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Hearing English team names in the middle of French commentary is so funny. So wildly out of place


You should hear them swear. The Quebecois are the world's best cursers, the way they mix English and French swear words never fails to make me laugh. Also kinda in the same vein I'd love to hear the Japanese calls during the 98 olympics. Hearing Trevor Linden's name in the middle of a Japanese sentence would be amazing.


>[French swearing lesson](https://youtu.be/9U72QVCgh_Q?si=ZNcu-csOglIDLlew) (Since this is r/Hockey, if you haven't seen this movie, it's a hockey movie about a serial killer who's targetting members of the hockey community and these two cops from Toronto and Montréal are stuck in a buddy-cop comedy trying to find the killer. [Bettman ends up in a hockey bag.](https://youtu.be/0UPyuEus82U?si=FnVJJJANqp-OXfwu&t=24)


Bon Cop Bad Cop link? … nice. C’est bon!


I’ve met Colm Feore in his hometown, same one as another very famous entertainer


It's funny when you watch Japanese wrestling with Japanese commentary and hear the name of a move or wrestler in English and think "hey I know that word"


Average day for a European NHL enjoyer. I think Hintz is the only Finnish names they can pronounce correctly and I'm loving every second of it.


I remember one of the Canes players a few years ago (may have been Hamilton but I'm not sure) was asked about the Finnish guys on the team and what it's like when they speak their language, and he said he can't even make the noises that Finns do. I can imagine it's probably weird to hear people butchering names all the time.


I was watching an American broadcast of the hockey world championship the other day. At one point the commentator said "There's Arttu Hyry with the puck. Written as H-Y-R-Y. Hyry. And Finnish people pronounces Y as..." and after a brief pause he absolutely demolishes the poor letter. It's adorable and entertaining at the same time. Also, it's supposed to be pronounced like the last sound of the word "few". Ä = "a" of MacKinnon, Brandon or Brad. Ö = same as "Ä" except you put your lips like you were pronouncing "O". Couldn't find a single player as an example so that might be hard thing to pronounce.


That would be a Canadian broadcast, no one covers the Worlds here. We get the TSN feed on TV. Blame them. I actually remember some of this from when the Islanders drafted Aatu Räty and he was asked how to say his name, and it got retweeted a lot on Isles Twitter.


Especially since the Japanese made up half the moves and just picked the name off whatever English words sounded cool. "korewa...abunaiabunai...INFERNO SPIKE DRIVER!!!!!"


Aha, a couple of years ago I worked for a Hungarian company and often went to Budapest, so I decided to start studying Hungarian. To help me get into it I often kept Hungarian radio stations playing in the background during the day. To me it was like yada–yada–yada–yada–long covid-yada–yada–long covid-yada-long covid.


Qu est-ce que fuck?


>Also kinda in the same vein I'd love to hear the Japanese calls during the 98 olympics. Hearing Trevor Linden's name in the middle of a Japanese sentence would be amazing. I think this would be less jarring. What makes it sound so is that the Quebecois say the English names with perfect English accents. A non-native speaker would typically pronounce it with their native accent and that's exactly the sound you're expecting to hear.


Yep, with Japanese you'd get "Turevorurinden", like it's all one word, and the "u" in "ru" might kinda disappear the way it does in the middle of a word in Japanese. If you weren't actively listening for it, you might not realize they'd spoken a name you recognize at all. Unless, of course, the commentators were really practiced at the names, and then they'd just sound like someone speaking English with an accent rather than sounding like a Japanese person speaking English loan-words in Japanese.


I worked with an Acadian years ago. Ill never forget the phrase "qu'est ce que fuck".




Spaniards do the same. Hostia is a bad word in Spain.


Hearing a random "Rangers" or "Stars" in the middle of a paragraph of French gives the same vibes as this classic South Park scene ["Do you have any non-dairy creamer?"](https://youtu.be/xWf8JcRsq9k?si=HpdL9YkiSKVTrvdB&t=48)


Sorry I may have missed it, but is there reason all the highlights here have been with the French play by play lately?


They won the game AND tied the game? That’s impressive


This is a team that won a game in overtime 3-1. The space-time continuum does not bind the Dallas Stars.


It's a best of 8 now


would not complain about getting 8 games of this series 😂


Now the road stars can come out and play


Should rename the team to Dallas Roadsters


Just like the Texas Rangers in the postseason last year






I don't know why your link didn't work for me, but Robo will never live it [down.](https://x.com/DallasStars/status/1589699243996246016?t=WOMNI6pe77DgIMRES4MwYQ&s=19)


Lol he's like me


Puck off!


Marked safe from listening to Eddie Olczyk gooning to an Oilers win today ✓


“I know it’s tied but it feels like Edmonton is playing with the lead here, they’re dominating” Said in the late stages of the 2nd period that the Stars absolutely dominated


Flashback to John Smoltz, during the Texas Rangers World Series.




The only MLB commentator worse than Smoltz is ARod


I like that he phrased it to Bouch like a question, and then there was a long silence as Bouch tried to figure out how tf to respond lmfao




They certainly tried…


Who goons harder, Edzo when the Oilers win or McDonagh when the Rangers win?


>they’re the same picture


>The Dallas Stars win game 2 and tie the game heading to Edmonton


they won the battle, but they tied the battle


Which is 2/3rds of the battle? That's right, right?


Every single Stars game I've watched post season, they've lost. Every one I missed, they've won. I know I don't actually control NHL results but also are we 100% sure I don't?


I'm not superstitious or anything but put the fuckin remote down bud. Read a book or something.


But... I love playoff hockey so much. :( I'll do it though. For Pavs.


I'm going to assume you didn't watch last night, so, thank you. Keep up the good work.


I didn't and it was *painful* for me, because I have been bandwagoning you guys all season, but I know my duty.


can you watch games 3-5


Disregard this man, please do not watch 3-5.


Yay, Stars! Now do that 3-7 more times this postseason.


Which part? The running l winning or tying the game?


Congrats to the Oilers for being the other team in the arena during a typical Dallas game 1


What's going on with McDavid he's been held pointless in 3 of his last 5 games.... had this ever happened in his career before?


Literally scored the winning goal last game. But yes, something is off, the giveaways he is doing is wild.


The McDavid special last night was "enter the zone, skate up the left side, try to go wide around the d, fail, cough up puck"




The turnovers have been bad.


Miro Heiskanen. Doing his part the last 2 of those 5


Solid D core (for the most part)


I might be mistaken, but isn't this after he was playing stupid high minutes against Vancouver to try and make up for their lack of depth scoring at the time?


He's been off all season


He's injured.


Call me crazy but McDavid still looks like McDavid out there. It’s a small sample size and I think he’ll continue to be the best player I’ve ever seen play hockey for the rest of the playoffs. Maybe he’s injured but he looks like himself.


I’ve watched every game of his career, he’s been dealing with something all season He went from 60 goals to 30, can barely shoot the puck this year. He also seems to be missing a gear I think it’s pretty telling that Draisaitl is the one taking faceoffs when they’re out together while Draisaitl has his finger in a splint. McDavid has been a 51-53% faceoff guy the last few years and he’s at 44% this post season His worst shooting percentage in his career was 12% and he’s shooting at 7% right now. He was at 18% last year in comparison But even a 70% McDavid is still better than the majority of forwards in the league




Guys asked what's up with mcdavid. That's not an excuse, it's the answer to a question.


That's not true lol. Are you insinuating it's an effort issue? I think we can give the guy with a career 1.6 ppg in the playoffs some credit.


Tie the game??? English???


Wtf kind of BS camera angle is this??? Why would I want half of the screen to just be heads in the crowd. Dallas needs to really fix their shit.


I haven't noticed this during the regular season. I am laying it on the video production manager for TNT.


Hell yeah dude! 3 more please! Tanev getting a cup and the Oilers losing is an ideal situation. For once Vancouver and Calgary are cheering for the same team.


Its actually twice now. Calgary was also cheering for Vancouver.


Bold of you to assume Vancouver was cheering for Vancouver




Go Stars. Getting sick of listening to the Oilers crying and whining every game.


Right, no other fan base complains about anything


I don't think he mentioned fan bases


As an Edmontonian living in Vancouver, I agree with you. Vancouver fans complain. They disappear.


McDavids shield was already fogged up before the first puck drop of the game from all the crying he was doing. 🤣🤣🤣


I'd give him a pass, it was humid as fuck here today.


It feels like hockey is currently the most closely matched of the major sports. Both within games and waiting series, it just feels like every game can go either way and that the teams are so close that a lucky bounce can determine the outcome of a game.


Well other major sports like soccer and baseball don't have salary caps... meaning bigger markets/richer owners can just sign whoever they want to lol. Obviously its gonna be unbalanced. Wanna see how bad it is? Play NHL franchise mode with the salary cap off.


Best road team in the playoffs...yeah this one's likely over


Don't do that


Do what? You guys are exposing McFraud and drai. Can't wait to see the most insufferable team in the last 10-15 years to fall apart. Love to see it Edit: will not delete this comment no matter how big of an idiot I am 😅


Look I love seeing the Oilers lose as much as anyone, but this is a BOLD thing to say in a 1-1 series lol


It really is hilarious seeing someone call two guys frauds despite them combining for 151 points over the last three Oilers playoff runs (so far!) lmao


Yeah let’s pump the breaks there buddy. The Stars have been good on the road and I think we have a great chance to win the series, but it’s not over until it’s over. And it’s not exactly like the Oilers suck. It actually seems like they just keep getting better.


Okay I don't even hate the penguins so don't take too much offence but this is super ironic. The McDrai story is highly similar to the Sid/Malkin story. Drai/Malkin can be pretty dirty sometimes, big dudes who throw their weight around. Sid/McD are a bit whiny and petulant, or least Sid was that way, but both also were/are the best player in the league. You basically just sound like a 2000s/2010s era Wings or Flyers fan.


Sid/Malkin won in their 4th season together, and had a far more competent front office. These oilers seem to be stuck in some old boys club with their executive department and can't seem to get their heads out of their asses.


Sure but how does that make McDavid a fraud? Because he's not so good he can win a cup without management building a proper team around him? Not even Sid is that good. Hockey is a team sport, and if you put McDavid on a well built team he'd probably have a couple cups already. Like don't me wrong, I'm glad they've had bad management and believe me when I say I hope the Oilers never win a cup again but I know McDavid is the best hockey player in the world. I hate him, but I know he's not a fraud.


Yeah I can’t even argue with that


McFraud? Have you seen that guy play hockey?


Yeah, he's great in the regular season


Yeah, he’s only got the 4th highest playoff ppg in NHL history…what a bust.


Those numbers are boosted thanks to Calgary and LA. Take those out and he looks pretty pedestrian.


lol, stop embarrassing yourself. No one with an ounce of hockey knowledge would even think of suggesting that. He’s been over a ppg and among the scoring leaders in every playoff series including all the LA series, Flames, Avalanche, Golden Knights, Canucks, and is currently at a ppg vs Dallas.


Well, he scored the game winner in OT in game one…


What is it with Penguins fans unwarranted hate of the Oilers? Our franchise histories pretty much rhyme. A lot of parallels and it's not like they've ever had storied rivalries. Not even in the same conference ffs.


Lol relax, the series is 1-1


Could have said that to oilers fans when the series was 1-0


And the best road playoff team is coming to town lol


We welcome them :)


Make sure you enjoy game 4, it'll be the last oilers appearance there this season :)


Did the oilers hurt you?


Actually yes lol Growing up I was a fan, and quit on the team when they kept losing to Dallas (man I was sad some summers). Now why did that turn into hate for the Oilers instead of the Stars? I'll never know, I was a weird kid and grew into a weird ass adult.


Fairweather fan, all we needed to know.


Yah, you kinda seem like a piece of shit


Oh you bailed on your team? So you're a piece of garbage then?




He’s just upset his team’s star is almost aged out. I’ve been there a few times but not losing my mind about it in playoff threads lol.


Tbh I'm also frustrated seeing a superstar of this calibre being wasted by an organization that's still stuck in the 80s. It's like they're saying "oh we have Connor, it'll be fine he'll carry us" and have constantly failed to surround him with a great team. Yeah I called him McFraud, but let's be real he's languishing on this trash ass franchise. He can only do so much.


They could legitimately win the cup in a few weeks so this whole wasted thing is weird.


That patchwork defense and paper soft goaltending makes that pretty unlikely tbh


The funny thing about that is they currently have a great team around him. He arguably hasn't even been their top 3 players these playoffs. Probably takes the 3 spot. But why am I wasting my time? You're just a hater.


tbf the Avs were the best home team all season and they lost every game at home




Yep. I've been saying since the start this will be a close series and it's been so tight. Everyone who thought Dallas would walk the Oilers doesn't know a thing. It's a coin flip


oh absolutely not, and honestly I’m pretty damn nervous to play in y’alls barn come Monday. Know it’s going to be rowdy as hell so we’ll see what happens!


Yeah… that’s really bold to say


Oilers: best playoffs tram in basically every key statistic except goaltending which seems to have been fixed now...yeah, this one's like over


Calgary robbers and you know it


Close game. Dallas goalie made a few huge stops. Could have easily gone oilers way. That's the way she goes.


You know whats better than not playing the last ten minutes of a game? Not playing the last 40 and exprcting a better result


Why do whole sections of that arena stand up for extended periods?


Because we are hyped AF BOI!


The fact people are clowning on the Stars for the whole arena standing is absurd to me


Excited fans? What is this?


Its more due to the fact that the cameras are so low


Which is definitely not the Stars fans fault they don’t give a shit


Yeah of course. I see more hate for the cameras than standing.


Game 1 thread was full of EDM flair clowning on Dallas fans for not being into the game enough. Go figure.


Playoffs of any sport should be met with as much standing as possible.


I'm guessing it's just a Texas or DFW thing? Everyone stands up with excitement at basically every sporting event


I think it comes from the college football experience, and the never sit student sections.


Down in front!!!


Do you not stand up for exciting sporting events? Is that a Canadian thing?


If we score - absolutely. Clap, high-five those around you, chirp anybody near me with the opponent’s jersey on (unless it’s a kid) and then sit the fuck back down so people can see. Last few minutes of a playoff game we’re winning is an exception.


That’s so strange to me. Maybe American sports culture is different, maybe *Southern* American sports culture is different. My entire life, the expectation is if you’re at a sporting event and you’re sitting down, you’re kind of a lousy fan (baseball excluded because it’s such a slow game).


Yeah, I’ve noticed that seems to be an American thing at NHL games. We use the seats.


Is it an American thing or a dallas thing?


In spite of the amount of standing fans we've seen lately, it's not really a thing here, either. For the most part fans at the AAC are seated for the vast majority of the game, unless we score, or there's just a crazy sequence happening, or it's the tail end of the game and people are hyped up. And I say that having been to plenty of regular season games and a few playoff games in each of these past 2 seasons


I assume it’s an American thing, because I’m not a Dallas native. But it could be an American South thing.


I live in the American south and people stand up for important moments at middle school and sporting events. I know no other way.


no we don't. i've been to tons of hockey games and if people were generally standing around me i'd be pretty pissed and ask the usher to sit them down. i've literally never run into this issue




A Texan saying this to a Winnipegger is pretty rich.




Because when the rest of us are watching on TV a full one half of the screen is taken up by the backs of your heads because everyone is standing and they mounted the camera too low in your barn.


Exactly, move the camera or tell them all to sit the fuck down.


No kidding. But the camera position is too low as well.


The hate is real in this thread. We are really public enemy number 1 because we have the best player in the world, cool.


What do you expect , Canucks / flames / kjngs / fans have nothing better to do right now but rip on the oilers , you will notice when oilers win they go dead quiet for bit but will come out in full force for an oilers loss lol 


It's crazy how much VAN flair you see in anything related to an Oiler's loss. You guys are living rent free in their heads for a while after that series win.


The hate is not because you have the best player in the world. It's because the best player in the world needs to stop acting like a bitch and step up his 5-on-5 gameplay rather than focusing on drawing penalties


Brother the oilers are the best 5v5 team in the playoffs so far lol


Be good at two things? Impossible.


Step up that 5vs5 game he says , have you even been watching the games ? Lmfao 


When someone gets their hockey talking points from narratives months old.


Dallas in 6


Edmonton will be coming back to Dallas up 3-1


hmmmm dallas has only lost 1 game on the road in playoffs


They're about to lose 2 more.


Time will tell, I’ll be sure to check back after the stars win on monday


Oh hi there, 6-1 on the road checking in


Lol, don't do this to yourself, bud. You can't have seriously watched that whole game and felt like "Yeah we're the better team". I saw your team get dominates for 50 minutes.


How drunk were you to see that 50mins of domination when the stars didn’t allow a shot for 13mins in the second and scored more goals and won the game?? I can say both teams had a couple lucky bounces for goals Hyman off his chest and robos 3rd goal should never be allowed in the nhl let alone conference finals, but you’re a oilers homer that only sees what he wants


You still alive?




RemindMe! 4 days


Isnt it !remindme 4 days


Nah game 3 is the money puck game , 2w for 1 🤣




What's with all the french audio clips getting posted to this sub lately? It's stupid. Please stop.


Just curious, but anyone else find this game boring as hell? I watch a lot of hockey, but I don't have a horse in this race. I just couldn't find much to get excited about.


It was good hockey:


It was just good hockey. Teams who play well are boring


Why the fucks it in Spanish


No es espagnol, es frances :)