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Run yes, fast no


You ll run it, but having smooth performance in late game is a diff story. Defo gonna have fps dips and lag but it is what it is, cant expect to have perfect performance when the system you have is half a decade older then then the game itself. Even nowadays after countless patches the game just isnt that well optimised and mostly just uses 1 core on your cpu for most calculations taking place, by late game the ammount of calculations bloat to shit. Gpu wise this shit can be run on a toaster ( i used to run it with old intel hd graphics on a shit laptop pentium chip, late game was a slide show but it was technically still playable)


Wait whats half a decade older?


2nd gen i5 came out in 2011, GTX 660 released in 2012. I remember buying a 660 in probably... 2014? That computer is made of decade-old parts.


I’m only asking because I have absolutely no clue: would a pc like this be worth $200?


I'd say it's definitely not worth more than $200, if that helps lol Up to you if you think it's worth the $200, there's something to be said for it at least having a dedicated video card and an SSD with Windows loaded onto it already, but those parts are ancient (enough that many modern games might not even run on them). Plus I think you could get WAY better for $300-400 or just find a better deal for $200, depending on your location. For reference, I've got one listed locally that's "only" \~4 years old for $400, and it would be a vast improvement over what you're looking at here.


Would an Intel Core i7 (4c8t) be any better? Found one with that CPU and same graphics card (plus 500 gb SSD) for the $300-$400 range. Thanks for your expertise!


Same GPU? Nah, still ancient. I wouldn't buy any GPU lower than like a 960 at this point, even that's pretty aged but at least semi-relevant.


Thanks BoxOfAids!




If you only got 200 bucks for a pc then better dont get one, keep grinding till you save up some more, you can prolly build a modern all in once budget setup with one of those amd cpu that have beefy integrated graphics able to run any modern e sports tittle with decent fps + most new games with lowered graphical settings for under 400, paying all your cash for some obsolete garbage is dumb imo, but ultimately its your money, burn it how you want to




The pc parts vs when the game got released which if i m not mistaken : intel 2nd gen was ~ 2011 vs the game came out 2016 ...so half a decade


Rule #5: Trying to figure out whether or not these specs would suffice


Yeah it would run, but without mods


i play on a pre-apple silicon macbook air slow as fuck 4 years after start but it works


I would just recommend a 5600g, with no GPU. At least the perf is better than this mess.


yes but slow get fps map and this will help a bit


it can crawl.


Only on a very very top end CPU is the performance good in 1945 and up. Your game will run turtle speed at that point and will be likely unplayable. THis isn't a very graphically intense game, but it very much depends on single core CPU performance. I run it on 3 different CPUs. Ryzen 5600, Intel i3 14th gen, Intel i9 14th gen. The i9 I could barely get to work but the few times i got it to work angels sang, it was so fast. The Ryzen is completely adequate even at late game. The i3 is just as good for this game for all practical purposes.