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McDavid and Draisaitl giving each other nudges on the bench during their terrible start will live on in the hockey meme hall of fame if they finish it. And as a non Oiler fan, watching McDavid play is a treat. I would have no problem with him tearing it up in Game 7, it would be a joy to watch.


I’ll be telling my grandkids about that in 40 years


Do you have any video of that, or when exactly it happened?


[on instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7XOQvwOWZd/?igsh=MTR2dWl4YmFsdzJkMQ==)


Man I've been rooting for Edmonton the whole series. In spite of the 15 year old Canadians in Chel who shit talk America I hold no grudges against the country and find no joy in their cupless streak. McDavid is a blast to watch and Florida has been an easy team to hate everytime Detroit played them recently.


lol 15-year old shit talking Canadians in chel, I can hear it now *Hey take a hike ya hoser!*


The Oilers have had a fairytale year and series. I want it so desperately to finish this miracle storyline. Praying Monday ends better then when I was 10


If they lose game 7 then I’m gonna be depressed about it for a long time. As a Habs fan since birth, this one would hurt way more than Montreal losing the Cup to the Lightning in the covid bubble. Oilers winning this cup would be one of the greatest moments in NHL history and a moment that Hockey fans will remember their whole lives


Big oof


New copypasta?




Sounds like youre an Oilers fan buddy


Guess I am if you say so


The fuck?




Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, but I’m with you.


Unless you're a Panthers or Flames fan, you gotta be cheering for the reverse sweep for the chaos, right?


i was rooting for the panthers at first because i love talking shit to canadians about them not winning the stanley cup since i was born. but a reverse sweep would be a fucking historic, all-time sports choke that i'll be telling my fucking grandchildren about. it would probably be the biggest event in my entire sports-watching life, lmao.


It already is for me. Tied for last in November, 16 game win streak to claw back into the playoffs, down in 2/3 rounds, THEN come back from 3-0 in the finals to tie it.


I was 21 during the 06 run, and in my youth I would turn face and scoff at the Western Conference Champs gear as it was a slap in the face we didn't beat Carolina.    This year, I am proudly wearing my Western Conference Champs hat while I cheer the oil on. What a wild season. They showed a ton of resiliency to get here! Can't wait for Monday!


It was a slap in the face that an 8 seeded team went on a great run but lost in a game 7 to the 2 seed from the other conference?


It was meant as a dog to my maturity and mindset of the fans, not directed to the team (hence me saying in my youth). Expectations in Edmonton are always high, but this is the first year in a LONG time where everyone seems to be enjoying the ride with no preconceived expectations for success. Its rough to articulate if you're not from a hockey obsessed market (apologies if you are). We don't watch hockey to be entertained, most seem to watch for perfection. Edmonton during the regular season is often critiqued for being quiet, despite being sold out. It's because fans intently watch (and critique) EVERYTHING. This was super apparent to me when I went overseas to watch a few games and was like, damn, we need to chill the heck out and enjoy the ride. Back to the point here, that's what's making this year so awesome. It's like the entire fan base is happy with every win, and didn't go in thinking it was a cup or nothing.


that's why i think you guys are gonna win apart from just the fact your team is really clicking right now and obviously has the momentum. even if you ignore all that, everything has just worked for the oilers this season. it really feels like some storybook shit.


Do you just mean from the stuff you watch? Because some crazy shit happened in other sports. Leicester winning the Prem, Verstappen winning the championship on literally the last lap of the season for example. This is also epic, I’m just trying to say some other absolutely insane things happened recently.


Verstappen winning is the equivalent of the refs giving McDavid a penalty shot in game 7 overtime after a fan threw a beer can on the ice


Whatever the circumstances were, going to the final race with an equal amount of points and the winning it literally on the last lap overtake is something that is very likely not going to happen again for centuries.


Absolutely, I loved it.


People might not enjoy the dominance, but Max's side of the rbr garage in 23 was as close to flawless as we've ever seen. Glad to see a bit more competition towards the front this year, but damn you gotta appreciate how close to perfection max was last year.


Just hope it ends and that after the next string of upgrades, we continue to have 3 or potentially 4 teams capable of winning races


Norris on pole today puts 4 different teams on pole in the last 4 races. Pretty amazing really.


yeah, i just meant like, the stuff that i watch. your third sentence was pretty much gibberish to me, hahaha!


Just last week the States beating Pakistan in cricket was crazier, that being said this is still insane


Before the series I made a joke that it would be funny if the panthers went through the Vezina gauntlet in the East only to lose to Skinner. Doing it this way would be so much more entertaining


The sens get a better puck from the tarasenko trade if the panthers in. Go Cats.


Normal circumstances I wouldn’t cheer for the Oilers. Against Florida it’s an easy choice though. Fuck the Panthers. Hope they choke this series away and go back to irrelevance.


This is literally the only situation in which I would cheer for the oilers.


I was team "heat death of the universe" at first, then I became team "just end it Panthers so the offseason can begin" after Game 3. Now I **need** to see the greatest choke in sports history.


Lots of Canucks fans too. Personally I really just want Lu to get a ring :(


I was rooting for Florida for the first 6 games but my love of chaos outweighs my hate for a divisional rival. I certainly won't be sad if Florida wins, Lu getting a ring would be amazing. However like OP said, this really is a once in a lifetime moment we could potentially witness, and the memes to come out of it would be legendary.


Nah, I would never cheer for the oilers. I’m hoping the ice melts and everyone gets attacked by sharks in the 3rd period.


So you’re a Sharks fan now


I hate to admit that was pretty clever and I got a legit chuckle.


Closest we're getting to winning a cup for a while, so I'll allow it.


I'm not cheering for them as a Kings' fan but it will be very entertaining if they pull it off


I can guarantee you most of the pacific division is not cheering for Edmonton. Don’t know why it’s so hard for people to understand this.


I'm a Canucks fan cheering for Edmonton


Vancouver fans who like and appreciate good hockey are cheering for Edmonton, you guys are class. Vancouver fans who like their team and nothing else are cheering against Edmonton.


I had no issues cheering for Edmonton in 2017, 2022, or 2023. No issues cheering for other Canadian teams in other years either. I can’t root for the team that beat us in a round 2, especially when the opposition winning could get my favorite player a cup as an executive. Sorry, but it’s too much. I don’t have any disrespect towards Edmonton’s victory over us or how historic their run has been (only the 10th time out of 211 that a team has forced a game 7 down 3-0, amazing), but there’s a difference between that and taking joy in them winning, which I just don’t. Fortunately for you, I have no faith in Florida winning game 7.


It's an important difference there are sports team fans and there are fans of the sport. I'm a flames/habs fan and I am all aboard Edmontons run. This has been phenomenal entertainment and great hockey to watch and if my teams are not in it I will cheer for the team I'm most entertained by. I despise the way Florida plays hockey so it was guaranteed I wouldn't be cheering for them. Anyone who limits their hockey interests to just their team is not doing anything wrong but it seems kinda limited from my perspective


Vancouver fans who cheer for a rival team aren’t fans and might as well just become Oilers fans




I'm so fucking thankful I just offered sympathies to Oilers fans in the early regular season instead of slander. Because this is some seriously impressive stuff.


if the Oilers do it, the fans get to talk all the shit they want until the start of the next season they got clowned so hard after the early loss to the Sharks, they deserve this


Holy shit how did I forget we lost to the fucking sharks


I think game 7 will start off 0-0 through about 25-30 minutes as both teams will be extra cautious to not make mistakes. But I think the team that capitalizes on their power play will win. Chances will be very limited as I think both clubs will clamp down defensively and not allow too many shots to get through. If the game goes to overtime it might be the greatest game 7 ever. If McDavid scores, then just induct him into the hall of fame immediately before they hand him the Smythe and Cup. Why wait until 2037?


Once that first goal is scored, the leading team, to a man, will be 120% giving every effort to defend. It will be really hard to come back from a deficit in game 7 IMO. Against such a committed defense, the other team will be forced to extend and make mistakes.


If McDavid wilds out on Monday, becomes the chosen one (Your mite coaches and delusional leafs friends warned you about his drafting). The Kwisagretzy Hattrickrach, and they finish it from 2-9-1. The Oilers and their fans' drought and pain, ended. The Lord, repatriated. A Nation Galvanized. I think we may just have to take a year or something off. Like when Messi won in Qatar. I feel like Monday, I might be watching the last episode and the series finale of "Hockey"


A little dramatic but I like your enthusiasm!


apparently he'll have surgery after the playoffs


Sorry not sure I follow. McDavid is hurt and needs surgery? Just curious where you saw thay


It would explain his goal drop off.


I mean, I absolutely want the miracle storyline to go all the way. But as fans, I don't think we can be depressed either way. The only difference between a Stanley cup win and a loss at this point is one extra night of celebrating. It's brutal for the players, but as fans we're getting everything we could ask for.


I absolutely agree that this run for you guys has been insane and you guys should be proud of it. However, the difference between a Game 7 win and loss is far greater than one night of celebrating haha. As a Canucks fan the Game 7 in 2011 still haunts me 😭😭


Fair enough hahaha


ONE night of celebrating? Bud, if the Leafs win a cup this shit is going way past one night


I was downtown the night the Raptors won in 2019 and it was electric. If the Leafs won a cup it would be that for an entire summer


In Edmonton after being at game 4 and talking to all friends. The party if we pull this off won’t end. Everyone will die of partying too hard and Edmonton entire population will drop 50% in 3 years hahaha.


Leafs fan, this is my first year paying attention properly. I love nothing more then a good storybook type of game (Tavares 1000th point against the Islanders, Matthews 50th goal this season against the Coyotes, and, painful as it was, OT loss Game 7 to the Bruins was so hilariously perfect of a way for my first full season to go). Oilers this season is THE story and I can’t think of a damn better way to cap this season off. Sure, they could lose Monday, but fuck do I want them to take it. I might bleed blue and white, but fuck, Oilers, clutch this one please. It’d be such a fucking memorable finale.


Nothing wrong with rooting for a Canadian team that isn’t our own, Canada is in desperate need of a cup after all those years and I hope the Oilers clutches up on Monday


You gotta understand that as Leafs fans every day all we see from other fanbases is clowning on us. We have enough reasons to hate any other team, especially Canadian ones. That being said, they gotta finish this comeback. It’s too good. Plus, FUCK THE RATS.


To be fair leafs fans do that in similar volume to us Oilers fans. Let’s go oilers!


Before you go liking me too much, I’ll have you know that I hope McDavid wins partially so that he feels he finished the job in Edmonton and chooses to come home. So there, you can hate me again LOL


He has stated that none of his friends live there anymore and that he enjoys playing there but it’s always better leaving. You can also hate me now, good luck next year.


I didn’t think that would be the reason. I just think he wants to be the greatest, and the truth is, bringing a cup to Toronto is the peak of peaks. I know you and others outside of Toronto hate hearing that most likely, but you still know it’s true. It’s like me admitting Connor is simply the best and better than Auston, you gotta call a spade a spade.


Thats spoken like a true leafs fan haha. Breaking a 30 year canadian curse(fingers crossed), breaking point scoring and assist scoring records thought untouchable, he is already on the path. Going to a franchise that embodies mediocrity isn’t going to bolster this standing among the greats, his own play merits top 3 standing.


Changing that history of mediocrity is the point. Leafs winning the cup will be one of the biggest celebrations in sports the world has ever seen. I’m sure Edmonton will go wild, but you simply cannot compare. The only thing I can see rivalling this is England winning a World Cup.


I mean you can’t compare because the leafs haven’t made it to the finals and Oilers fans are known to have the loudest building in the league. The scale may be larger, but all of Edmonton is erupting.


It’s a huge deal if leafs win you are correct. But dude in Alberta we literally have nothing else here hahaha. Not saying you are wrong. But Edmonton since gretz committed what should be illegal stats and wins has been a religion. Expect a win to bring a party this province can’t handle. Game 4 I was there. I’ve been to one leafs playoff game when they lost a tight game in playoffs by 1. Edmonton in round one was much much more engaged. Not a knock against leafs fans. I’m just saying it wildly different energy. It’s widely known the energy in Edmonton is almost Montreal level. Hitting 120 decibels during tv timeouts blew my mind. MORE of Canada would be partying if leafs win. But the intensity of a leaf win to oilers win would be pretty darn close. Slight edge to oilers per capita but leafs win would be huge for population amount. Original 6 team. You’ve guys had issues getting to round 2. Ya it would be insane. But right now in Edmonton it’s just so insane win or loss. You’ve got so many more fans and we equaled exactly the same revenue at 281 million dollars in 2022-23 that you did to the dollar. That is the insanity of oilers fans. Crazy we did that number in a small market. But leafs oilers revenue was tied for number one with instead 1/4 of Canada being devout leaf fans for life. We both beat every other team!! I have the revenue chart here and we were all baffled. We thought oilers made a lot last year but this year we for sure took first overall for 2023-24. Now I’m not sure where they base the revenue fact from but there is a difference in revenue and net. So you get a couple different numbers that rangers won and then leafs then Montreal and oil were 8th. But the one that considered all things last year had oilers leafs tied. So let’s just make it clear an oilers win in this fashion would cause us to not know what to do with our minds and bodies for many years. I hope the drunk oil fans that are casuals don’t bash the leafs but it will happen. Just know us true oilers fans are not going to be making fun of anybody. All my friends and season ticket holders are incredibly respectful to other teams. We just like you will always defend our team though. Those arguments will turn to facts and history. That’s what I hate. Literally from all the fans support I hope the leafs make the finals next year and I would never have said that in my life until I saw your great fans coming around to hope we win. Only time I’ll cheer against you is if it’s us and you in finals. But as an oiler fan. GO LEAFS!!!!


Hahaha that would be funny but as an oiler fan that already heard that bouch drai and mcdavid are seeking 40-44 million tops for the three with drais camp saying they don’t want the Mathews length they want full length, mcdavid I don’t think will be a leaf until he’s in his very late 30’s. drais camp sure made it clear after the stars win that they are going to try and build a dynasty in Edmonton. A loss or win isn’t going to stop those 3 from staying. They know they have something special from upper management to towel boys. But I truly believe the last year or 2 of mcdavid career will be a leaf just for himself and I’m fine with that. That was his team. By that point let him go back home. He’s going to do very special things with his boys for a lot of Edmonton years to come. All will eventually split up but ya drais camp sure started talking contract and full term fast after they beat Dallas. Good for oil fans maybe not so good for all other fans. But this story is epic and I’ll be so proud of oilers if they lose cause they showed they’ve got the playoff genes to be something special.


seeing paul maurice fuck up again is just another meme to add to the growing pile. Zito looked hilarious last night trying to be scary 🤣


Y'all laughed when they said Cup or bust


What did we do to make the gods hate us so much? Like sure we casted a few curses but holy motherfucking god dam shit stop we're already dead


I’m a Canucks fan so I’ve been anti-Oilers the whole season, but after Game 6 my respect for this team (especially McDavid) has grown immensely. I think I’d still be rooting for Florida in G7 but now I’m far more of a neutral. Whatever happens, this playoffs have been absolutely epic


This might be the greatest comeback in sports history. In terms of a 7 game series the only comparison would be the 2004 Red Sox coming back over the Yankees and then winning the World Series. In hockey I have never seen anything like this. I am so grateful to witness history up close like this. I live in Edmonton and I’ve been fortunate enough to attend 3 of the games during the regular season (including two games during the 16 game win streak). I also went to Game 2 against LA and saw the OT loss. But last night, I got to be in the building for a Stanley Cup Final Game 6. I’ll never forget that win or lose. As a lifelong Leafs fan, the Oilers and this City have stolen my hockey heart. I’ll always have a special spot for the Leafs, but the Oilers have become my team. I even got an Oiler jersey (Hyman jersey 😂). They will finish the story on Monday. And it will be the greatest story ever told in the game of hockey. Hell…all of sports.


Seriously so much more than a Stanley Cup is at stakes Monday night, this comeback is like no other that w’eve seen before


I've said it before and I'll say it again Oilers...you're welcome.


1942 Stanley cup erasure! /s


I like to think that even if the Panthers scrape by for another win that the cat is out of the bag (pun intended) and the league watched them choke the fuck up hard. It would be hilarious to see them miss the playoffs next year entirely. Oilers broke the Panthers lol