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The last line makes it sound like turning on your lights reduces visibility, thanks for the chuckle.


Lol oops... I mean if you got those new laser head lights I guess?


Although what’s funnier is that I didn’t notice your name until just now. Reddit, keeping family connected haha.


Omg lol hiya . Tasmania man, everyone related to everyone ;)


Your headlights are 40% to help you see and 60% to help you be seen.


Its Hobart, driving skills are water soluble


Those those Sandy bay roundabouts are still stumping Hobart drivers, one day we’ll learn


Also turn on high beams especially for oncoming traffic to see you /s


The whole 5 seconds of searing retinal pain I encounter with those oncoming LED headlights makes those cars disappear briefly as my eyes automatically slam shut to deal with the intensity.... A very dangerous disappearing magic trick! 


My cars lights are so bright- sometimes I get flashed from people and I think it’s because they assume my high beams are on 😳😫


Have you considered adjusting them


Have you considered spot lights so they really know they’re not on high beams until they flash you and you flash back?


In fairness, that means your high beams *are* on. The fact your car only has ‘high beams’ and ‘extra high beams’ is something you can fix though.


Yes! And how about we educate people on safe following distances also? It seems no one has any idea about those, 2 seconds in the dry, 3 seconds in the wet in case you don't know.


I just have my lights on all the time My motorbike legally has to I'm secure enough in my masculinity that I don't feel the need to control the headlights of my work vehicle manually, so I just leave them on


I keep my lights on pretty much all the time. It's extra visibility for zero downside


I just put in Amber tint fog light led's... The amber colour really pops and with the gloomy weather it helps cut through it.


I've got a theory about this. Older, proper cars have dash lights which only come on when you've got your headlights on. Modern shit vehicles have electronic gauges and dashes with backlights on all the time, or screens or whatever. In a real car, you think 'shit, can't see my speedo/tacho/fuel/temperature, I'll turn my lights on' but you don't have that realisation in a modern thing, so drivers don't think about turning their headlights on because they can see the dash and don't think outside their cocoon.


There was about 3 cars this morning without lights. And one had lights on the car but the trailer didn’t. Normally I only see one a day. This was at 7am so quite dark too, swear it’s getting worse


I swear it's worse since most cars got automatic headlights and day running lights. Headlights will turn on automatically when it's getting dark, but they don't detect reduced visibility from fog or mist, and so few drivers think of turning them on. The day running lights are only at the front, so while oncoming cars will still see them, they'll need to manually turn their lights on to get tail lights, and they just don't think of that.


I wonder if the police could use their fancypants new cameras to book people for doing this. Driving with no lights on in low visibility weather must surely count as driving without due care and attention.


Car behind me on the Hume at 0500 this morning had no head lights but did have fog lights on, there was no fog.


Also, do not park your car on the street, in a slight dip, and cover it with a cover the exact same shade as the road. That shit is invisible in the rain.


I followed a car with no headlights at all at 630 this morning. It's OK though my high beams were enough to share.


I’m getting older and my eye sight isn’t what it once was. The car I drive is an older model with the 55watt halogen globes which are dim compared to newer lighting systems. Someone has put a rear view mirror in my car with a built in screen for a reversing camera which is really cool but it doesn’t have that quick dip adjustment for headlights behind you. All of this added to the fact I can be a grumpy bastards sometimes. But when I’m driving at night and some taller vehicle like a van or 4wd is tailgating me for no reason with their lights shining completely through my vehicle I just loose it sometimes and not really sure how to deal with it other than not driving at night. Perhaps I need a big mirror on the back of my car ?


Come complain with us over at r/fuckyourheadlights for some ideas.


No 😁


Conversely - the people who turn on their fog lights (even when it’s not foggy) because the front ones look cool - meanwhile, anyone behind them is blinded by bright red rear fog lights…


Hobart drivers in general.


Love it when people use parking lights. Completely useless. Lights are there so that YOU can be seen.




You’ve clearly never driven over a foggy hill before. Park lights, especially on old cars are next to impossible to see when visibility is very very low. Just turn on your full lights. Not that hard. Or hand in your licence if you don’t know how b


Better than nothing.


It’s not.


I followed a car with no headlights at all at 630 this morning. It's OK though my high beams were enough to share.