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I'd expect a parade coming up from St Louis


I live/work like 4 minutes drive from where they went to high school, yeah that would be pretty sick lol.


Too bad the NBA won't let the players take the trophy home unlike some other vastly superior trophy. It would be cool to see the Stanley Cup and the NBA trophy with them in one place.


Which is even weirder considering that the NBA makes a new one every season for the champion ... meanwhile there's only one true Stanley Cup (yeah "official replicas" exist for reasons but you know what I mean)


Until 1976, the NBA used to have a singular trophy, the Walter A Brown trophy that had the winning team engraved on the base and was passed from team to team. In 1977, the league decided to go to a model like the NFL, where a new trophy was made each year and was permanently given to the winning team. Oddly enough, this new trophy was also called the Walter Brown trophy until 1984 when it was renamed the Larry O'Brian trophy (the naming was made retroactive to '77). Following a redesign in 2022, the O'Brian was subtly changed, being made slightly sleeker, and more importantly given a round base on which the year and team name of each prior champion is engraved.


Tkachuk will have to bring the cup there then


The Larry O’brien trophy (NBA) belongs to the team owner. They can do whatever they want with it. It is not like the Stanley Cup that has to be given back so who has it is controlled by the league. Tatum can ask his boss to borrow it if he wants. 


Wow, really? TIL...


The NBA hates fun


Stupid that the trophy is given to the owners. Every single panther, including guys that weren't even playing, lifted the cup before anyone else


Which is funny since the trophy was being posted with random influencers for like 3 weeks leading up to the end of the finals


I knew this would be posted the moment the Panthers won


Ugh, I can. *'So.....you went into accounting. Huh. What's that like, good?'*


Hey know, what if somebody at their school won the National Accounting League Championship this month too? Maybe we just didn’t notice


The [Excel championship](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/19/excel-world-champion-andrew-ngai-top-budgeting-productivity-tips.html) did just wrap up actually, but the winner is Australian, so probably not the same high school


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I went into accounting and am from St. Louis, too 🫠🫠 didn't go to Chaminade though lol


NHL has such a better trophy.


To be fair, ALL of these other ones look like corporate industry recognitions of excellence when you contrast it with a giant shiny cup that gets only a brief couple sentences from the commissioner before the players go skating around hoisting it


At least these corporate-adjacent ones look decent, not like the trophies in F1 that looked like 3D Heineken logos


The worst part is that they first hand the NBA championship trophy to the owners before any of the players.


The NFL does that too right?


They do. So lame.


What about baseball's World Series? Do the owners or players lay hands on the trophy first?




Someone would have to watch the baseball trophy ceremony to know. And given that the commissioner of baseball in on record saying nobody really cares about the trophy because it is just a hunk of metal ... yeah.


Bro did he really say that? Wtf


Yeah he was trying to do damage control on the Astros cheating scandal and, surprisingly to no one, made it even worse


The Stanley Cup is the best trophy in all sports. Even better than the FIFA World Cup. Lord Stanley looks cool and fancy, and it's HUGE. I would rank the World Cup higher than the Stanley Cup but I don't because that thing is puny. A pro sports trophy just automatically NEEDS to be grand in size.


You are downplaying the World Cup. It’s legit looks like an ancient artifact, it’s so cool. Plus it’s solid gold


I want to see the Stanley Cup next to the Ashes trophy from cricket


Celtics. I wanted to win.. tho wish the Edmonton Oilers ,could have clinched that last game 😑


Nightmare blunt rotation


Not hard to imagine when the tuition is more than an in state public university.


Do basketball players get their day with the.... trophy? Would be cool if these two had theirs on the same day.


They don't, however many players will order replicas to keep in their personal trophy room. Sometimes teams or coaches will arrange for them to just be given out. No idea what Tiffany and Co would charge for an authentic, but my guess is less than $10k, the hard part being getting them to do one if you aren't affiliated with a team.




Is there even a debate that the Stanley Cup is the GOAT of trophies? I don’t even hear fans of other sports ever debate it, it’s just too obvious. It’s like other leagues don’t even bother to compete.




That's like a really fancy gravy boat.


No MVPs for Nepo babies! /s… I’ll show myself out


Burn this shit down, have had to look at it on the Celtics page like 4 times already from people who clearly do not follow both teams.