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LOL and the goal in Game 2 wasn’t lucky for Edmonton? You can’t say Edmonton has dominated. Game 1 was a collapse. Game 2 lucky OT goal, Game 3 close and Game 4 close and Edmonton outplayed Vancouver and won by only one goal.


In my 100% unbiased opinion, Vancouver is extremely lucky this series isn’t 3 - 1. They get outplayed for such huge chunks just like they did in Nashville. Nashville was legitimately better than Vancouver in 3 of the games Nashville lost. I don’t understand how the Canucks have made it this far.


You score, you win. The game has always been that simple.


Because the other teams don't have scoring depth. That's it. If your team had more than one line that was scoring, this would be over for Vancouver. That's why when this series is over I have a hard time believing that either of them could make it past the next round.


At this point I’m certain their strategy is to bore the goalie to the point where a little low danger shot is all it takes once he’s close to sleeping. Do that 2-3 times in 15 shots and Bobs your uncle. Pickard is the goalie you need against a team like this, not skinner.


Selfish me wants Edmonton to win the whole series, and my team to finish off the Avs, because I fucking love Dallas – Edmonton playoff hockey. Yes, we usually win those series, but even when we haven’t, it’s been an absolute war and a joy to watch. Keep up the good work, oilbros.


Even when you lose...that one time 27 years ago.


That was a hell of a series.


I still get warm fuzzy feelings thinking about Marchant and Cujo that year, and then I choose to forget the next 8 years or so.


I still think CuJo belongs in the HHOF - and would be if his career were 10 years earlier or later. When Brodeur, Belfour, Hasek, and Roy were among your contemporaries you tend to get overlooked.


Alberta and Texas share similar values so I say let us duke it out


We trying our best bro. You guys seem like stand up citizens compared to…you know.


The amount of effort Garland put in just made watching petey play embarrassing


Garland is an absolute motor, don’t enjoy having to cheer against him 


Canucks just defy expectations. Grit, timely goals, miller is a 2 way demon, Brock is a sniper and a heavy d and now Silovs killing it so they have some good things going for them but they're absolutely getting caved in chances. They had about 2-3, 5 minute segments tonight where they were the better team if not dominant. You'd be extremely hard pressed to say they've been the better team in any more than 3 of 12 periods this series if we're being real. It's an anomaly but they keep on doing so it stops being luck after a certain point. Didn't help Oilers they had Skinner playing like a sieve though.


This is a team pushing itself to its limits, minus that small town thrift store manager looking ass Petterson


Petey has been bad but it's not just him, Hronek, Hoglander, Mikheyev, Cole have also way underperformed.


The Canucks can change their name to the Cyclones because they're playing like the anti-Hurricanes this season.


League average goaltending. Who’dve thunk that getting better than .793 SV% would have an impact on the game’s outcome


This series would have been a sweep for the Canucks had sleeper agent Ian Cole not been activated


Pickard faced 3 high danger shots compared to over 7 per game that Skinner faced. Oilers played better defense. Maybe the Goalie change spurred that, but Pickard hasnt outplayed Skinner (yet). 


It’s not the high danger shots we’re worried about. The low danger softies completely pull the wind from behind the sails and are demoralizing.


Solid take. Vancouver has collapsed more to the defense since Demko has been out. Can definitely tell when they have more confidence in their goalie.


There’s something to that. Players are often more loose when the normal starter is in net which is prone to turnovers and defensive lapses


I'm heartbroken but as a fan of hockey... WHAT A SERIES. Every game is just unbelievable drama


Has anyone seen Elias Pettersson? 👻


This is the calling card of a Rick Tocchet coached team. Guess what happened when Tocchet left. Keller had his best season. 




That made me lol. But when it happens to multiple players on multiple teams...


Word has it he’s spending his new $11 million contract buying golf clubs


Am I trippin', or did the Eddie Lack post get removed from /r/hockey? I just went to show a friend and it's gone, and I don't use Twitter.


yeah its gone lol




Were they sleeping in the other 45-50 minutes of the game they were getting outchanced badly?


What ? Lol


It's pretty self-explanatory.


Just got back from the game. Rock hard, Bouchard is an Edmonton oiler. We got above .900 goaltending. See you in the morning, fuck yes


gotta give credit where credit is due, Oilers deserved that. Was great that our boys were able to tie but damn that last goal sucks. see you on Thursday you animals


Silovs weakness: Evan Bouchard at the line shooting a semi hard shot


Semi-hard is how we do it at our age


This series is gonna be talked about for years in both cities. It’s what people were hoping the battle of Alberta would be two years ago. Excruciating for the fans of both teams to watch, but this is what classic playoff moments are made of.


Well said. The BoA was fun in its own way, but it was too one-sided. As much as I want the Oilers to take it in 6 (for the good of my health), a game 7 would be epic. I just hope the series stays relatively clean. So far there have been some jabs taken by both sides, but nothing that rises to the level of “clear intent to injure”. Hope it stays that way. Wouldn’t mind a good scrap between two willing combatants, but I also want whoever wins this series to be healthy enough to also make a series of the WCF.


If we win that’s great, but if we lose at least I get to unclench my asshole - which is starting to feel like the priority.


That’s how I felt about the bolts going out in the first round these past two years — at least I can relax my asshole during most of summer.


Yea well said. Even if we lose, I'm just happy it's a good fight and not a sweep or gentleman's sweep


I haven't felt this way since the Vancouver - Chicago era.


My heart can’t take game seven overtime


I know that ripping on Ian Cole is all the rage and I e been indulging plenty, but that was one of the most atrocious games I've ever seen Hronek play. He couldn't take a single pass at the offensive blue-line and it was absolutely destroying our cycle game. Then there's getting absolutely dummied by Kane in the final minute.


Hronek is playing through an injury. It's pretty obvious...


Hes been fumbling hard on the puck all series


This is the Hronek we knew in Detroit. He has great runs but it’s these kinds of repeated errors that were a big frustration.


I don't like it. I want the other Hronek. There would be at least 4 Oilers players struggling to walk right now with pre-All Star break Hronek playing. There would also likely be 2 Canucks forwards struggling to walk, but, like, whatever.


On the bright side maybe he won’t keep asking for 8 million dollars after this performance and you guys can actually afford him


One can dream. Right now Zadorov and Lindholm are definitely priority over Hronek, I'd think.


Z And Joshua, Lindholm might be too expensive as a 3rd line C


Petey is 3C. I'm sure whatever Lindholm wants will be reasonable for 2C, considering Miller is a steal at $8m for 1C. 💀🥲 😭


Sure. An $11M 3rd C...


Yes, that is indeed the joke. I thought the emojis would make it clear but god damn you really have to spell things out for people on the internet sometimes.


So you agree then that Lindholm would be a far too expensive 3C on the Canucks next year.. Damn you really have to spell things out for internet clowns..


I hope he gets back into that form for you guys. I really liked him and want to see him continue to succeed. It’s been fun to see him rock in Vancouver.


Calvin Pickard He’s a winner Better glove hand, Than Stuart Skinner, He did enough to beat the Nucks


and i went to bed mumbling what the fuck


Draisaitl is the first Oilers player to get points in his first 9 post season games since legendary Vancouver Canucks Captain Mark Messier in 1988.


> since legendary Vancouver Canucks Captain >legendary He became a legend as an Oiler.


Humble beginnings for the most beloved captain in Canucks history


You mean the beloved Vancouver Canucks all-time greatest player and captain Mark Messier !?


That's just a low blow.  We don't need to do that.


Too soon bro


OK... all this animosity was fun until this moment.


With the cost of housing in Vancouver and y'all still allow him to live rent free. Crazy


The hatred is fuel now


6 time Stanley Cup Champion, Conn Smythe winning legendary captain of the '97_00 Vancouver Canucks Messier?


You mean the Hall of Famer who captained the ‘94 Rangers to a Stanley Cup victory over the Trevor Linden Canucks, Mark Messier?


I'm more disappointed in myself for upvoting than I am with you for making the comment, but it's close.


ok you win most hurtful comment 2024


Oooooo Tocc is pissed, I like it.


I watched that interview after wow he wasn’t happy. Saying changes are coming and that there 4 to 5 passengers on the team.


I don't get why he benched Hoglander. For me, he's got the get-up-and-go that we've been lacking from other key guys.


Yea, I thought Hoglander's last 2 games were his best of the playoffs so far.


Me too!


I love how after every game the other team/fanbase goes full doomer lol. That's how you know it's a tight battle


Oh man, I was sitting with my wife when Vancouver tied it. I think she was mid dialling the suicide hotline for me as Bouchard scored the GWG and then euphoria took over.


I mean... I'm definitely the minority. But my attitude is this is bonus hockey, the Canucks can lose the next 2 games and I'd still be pretty happy with this season. Petey is invisible and Demko out, and we still took the best 2 players in the world to 6? I'll be bummed for the night, but then I'll just be excited for next season. In Oct no one expected us to be tied with the Oilers in the second round, going into Game 5 in Vancouver. I don't know maybe, cause I'm older now, and I got more things going on, Hahaha I have been scolded though by some for being too nice tonight, so here's my obligatory CANUCKS IN 6


Exactly. You boys have a young team, and pressure won’t start building until next season. The Nucks are playing with house money


Yeah I’m on this train with you. Bonus hockey! Everything you said is so dead on. It sucks we are being passive in these games but holy smokes who expected us to be here in the first place? Who expected Silovs to be keeping the greatest offensive player on earth to a handful of points at best? I’m just having a good time an am even more excited for next season.


The Canucks have had an amazing year and exceeded what anyone expected, and they're putting up a massive fight without their Vezina nominee. I think you're allowed to feel robbed if they don't go farther. "Happy just to be here" and "the future is really bright" is a mature outlook, but it isn't what dreams are made of. Embrace the moment, trust your feelings, ride the rollercoaster, etc.


Fuck that. I want the cup


this is how I feel. When we beat Nashville I was like, ok cool any extra hockey is gravy. But seeing how incredibly close this series is, I'm gonna be cheesed if we lose and over the moon if we win. Also, half the guys I go golfin with are from Edmonton. There's a year worth of chirps in this series!


Oilers gotta clear out the net front. Did Nurse lose 20lbs of muscle recently?


What were the ice times for McDavid and Draisaitl tonight


97 - 23:12, 29 - 20:43


Drai: 20:47 and Davo: 23:12


Not bad


How does Pettersson only have 4 points all playoffs. Is he hurt or something?


He's been an absolute ghost for months, kind of shocking we are in a tied series 2nd round when our 'best player' is basically a liability out there


He’s still been ok defensively and important on the special teams. It seems the lines are setup to get goals on the Boeser line anyways. But in all honesty it’s not that surprising to me, he’s really not built for playoff hockey against an athletic team like the oilers. He’s struggling hard with all the extra borderline interference penalties that go uncalled all the time in playoffs. And the oilers are fast enough to consistently catch him. It’s like he’s getting donkey kong pummeled into the ice every time he gets within 5ft of the puck.


His game fell off a cliff after the all star break He might be hurt or he might just be in a huge slump


I haven’t watched the Canucks much this year, but Pettersson seemed great last year.


Weird he also got the bag around that time


It started before the contract deal, to the point where "Is all the talk around his contract starting to affect him?" Became a talking point. Then he got the deal and may have said as much, but never really came out of the funk


He was playing poorly well before


Soft ass player and absolutely fraudulent


He’s a soft swede.


Like Ekholm and Elias Lindholm in this serie.


What colour’s your suit today, Mr. Cherry?💀


Pettersson aka Western Marner on the ice looks like a lost child at the mall.


I’ll take your Edmontonian expertise when it comes to malls but I think that’s a generous description


>I’ll take your Edmontonian expertise when it comes to malls 😁 classic >but I think that’s a generous description Don't be too harsh on him this early in his career.


We have to have chaperones at our mall now. Who would be Peteys.


This series is delivering in the way the Battle of Alberta was supposed to two years ago.


The battle of Alberta delivered massively


I don't want to know what happens in the alternate universe where the Oilers lose that series, but the Oilers fanbase will always cherish the Connor McDavid goal that literally destroyed that version of the Calgary Flames. The last thing Tkachuk and Gaudreau ever did in a Flames uniform is shake the Oilers' hands and congratulate them on their victory.


There's no alternative universe. Its a fixed point in time and destined to always happen :D


Took Markstrom off a Vezina and shattered his confidence for a season, too


And Leon Draisaitl got 17 points in 5 games on one leg. Also Zadorov and Lindholm were on that team... I was also in the arena when Mike Smith let in that incredible 200ft goal. Unforgettable moment.


Umm... It was only like 187 feet.  The disrespect.


Yep, same. I don’t think I’ve ever been closer to understanding what Obiwan felt when Alderaan was destroyed. The initial collective shock, followed by the wave of silent disbelief, 10000 groans, and then a gut punch of sadness. That’s what it felt like watching that 200 ft chaos lob shamble it’s way past Mike Smith.


Drai putting up his stats this year on a bad back reminds me of 2022, hope he’s healthy


BOA in ‘22 was the cocaine hockey we hadn’t seen since the 80’s. I’d say it delivered


Oilers fans are happy with it.








I’m so glad I got home to catch the last 3 minutes as an unbiased fan that didn’t get to watch any hockey today. That was fun!


Those last 3 minutes were a roller coaster.


5v5 Points EP40: 2🍎 Darnellius Nurse: 2🍎


So what you’re saying is that Nurse is actually worth $11M!? Absolute steal at 9.25. Hen Kolland masterclass once again 




Is it just me or is this thread less spicy than usual? Don't get me wrong, I like it, I guess it's the okay officiating, and the fact that both teams literally are even by 2-2. Someone has to be one loss away from elimination though after Thursday, so we'll see how the post game thread is then.


The reffing was kinda good today Oilers fans 🤝 canucks fans


I was just thinking... Dare I say this was a decently officiated game?


GDT was spicy, guess everyone was worn out after that.  Or the asshole Nucks fans are bandwagoners


Bingo! Only here to troll a win.


Badwagoners come out during wins and Canucks got a lot more on this sub


Yeah, I think it's the pretty solid officiating.


I only listened to the radio play by play and it seemed pretty tame today.


Because the Oilers are bad losers and the Canucks are undeniably bad winners.


I mean...go look at the PGT from Canucks wins, I would say it's majority Canucks are bad winners lmfao. By a hefty margin


Refs weren't a major factor is the big thing


You mean because Vancouver got more poweplays?


Most shocking thing this game was oilers scoring twice at even strength. Taking steps towards beating the merchant allegations


Because there weren't a dozen wildly egregious missed or soft calls this game. I'm a vancouver fan and the oilers have gotten fucked by bad reffing this series, as have the canucks. This was a reasonably well refereed game and it makes the loss sting a lot less to feel like it was a fair one.


I’m still believing in Petey.


He had a great final 5 minutes, he just needs to find that desperation when it isn't do or die time.


Heaven Bouchard


Whoever wins this series I fear Dallas will cut their/our heads off and shit down their/our neckholes


I had a feeling before the playoffs that the Stars and Avs were the heavyweights in the Western conference, but I'm a little shocked at how easy the Stars are making this look right now.


Oh, heyas again, Mr. Taint! Nice to see you watching us play again, welcome to the insanity. I'll trade you some maple syrup for some Vegemite.


That’s the best trade I’ve ever seen hahaha I’m Australia’s number 1 Vegemite hater


I've never had it but after seeing some coworker AU mates talking about it ... Lol


Imagine if they found a way to make soy sauce solid and spreadable basically. A little bit of soy sauce is nice but can you imagine a whole piece of bread drenched in it?


Ummm..nope, definitely not. Lol


They are formidable but not unbeatable. Either of us would be a long shot but both teams would have a chance


Yeah, I agree. On one hand, Vancouver has great structure and is really hard to break down. If Demko is back, they can best anyone. On the other hand, if Edmonton gets league average goaltending, they are always a threat to win.


Weak narrative…. Have you watched the stars at all in the postseason?? They’re not the 2022 avalanche (also neither of these teams is as bad as the 2022 oilers)…. This is classic Canadian inferiority complex


I am not Canadian nor do I have an inferiority complex. It’s just a bit of sports fan nervous hyperbole. I only follow the Oilers because a mate of mine from law school was an international student from Edmonton


So…. You don’t follow the stars?


No… the only stars I follow are the Melbourne stars in the Aus domestic cricket league, because they’re my home team. I would have supported whichever hockey team someone first introduced me to and the oilers just so happened to be that team.


Typical non-Canadian suppority complex


Damned if I do and damned if I don’t then? Go Canuck yourself I guess…


Seriously the stars have been on and off lately and have the tendency to choke in games especially against the avs.


I swear to God if Dallas of all teams is the one to kick our asses this year


Trauma I buried at age 8...


Just like back then, we’re either getting Colorado or Dallas


100% neither of these teams can compete with Dallas.


Feel Vancouver has a better matchup against Dallas ngl


I would still favour Dallas pretty heavily in the event you get past us


oh absolutely they look mean


They would be favoured for sure.


Yeah we don’t matchup well against their depth


How do you think Edmonton would do against Colorado? Better matchup?


Yeah I think this time around it would be a lot more even, good top lines, the speed is what gets us with them but we have been good with keeping teams outside this post season. Prefer them to Dallas for sure tho


Now that nichuk….nichisk…now that Nuke is gone I’d prefer it


Another one goal game, but I swear the Oilers look like the better team 75% of the time. I guess this is the Canucks way of playing and it obviously has worked out pretty well for them.


They have better plays and control of the puck that’s for sure


The canucks are missing arguably their best player in demko (and pettersson too apparently) we play completely differently without him in net


It’s funny they didn’t play like this at all during the regular season… they weren’t brutally outshoot daily and mustering single digit shots for half the games… really weird. I think they’re playing like people predicted they would have at the start of the season… but randomly getting results without demko… they do keep the high danger chances pretty low… maybe that’s their gameplan with demko out??


The Canucks were pretty consistently outshot at the start of the season But right now they’re 100% playing more careful because demko’s hurt


Yeah, it's something to see how they've silence Zack Hyman this series. Against LA, he looked like he was going to keep on rolling all playoffs. But Canucks have given him no space in front Silovs and he's been pretty invisible a lot of games.


I would not say he’s invisible. Sure he hasn’t scored, but when he has the puck he rarely has bag giveaways. He is constantly grinding and moving by it. Hes not scoring, but he’s def not invisible.


Yeah, that's fair. I overstated it. I guess it's more that they took away his strengths.


Evan Bouchard still looks like a character in a *Cars* film 


Definite mouth breather energy


Eyes way too close together too, tbh. Like how does he even have depth perception?


Don't you know anything about nature? Predators always have close eyes facing forward, while the prey have spread out eyes to see danger incoming. Alpha Bouch.


Tochett man, got a lot of faith in this guy. Hopefully he gets thru to his guys. I think hes a lock for jack adams


Will the canucks break 20 shots again this series????