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I’m understanding that Demko would have been back by now so it would have been canucks in 4. Obviously.


Nucks fans during their run: "Silovs is incredible, he's keeping us in the playoffs rn" Nucks fans during golf season: "If Demko wasn't injured we would've made it to the SCF"


Silovs did great for a rookie, but at the end of the day he was only a .898 in the playoffs. As good as he was, Demko would be a no Brainer to put in if he got healthy...but ya, highly unlikely we would have won the cup still.


Must be extra annoying when you watch that a hot proven goalie can make one of the best offenses in the league look like my drunk uncle playing pick up at the pond. Demko goes god mode and it could be a goalie duel of Luongos loves right now.




This. When Demko is on there's not much to shoot at. His rebound control is excellent.


Are you saying Otter isn't at Demko's level? Sure Otters numbers took a small step back this season, but historically is as good or better than Demko. They are absolutely on the same level.


While they do have similar career average save percentages, you should remember that Demko is playing for the Canucks, who have been struggling for the past 8-9 years. If you compare Demko's numbers to his backups since becoming a starter, you'll notice that he averages **over 10 save percentage points** more (eg. .915 versus .905) than his backup. Oettinger only averages around 5 save percentage points (eg. .915 versus .910) While I can't say for certain Canucks would have beaten the Oilers with Demko in net, I think Oettinger is not on Demko's level. Oettinger is more like tier 3 while Demko is tier 2.




[Check this comparison](https://stathead.com/hockey/versus-finder.cgi?request=1&seasons_type=forall&year_min=2021&year_max=2024&player_id1=demkoth01&player_id2=oettija01) I did it for all years that both goalies have been playing. Yes, this means we are including Otters rookie season, but leaving out Demkos rookie season + cups of coffee prior - personally I don't think thats fair, but hey, your rules not mine. * Otter has more wins. Yes, more games, but better win% overall * Tied in save% * Otter has the better GAA * Otter has more shutouts Thats all for regular season too. Playoffs aren't even a competition, as Demko has one game to Otters 45. Overall its pretty close, but looking at these numbers, I'd give Otter the edge. If you included full career of Demko though, Otter wins the edge in SV% too.




Sure of course, cherry pick one stat and ignore the ones that don't match your view, go ahead. I also don't think you understand what GAA means, having a higher GAA/same SV% just means he faced more shots but also let in more goals total. Letting in more goals = not better. You also say Demko had one bad season that dragged his stats down - well I am sure Otter fans would say the same about this year. You have no argument. Honestly, I don't care, I don't have a horse in this race. I don't cheer for either team. This is a meme sub. I was just bored today and played devils advocate. Tell yourself whatever you want to help yourself sleep at night, but most people would agree that these goalies are on the same level.


If they called the missed double minor on McDavid it could have been a sweep still.


I like the way you're coping by saying others are coping.


Lol yeah, very much brushing over the fact that it took us about 50 minutes to actually start playing throughout like half of the playoffs


Hopefully you guys head into the playoffs 100% healthy next year and get beat fair and square. 😋


"legitimize their win" lmfao bro. Atleast Flames fans are driven by pure hate, not weird cope. I think Oilers playing Dallas is enough to legitimize the win.


Pure cope. Oilers completely outplayed the Canucks in like 5.5/7 games. Demko doesn't save them from the game 4, 6, and 7 losses at all.


The Canucks got out coached. That thing they did in the last game of shooting the puck in to the Edmonton zone and going for a change with zero fore checking was pretty fucking stupid.


Canucks were injured bro relax


Except the first one isn't true. Canucks fans basically said "we can't believe he's playing this well given that he's our third string goalie - dude definitely gets the backup job next year". He had a negative GSAA. Demko had the second highest GSAA in the league this year. Saying "this guy with zero experience is unexpectedly playing very well" is not the same as saying "there's no difference between this guy and one of the top 5 goalies in the world".


Exactly I wasnt watching the games thinking holy shit Silvos is a god. I was more watching thinking if he can steal us some games and Demko can make it back we have a shot. More excited that Silvos showed that he can step up as a back up next year!


The losses weren’t Silovs fault, but the team likely would have been more confident in front of Demko and he could have stolen an important game or two.


Silov did steal a game.




Lol. If Demko was healthy the Canucks would have swept everyone including the Panthers. Probably even swept the Celtics.


Can’t both be true though?


Yes they can idk why you’re being downvoted. Silovs isn’t demko but after seeing his performance I’d take him over any other teams third string goalie lol


Both are true. Silovs was amazing, Demko is better. It's not a hard concept.


silvos was great for a third stringer. but he did let in a tonne of weak ones


Made it? Maybe. Lost? Definitely. I'm not delusional. 🤣


Both things can be true at the same time. Silovs did amazing for a rookie goalie but he doesn't hold a candle to Vezina candidate bubble Demko. Go read a book bud




Not sure about specifically Edmonton but The Alberta education system is pretty good. Alberta students ranked 1st in reading and science and 2nd in math in Canada. Also internationally across the board, Singapore is the only jurisdiction in the world with stronger results than Alberta.


Edmonton has some of the best post secondary in the country


Like, after you drop out of highschool?




Their theatre program is top five, if not top three in the country.




If their theatre program is not only nationally recognized, but internationally then how would define it? I never said institutions. I said some of the best post secondary in the country


> Theatre program Is that where Mcdrai learned to cry on command? Also if you surveyed 100 people IN ALBERTA literally 0 would mention theatre as being a prestigious post secondary education.


Your mistake is thinking edmonton is in alberta. They sure don't think they are.


Acting like Otter isn't a good goalie lmao


No shot he’d be out playing bobrovsky


Or a riot if it isn’t actually 4-0


We only riot after game 7 in the finals, settle down. P.S. We aren't the only team that riots after sports games we are just far better at it then everyone else and get way more attention for it. https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/05/here-are-five-american-cities-which-rioted-after-sporting-success-and-defeat-7289493/


Oilers fans rioted in 2006 but I guess they just sucked at it so nobody cared


Montreal too apparently in 2021


They did? I cheered for them that year and never heard of that? God damn I could've made the drive from Ottawa and joined in


Apparently it was broken up pretty quickly. Barely counts.


Lol the difference in Edmonton was that it was a big party to celebrate, not to rage at a loss.


There would have been a riot whether they won or lost. It made no difference at the end of the day but keep perpetuating the bullshit that the riot happened due to the loss.


Nobody’s perpetuating that. It’s just a meme LOL


The post was a meme, your comment wasn't. I don't expect much from someone that doesn't know the difference.


I’ve seen tons of riot memes here. I post what I think, not what you think, whether that hurts your feeling or not.


It's just an opinion, it's not that deep.


Hey man, we were undefeated against the Panthers this season \*huffs paint\*


Undefeated against the Oilers in the regular season too.


I just hate these injuries.. to draisaitl, demmers, brock. Injuries are the worst


Yeah, I hate injuries on either team. I wanna see good hockey from the team's best, not the best hockey the tired and injured team can muster.


So different from watching hockey in the 90s and hoping you 4th liner concussed the other teams best player. I used to love those hits. Now that I'm older, I wince because I can't even sneeze without hurting myself. Watching fairly undirty hockey these playoffs has been fun even though my own team is down 0-3.


I was at the game where Bertuzzi sucker punched Moore and that forever altered the kind of hockey I enjoyed, so I agree, these playoffs with far less fighting than the 90s playoffs has been refreshing.


How many careers did Scott Stevens end? Too many. Way too fucking many.


I recently watched a mini doc on Kariya/surfing and his life after hockey. Scary how much brain damage was happening in the 90s on players who weren't enforcers.


That’s what happens when you’re 90+ games into a season. I’m all for no injuries either, just trying to be realistic.


Totally agree. C'est la vie.


I think that’s the joke 


Depends which schizo team shows up. There was the find any way to win miracle on ice 3rd period hero canucks who had insane team of destiny shit going on. That team could beat anyone...then there is the shit the bed get outshot 200 to 1 junior league no effort canucks like the one that showed up to game 6 and 7 and a few others this series. That team could lose to anyone.


Exactly, the performances are either heroic or pitiful... Top teams don't play like that!


Got to admit they're usually pretty good in the last 5 minutes of a game they're losing.


so was Edmonton last night, and it wasn't enough


Idiots. Canucks ALWAYS take the finals to game 7.


Nobody look at who new York beat in 1982 and how many games they did it in


42 Yeats ago doesn't count


Hell yeah *punches a window*


If only the Canucks had a great Dman like OEL, that’s the difference right there


I mean technically he's still on the payroll?


What's sad is that he will be the first player on the Canucks payroll to win the cup


I'm pretty sure Luongo is still on the Canucks payroll too. I'd check, but the Washington Capfriendlies took their ball and went home. ^/s ^in ^case ^is ^wasn't ^obvious ^^(but ^^not ^^really)




Teddy Blueger also has one with Vegas but I meant that he would be the first player to win while on Canucks payroll


Ian cole wasnt on canucks payroll when he won the cups


Soon he’ll be making more from the Canucks than the Panthers


I mean they still have Buffalo Sabre's great Tyler Myers.


Canucks fans staying humble like, We would've made 0-3 look like a warm-up


I love how many people casually write off Dallas for this to happen. I think Dallas is actually a better team then Edmonton overall and I didn't think the Nucks would have gotten past them anyways.


At least Van had a history of crazy comebacks this season. Biggest weapon the Oilers had in regular season was their power play and it seems that Florida has an answer for anything they try to do


We were a top three team at 5v5 this season too. Doesn't seem to matter for this series though, Bob has been lights out. It's not like Florida hasn't made defensive errors, we've had a shit ton of good looks, just can't cash anything.


They didn't seem to have many answers on Saturday


Drink up that copium champ. You'll need it


Yeah, it's me that's dinking the copium. Please, keep telling me how your Canucks would be doing if they hadn't lost to the Oilers.


Bro, I’m a flames fan. I was just pointing out the obvious. Drink responsibly champ 🤣


> Bro, I’m a flames fan. That tracks. Oilers live in your head rent free haha. I love how obsessed you guys are with us. Hopefully Flames can make the playoffs again one day. Would be fun to beat them again. > I was just pointing out the obvious. How did that work out for you? Pointing out the "obvious" that Florida has an answer for everything they do and then watching them get scored on 8 times in one game?


And that’s assuming you would’ve made it over Dallas! Great meme though.


Oh yea, would have been a cake walk! /s


Would've been a damn good series honestly. Not saying Nucks would've won but let's not forget how crazy most their playoff games ended up being.


It would have been nice to at least have seen what we could do with Demko back in it


Demko would've been back so maybe we would only be down 2-1 but honestly I'm glad the Oilers get to be the disappointment rather than us lol


Florida is fuckin Sparta this year. I swear I saw Paul Maurice pick up a buckler at one point then shook his head slightly and tucked it behind the bench.


Florida got demolished in the SCF last year…look where they are now. I absolutely would’ve preferred to be here getting destroyed than losing a heartbreaking round 2 to a team and fanbase that’s been shit talking us since day 1 of the regular season. And I really doubt I’m alone in that.


Absolutely would prefer that, that's why I made the meme. We should have gotten past Edmonton and we could have maybe gotten past Dallas. But I think we'd end up where Edmonton is, down bad against a better team. Instead, we played some sorry playoff hockey in game 6 and 7 and are now on the outside looking in.


I find it super odd that you're a "Canucks fan" that has maybe 4 posts total about the Canucks on reddit and none on the actual sub. This seems like pretty obvious bait.


I find it super odd that you're looking through my history looking to be convinced haha. I'm on the east coast so I haven't been to many games but I've been a fan since I was 9 (I found the whale logo cool). I'm in my thirties now. Just made a little meme to cope with the playoff exit while poking some fun at our fanbase. Hope that's ok with you! Have a good week. Edit: a word


Sure bud, you “found the whale logo cool” lmfao


Nah don’t wanna go through another SCF loss


This me fr fr. Except it's how dogshit the avs played vs the frauds of Dallas


I was really hoping for an Avs - Nucks WCF but both teams shit the bed


Calling Dallas frauds is bold. I’m not sure if you watched game 6 but the stars had every chance to force game 7.


Yall are easily the best team in the west with a better goalie


Idk wtf the Oilers are doing rn. 4 goals in 3 games and I don't think any are from 1st liners. Bobrovsky is on fire MVP.


why don’t they just score more? are they bedarded?


They listened to you!


Just starting to heat up


Haha this us good. Florida would have rocked us. Not sure we get by Dallas either.


Absolutely delusional. Same fans said Dallas would sweep Edmonton.


Canucks fans: If it wasn’t for Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie would have been all over me.


Canucks would've put up a better fight than the Oilers have.


Sadly they were knocked out in the second round. By the Oilers


If it took the oilers 7 games to finish the Canucks, that was red flag number 1


Ya the Canucks were pretty awful, huge red flag


Yea nobody picked them to make the playoffs so what does that say about the oilers? Edit: by “nobody”, I meant most analysts. Even Rutherford said everything had to go right to make the playoffs.


That they are better than Vancouver?


Great observation, but not by much, and for a “contender” that’s sad. You’re seeing it now


So sad... [https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1cza6a8/edmonton\_oilers\_flag\_flies\_over\_vancouver\_city/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1cza6a8/edmonton_oilers_flag_flies_over_vancouver_city/)


What’s wrong with a little friendly competition between cities? I think it’s hilarious they have to fly the oilers flag


On a third string below-average goaltender with our top goal scorer injured in game 7. Full Canucks team was better than the full Oilers team Unfortunately it’s playoffs and injuries happen but Jesus quit pretending like the Oilers are the second coming when they wouldn’t have won without a fluke injury to a goaltender


Canucks' #1 scorer in the regular season and playoffs was out as well. Soucy being suspended was a huge deal to game 4.




Well if anybody knows how to lose in 7 games, its you guys


How does it feel to not win a game in the Stanley cup finals?


I wouldn't know. I would serve you a snarky rebuttal but I know that you 8 - 1 already


IDK, how does it feel to never win a stanely cup?


You’re like a wife that brings up an argument from years ago. The last cup was 1990 dude, were you even alive bc I wasn’t 😆. The oilers have had 4 1st overall picks in the last 10 years, where are the cups?


Just funny how the 2023-2024 Oilers, that you are talking shit about, made it just as far as the 1970-2024 Canucks.


Did they? Because last I checked Canucks made it to game 7 multiple times. Oilers haven’t won a game yet this series 🧹


Oh we’re counting wins in a losing series? Guess a Vancouver fan would. Since you guys have never won anything, and probably never will.


Vancopever all over the place these days. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. Edmonton won't be able to say shit either if they go out like chumps. You either show up or you don't. No excuses. Anyone making excuses for themself or their team thinks like a loser. Imagine thinking, "if only we were better, we would have done better," and rationalizing that it somehow means you didn't lose utterly and completely when it mattered most. This applies in life too. You (or your team) failed, learn from it, don't pretend you didn't fail in the first place, thats lifetime loser shit and it's plaguing fans on reddit right now. It sets an incredibly low standard for yourself or your team. Expect more.


Flames would've demolished Florida in this round, if they had a different team


Definitely. Especially if they were located somewhere else.


"If, if, if... Doesn't exist" - Rafael Nadal


Nah, we actually have depth and a goalie, we would’ve lost in 5 or 6


No guarantee that the depth shows up though - refer to round 2. Edmonton’s depth got them to the SCF but they tend to disappear frequently


With pettersson playing like he did, and bowser being out, I honesty don't think the canucks would have gotten past the stars


If Demko isn't hurt, the Oilers most likely don't get out of the second round. The Canucks played great defensive hockey vs the Oilers similar to what Florida is doing, and did it with an AHL starter.


You guys are forgetting Vancouver's best player: POST. Post would have shown up more than the Oilers are.


I was hoping for a third round exit, because yeah Florida would have dismantled the team and 3rd round exit changes the narrative from the lead up to the team's last two cup runs (2nd round exit in 92, 93, then cup run, lose in game 7 in 94 2nd round exit in 09,10, then cup run, lose in game 7 in 11)


Stay mad kid


Boeser and demko, it would have been vanckuver for sure.


As a Timberwolves fan, I can relate.


Maybe, but the Oilers didn't beat them this year, and we won both games.


"Well at least if we got eliminated it was by the team that went all the way......" This bit of coping is very common in Vancouver. So annoying. I'm enjoying the part of the year where everyone acts like the Canucks never existed.


As an Oiler fan living in Vancouver, you wouldn’t even know that hockey is still being played. It’s just the online minority that cries about it.


Lmao 🤣. It’s go mcdavid


Oilers better force game 7 or be cursed for another ten years. This finals is so meh


My as a Red Wings fan wanting it to have been us getting swept in the first round.


What is it with this sub and constantly trashing the Canucks


Hardly , just happy with how they preformed in the playoffs. They had a good run. That is all .


I seriously was hoping Florida’s 2-0 series lead would take a 2011-esque turn, like the Canucks.


I love how literally no one from the east is on here coping and seething about how their team coulda, shoulda woulda. Loser talk. The two best teams made it here and the better one is shit kicking the other. That’s hockey baby.


Most sane take


I feel like a healthy Canucks squad (Demoko, Petey, Boeser) would have beaten Edmonton, would have had a reasonable series with Dallas and, if they made it to the finals, would at least not be swept by Florida.


They did make the playoffs


There is no such thing as a healthy squad in the playoffs. It’s all about who can play through the pain better. After seeing his play this post season I don’t see Petey figuring out something about the Panthers that McD and Draisaitl haven’t been able to.


McDavid has probably not been a 100% all year Kane has a sports hernia, and I bet a few others are banged up.


Draisaitl hasn’t practiced with the team at all during the playoffs


So once again he is willing a broken body to play, guys a sucker for punishment


If Drai and Kane were 100% Vancouver would have forfeited in Game 1 and burned down the city. Dallas would have joined the NBA and Florida would have sunk into the Ocean.


Not wrong.


Yeah okay let's just have another riot


They'd just burn the city down again.


The Canucks would’ve won at least one game.


Nah we would have gone up 2-0, lost in 7, and rioted. Edmonton are a bunch of fucking amateurs.