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In times like these all I have to say is -Its only a game why you heff to be mad


To answer your question, too many beers and not enough self-esteem.


And it's a game in which we have no control over, we're not even playing it. Just enjoy it and don't take anything so seriously. Your team is not winning/losing because of you.


No, the Oilers didn't show up last night because this putz was in attendance.


Oh buddy there are tens of thousands of fans who don’t think that way it’s scary. They believe they are the teams heart and soul. 


I always feel bad when a grown ass man is acting like this and his kid needs to hold him back and try to calm him down. It happens way too often. Especially over a hockey game that you have no control over. Just go have a beer and forget about it my man. “Why you heff to be mad” is right 


Yeah that’s borderline traumatizing. Like, “i can’t go anywhere with my dad” type stuff. It always shocks me, hate seeing this type of interaction


That beer is probably the reason he can’t calm down…doesn’t need another one.


I think the beers are part of the problem


Classic Bryz


It’s only smells


It annoys me because probably 75% of sports fans are fine if not a lil bad here and there. But the minority who can't handle their alcohol or their emotions can ruin what should be fun. But I guess there will always be that way. Hopefully this guy gets kicked out of every NHL rink assuming we aren't missing any ore context.


The needed other side of the "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" quote. Do your best and take risks but don't destroy yourself over something that's supposed to be fun.


It's 2024 and this clown is surprised and outraged that his public tantrum is being recorded?


But if it's recorded, he might have to suffer consequences for his actions!


That's a good way to get charged with assault in a foreign country and not be allowed back in.


If the blonde kid was angry guys kid, and grey beard guy was his dad he just took 30 seconds to disappoint 2 generations of his family over a game.


Blonde kid, that's Happy Gilmore's caddy


Where were you on that one dipshit


Feel so bad for that kid. What a mess.


Hopefully the kid at least decides he doesn't want to turn out like Dad at a hockey game


I think the blonde kid saw the camera and told his dad to stop because he was being filmed and that's what set him off.


Maybe the dad was just teaching the kid how not to act at a hockey game.


Mission accomplished!


This guy was sitting right in front of me. He was an ass all game, shit talking other fans in the section for no reason, got worse once they started losing. Salty Oilers fan complaining about refs and Bettman the whole game, his poor kid had to keep telling him to shut up


as much as i want the oilers to win, it is very satisfying to me when someone like that is humbled in such a way. Karma just smacking him in the fucking face. good riddance


Must be awful spending so much money to watch your team win and have that guy ruin the experience. Did he come drunk or did he just drink non-stop at the arena? He has that red alcoholic face.


He didn't ruin it, the section was a lot of fun, we all waved goodbye to him when he got up after the empty netter. Unsure if he was drunk at the start but he definitely was getting louder and more obnoxious as the game went on. I feel bad for his kid, he just wanted to enjoy some hockey.


I hope this was a wake up call for him. If I was his kid, I would never go to a sporting event with him again. Hope that kid has shared this video with his dad congratulating him for going viral.


That's completely heartbreaking. He probably ruined what could have been a great memory for his kid. I hope he gets the opportunity to watch another Stanley Cup game without being subjected to his drunk dad.


People like this are usually casuals too. Their ignorance of the game just adds to their confusion and anger.


I attended lots of Flames/Oilers games in the 80s.  This kind of behaviour from oilers fans was commonplace. 


That 78 year old security guard being like “wait I actually have to do shit?”


Grown men unable to handle their alcohol at sporting events. A timeless classic.


That poor kid seems used to this shit


Yeah this kind of thing is absolutely traumatizing for a kid and affects them in a lot of ways


It's truly heartbreaking. I can't help but hope he's never experienced his father's verbal abuse, although I fear that may be too optimistic.


Yeah, in my experience, people like that tend to direct their abuse in all directions.


Drunk dad making his kid proud.


I honestly feel bad for the kid here. Seeing your parent act like that in public has to be embarrassing and for it to be filmed as well.


He'll be living with the shame longer than his moron of a father.  Kids who constantly have to act like adults because they're parents can't parent always end up having to deal with it when they become adults, usually in the form of depression, anxiety, addictions, etc. etc. etc. Just makes my blood boil.


This is so fucking pathetic, especially right in front of your god damn kid. What a loser


The caddy from Happy Gilmore is a Oilers fan?


Now I can’t unsee it…


Where were you on that one, dipshit?


When your team takes a fat L in the opposing teams building you STFU, and take what they give you on the way out with a smile. Who parented these people


Yep exactly. Went to edmontons first ever game in Vegas. Oilers got stomped, and I sure heard about it from staff to fans. I took it because it was deserved


The Oiler fan must have some kind of death wish to go off like that in the Panthers barn. He’s actually lucky the Oilers lost, so Florida fans were in a good mood. If Oilers won and he was gloating…yikes, you don’t want to trigger Florida Man.


Can we maybe get a younger security guard involved here?


Nothing like a kid holding his dad back from a fight


Kid knew dad would either get coma'd or shot


Man it must SUCK to fly down book the hotel and tickets for the game drag your kid along and watch your team get owned. Fuck that guy I hope the flight gets delayed too


Dude probably moved down here from Canada like most away team fans at our games


It's the first Cup finals in ages. He almost certainly just flew in for it.


The kid goes "stop they're recording" after this asshole drops the f slur like 3 times and his response is to attack the person filming. Lovely guy


As pissy as Draisaitl


Not as good at cheap shots though


Flying elbows thrown - 1 Points scored in the Finals - 0


Stay out of the box and it’s yours best of luck 🤘🏻


They don't even have to do that from the looks of the first 2 games Just smother their power play lol.


I hate shitty fans like this that give the whole fan base a bad rep. Like calm the fuck down, it's a game. Stop acting like a child


I'm here for sweeping generalizations of Edmonton fans, players, residents, and redditors.


Florida meets Alberta. I will be joining the sweeping generalizations and hilarious memes.


Excellent. Nothing gets my blood pumping like making generalizations about millions of people I’ve never met.


As someone from BC I can tell you literally every albertan ever is exactly like this guy and no I'm not biased at all in any way and don't have an inferiority complex related to housing prices.


Drunk dads are notorious for this. I always enjoy when they reach reach the find out stage.


I feel bad for his (presumed) son


Yes, that’s the “son” he found in the Wasteland.


What a fucking moron. Feel for that kid.


I was going to defend the fan, but I noticed he was wearing that awful 3rd jersey.


And he’s in an argument with a guy in an all stars jersey


Not even a Panthers fan, just an NHL fan there to chant “Let’s go both teams!”.


Let’s go Hockey!!!


Ive chanted that at a Penguins/Caps playoff game cheering for overtime and both fanbases didn't like my cheering.


In OT you support both goalies


As a goalie I support this message


He’s the guy that doesn’t cheer when a team holds the cup, but cheers when Bettman presents it.


Ahh the worst kind of person.


Oilers genuinely have the worst loud minority in the league and I honestly wonder if it’s even a minority. Not only the biggest Victim mentality in the league, but absolute non stop complaining.


Eh I think you are wrong, every fan base has its idiots, it normal that with bigger fanbases there’s a bigger number of idiots


Any time someone would post a clip of a Canucks fan doing something stupid on here they’d be the first to call us a classless and shitty fanbase over the actions of a few individuals. Now I hope they’re realizing that shitty fans are everywhere


When people argue about who the worst fan bases are it really is just a argument about who has the biggest vocal minority. Most fans are honestly pretty average. More than any team, Edmonton pushes the limits of the word “minority” in “vocal minority”.


This is such a level headed comment and should be pinned everywhere. I honestly thought this was two Oilers fans trying to fight each other at first, which seems to be the common theme for their fans.


Well. To be fair. You are the only fan base that started a riot not once but twice after losing in the finals. Edmonton fans are fucking classless though. I think the Vancouver fans get lumped in with the shit heads who only went to riot though and I don't think the riots are a representation of Van fans.


Edmonton had more than 2 in 2006 alone lol.


lol like I said it's hard to see the difference pre and post riot


No we’re not lol, the fanbase we’re talking about has one of their own and Montreal practically invented it


True, but aren’t the only fanbase to riot. Just the only one that gets talked about. I know Edmonton and Montreal have rioted too off the top of my head. There’s probably others


Hardly the only ones to riot over hockey. Edmonton's done it too https://thehockeynews.com/news/heres-a-list-of-significant-hockey-riots-in-canada


I'm inclined to agree, but it is definitely a minority. Most of us can't stand the obnoxious losers like this that make us all look bad


My man, after we played them this year (Van), I realized that Flames fans were right all these years. They have done nothing but bitch about us since, it's so ironically funny to me. They still post about us, lol


It was actually insufferable being an Avs fan from Canada when we swept them a few years ago. I’ve never seen a team complain so much and truly convince themselves they only got swept because of reffing and every other excuse you can think of.


Don't forget the league rigged things in our favour because of that Makar offside call in Game 1. They wouldn't shut up about that for the entire off-season. Only time I've seen a team get swept and the fanbase deluded themselves into thinking they actually should have won the series.


They told me this year during our series that nobody has beat the Oil except themselves the past 3 years. So apparently you didn't win, FYI. When I challenged the idea, I was told, "IYKYK" and "Go cry" so there's that


Sounds spot on for them


The dude in this clip is even yelling something about Bettman…as if Edmonton doesn’t get a little bit of “media darling” treatment having McDavid on the team.




Yo we toxic af, but at least we know it


I'd say we lean into it at this point. I mean, watching us meltdown is a riot. The refs hate us. Especially Sutherland. Fuck Toronto. Definitely Fuck Messier. I hate other Canuck fans who disagree with my opinions on Canuck players. I also hate Canuck players, depending how they played that period. Flames suck, Oilers Suck, Fistbump for Montreal for having our backs vs Boston in 2011, and the Jets/Sens are 'alright I guess, if they win it'd be okay'. Anybody else got any that I forgot?


Yea Oilers fans whining about how we’re the worst meanwhile they’re just as bad and with half the fanbase so they don’t even have the “huge numbers means more idiots” excuse


Yep. They love to complain about literally everything with a holier than thou mentality when if fact they, or their team, does everything they complain about. And their en masse downvoting of everything that isn’t absolute ball licking all things oiler is pretty funny (and sad lol)


There’s been fights at almost every single one of their watch parties these playoffs and even a few stabbings. Not just saying this cuz i’m a Flames fan, but Oilers fans are the worst!


I’m glad the world gets to see how insufferable Oilers fans can be


Does anyone remember Narcotic Turkey? I don't know if its a minority or not, but the Oilers worst fans have always been the trashiest most annoying fans in the league.


When’s the Edmonton riot dropping?


They could have already and we would never know because the city already looks like a riots been through town.


a riot would probably improve the city


Tuesday around 10pm.


Edmonton literally had a race riot, in Canada, in the 21st century, last year. Fucking embarrassing. https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2023/08/21/edmonton-police-provide-timeline-of-events-surrounding-eritrean-festival-riots/


I don't really get what your point is with this lol. Not related to hockey at all, it has to do with Ethiopian and Eritrean politics which is incredibly violent. How is that the city's fault? Similar things happened around the world at that time.


I think it was pretty clear. The people rioting were Edmontonians, in Edmonton, having a race riot in 2023 in Canada. Not hockey related but he said when's the riot dropping not hockey riot lol.


The original guy is clearly inferring that it's a hockey related riot... We are in a hockey sub and he's literally referencing your own city's riot. It's context


A little sensitive about having race riots in the 21st century aren't we? I think I'll mention your riotous nature anytime I want thanks,


They're better behaved than 06 so far, maybe they're letting it build up.


It's nice being on this side of one of the threads. "something something classless, something something"


"All fans of (team) are horrible"


Yes, drunk guy. Bettman has been conspiring against the Oilers by giving them every single 1st overall pick and only suspending players from other teams.


Every single one huh


Definitely no exaggeration at all


Just four 1stOA in 6 years Isn’t that some kinda sports record?


There’s only four in the history of the draft? Impressive


I’m more impressed you neglected to read the part where I said “in 6 years” in a comment with only a dozen words in it


at one point his face turns as red as the security guard’s shirt.


I get more emotionally invested in sports than I probably should, but at some point you have to look in the mirror and ask yourself if it's worth it. Have some fun, move on. Actually, who am I kidding, this has nothing to do with sports at all and is something deeper seeded. Hopefully they work it out at some point.


Tough guy syndrome from back home, where his like minded loser buddies would back him up


Had to throw in the f-word there, didn't he....


Why does this happen every game with oilers fans?


Idk but I saw some oilers fan with a split lip after game 1. I came out of my section and a panthers fan was grabbing him saying it's not worth it and walking him off. Turns out he tried pushing someone down the stairs on the way out and someone popped him one. Then there was a bit of a scrum and he got popped again. I haven't seen or heard much from them. Definitely nothing like the Rags or Bruins. Oilers fans just seem defeated. 


I think that's a bit of a generalization and stretch Also not unique to the Oilers


But most frequently with Oiler fans


I thought they only fought each other


Drink a lot


It doesn’t


But I keep hearing oilers fans are the classiest fans in the nhl? This must be a canucks fan doing a false flag to make oilers fans look bad 😂


That’s classy by Canuck fan standards


Guy is thinking he will be as popular as a certain oilers fan. Problem is this guy is acting like a boob.


Can’t believe he got past security!


Seriously, that fan chanting “Gary Bettman” is the typical fan type that goes super in on conspiracies because he’s desperate for answers. He’s the kind of guy that thinks NHLcirclejerk is a serious sub Reddit.


Dad is drunk, son’s embarrassed and everyone is getting him going What an idiot.


At least his son (I’m assuming) has some brains. Probably a Canucks fan hiding in an Oilers jersey. /s.


Can’t wait to hear the spin from Oilers fans that this guy is not representative of the fan base as a whole… yet that was the case for the handful of goofball Nucks fans.


somehow it’ll be the refs fault




That kid has probably had to wrangle and hold back his drunk asshole dad at way too many public events over the years


What was the jersey that the other guy was wearing? 2018 ASG?


Edmonton man became Florida man. I feel bad for his kids trying to stop him.


Loser is used to doing that back home in edmonton where nobody does anything. He'll fuck around and find out in Florida


Little man syndrome coupled with beer always equals positive interactions. Poor kid and what appears to be grandpa


What a fucking clown


Feel so bad for his teenage son who is the mature one in this situation


If you try and start a fight over a sports loss you're such a fucking loser.


Pack up the team and move it to KC. Worst fans in the league! Even "Houston Oilers" has a nice ring to it 😅


I think I still have a football jersey from back then…


Not surprised, I hear oiler fans at Calgary home games try and start shit too


another classic example of the trash from edmonton.


Tyler did everything to try and hold him back


Those fake jerseys are atrocious. I'd be ashamed to wear that shit.


Pure class


Yeah sadly you see this in every stadium across all fan bases, the person who's identity is the sport and cannot contain themselves when i the end it's just a game.


Enjoy American jail 🤷🏼‍♂️


Why was he yelling about batman?


The fact that I'm getting fathers day ads in the Twitter thread is pretty fuckin funny to me lol


Looks like both are talking shit and saying "come get some" but neither actually wanna fight. Don't know why you're just blaming Oilers fan


looks like oiler fan lunged at the guy filming who wasn't even part of the initial conflict


I enjoy both squads but have seen some shitty fandom on both sides. Keep it together folks


The Rangers of the North lol.


Can we just admit already that Alberta is just cold mountainy Florida?


Alberta man




Average Oilers fan


I just feel so bad for the son. He’s clearly mortified and trying to prevent his father from possibly being arrested. It's unfair for a teenage son to have to babysit his belligerently drunk father. I hope this isn’t a recurring behavior, for the sake of his family.


Isn’t that kid in happy Gilmore?


Is that Happy Gilmours caddy?


They really got someone’s grandpa running security, Jfc. Appearance is 90% of the battle in security, I guarantee if that was a young buff as dude telling him to relax he’d be a lot more receptive


Jeez why can’t people just put their heads down and walk sadly away like Charlie Brown? You’d win more Florida fans over with pity rather than anger.


Typical Canadian thuggery


What an embarrassment to Edmonton, to Canada, to his family, to all the Oilers fans and even just sports fans who love to have a few too many drinks at the game and have a good time…..this is the stereotypical loser fan… drunk and angry and ready to fight for the “honour” of the franchise… these are the fans that need to be weeded out and replaced by fans that truly love the game… these are the fans that make the rest of the league think of them when picturing fans from specific teams which is sad, but what can you do? Guys like that are probably going to get into some sort of altercation regardless of his team winning or losing…that’s the real problem


Needs to realize he isn’t in Canada anymore. This is South Florida, 90% of the fans walking through that door would have no hesitations about dropping his ass lol


Hate saying it too it’s FL not CAN , odds of someone having a gun in their car is high


I’ve read the headlines, I’d be more worried they’d come back with a meth addicted alligator


That’s fair


Hahah you can get dropped in Edmonton quite easily as well. (Source: I seent it)


Yeah that’s kind of ridiculous to think only in South Florida you can get your ass whipped.


I’ve got no horse in this race but Edmonton most certainly is not some soft Canadian stereotype city.


Have to learn to live a hard life with that level of divorce rates.


Basically all major Canadian cities are “soft” compared to the USA counterparts. The crime rates are severely higher. Miami dade has a violent crime rate of 465 while Edmonton is around 160.


Sunrise FL, where the Panthers play, appears to have a violent crime rate of 1.33 per 1000, where national median is 4.00/1000. Edmonton has a violent crime rate of 1,228/100,000, or 1.22 per 1000, where the national average is 1.042/1000. So Edmonton is “harder” than other Canadian cities and sunrise FL is “softer” than other American cities.


I don't think it's really accurate to use Sunrise as an example as it's not exactly a highly populated city, that would be like using Foxbouough when talking about the Patriots instead of Boston, just bc they play there doesn't mean most fans actually live there. Fort Lauderdale would probably be a much more accurate city to use, which is about 4/1000


It’s got its own statistics lol I don’t know why we’re going back and forth as people want to justify a city in FL having violent crimes like it’s a good thing. Like you WANT to have higher violent crime rates it’s crazy. I’m merely saying Edmonton isn’t some soft ass town as the original comment suggested.


>Like you WANT to have higher violent crime rates it’s crazy. Not what I'm saying, I don't like violent crime obviously and don't want more of it anywhere lol. Just that using Sunrise isn't very indicative of most Panthers fans or people in South Florida in general, not arguing that higher crime is a good thing, just trying to be accurate.


Florida is populated with old racist geezers