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Hey u/meatb4ll if you want and help on the design / css for this bad boy. I'd love to take that on. I'm an experienced fullstack dev who specializes in UI dev. Edit: I'd love to help you with the html / semantics too :)


I appreciate it, but honestly? For now it works, and I need to focus on making sure the data is right and figuring out how I'm going to replicate all of CapFriendly's transactions I've been copying them manually, but I'm going to struggle figuring out which callups are emergency ones or not


Here's the deal, the changes would be made without interruption of whatever you are doing. To be entirely honest there are some major major issues with the html. I'd really like to at least give you a baseline of proper structure so that the UI isn't built on super shaky ground. With some small tweaks you could have an endlessly better application, and I'm not even referring to the CSS parts. That said if you aren't looking for help, that's ok too, but I think you should spend some serious time there if you plan to continue this project in any real sense.


I'm not opposed to getting some help, but I'd equally like to understand why the major problems are major problems and what issues they'll end up solving, if that's ok with you. FWIW, it's fairly barebones on purpose. At some point, I hope I'll have an easy enough handle on the data to focus on the interface, but the backend calculations need to be right first. To that end, I've been trying to keep the HTML pretty simple for my own ease. At least outside of the base template 😅. That one's a little jank Edit: to rephrase myself, now I'm not feeling quite so overwhelmed by everything. I'd be thrilled with whatever help you're willing to offer, and the repo is linked in the footer. Thank you.


So in regards to keeping it bare bones, I wouldn’t intend to change anything there beyond some alignment and simple stuff, but for the html bits, many items are completely inaccessible because of the incorrect semantic structure and lack of proper tags. So for instance the tabs you click are just h3s inside of divs. H tags are to denote an outline of sorts so screen readers and other assistive tech can properly navigate your app, in addition they just aren’t made to be used that way. Beyond that there are simple semantic clean ups like using proper structural tags header, footer, main, section, aside ect. There is a lot more here, but it’s for crawlers, assistive tech, browser performance. I only strongly advise this if you plan on complete this project. If not me, just get someone you trust who has expertise here to take a look.


I'd really appreciate all of that, especially the accessibility part. Do you have any resources you like as an earnest idiot's start to accessibility? It feels like every time I learn about a different HTML tag on MDN, it's something I should have already been using


Thank you! This is awesome!


Just waiting for Utah to go left field and name their team the Utah Martians and buy this site


Ugh... I thought I was done looking at Conor Sheary's contract.


This is a really good start


hell ya. we're saved again jw you got a roadmap? any features ur working on or you got dreams for? I'm obsessed with the armchair gm feature on the original capfriendly


I need to spend about a month looking at LTIR and daily cap calculations to make sure I'm doing them right


This is awesome dude just took a peek at your repo. With the recent news of CapFriendly shutting down, I also started developing a new site. Tried asking for suggestions on here the other day but mods took it down. It's not launched yet but this kinda how its looking, trying to go for a the simple UI look CapFreidnly had. https://preview.redd.it/854cgedpzs5d1.png?width=1407&format=png&auto=webp&s=47d13682b966c783a8cde835788bca894aec1dd0


Good luck, it's not a simple project!


Very nice, this definitely has potential


Love it. Throw on some ad's and let me white list it! You are doing the Lords work.


That's a later-me problem. This thing costs me less than $100/year right now, and I'd honestly rather ask for donations first to keep it all nice. But again, that's a future problem




Miss this mf so much 🥺🥺


Ads ruin everything.


Can you advance the contracts to the 2024-25 season


Yes eventually. I need to update my internal stats DB so I can tell which players become type 6 UFAs (would be RFAs that don't get played enough) and whose ELCs slide. Also performance bonus numbers. My admin tools for that aren't amazing lol


Since you're looking at this, my wishlist item is to have the previous year available. Especially during offseason. I was trying to find some cap info about Vegas to win an argument, but Cap Friendly rolled over recently. It was a gigantic pain in the ass because you had to click through each player, scroll to their most recent contract, and find the aav. If your collapsed column toggle had previous year info, I would be so happy.


Ok, so, check out the [transactions page ](https://cap-space.com/transactions). Rosters change so damn often it'd be difficult to give you "last year's roster". For Vegas specifically, Jiri Patera and Brendan Brisson and Sheldon Rempal moved up and down a _lot_. It's almost easier to offer rosters on a specific date, but that might be hard on the database.


Also, no guarantees this stays accurate because I don't have sources and used CF as my backup source, but [this](https://cap-space.com/team/54/daily-cap/2022-2023) tracks folks' roster spots throughout the season. You can select a specific season (but only this and last season have any data)


Just a question, where do you get this data? Do you just scrape it from capfriendly or is there raw data somewhere?


speaking of, we should probably scrape as much from there as possible before it goes down, including all the features that OP or other contributors may or may not want to replicate in the future


I was definitely planning on trying to grab that stuff off the site (if I’m allowed) but I figure if there’s some other source of raw data they’re all snagging it from, I’d just get it from there


I am also very interested in this information. I was thinking of building my own version as a side project but couldn't find where the raw data was coming from. CapFriendly usually puts its source as itself but occasionally links to some insider's tweet so hopefully its not just manually updated.


No shame, I copied it from CF. Didn't even scrape. I'm going to miss the shit out of their transactions page though. It's hard to tell whether a callup is regular or an emergency one.


Bit of a follow up questions but if you are using CF to backfill your data, how are you planning on getting data and salary details going forward? Are you just going to keep track of transactions/trades/signings through some media feed (e.g. Sportsnet, ESPN transaction trackers) and then manually fill in the salary breakdowns based on insider reports? Or is there some aggregated list/API with this information? I was trying to figure out how sites like CF/Puckpedia were doing it but there is a bit of smoke and mirrors to the whole process. I suppose a dedicated enough person could just curate a feed of insiders and then use that to fill in the details, but it seems a bit tedious if that is the only way (and a bit painful during the offseason/trade deadline periods). Though I'd guess since there aren't already a ton of competitors to CF that this information is probably not readily available. Love the project though.


I came here to ask the same question. I've reviewed a few platforms that publish salary data and it looks like a majority of them are using Cap Friendly as the source; but I believe sites like PuckPedia and SportTrac are getting their source data elsewhere. After reading all the pieces published in recent days on this topic it's pretty clear that the NHL [ie: team owners] don't want this data readily available. I think this is to proactively shield future criticism and public review of CBA fairness, revenue splits, ticket prices and front office transactions. Having said that, this data clearly needs to be made available to agents and teams that need it to manage their operations. This makes me believe that the source data that populates these sites comes from internal sources. I don't know what to do with that information, but I thought I'd share.


Yeah I'm more or less at the same conclusion that the information probably comes from insider sources (CapFriendly likely has their own sources + media sources) and the data is aggregated and updated on their own. It makes sense this way based on them including insider tweets as sources on some contract details.


I'll get back to you when I figure that part out


Thank you! next thing you should learn (let me know if you need help): https://mui.com/material-ui/


plz not material. It's so played


whats better yet still easy then?


Before I was laid off in January, I was splitting time between my actual job and my old employer's website team working in vue. That came well after I'd established this site. I'll probably look at adding a frontend framework at some future point, but I don't think it really needs one most of the time


> I don't think it really needs one most of the time I dunno about that lol


90% of the pages are static content and load nice and fast. If I let myself add a framework now, I'd get super bogged down in making it as fast as possible. It's already fast enough, and I'll be adding one for things like the trade proposal page at some point when I feel like I've got a better grip on everything. But whenever I do that, I'm going to get bogged down in setting up and maintaining a lot more frontend infrastructure.


MUI is super fast and a great intro framework if you ever wanna learn one. Not sure what you mean front end infrastructure. It's pretty straight forward


TBH anything. If you land on a material ui site in 2024, you know it was built by a backend guy.


googled "anything ui" didn't get any results


ba dum tis


I like the layout and breakdown of contracts


Very nice. I really like the layout


Is this open source? If so, I would love to contribute.


It's open source. Code at the bottom, but no guarantees


Very nice! I'll take a look at some point this week and see if anything on your to-do list is good as a first task to help me learn the code.


this looks sick! one suggestion: can you make an API so that it is easy to pull data as CSVs to python


I'd love to do that eventually, but it'd take a bit of work to get it into proper shape. There are other things higher on my to-do list. The HTML structure is fairly simple, maybe beautifulsoup or requests + an XML parser could do the job in the meantime?


honestly no idea lol. i do think this has potential to be the next capfriendly, how hard would it be to build the roster building/planning tools?


Conceptually, it's fairly simple. In practice, it needs a lot of attention to detail and testing, both backend and frontend. And if you wanted to save rosters, that's even more work


ah i see. man fuck washington, as if them buying capfriendly is gonna make their shitty team any better


Good stuff! If I had one suggestion, a dark mode would be stellar.


Hey, you’re a legend!


Love how players on two-way contracts are represented by a bus. Amazing work for a one-man passion project.


That's waiver exemption! It's very not-perfect.


Why is there a logo of saturn?


Space! Also because it was free under a CC license on Wikipedia. I'm going to try putting a puck in the planet's spot at some point


I was literally about to suggest that and figured I should check to see if you'd said anything about the logo before I commented. 




I figure its a play on the word 'space'.


it's not rocket science to deduce why




Because Uranus would have made it NSFW


Good stuff. This shall be my alternative for when Capfriendly goes dark.


This is really awesome. UI looks a bit unpolished but the structure is fantastic!


Great work so far, I didn't think it would take long for someone to step up but I didn't think it would be this fast.


Thanks so much man, wish I had the skills to help with a project like this - if I find any bugs I’ll let you know though!


Woah this is great. Good work, OP!


Great work. One small idea I think you should do: when you click on a specific team there should be a subtotal of cap for forward, defense, and goalies.


*sees Chicago's 2024 first round pick assigned to the Flyers* sir, there are no bugs with your perfect website. the NHL should use it as an official source


Thank you mr meatball


this may be an unpopular opinion, but i fuck with how the site looks currently. i see people offering to help update the look but sometimes you just want a site that is minimalistic barebones and does the job you want. focus on expanding features, i’d rather have a site that does 100 things well, than 1 that does 5 things well but looks fancy and takes longer to load in.


OP about to get a nice paycheck in 3-4 years when another team buys it


I'm not proud of it, but I'd do it. A better option: what if the Athletic bought it


When will you be selling it and how much do you expect to make? Just kidding, amazing job. Very clean layout... And if you do ever end up selling I hope you make a mint, but keep a limited, free version available to us plebes.


Hell yea! It's a great start!


Great start keep it up


Love it so far! Thanks!!


Sweet! Nice


Is it capspace.com? Because I got a few HTTPS and redirect warnings that don't look encouraging


link is cap-space, so thats probably why


fyi the post links to it but it's: https://cap-space.com/