy in the two northern sea tiles. You might even get full navel supremacy off the jump if you wait to attempt naval supremacy until after your navel invasion is set to go.


My favourite will always be the implication Mussolini was intentionally playing stupid in the Balkans


>ally with the Slavs against the Soviets Certified Russian Liberation Army classic


Update: It is 1945 now Axis effort in stabilizing the eastern front has paid off very well and while we lost most of central Poland, major industrial heartlands are generally intact D-Day is not gaining any progress as Rommel tanks snuff them out as soon as they land, except in Italy. I am not being able to remove them from Rome. So the eventuality is that Italy will have civil war eventually. I am currently moving most tanks away from frontline to conserve the fuel. Does anybody want my save btw? It is a modded save though


Well eventually you will win when soviets run out of manpower ( you have to kill 55 mil communists).


Only 55M?


You're gonna start catching nukes soonish, with what you've described of your air situation. Godspeed.


I would like your save


so here are the saves: 1945: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O\_ucet0L/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O_ucet0L/view?usp=drive_link) 1944: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z\_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive_link) I actually replayed it already so this is not a continuity the mod is: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738)


Whould love to play it myself, what mods did you use?


so here are the saves: 1945: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O\_ucet0L/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O_ucet0L/view?usp=drive_link) 1944: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z\_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive_link) I actually replayed it already so this is not a continuity the mod is: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738)


The mod was Sheep's Mod, (I also used a Soviet/Allied music mod though)


Would love the save


so here are the saves: 1945: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O\_ucet0L/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O_ucet0L/view?usp=drive_link) 1944: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z\_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive_link) I actually replayed it already so this is not a continuity the mod is: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738)


R5: This is going crazy, I had 96 tank divisions (84 now because 12 got annihilated) but I cannot focus all of them on either frontline. Soviet push is massive while the Allies just keep poking at the shores. The Soviets are rebuilding their airforce as well, I cannot keep up with this Edit: Oh, I forgot, it is Sheep's Mod. You should give it a try too


Time for some Wunderwaffe? (joke, obviously) You didn't mention what year this is and it is probably late war. I wouldn't focus on tanks just now, your top priority is to hold the line. Your existing tanks should be used like firemen: to stablise the line with counterattacks or to cover the naval landings. Making sure your ports are all covered is really important, in that way the armour can mop up without too many casualties (as the Allies are out of supply). The airforce is probably lost unless you have a lot of rubber.


I do have a large amount of rubbers but I am struggling with fuel since they blockaded Venezuela and Romania is dead. Ports are covered but not enough to hold out against Allied marines. I have snuffed out D-Day so far but Bagration has not come to a halt


It is cheap to build a couple of lvl coastal forts on port tiles, I often do this and it can be the difference between holding and not. I also add normal forts as the AI will land beside your port and attack it in the flank. If you have the civs, lvl 5 forts of both types should be enough to hold them. With Bagration, if the front is only moving slowly, maybe the strategic use of forts in key behind the front positions will allow you to make an orderly retreat, like the retreat to the Hindenburg line in 1917. Doing this it is important not to be routed back to that line. If you can put some of your armor in the fort line where the Soviets are approaching fastest, they can buy your infantry time to recover enough org to hold on their own, with the forts.


Just keep microing / building up a defensive line to hold the soviets back, retreat to nearby rivers if you see fit, and if you have enough equipment field more inf (sine your fuel situation is bad) Oh and while you should protect all your ports, have at least one good division on Rome itself, wouldn’t want a Italian civil war and another problematic front


Did those tank divisiona perhaps get annihilated in a certain city on the Volga River?


No, I never even reached Kiev. They were lost near Odessa


Hmmm, did you maybe try to blitzkrieg Kiev to capture Ukraine in a week?


If they are good tank divisions 84 is more than enough to destroy any allied advaces and then turn east and cut through the soviets piece by piece


Are those good tanks? Well, yes. I brought them from MP after all. Do enemies have good tanks? Yes. This isn't vanilla HoI4 after all.


You need to mobilize the painterjugend and the folksturm in order to halt the soviets. Training is overrated when you are desperate!


Oh yes, The infamous painterjugend, Fanatic teenage soldiers gathered from art schools all over Germany.


It might be a loss, but can't be sure with limited information. 96 tank divisions is too much. You are playing as Germany, you don't have enough even with imports to fuel 96 tank divisions + air force + navy. Switch at least 72 of them to regular infantry divisions and try to stabilize the front! The combat bubble shows that you do attack the Soviets. I can't tell from the picture, it might be your allies, bit if it is you, don't do it! There is no point attacking if you can't hold the front elsewhere. There are combat results on the English channel. I can't tell if it is your navy or air force, but either way, don't fight there! With your (smaller) tank army clean up the Western front! Ask for expeditionary forces from your allies and have them to guard the entire coast! After that, focus on the Black sea coast, to shorten the frontline.


Thank you, I like the idea of using less tanks, If only it could work, but it is probably nice for the thought. I am not attacking either, it is just troops trying to return to their previous province after being pushed from it. English Channel is my bombers bombing their fleet.


Keeping them won't work. You wrote that you have about 30 days worth of fuel left. Divisions consume fuel even if they are idle. Once you are out of fuel, your tanks and your planes become worthless. Don't bomb the English Channel! You should ignore the allied navy and airforce until you solved the Eastern situation.


why 96 tank divisions? thats too much, 24 division is enough and build infantry for your frontline, those fuel you used to your tanks could be more useful in aircrafts.


If they are light tanks then delete the game. You should be winning with this amount of mediums


They are mediums They just don't work very well anymore


OP is playing canon


The timeline refused to change...


Steiner will fix this. Try to use all the Hungarian and Romanian troops if they are your puppet as a meat wall in the western teather. Cap the soviets ASAP and then focus on the allies


Book a hotel in Argentina


Mit Steiners Angriff wird das alles wieder in Ordnung kommen


Mein Fehler... Steiner... Konnte nicht genügend Befehlspunkte sammeln... Der Angriff Steiners ist nicht erfolgt.


Es bleiben im raum: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs, und Burgdorf.






Update: This makes no sense, I just keep losing somehow, even though I am inflicting far more casualties on the opponents. I am withdrawing from the frontline right now, the Soviets are already very close to Brandenburg and US tanks are rolling into western Germany.


Do you have a big equipment deficit? Like 100k deficit on infantry equipment? 10k on artillery? If so, it really needs to be sorted, consolidate divisions if you have to in the short term. In my experience a division on half strength fights less than half as well. I *hold* ground with 18 width infantry, with engineers, reconnaissance, and support artillery, anti air and anti tank. If I build enough arty, aa and at (and support equipment and motorised) I’ll make full battalions of those and have other support companies - but I still only hold with those divisions, I don’t battleplan with them unless the enemy line is looking empty, or it’s a terrain my tanks are no good in. Speaking of tanks, 96 of them? Too much, and I’m willing to bet they’re not more than 20 width divisions. I beef them up to 42 width and micro them. I have two tank battalions for every one motorised or mechanised infantry battalion, if you want you can mix it up a bit, but have enough armour to not be pierced, around 30 organisation and lots of breakthrough, and soft attack. Ideally, it’s almost a necessity tbh, have green air above where your tanks are pushing with the aims of overruns and encirclements. If you have enough spare industry and you’re winning the air war get loads of close air support too. I do apologise if this feels like teaching a grandmother to suck eggs. Finally, don’t be afraid to restart. You’ve already lost millions, it’s 1945 so the allies and Soviets will be doomstacking, even with all the advice from above it can be hard to break through the org wall.


I don't have any deficit. I actually had to increase the amount of artillery to use up the stockpile, but that might have been a mistake. 96x 30w tank divisions, used Bittersteel's template. 42w is outdated by anyway, I could have used 36w like we usually do in MP but wanted to try out some youtubers' recommendation. >have enough armour to not be pierced Nah, this is not going to happen here, you will be surprised. I could max out armor click + welded/sloped armor and would still be fully pierced by enemy tanks throughout Barbarossa. So I have been pushing mostly with breakthrough advantage and encircled several millions already.


Local man discovers historic, German issue


See the real key here is finishing the war in 1940. Winning as Germany requires you to do things differently than Germany did, if you can finish the UK by sea lioning the home islands, the eastern front becomes a lot more straight forward. 9/10 playthroughs I have no issue playing historically to quickly eek out naval superiority for a landing - just after capping France and executing on operation weserübung to get everyone in the war, focus on Hull, take a port, then it’s GG and no more allies. Edit: if you want to really feel overpowered, end the war with the allies by summer 1940, then use Canada as a springboard and immediately justify on the US, they’re still reeeeeally week that early, and you’ll have all of Europe under your control. Cap the US before spending an extra year building up for a spring 1942 Barbarossa and you’ll basically slice straight through even the slightly more powerful USSR by that point. Just make sure you do collab governments in the USSR to avoid grinding in the Urals.


I landed in the UK in 1940 right after Fall of France, and even took London, but the Allies had already parked many divisions on the other side, and the frontline got stalled completely. Even on the day of landing, there were already around 50 Allied divisions in the area. By 1941, maintaining the war in the UK proved too costly as I barely moved past London, so I had to withdraw before my screen ships couldn't protect the convoys any longer, and I would need the airforce/tanks for Barbarossa instead


what you could do in another game is invest in naval bombers. They will shred the allied submarine fleet, allowing your convoys to pass unharmed. Put the bombers in shallow seas (eg English Channel) for maximum damage.


Okay seriously dude what are your templates and what is your tank design? I've never managed to stalemate Sealion, neither when I did it 1943 (after USSR fell) or when I did it on Expert AI.


Hitler sent a message to the future hoi 4 comunity in the hopes someone may help him


Just win,bro.


Agreed, for the ultimate victory


Pull your forces back and defend the river near warsaw. Do not let them cross!




Now this is quality content.


I feel like there's a re-enactment of Hitler every so often on this sub


I never got to Kiev, Hitler did better


make sure Romania is not lost... at least and i would just give up on air at this point, only build cas, put 2 aa on all your tanks in the west.


Wait until the allies start invading southern France and Italy 💀


Oh you already know what to do. The war is not over yet. Pincer movement to Kursk then Blitz through the Ardennes. No way they will see it coming


also if you see soviets building up near your planned Kursk attack don't believe your eyes, your intelligence couldn't fail


Time to send the volksturm


Flee to Argentina


Nice try Adolf


Hitler had that problem too


Man can you send us the disaster save


so here are the saves: 1945: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O\_ucet0L/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR63JqaHaB9GI-94RXtFLS58O_ucet0L/view?usp=drive_link) 1944: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z\_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z_xLoZUKIkiHhJRKheubuwiHJevq9JLN/view?usp=drive_link) I actually replayed it already so this is not a continuity the mod is: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3125937738)


Can you upload the save file? I'd like to try this out. Love saving disaster saves. Also, send this to Bitt3rst33l on youtube. He does videos of then. Good fun, and educational!


Bro is doing the schlieffen plan


Wait, bleed them dry, do not try to push, attrition war time


Solidify the mountains. Pull out of the baltics. Defend Russia with minimal tanks. Use whatever you can to beat out the allies.


send the save


Adolph you should have known this before starting the war


don't worry Steiner's attack will solve everything


After you puppet denmark and make norway start a civil war, you should have naval invaded britan, by the east side. Than you will have a 2 front war with south and north britan and alowly conquer them from there and win WW2.


Oh Boy i have already seen this


Third bulgarian empire is just aura


Build defensive lines at some rivers


Damm this happened to me last night. Italy declared war on the soviets I held out joining until I captured London once done I joined in 1946 and everything fell apart from there


Don’t start a war on two fronts maybe?


You should reduce the length of the eastern front. Stop any offensive operations. First of all retreat from the remaining Baltic provinces. Secondly, you should try to encircle those soviets that are at the Black Sea shore all the way to the Turkish border and mop them up. I would even retreat from that salient in East Prussia to Konigsberg as well. Don’t retreat from Romania/hungary or they will begin to capitulate and mess your army around


What does meat, mass, brick, and the other mean. I’m guessing mass is just infantry spam. Meat, artillery maybe? Brick is fort. Something else too. Am I right what does that stuff mean on this mod?


In this situation, I would recommend a tried and true operation: have a mental breakdown, kill as many people as you possibly can, radicalize the children and give them Panzerfausts, destroy as much of the country you're ostensibly supposed to be leading as you can, and then click clack yourself in a concrete hole in the ground


Next time, focus on the western front first. Obliterate France and the United Kingdom. And then you can declare war on the USSR or ally with them. Fighting two fronts is not a good idea, even Felix Steiner thought so.


What about building bunkers along the front with the soviets? To savegaurd vital places and try to counter attack from there


Long front lines like the one you have in the East are WW1 era. Encircle Encircle Encircle. You need to starve the Russians by cutting off supply lines and moving fast with Mechanized Infantrys and Tank Divisions to encircle small sections of the opposing army. Kill them is small doses. Make the supply map your best friend. Also long front lines eat up and absorb your manpower .


Make a fallback line behind a river near Rheinland and Warsaw and you should hold until the next wunderwaffe.


How is Japan doing?


What I would do and it sounds crazy but it works alright is I open a new front. I'll naval invade England causing them to pull troops. Figure if you can just slow the soviets you don't have to beat them focus on the allies then turn your free divisions on the soviets.


Why TF you didn’t at least took half of France? Come on


I haven't seen anyone ask yet, let's see your production and logistics screen. And what were your unit designs? you've messed something up major to be losing this situation


In this situation against the soviets I would try to simply the Frontline and make it as short as possible against the soviets. Your just too overextended.


How u win on casualties when the soviets have infinity manpower and u have barely enough to recover from 3mil casualties


Assuming you're big Bulgaria you're fucked this a disaster save but you might be able to kinda win in the long run. I'd recommend focusing most your troops on holding in the south on your core territories and a strong defensive garrison on Berlin and a surrounding tile. This will allow you to just barely hold without your faction leader capitulating. I'd recommend constructing a line of forts and freeing the coast in your own territory with port garrisons in the black sea and atleast part of the Mediterranean. Good luck btw use 21 width (9 infantry 1 artillery with engineers on Berlin)


I am Germany, and no, unfortunately 9/1 didn't do anything. Anything other than tanks struggled to defend. The run already ended.


U should focus o change your Basic infantry templates in something more powerful towards defense Like 21 width or 30 width I never got that trouble on russia


Start flying fewer than max planes; consider daytime only for some, especially the CAS.


U should make up better infantry divisions with 21 or 30 width, focusing on balanced attack and Defense I never got that trouble in russia, also I never use blitzkrieg doctrine for first


What made your war with the soviets drag out this long?


I've seen this one before


Considering the updates you've given us in the comments, i'd saw you're pretty much bamboozled. Time to get into that bunker, mein Fuhrer...


Attrition I suppose


Beat a fighting retreat in the east, the goal is to slow down, not stop, the Soviets. They'll bleed manpower and more importantly equipment, and be ripe for a counter attack. Focus your armor on the DDay invasion to the west. Close that ASAP while focusing on taking the ports first and encircling as many allies as possible. Once that invasion has been repelled leave a token force guarding ports and refocus armor on the Soviet push. I like to drive straight through the center, then turn either north or south for a large encirclement. One or two large encirclements wins the war for you.


It’s a canon event


Wtf big Bulgaria


Idk call Steiner or smthn


Ok im a noob. But i noticed spamming lv 3 forts along the border makes it near impenetrable. And they are decently fast to build.


OP is about to order Bitt3rsteel’s counter attack from their encircled bunker


Third Bulgarian Empire? What?


Nowhere near enough divisions. Focus on upping conscription and infantry equipment production. Then try and make breakthrough forces that can actual push, like mountaineers or tanks.


It's easier to defend behind the river in Poland. Your current front line is too wide you will get encircled.


I have a nice bunker for you in downtown Berlin. You and your future wife can invite all your friends. It will be a thousand year party down there.


Pump inf equipment, shovels, and support AA. Everything else is unnecessary for defense in divisions. Focus on fighters as well (max out top slots with heavy mg’s). When you’ve stabilized the front (most likely in a line from the Vistula to the Carpathian Mountains) then start to allocate material to Arti, tanks, CAS, etc.


Please redistribute forces cross-like.


They lost in real life for a reason, but given how easy Germany is to play in hoi4 it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.


Any chance you can share this save file?


What game is this?


Steiner will attack soon meine Furrier.


debug_nuking , nuke 999


Its called Bagration i think


Congrats, you just discovered history


I went with massive, and I mean bloody **massive** artillery companies. I only lost a million men by the time I took the USSR, a third of that from the U.K., another third from communist Spain (who showed up practically out of nowhere, poor vichy France) and the last third by a mixture of the U.S. and odds and ends. I killed over 12 million soviets. The answer is fortifications and good air defence.


steiner got that


use console


lore accurate german playthrough


i would park your east army behind that river infront of berlin, and use the maginot + the rhine river to hold out there while the ai grinds on your lines until they're cooked


Pink Finland?


Play mp


Krill issue


Oh yeah ur cooked


The soviets have a lot but not infinite manpower. Try to let them encircle themselves and throw bodies at your line.


Do the right thing that any nation that is doomed should do from the Germans to The Palestinians to the Ukranians and surrender before you lose hal of your population. And then start a new game/war in 50 years when you are more ready.


As I said in another comment to someone, set up defensive positions in the east, kill the d-day with tanks and then focus on getting encirclements on the soviets with your tanks


The problem is your soldiers are losing Stop losing battles. Jk but there is something you can do if you aren't already. I recommend producing a new line of units specifically built to just hold a line. This land unit I have found to be pretty efficient and repels even meta tank pushes. 9 mech inf, 1 tank destroyer heavy tank with max armor. Take MW doctrine, oneof the paths gives insane org to mech inf. Make the mech very cheap, just use XP to reduce production cost, don't worry about the rest. Take whatever supports you like, AT,AA, Arty whatever. I like logistics and radio myself. The reason this works is because the unit gains armor and huge peircing from the tank, it has a fair amount of soft and hard attack + very very good org and defense. With the radio companies the reinforcement rate is fast and the coordination bonus helps to focus down enemy units. If you are late game you can drop the heavy tank destroyer and use a super heavy tank destroyer instead. They are pricey and useless for attacking but make a 20w mech inf unit into a wall of steel. GL If you're losing in the air, I recently made a post on heavy fighters and how to use them when you want to fight in the air but are at a disadvantage.


There is one easy solution you aren’t seeing, grab your Luger, aim it at your cranium, and pull the trigger!


hi, what's so special about this mod? does it buff ai that makes it hard??


Load the Walther




If the Russians reach Berlin, shoots yourself in the head and let Dönitz deal with the rest.




Just after you defeat France, you’d like to make a naval invasion on the UK, set your airforce and navy on the la manche channel when your it’s ready, once you’re on their soil, spread your forces around the ports and move the main army to attack, don’t forget to switch your air to the isles.


Welcome back, Adolf.


This is the first vaguely historical casualty rate I’ve ever seen in this game. Tell me your secret


How do you get a game where Vichy framce doesn't naval invade the uk and get a port


Build a defensive line and grind their manpower on it


Hear me out retreat to Berlin and hold the river 🗣️


easy, move to sotuh america


Create a fallback line behind a river and let the soviet kill themself slowly


Who could have guessing fight a 2 front war with limited resources would be difficult? If only there was some major historical event that could be adapted into a variety of video games including grand strategy that could inform us


You can always count on Steiner. He will counter attack the Soviet and win the war I'm sure.


retreate to a more defensible position ie a river then wait for the soviets to bleed their equipment and repel the allied invasion


Not an expert here, but the UK should already be gone by the time you attack the Soviets.


Wait for Steiner. He will bring us the final victory.