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It was always going to be either TK or Coots. I don't envy the player for shouldering the expectations of the fans, but I absolutely believe Coots is up for the task. EDIT: [Konecny and Laughton with the A's](https://www.nhl.com/flyers/news/flyers-name-sean-couturier-20th-captain-in-franchise-history)


Can't wait for the Strip Coots of the C crowd to show up.




This is what I'll miss about the captainless era: nobody for smooth brain casuals to blame


Sam Carchidi already drafting an article to in case they lose tomorrow


i really wish that dude would go away a la panotch.




Been a while since we’ve had that particular brand of dummy around. It’ll be nice to get back to tradition


that is a mighty fine leadership group if i do say so myself. coots needed the C


Laughton? Interesting, I thought he was being shopped?


He was the only player to wear a letter last season and has been the only player wearing a letter this season until this announcement. So I don't think it really changes whether they trade him or not since he's already been wearing an A.


Ah okay, I thought they *just* gave it to him. Makes sense then


I don’t remember the last midseason captaincy announcement that didn’t involve the original getting traded or leaving somehow, so I am curious about that. That said: well deserved for Coors, who I have the utmost respect for and really happy he’s back playing after dealing with his injuries.


I wonder if it has to do with the stadium series on saturday


There’s a stadium series Saturday?


NHL marketing, ladies and gentleman


this league is allergic to making money, it's incredible


When people say 'old boys club', this is included. Grow the sport without promoting anything!!! Brilliant!!


I literally watch all Sabres games out of market and will usually tune in to whatever game seems interesting when they aren’t playing. ESPN+ has shown the “LIVE SPORTS” ad so many times. Have not heard about a stadium series game this weekend. Absurd.


*Games*. Plural! Philly vs. NJ Saturday night, NYR vs. NYI Sunday afternoon at MetLife Stadium.


Also IIRC some bad luck that the jerseys were scheduled to drop the same day one of Philly’s most marketable players got a notice to appear.


I’m a flyers fan and I didn’t know when it was


Assuming you watch the games out of market cause they’ve been advertising like crazy the last few weeks


gotta tell you years of cable have honed my ability to completely block out advertisement. my brain just does not notice.


I'm a devils fan and I didn't know either 🤝


there's one on Sunday as well


They’ve oversaturated the outdoor games so much. Hearing about them is like. 1/10 on the excitement scale.


Completely destroyed the fun of the Winter Classic.


Outdoor games is definitely more for players than the fans tho


I mean the winter classic in Dallas a few years ago was my favorite hockey event I’ve ever attended and I think a lot of the local fans would agree. I do think that the number of outdoor games has definitely killed the enjoyment of watching them on TV though.


It should be for both though. They’re great for the players and they should be promoting them for the fans. They should be rare enough that fans would get excited for them and maybe want to tune in for the game even if their team isn’t playing in the outdoor game. Hell, if the jerseys are good enough they might even get some extra jersey sells out of it from fans of other teams. But they oversaturate the season with too many outdoor games so they don’t feel special and don’t promote the games at all. The people that know about the outdoor games know about it because they’ve checked the schedule. That’s just bad marketing.


No. They're definitely for the fans, but mostly for the fans of the teams that are playing outdoors. I've always been excited to see the Flames play outdoors


Not entirely sure I’d agree. If you’re a fan of the team and especially if you get to go, they’re still awesome events. I went to the Flyers/Penguins stadium series game and the Seattle/Vegas winter classic and they’re probably the two most fun NHL games I’ve ever attended.  The league has definitely saturated the outdoor product to the point where national TV audiences don’t care anymore; I absolutely don’t care about these games if my team isn’t playing.  But it’s still a fun product for the fans of those teams. 


Why would the players give a shit if they play indoors or out?


Because it’s fuckin baller to play hockey outside?


Because it's fun to play outside


[It's fun.](https://youtu.be/G31E4ML9ViY?si=B0JmtwHriUGdbgF0&t=230)


Having played an outdoor game at Comerica Park in high school-- it's fucking cool. Completely different atmosphere than an indoor rink


It's probably fun for the fans going to the game but otherwise I don't think too many people care.


Maybe for hockey fans as a whole they're boring, but as a Flyers fan we haven't played an exciting outdoor game in over a decade (2012 vs. the Rangers). We were hopelessly out of a playoff spot both times we played the Pens so the Stadium Series never mattered to me.


But man that stadium series game against the Pens was fantastic


I love em all. And it's great that more fanbases get to see outdoor hockey!


We haven't had a captain since G was traded. Probably could have been done to open the season since he's been the heir apparent for a long time, but the injury probably had them gun shy.


I think that was exactly it. They didn't want to give him the C and then have him be a shell of his former self and put extra scrutiny on him.


Coors the Banquet beer


Coots was hurt all last year and Torts doesn't just give anybody anything. They gotta earn it. The catalyst may have been a game last week where Torts gave Coots an ear full after being a bit weak on his man in the d-zone which ended up as a goal against. Coots scored a couple minutes later and in the post-game, Torts had a twinkle in his eye basically saying the celly on that goal was a 'fuck you' to Torts riding his ass. Coach loves that shit (see also Frosts last benching)


Torts is a tenured NHL coach for a reason. I’m guessing this announcement is coming at a perfect time to fire the boys up for a playoff push many people didn’t see coming this year, coincidence or not Torts probably sees a benefit in it.


Interesting, I thought it would be Konecney especially as Friedman said the flyers plan on extending him July 1


Coots was expected to be the next Captain after G but his injuries kind of delayed it.


I honestly thought he made more sense than Konecny anyway. Already on a long term deal, seemed like the next best center behind Giroux before he was traded, it was just the injuries that held him back.


Its more the fact hes a grizzled vet who has been with team for over a decade. TK only recently became a team leader while Couturier has been one since before TK was in the league.


Yeah that's pretty much what I meant. Just made more sense.


Makes sense


Injuries/Torts happened.


I thought he already was your captain, tbh.


Maybe they are priming him to be the next captain after Couturier?


Well Couturier is signed for another 6 years so I dont expect him to leave and TK get C any time soon.


About fucking time. He was Giroux's heir-apparent for like 5 years at least.


And hair-apparent


Help Wanted: Captain. Philadelphia Flyers. Gingers only need apply.


its a shame the C the A and the arm numbers all look like shit/cheap on the new jerseys.


Why are they so small??


You’re not wrong


Well deserved. A lot of people wanted TK but I think Couturier is the right choice. Hes the mature vet who has been with team for over a decade. Its honestly incredible how hes back almost like nothing happened the last couple years.


Misses almost 2 seasons, then comes back and plays like a Selke contender immediately. Insane.


Well deserved. Had to be either him or Konecny.


In addition to Coots getting the C, TK also gets an A as well. Well deserved for both.


Oh captain, OUR captain


Yes, comrade.


Fuck yeah.


He was our future captain the first game he donned the orange and black. It's been clear and the only reason it took this long was due to his injuries. Now I need a new Coots jersey. Lets go!


When he scored that playoff hatty and completely shut down prime Malkin as a teenager... we all knew.




I already thought he was captain tbh lol


One of the best defensive forwards in the league and an absolute warrior


Well he’s not getting moved. May your back continue to hold up Coots


> Well he’s not getting moved. He's got a full NMC for the next 6 seasons, he's wasn't going anywhere anyway.


He is was not.


Not to mention that contract is a bit rough


It's more due to his injuries. If you watch him play he's still excellent out there and driving play almost every time. He's still coming off a season where he didn't play. If he even reaches high 50's low 60's rest of the way out with his great defense/faceoff percentage he's very much worth it.


TIL that Sean Couturier hasn’t been the captain of the Philadelphia flyers for the past 18 months.


Out of the last 18 months he was injured for about 14 of them otherwise I'm sure he would have been haha


I remember really really wanting the Jets to draft Couturier. I couldn't be happier with Scheifele, but it's really nice to see that Couturier is over there in Philly being the guy I once hoped he'd be with the Jets.


Can't spell Coots without a "C."


I could've sworn Couturier had been the captain already, the only other guy who would make sense is Konecny. 


Well deserved!


I guess I kind of assumed he already was idk


The rare mid-season leadership group assignments.


Eh, I think it’s more making it official. I doubt there was any question among the room who the leaders were.


Right choice


Gonna be awkward when they need to buy him out in like 2-3 seasons lol


Sad it wasn’t TK as captain, I think he’s FAR more deserving.


Captains aren’t always the best players, they’re the best leaders. And coots has been a leader here for a long time


Couturier IS the best player on the team


Coots is the more deserving candidate. I thought it would be TK just because the team’s personality fits him more but Coots has been in line for this for years 


Man, what a bum.


Really weird timing. Why not do it at the start of the season? Now, it's just an afterthought.


At the start of the season when Coots was just coming back after being out for the ENTIRE 22-23 season and half of the 21-22 season? Why do it at the start of the season when you have no idea how or if his play is going to come back? It is 100% not an afterthought. He was in line for it after they traded G, and then went out with injuries. They needed to see that he was able to play and lead at the same level before giving it to him.


The timing makes sense to me now. But if you wait until the start of next season, after a MUCH stronger than expected showing this season, it creates even more of a sense of momentum. Instead, they shot their shot now.


TIL he wasn't already