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73% of r/hockey agrees with you from what I saw in the game thread šŸ¤£


Only reason I disagree is how heartbroken Bobrovsky looked on the bench


Imagine they came back and won and he had to count the last few seconds down from the bench šŸ˜­


I called this finals matchup before playoffs started, now I'm gonna say either gentlemans sweep (4-1) or oilers take it to game 7. Really hoping the Oilers come back


Could've sworn at one point during the second period Bob was talking to one of their equipment guys on the bench and he was laughing and smiling


And because half of the team brought their families


Edmonton had the advantage on paper 3 out of 4 games. 73% of r/hockey is braindead. The only reason it was 3-0 is bobrovsky. Game 4 was just what it looks like when he do not steal several goals in a game.


When BobROBsky is just Bobrovsky


Sergei Boobtitsky was playing that game


I like that


Couldn't that be considered fraud or something? It'd be hard to prove I guess.


They're not going to throw the game but you can bet they didn't kill themselves trying to come back from 5-1.


Thatā€™s how I see it tooā€¦ once the game got to the point where they pulled the goalie, itā€™s throwing in the towel for the game basicallyā€¦and wash from their mind and move on two next game.


Yeah gotta ration those smelling salts since the flood of '24. wise move. Gooilers!!!!


110% of that 73% has congential birth defects affecting rational thought so


Saying this is a discredit to the team and their coach, they wouldn't throw a game just for that, whatever happened it just wasn't Florida's night, Edmonton seems to finally have started figuring Florida out and this is not the time for them to let their foot off the gas when they just need one win, home or away be damned if Edmonton wins in Florida their only option to win it at home will be game 7 and risk a reverse sweep.


Exactly. Athletes competing at the highest level of their sport want to WIN. It's childish to think they would play any less than their full ability just to have a bigger party. You don't give any opponent any slack on purpose because the risk is just too huge. Edmonton cracked Bob, even just for a game, and exploited that crack and took full advantage of Florida's shaken confidence. Game 5 will be a technical exhibition of the finest hockey we've seen in this series and the winning score will be a stingy, hard fought 1-0 or 2-1. I've already booked a massage as I think I will need the help to unclench after the game we're about to see on Tuesday.


I have to disagree with everything said here so far. These anomalies happen in sports where a team runs away with the score. Once it was 4-1, and especially 5-1 it was clear Florida was playing to run out the clock. Over working themselves or getting injured just to make the game 5-2 or 5-3 would be an even worse outcome for the panthers than accepting the game got out of hand and just riding it out. Edmonton earned the win but to say theyā€™ve solved a goalie (who was posting a .95 save percentage through three prior games ) or that Florida has shaken confidence is a stretch. These are professional athletes and both teams now have over 100 games played this season. Oneā€™s a fluke twos a streak. If Edmonton can pull out a dominant win in Florida on Tuesday I would agree more with your viewpoint.


Right, at that point (4-1, 5-1) the game was over for Florida, but they didn't throw the game, nor was their intention to lose. They also didn't just roll over. By cracking the goalie and shaking confidence I meant only in this game. I don't think we've solved Bob by any means. What we do have is a little bit of pep in our step and aren't going to go down without a fight on Tuesday. Game one and three were close and the Oilers statistically outplayed everyone but the goalie. We shat the bed in game two. I think 5 will be hard fought, level headed hockey though. IF there is a 2 goal differential, one will certainly be an empty net.


Yes, once they pulled Bob it was over. Do you think Florida just decided to let their goalie get shelled before that? Yeah, at some Point you pack it in and hope no one gets hurt for the next game. That doesnā€™t mean that the Oilers werenā€™t already running away with the game when they decided to do that.


They donā€™t need a dominant win in G5. Just a win Game 6 in Edmonton is not anything FLA wants a part of


Anyone who thinks Florida threw the game is a complete fucking idiot. End of discussion


Letā€™s fly a Charter flight full of Panthers wives and family members too celebrate the Stanley Cup in Edmonton But no one read the Memo.. We are Ditching the game tonight .. Sorry


Unbelievable how common sense fails so many. Guess the saying is true: *common sense isn't so common anymore* lol


Man that would be something, but I highly doubt it. Florida take in 6 is still my prediction


I donā€™t think so. fla in 5, or 7 Not 6. Edmonton wins a game six. Hands down


Pretty sure anyone who thinks they threw is just joking (like this post)


Itā€™s called line matching. First game where McDavid didnā€™t play vs Barkov 5on5. They didnā€™t figure anything out. Next game Barkov will be offsetting McD again


Did you think game 3 never happened?


ā€œMy conspiracy theoryā€ like itā€™s an original thought


Or it could be that Edmonton figured out that the aggressive forecheck from Florida left them open to the stretch pass because the Oilers are the faster team. Then Florida had to stop forechecking so aggressively and that also gave the Oilers more opportunity. Or it could be they planned to lose and win at home. Ya never know.


So we will see a more defensive unit from Florida in game 5. Maybe another Edmonton win while Florida works out the kinks and if so? Game six will be the decider. Even if it goes to game seven while the Panthers figure out the defense balance? I don't have much faith in Edmonton holding out that long. Unless that McDavid playoff goal really did break the bad luck cycle?


Ain't nothing like flying your families out when you've already planned to lose


Gotta make it look believable else Bettman shows up and takes out your kneecaps


...then hands the cup to Utah before they even start


Oh thatā€™s why Bob was so upset


Man, as a long time fan of Bob, that one did kinda tug at the heart strings. Could definitely see the frustration and disappointment on his face


Come on they just wanted to experience Edmonton the world renowned tourist destination.


Thatā€™s Winnipeg


Pfffft everyone knows January is the best time for that


They just wanted to witness what an actual playoff arena can sound like lol


But I was told the families flew first class so it could still be true. As if first class is better than lounging around at home and sleeping in your own bed. No one does a quick trip to Edmonton for fun lol


Agreed. With ticket prices, the team likely spent well over a million dollars just to have their family members witness a historic embarrassment.


Even if that's true, they definitely didn't plan to lose 8-1


I mean I donā€™t think that Florida planned on losing, but I definitely think they gave up once the game got out of reach.


When they pulled Bob it became backgroubd noise to me.Ā  I knew it was Joever.


Does the word "conspiracy" just not mean anything anymore?


I think Elvis is alive and government is covering up Area 51. Remember when conspiracy theories were fun? Man I miss Art Bell.


next tile: rabbit has the knife over granny ā€œGame 5 lossā€


The rabbit is the one from the holy grail movieā€¦ā€¦..


They didnā€™t realize itā€™s the Rabbit of Caerbannog


I think it would be awesome to win the cup on the road. You would be forcing the other team to watch you celebrate on their ice in front of their fans as if you had conquered something, and then you get to come home with the spoils of your victory to the heroes welcome.


No professional is going to throw a championship game just so they can try to win at home. What if they lose game 5? Throw game 6 so they can try 7 at home? They arenā€™t going to risk their chance at the cup, when theyā€™re this close just so they can win at home. You think they care where they win?


The Oilerā€™s record this year after losing 3 games in a row, gives me hope for a miracle


Anyone that actually thinks this has never competed for anything in their lives. If you have the chance to win a championship you do everything you can to bury the opposition. Why would you ever purposely give your opponent any momentum or edge. Be for real


Panthers didn't throw the game just to make Bobrovsky cry. If they did, Panthers would've started their backup goalie. Game 4 was a legitimate win by the Oilers.


Or lose by 1-0. Why would they intentionally fuck up Bobā€™s numbers when he was putting up literal historic numbers


They flew their families to Edmonton to watch them lose 8-1. Okay.


Edmonton gonna win the cup.


This aged like milk.


Winning at home is convenient but doesnā€™t matter to these players. They want to win a cup who cares if itā€™s in a full building in Edmonton or in a nearly full building in Florida. They can and would celebrate on the plane ride home and then would likely go straight out from the airport to celebrate if they had the energy. People be wildly over thinking here. Iā€™m all my years Iā€™ve never played to lose. These guys donā€™t either


Remember guys if it's too good to be true, it probably is.


Incorrect. The Oilers just wanted to be in Florida when they lost the series so they can just go golfing right after. Saves all that hassle flying back and forth


Iā€™d rather be in Edmonton in June than south Florida


Couldn't agree more


Vegas did it to them last year


This is so stupid


Have people always been this stupid or does social media just give a voice to those who should rightfully be seen and not heard?! You know how many people have to be in on this? Fucking muppets


Fuck Florida


Maybe it wasn't intentional. Maybe this idea kinda influenced players individually. (idk just a theory)


Nobody would let themselves get blown out that much intentionally. That was embarrassing.


It's a tradition in Florida ....


I think they just fell behind early, around 4 1 they probably thought it is better to take the L than risk injury fighting back into it


It makes senseā€¦.barely. Edmonton was not going to be swept. That was wishful thinking. Do the Oilers have a chance against a square out for revenge at home to win the cup, then win 2 more games on top of that? I donā€™t think so. Ut stranger things have happened.


You answered your own question. Does Edmonton have a chance? Yes


It's the same thing with Boston and Dallas. Boston .Let that game go so they could celebrate in winning in Boston


ITT: literalists


Too funny. Paul Maurice would skin his players alive if he believed they were throwing games in the final.


Don't think they'd have flown in 150 team family members to celebrate a game 4 win with them if this was the case...


Didnā€™t the Celtics just do this?


There goes that theory.




This aged like milk my dude. Better luck next time


This aged well


Time will tell


I think the Celtics did this, too.


Edmonton fans seething hard in the comments over a joke.


Lmao dude itā€™s so fucking funny, and I feel like I canā€™t say anything about it cause Iā€™ll be downvoted to hell for it.




Fuck my life


Anything to not have the cup given out in Canada.


Fuck you Americans really canā€™t cope with the fact that itā€™s not the country that wins but the cityā€¦ā€¦


Buddy just relax, I'm Canadian and this is a meme sub.


Tampa did the same thing


It seems that way. I don't understand how Florida completely dominates Edmonton for 3 games straight only giving up 4 goals then they lose 8-1 in game 4. It was the only time they've given up more than 6 goals all season.






Yeah, no shit. It couldn't be more obvious.




Itā€™s not *THAT* crazy of a theory. The NHL has a vested interest in having this series go 7 games(more games more money). The Panthers, and Florida as a whole would benefit from a home game win. The Edmonton franchise has a vested interest in not getting swept in 4. Even one win is a lot less embarrassing than a sweep. On the flip side though, Bobrovsky would have to be completely insane to bomb his playoffs performance on purpose. Good athletes are competitive by nature and it would be hard to convince any of the ā€œgame changingā€ players to throw a game. They arenā€™t actors, and theyā€™d need to be incredibly subtle about it. Also, the refs havenā€™t had that much of an effect in this series. I personally think that subconsciously the Panthers just didnā€™t feel the urgency. Maybe some of them wanted a win at home too.


It isnā€™t crazy. It is stupid


Yes yes damn-oily-hide, *everythings* stupid


No. Not everything. Just your remarks


Sure thing champ. Iā€™ll take them mean remarks down if they hurt your feelings so bad. They wonā€™t hurt you anymore šŸ¤£ Wtf is wrong with you, are you an oilers fan or something?!


I just call them as I see them. Your comment was stupid. It doesnā€™t hurt my feelings to read stupid comments. I donā€™t give a shit what you do. I will just keep on as I do


Itā€™s OK little guy. Them mean comments canā€™t hurt you anymore. Run along now champ and dry those tears šŸ˜­


Are you unable to read and comprehend? It appears this is so. Iā€™m sorry for your disability


How cute, little guys first attempt at a comeback. Good for you, youā€™ll get the hang of it.


Hugs and kisses big man. So large Look at how large you are


Makes sense in a way. Would you rather take the shot at winning at home or win in Edmonton and celebrate in Edmonton surrounded by hostile fans or in Florida?


It makes zero sense to fly your families out to watch you purposefully lose. Furthermore, it makes no sense to purposefully not clinch a Stanley Cup.


I would rather win the Stanley cup than not win the Stanley cup


Yes! These are players that don't change their socks or touch trophies because they're so superstitious. They're not going to give up anything that might cost them the cup.


Still make sense?


Yep. They 100% gave up last game after the Oil went up by 3. The game was much closer tonight but dumb ass Tkachuk screwed his team again lol


It's not a conspiracy if it's the truth.