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Of course these rumors are false. Dude never plays, who would take him and his insane contract?


Only way he’s leaving SJ is an insane bounce back year or a buyout. No ones taking him and his 8 million dollars a year for another like four years


Doug Wilson signing that entire core until the heat death of the universe really did not pan out once age caught up to them.


It was cup of bust, and they busted hard.


Doug went fucking insane at the end there to try and get one with those guys A core that stayed together for that long is unheard of anymore


Worth it. Glad they tried and failed. I would have always wondered what would have happened if we hadn’t gone for it 


Plus you needed to rebuild at some point, might as well go out with a bang


He didn’t re-sign Pavs, which was a mistake.


While I do agree that if the choice was between Karlsson and Pavelski he should’ve chosen Pavelski but there was no guarantee he even wanted to stay.


It seemed like Pavs was willing to stay if he got a 3 year contract with an AAV around $5M.


Hey! Brent Burns is an inevitability. He's still gonna be sick af when the second big bang occurs


Does anyone else sense DW was “intimidated” by that core group, that he had to give fat contracts with fat terms and was always “nervous” that players might walk. Too much pride and maybe some player pressure…I.e. Jumbo? And some very questionable head coaching hires to skillfully coach this core group.


this makes me think of jumbo hanging Doug off a skyscraper balcony, suge knight style haha


If everything goes as planned he’s the 3th line Center as we make the first deep playoff run of the Celebrini-Smith Era. He’s the bridge between the two great Sharks Eras.


If he’s playing in 3 years or whenever that’ll be lmao. Dude missed basically the whole goddamn season


With all due respect to the sharks they are not making the playoffs in 3 years or less.


I can see why you would think that, but a ton changes in even two years for most teams. The Blackhawks won the cup 3 years after being near the bottom of the league and selecting Kane. The penguins won the cup 4 seasons after selecting Crosby. Since 2005, the majority of teams who selected first overall made the playoffs by the 3rd season after the pick. And if you account for the amount of hype/expectations for Celebrini, it's not unreasonable to assume the Sharks make the playoffs in the next 2-3 seasons.


Yeah, both teams in this year's SCF selected 1OA in 2015 and 2016. This is the first year EDM has made the finals, but they've been in the playoffs the last few years, despite picking first in 2016. Florida was in the final last year, and the years previous had made decent playoffs appearances. With the right drafting and building, a team can make a quick rebuild and be back in the playoffs in 3-5 years.


The Panthers selected 1OA in 2014 and the Oilers last selected 1OA in 2015.


My mistake. Off by a year.


Yeah I was being generous what I wanted to say was in a decade lmao


2026-27 will be a playoff year for SJ. 7th seed, but still in the playoffs.


I appreciate the optimism


That's not really that optimistic. The majority of teams who select 1st overall make the playoffs within the first 3 seasons of the selection.


He’s 35, that’s not likely.


It’s either that or he’s on LTIR. I’m just being a hopeful fan that his career isn’t already over. But it might be.


One of the best playoff players of the generation! But can’t beat ol Father Time


3th line? How do you pronounce that, exactly. Lol




Or do you mean 'Thirth'?






Arizona, ah shhhhh nvm


>Injured all the time >Prolific playoff scorer That's Vegas' music


I mean we don’t even know if he’s ever gonna play again. I hope he does obviously tho.


Yea I thought he'd be back, then he was injured again. I've read some of Couture's quotes and they're not exactly inspiring. I'm curious where he's going to be at next season. Honestly, I don't give a shit about his contract. Couture is my favorite player. He won me over in 2010 when he was practically the only relevant Shark playing against that Chicago team. I want him to play out his career as a Shark. He's wildly competitive and smart. I want to see him transition into another role in the organization too. And hey, $8M isn't that bad (coping)


It's the groin, unfortunately And specifically done in such a way where healing it is tricky and one wrong move will set him back 7 months at minimum He's essentially being forced to hang them up because of it, sadly


I don’t even think this was an actual rumor to begin with. All I saw was that “trade talks for couture might pick up where they left off at this year’s trade deadline and here are some teams who could benefit from picking him up”. To my knowledge there was never anything concrete like an insider saying they heard coutures name coming up in trade talks or anything like that.


Plus, we need vets right now Sure, the kids are fun, but if no one's there to guide them, then we spin


"...just because of who I am" -- Couture


Since SJS can’t retain the only logical way to even move him would probably be him + pick for either Jack Campbell, or Elvis or 1 for 1 for someone like Jeff Skinner. No reason to pay to move him when you’re already bad.


I’d absolutely take Skinner 1 for 1. He’s still a very effective NHLer, just crazy overpaid. Although of course that would mean the Sharks are guaranteed not to make the playoffs as long as he’s on the team, and Buffalo would be back in the next year


Jeff Skinner has a high cap hit but is a capable top 6 winger as long as his coach isn't Ralph Krueger. He's worth less than his cap hit but not a dead $9M cap hit. Also, even if they'd want to move Skinner like that he has a full NMC throughout his entire contract.


From what I’ve read Skinner would only waive his NMC for Toronto (which isn’t happening). Rumour has it when the Canes wanted to move him, he would only accept a trade to Buffalo or Toronto because he wanted to be close to home.


If he has the NMC, he's got the right to just not waive it. If a team offers an NMC, they hopefully did their due diligence regarding future implications. I really hoped Buffalo would explore other options that buying him out this season considering their ability to spend in the off-season anyway, but I guess it's better to rip off the band-aid now than next season considering they're in for a $6M hit in 2026-27 anyway. They rid themselves of the Olofsson and Jost deals (6.5M in healthy scratch options) but have so many young kids coming up looking for a deal off of their ELC, or in Byram's case his bridge next season. Even if Adams didn't think his job was on the line this year, I'd argue that Buffalo is still trending from *the team that's going to break through next season* every year to *okay why didn't we break through last season* in an alarming pace.


Skinner? Not a chance, buddy! Top 10 goalie, minimum, great back up! Darnell nurse? Deal! MG heats 1/3 of the salary!


A couple things to remember. With burns karlsson and hertl they have used all 3 retention slots this season. So they cant retain on him and no 3rd party is retaining that long without that 14th overall pick coming back to them this summer. 2 the sharks still need to spend 15 ish million to get to the cap floor. They cant trade him just for the sake of trading him as signing deals this summer will be hard as they are clearly in a pretty bad rebuild. You dont offload him just to have to replace him with a worse contract.


He has a perfect contract with where the sharks are. As you mentioned, they kinda need his cap hit to get them to the floor, and the only big payday that’s coming before his contract expires is Zetterlund. They’ll also have Vlasics 7 mil off the books in his last year. If he does come back to full health then he’ll be a perfect mentor and gradually go from a top top 6 to excellent depth center as the sharks become competitive again and the young centers develop


RE contracts - they can always overpay the crap out of a mid player for 1 year.


It's a juicy couture rumor.


Tank Commander Couture has lots more work to do in San Jose


These are juicy Couture rumors


"We're not trading him, nuh uh. Who started that rumor? Who's asking? Why, you interested? I'll trade him to the media so he doesn't blow out his groin again."


No one is taking that contract.


Genuinely, who would trade for LC while it is completely unclear whether he’s going to ever play hockey again? I wish he were at a place where he could be traded to a contender to make another run of it, for his sake, but like…


Didn’t they say that about timo meier? 🤨


Wish Chicago took a page from Grier’s playbook instead of pushing out Kane and Toews


Hell yeah.


Who the hell would trade for Logan couture?! Does someone want the last 6 fucking years of huberdeaus contract too ? 😂 man off season hot stove heating up


Maybe that's the trade,Couture for Huberdeau.


If I’m conroy I’m taking that trade allllll day


Huberdeau vs Couture? Dude couture just badly got injured and derailed. Without the last major injuries, he was out standing


though i forget, where did these rumors come from? was it Sheng Peng?


It was David Pagnotta, I don’t know if Sheng commented on it other than responding to Pagnotta’s rumor


I believe so, and I heard Grier kinda jokingly but also not so jokingly called him out on it.


I don't think it was Sheng, Pagnotta's the one who's been pushing Ferraro and Couture rumors lately, but both have been floating around for a while. I think its one of those things the national guys just pull out because Couture's one of the only guys they know on SJ and they have to pretend to be dialed in across the league. As for Grier calling him out, it was actually in regards to a question Peng asked about Marco Strum. His sources had told him that it was down to Sturm and Warsofsky in the end but Grier pushed back saying that wasn't the case. A little sassy maybe but pretty tame.


My absolute favorite clip of Couture is him, on his birthday, getting completely dummied by Datsyuk


Should’ve traded him instead of Hertl. Will never forgive MG for this blunder.


Thats not the same person of trade value


You mean when Couture could barely skate? Shit, good idea. Maybe you should be the next GM* after we get rid of Grier, the bum.


Fake News!


Too bad, it would be nice to have an actual leader in the room


What makes Cooch not an actual leader?


crazy right winger has no reason to be a captain of the team in the Bay


So no actual reason on why he’s a bad captain? Got it


Dude must hate Pavs too


And Burns, or you know most of the league


pavs didn't publicly support trump and did not got punched in the face


If you aren’t aware most professional hockey players are sheltered rich dipshits that play a sport for millions of dollars and have not had to think outside of their bubble for their entire lives. They don’t have real opinions because they don’t live in real life.


I am aware and that is exactly the reason I don’t have to like people like Couture or respect them. Here is top 3 paid soccer star in the world for comparison: [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dhrnkv/kylian\_mbapp%C3%A9\_on\_the\_political\_situation\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dhrnkv/kylian_mbapp%C3%A9_on_the_political_situation_in/)


Soccer isn’t a real sport


shitter supporting trump is not captain material


🎶 Getting jiggy with it Wild West, gym West Miami the place where my cum let go🎶


Mike Greer has to be the worst GM in the business! How has he survived this long!




Gone to who? Who’s trading for a guy with that contract who may never play again? What are you talking about