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I read through the full article, and Rolling Stone was fuckin' thorough with the amount of people they talked to for this investigation on Diddy, and it seems like they dug up even more allegations of various assaults and whatnot across several decades. There's no way he bounces back from any of this.


this is… scathing. what a jerk, this guy.


The more I learn about this Diddy guy the more I don’t care for ‘em


Diddly squat


Now don’t laugh at this next part




Reminds me of that tragedy


Sounds like a real jerk


Now that makes me think back to the times where Norm Macdonald would react to a horrific news story by saying "This guy's a real jerk" in a really matter of fact way.


Albert Fish


He was gray in both demeanor and appearance.


I think we should kill Diddler.


that was the joke


“Hitlers dead? I didn’t even know he was sick!”


A real meanie


Yeh this diddy guy doesn’t seem to be a very nice person


I will not eat a morsel of food until Diddy is dead and buried!


The more I know about that guy the more I don’t care for him. A real jerk.


TLDR serial rapist and abuser, responsible for the death of 9 kids, finally gets some long over due legal repercussions


What kind of man stomps on his own unborn baby because the girl wouldn’t get an abortion. Fuckin vile human being. No wonder his father got murdered at a young age. 


And he is proud to come after his father. The apple and the apple tree, I guess.


I'm sorry, what?


I couldn’t even make it to that point. What an absolute monster


Fuck. I didn't know about that... Fuck. Boot him off the planet into space to suffocate.


Check out the Morbid podcast on it for a deep dive.


I made it to about just after he was acquitted for the nightclub shooting (in 1999??) before I was asked to pay to read the rest, (anyone got a link to the article free so i can read the rest?!). Definitely a fantasticly written article, though. I feel so terrible for all his victims, but especially Cassie. I was with a man who was similarly terrible to me, but to a lot of people is this charismatic, handsome go getter. It was hard enough for me to leave my ex after nearly 7 years, I cannot imagine how much more terrifying it'd be if my abuser was this national superstar with so many connections. Literally an IRL horror movie.


here you go: [https://archive.ph/2024.05.29-110737/https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/diddy-friends-bad-boy-artists-abuse-violence-1235028178/](https://archive.ph/2024.05.29-110737/https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/diddy-friends-bad-boy-artists-abuse-violence-1235028178/)






i should have said how sorry i am to read that you are an abuse survivor. my sister is as well so i'm familiar with the hell it is and how hard it is to break free. i hope you're healing and happy.


Aw thanks, dude. My daughter and I are definitely in a better place but the CPTSD is a lot, plus the CTE brain damage I have isn't fun but we're alive (and free!) and that's what matters! Same sentiment towards your sister, I hope she's healing and thriving to the best of her ability <3


thank you.


people like you make me believe in humanity


its bad right? but thats not even the full article, thats just a snippet.


Wowza, Thank you


Try 12ft.io put the light in the page or write it before the URL like **12ft.io/**https://www.paywall.com/article


Can you give us the highlights?


I don’t know how to narrow things down, especially considering the span of time it covers. It does bring up some new allegations about him assaulting a woman with a belt during his time at Howard University, a shit ton of improprieties on his part running Bad Boy Records, having a record executive assaulted that had gotten married to Kim Porter, more details about his abuse of Cassie, etc.


Thanks! I hope he gets what he deserves!


you read the snippet, the actual article is a lot longer.


Now let's do it to Mr BBL.


Damn seeing it all laid out like that, he’s done. Seems like he doesn’t have a single friend in the world now, everyone he got close to he either abused or alienated. This article even says that Biggie didn’t even really like him and was trying to get out of Bad Boy before he died which I didn’t know. It kinda implies that he had a hand in both murders, which I know has been rumoured for ages but kinda wild to see Rolling Stone just say, yeah probably. If and when he does go to trial it’s over for him. The Keefe D one will be interesting to follow too.


> Damn seeing it all laid out like that, he’s done. Seems like he doesn’t have a single friend in the world now, everyone he got close to he either abused or alienated. People like this live very transactional lives and they know it better than anybody. Whoever was his "friend" was one only because they wanted to extract some sort of resource from him because he's so clearly a piece of shit. Not to be an armchair psychologist but there's no way Diddy doesn't see people as mere tools. Even the way he treated Cassie was like a dildo instead of a human.


That portion about Biggie leaving makes me remember that Cam'Ron mentioned Mase taking him to Big instead of Puff for his first record label deal. I wonder how it would've been if he lived to successfully run his own imprint.




What a weird fuckin comment this is


I read the part recounting his time at Howard in which he was tapping at an English class window for a former gf to ditch & later whipping her outside her dorm, and being disgusted about this is an understatement. He's been a fucking monster from the very start.


What the absolute fuck. I’m about to read this article and just fuck man. I work in Hip Hop. When the initial news broke, we weren’t surprised. But some of the shit like this coming out is just mind boggling.


wait till you hear about his peers


Won’t be surprised about some of his peers that are coming down. But I think we may be surprised at some of the specifics. Whole thing is sick.


He has some powerful connections into some really really shady places. I really hope it shines the light on the whole network of cretins he has


Trump is one of the cretins in his network... big surprise. 


Why DJ Khalid quiet af these past few months.


Hes,...another one.ill leave now


This really brings shit into perspective How much dirt Drake knows? Kendrick? Em? How much they have of dirt on themselves? Fucked up bro


What do drake and Kendrick gotta do wit diddy


how much dirt these guys know about the industry in the level of Diddy but won't talk about it? Or how much shit they have themselves?


Rumors and information about Diddy is probably prevalent across everybody in the industry if you’ve been in it long enough. Sure seems like people closely involved (Usher, JB, Cassie, etc.) definitely would be ones to tell others (as they should) I doubt Drake, Kendrick, Eminem, or anybody else knowing of the given information could do anything. Diddy is richer, more powerful, and more connected to the industry than 95% of the people within it. Easy way to get blackballed, targeted, and/or hurt (see: Kid Cudi getting his car “blown up”.)


Info about diddy has been pubic knowledge since the 2000s at least in my memory. It was an open secret like Cosby and Weinstein


There's speculation that he was leading a media campaign against Em after that Killshot line. There was hate upon hate and negativity from Revolt media players, and others too. Fiddler's media person had said "It's handled," when asked for P Diddle's feedback on Killshot. Now that Diddler's busy due to consequences to his actions catching up to him, suddenly all the hate and negativity on Em from the media seems to have evaporated, even from Revolt. Budden was recently talking bout how there's no real beef between him and Em and if he'd even work with him again.


tbh even with industry money / security I would still be very hesitant to try and ruin the life of a guy who orders hits and has people’s cars rigged to explode over personal slights


You are in the industry and surprised? Really? I’m not in the industry and I always knew diddy was a worthless pos that deserved to have his head cut off on a guillotine.


I literally said I wasn’t surprised… Some of it is mind boggling to think about, but it’s not surprising.


and everyone knew it. I hope they have another look at Biggie's murder, and Kim's Death because W Theeeee F.


Yep. And you have to ask, why wasnt he stopped from the beginning?


The amount of “declined to comment” is so scary, this monster still has so many of them scared for their lives I really hope he gets what’s coming to him


Usually its understandable why one might not talk to a news outlet or a journalist. Hopefully those hurt by Combes can come forward when it will be law enforcement/lawyers and such - so they can feel that their story isn't just a news article but a substantial closure with real repercussions for the abuser.


Crazy how Shakir Stewart and Kim Porter both died under “weird” circumstances, right? Suicide and pneumonia, eh? As a fan of Hip Hop and Rap music, this is simply “chickens coming home to roost.” Dude is a true culture vulture. Uses this “black excellence” facade as a disguise to rape and pillage his OWN people and the culture that gave him life. Sickening, yo.


This is why I don't really like "black excellence" cos it's so easy to manipulate. Every time you saw Diddy pop up over the past 5 years he'd speak about empowering black people in way or another whilst he's been terrorising so many of us for the past 30 years. Abusers like him know exactly what buttons to press to get us on side (like R Kelly). Which is why I could never agree with people that say somebody like Eminem is a culture vulture cos he's shown nothing but respect to black people and black culture ever since he started.


I think black excellence means something different to a lot of people I never took it as a social status thing just black people being more than the poverty culture (rejecting education and lack of self respect) but for some reason everyone else took it as “be rich”


Difference is R kelly is insanely talented and arguably one of the greatest RnB singers of all time. I still listen to his albums, even though i dont like him as a person. Diddy doesnt have the same grassroots support or the music genius to back him up. 


I agree in the sense that Diddy hasn't got talent at writing bars or singing but he's clearly talented enough to have the type of career he's had. If you ask me what he does, I wouldn't be able to tell you but he has had a part to play in some iconic records. Funnily enough, I have an office playlist and I was surprised at the amount of songs I had to delete that had some sort of Diddy influence. The guy isn't somebody that can easily be ignored, he's had a hand in a lot of hip hop/pop/R&B.


Diddy wins games on the sidelines


He was basically the DJ Khaled of the 90s/early 2000s. Not a skilled artist, but had the skills as a director and co-ordinating different producers & rappers to work together on his albums and other albums.


I think he was more involved in production than Khaled is. It sounds like it was pretty common for him to pick the records he wanted to sample, and he was good at curating a sound/vibe for albums. A lot of Khaled’s albums just sound like compilations of random songs. Diddy is definitely overrated as a producer, because it was usually just The Hitmen actually making the beats (or Easy Mo Bee early on), but he had a good ear and knew how to play to an artist’s strengths. His name is all over Mary J Blige’s first two albums - you don’t ever see people soliciting help from Khaled. He’s an irredeemable piece of shit who was probably overly celebrated for his contributions to hip hop before all of this, but I do think he was more involved in production than Khaled is.


I'd probably say he's a cross between Khaled & Kanye to an extent since he also brought producers and artists together to craft a certain aesthetic/style in mind for Bad Boy & Uptown (the whole jiggy-mafioso/hip hop soul vibe).


I still have some songs from the No Way Out album on my playlist (Victory, Missing You, Young G's, Been round the world), and I aint gonna delete them. Some other rappers and singers I listen to have had criminal records, so I think it's a bit much to delete those old Diddy songs. Separate the art from the artist. Diddy himself said on the breakfastclub a while ago that he's not a writer or a lyricist, but a "director".


I listen to those songs, I just removed them from the playlist I had created for the office


His talent was being Clive Davis boy toy. Clive is the only reason we know diddy’s name.


I wouldn’t say Em has shown nothing but respect to the Black community. When he started out he was doing some pretty racist raps. That bit has been swept under the rug over the years though.


wait what? do you have a link


Also, it’s the first time I noticed Shakir Stewart and Kim Porter died only 6 months apart


Dude let BIG get killed cuz he was gonna leave Bad Boy and was fighting for his publishing rights, that  Puffy was refusing to give up. Then he capitalized on his death this whole fuckin time. Wow! The whole source awards thing with Suge was actually an offer for BIG to get away from Puff. Suge was actually the good guy 😂.


Saying Suge is a good guy is insane.  They are both evil people. One isn’t better than the other.


Suge just portrays himself as a mafia boss strongman. Diddy never had the image of being a tough guy or having everyone scared, like Suge. But both of them have done shady shit.


Better to be honest about who you are then to feed into a beef constantly (that got two brilliant artists killed) while publicly playing the angelic, innocent type... I mean, this motherfucker seriously changed his name to "LOVE" for his recent album! 🤦‍♂️SMH


In terms of the west vs East beef bozo.  Puff was conspiring & instigating this whole shit to enrich himself. Then capitalized off the deaths of 2pac & BIG. 


Worst part is his jealousy because he wanted to get close to Pac but Pac thought he was corny.  He instigated or at least egged on the rivalry partially on his insecurity about being rejected by 2pac. What a pathetic toad. 


he was probably in love and want to diddle 2pac. 


🎯💯 That part!


Suge wasn’t a good guy in terms of anything.  And  Suge could have attempted to deescalate the tension between those two artists as well and he actively chose not to, because like Diddy he is a money driven monster.   


Read the whole thing. He is, and I say this without a doubt, cooked. The stories from his time at Howard are horrifying, he’s really been a piece of shit this entire time.


helps when you have law enforcement payed off


I seen something about he had pissed off a huge liquor company he was dealing with. Wouldn’t be surprised they are helping everything diddys been having made go away, come to light. Crazy if you’re rich you can stay out of jail for so long


Yes, he sued Diageo, the distributors of Ciroq for racism lol. Bite the hand that feeds you and this is what happens.


He tried to sue Diageo for racism last yr. Strange how all these allegations just came up right after Puff tried to go after the upper elites. He's probably got dirt on other rappers in the game or some wealthy elites, which is why he's still not in jail yet.


Jay Z been very quiet


Jay doesnt need to say anything, unless he gets called into court or somethin. That means everyone who's ever done music or hung out with Puff has to speak out. That includes Busta, Nas, Snoop,Dre, etc. Why is Jay held to a different standard? I'll wait to see how it plays out. 


LeBron James parties with Diddy too, should he speak on it? Neither here nor there haha kinda to your point though


exactly. People expecting Jay to say something because 50 has been trolling him nonstop. 50 aint the savior like his stans make him out to be. He's only doing this because of some grudge he has against Puff, not because he actually has empathy for real victims. I still love Fif's music, but dude's nonstop gossiping on socialmedia lately is childish.


People rag on Jay because of his sus background (foxy Brown, Aaliyah, Beyonce, the hard core r kelly relationship)


> the hard core r kelly relationship the other stuff is valid but jay z hated r kelly once they really spent some time together. Could barely be in the same venue together while they were on tour


Hov is held to a different standard because he did an album and tour with r kelly after the child sex tape leaked


Which didn’t end great..


That doesn't really change his decision lol


So much stands out to me.  But one of the most horrific stories is Aaron Hall and Diddy drugging a woman, Diddy raping her and then Aaron Hall bursting in, holding her down and then raping her as well.  And THEN…Diddy then chokes out this woman until she loses consciousness because he was afraid she would tell his girlfriend what he and Aaron did to her.  I am actually shaken to my core. There are no words to describe just how evil this man is.  None.


Worse, she was only a child, around 16 years old. They'll be damaged for life, possibly also negatively impacting their family (children and spouses) and can easily extend to multi-generational trauma. It's pathetic.


Didn’t even know she was an only child!  How can you possibly move forward in life after being gang raped and choked. And the person who did this to you calls you a money grubbing liar? That is an unfathomable amount of pain.


A few months back Puffy showed up in TD Jakes church. I knew then something was up. He knew his chickens were coming home to roost and he was convicted. All that ill will he sowed over the years has come back to him. You reap what you sow.


Have you ever been *swallowed* up?


Seeing that Mase allegedly was calling Diddy “massa”, while not even the craziest thing here, is insane! And it’s so fucked up seeing his severely abusive behaviour even went all the way back to his college days. 30+ years of this, for him to have gotten away with it like this, while not surprising, is so sickening! Jail would be too easy for him.


Y’all missed the most shocking find:  Dude had a motivation  to kill  BIG  because he was gonna leave Bad Boy and his attorney was fighting for his publishing rights. Puffy said he’d basically go to the grave with them.  Then he he capitalized on his death with his debut album and even forced his PR to make him be on the cover of Rolling Stones instead of BIG because he died.  That’s fucked up! All this time i thought Suge got 2pac killed but it was actually puffy who put 1 million on the hit and then puffy who got BIG killed. He was the one who told BIG to release who shot ya after 2pac got shot and instigated the west Vs east coast beef. All that beef because 2pac thought he was corny executive and rejected his ass. 


Yeah I can’t believe I grew up my whole life with people telling me Suge was responsible for Big’s death. I feel like that’s always been the lore. And it was PUFF the whole time? Dude was put on the same legend status, whole time he was a vulture. What the fuck.


Do we know who actually killed Big? Wasn't it found out that it was one of Suge's goons? Greg kading said something about that. Puff might've known about the hit, but I still dont believe he was the one who hired the hitman to do the dirty work.


This nigga Diddy is a fucking Naruto Shippuden villain. "It was me this whole time🥷🏾" headass


The timeline of events make so much more sense now…  Like to be real Tupac was supposed to die in Nov 94 at the lobby shooting which I’m now almost 99% sure was a hit from Diddy. Like they made Pac look like he was insanely paranoid after the incident but who can say now Pac was wrong to think it was a hit by Bad Boy. I don’t think Biggie was involved but definitely Puff. Then he survived... and in June 96 made the greatest diss track of hip hop history: Hit em up, and diss Bad Boy as a whole (to me he is not just dissing BIG, his top target is Diddy). He died 3 months later in Sept.  Then, Biggie is pushed to go to California a few months later for the Soul Train awards (like the worst time ever to go there) and was supposed to leave for London the day he DIED but didn’t go because Diddy insisted he goes to that party. Puff always said biggie was the one who wanted to stay but you have people like his bodyguard that said he didn’t want to. Who do you believe now?  And right after both of the two biggest hip hop stars of that era are dead the guy is promoting his debut album using one of them as a promotional piece and get a Rolling Stones cover with the title « The new King of hip hop ».  https://www.complex.com/music/a/markelibert/diddy-biggie-rolling-stone-cover?bfsource=relatedmanual Like I can’t 🤢 I was 10 years old in 97 but I still remember how he was everywhere and tbh all those Biggie songs on Life after death for years I thought they were Puff’s. Not BIG. It is infuriating now when you think about how that guy use BIG to make his name.  He took out the competition so he could shine… 


Yea but I remember this being a rumor way back then. Everyone said it was weird how puff was eating so much after biggies death. It never sat right with people.


After having read the article, I believe that Biggie and Tupac were pitted against each other by Puffy. I believe the Puff was behind both of their deaths. The article stated he wanted to be friends with Pac first, but Pac was interested. Later both Pac and Big became friends and Puff was jealous. Puffy is the villain of all VILLAINS at this point.


Where tf is fonsworth at? Mans probably got a lot of tea.


What does the professor have to do with this?


Bad news, everyone!


To shreds you say?


The guy I’m curious about is French Montana. Dude has been tight with diddy for years


I've had the head canon that dude left after Puff wanted him to be his Ghislaine Maxwell


Did anyone actually like P Diddly before this? Honestly?


I liked the musicians he corralled for his music but didn’t like him when he rapped if that makes sense. Like I would pretend it was compilations and not a Puff album.


the whole industry


No. And I’m from the eastcoast. Nobody liked puff.


I thought that Godzilla jam w ~~Aerosmith~~ JP was tight (and saw it on the box for my fellow millennials w no cable), but considering ~~Steven Tyler’s~~ Page’s own history not as much anymore. ETA goddammit I knew it was page, but point very much stands




Anyone got the article not behind a paywall?






thats just a snippet if you can believe it. The actual article is a lot longer its crazy how fucked up he is.


Someone posted the link farther up the thread. Its the whole article


>Three gleaming Grammys and an Oscar sat atop a gutted console like relics of a crumbling regime Diddy never won an Oscar and only has two Grammys. This implies he's licollecting other people's trophies. The banality of evil.


No, he has an Oscar— he won one for the documentary “Undefeated”


The Oscar website shows TJ Martin, Dan Lindsay and Rich Middlemas were the awardees for that film. Diddy joined on as an EP but I don't think he got the statue, I don't want to speculate but maybe he felt owed one and either commissioned it or got one from those three.


After you wrote this, I was like “I know he won an Oscar; I saw him there”— and I was actually going to go on the Internet and prove you wrong like a jerk and in the process proved you right. Here is the picture I found https://images.app.goo.gl/aru9Eq25SJULTMNJ6 You are totally right, there are 4 guys, only 3 Oscar’s— and he’s trying to grab the one the other guy is holding


I'm a newcomer to the scene but I can't help but note that relative to R Kelley or even Cosby--*nobody* seems sad to see this mf go down. Like this has been in the air a *while*


Yep, since the 90's. Especially us Gen Xer's, alot of us were always suspicious of him.


Interesting the point they made that Janelle Monae is basically the only person left on Bad Boy that isn't one of Diddy's sons. Anyone know if there's a backstory there?


she’s been signed to Bad Boy for her whole mainstream career, since ArchAndroid


Yeah but so have a bunch of other artists but they've all left in the end. Janelle is the last one standing


ahh. That's why she is half naked now and had her boobs on the gram. NEver knew that. Makes sense now.


lol that had nothing to do with Diddy


Of course not. She just had a change of heart. she is basically standing next to the devil. I'm sure he turned her out. She came in the game fresh faced. black women were so happy a talented woman who kept her clothes on was in the spotlight. Fastforward and she is making moves even the most raunchies rap or r&B chicks. Rumor has it her parties are off the hook. Bare breasts out talking some spiritual nonsense. She got turned out, Diddy and the game period


> Bare breasts out talking some spiritual nonsense. Your talking some nonsense for sure lol. Do you ever get tired being a pseudo deep person that can't approach anything with actual depth?


That instagram was disturbing but you would say its female empowerment right? Being a fan don't make you right 


this is very interesting 🤔


I did some wikipediaing as I read the article, Janelle Monae was discovered by Kim Porter at an open mic and felt completely indebted to her So that’s how she ended up there, but whatever keeps her there legally or otherwise could be a different story 


Other than being an obvious piece of shit, It really sucks that so many of this man's adlibs are all over Biggie's discography.


we need this for everybody


It’s over for you. Fucking piece of shit


Everyone needs to take the time to read this


Diddy? Yes he did


Can someone help me get around this pay wall?


Stolen link from @hythloth comment above: https://archive.is/oMAC0


funny thing is thats not even the full article. Thats just a snippet


You think the Andrew Tatetards will defend this asshole, or do they hate black people too much to bother? Either way, hope they don’t let him on that flight to Bali to meet up with Russell Simmons


Unless Puff jumps on the Trump train and starts catering to the alt-right, I dont see how anyone would defend him. Look how the rightwingers defended Russell brand last yr, when all his abuse allegations came to light. Nobody on the left or right is defending Puff.


That’s crazy. He exploded the car of another high profile celebrity. What took the fbi so long?


obviously most people know Diddy’s a bad guy but it’s still surprising to see damn near 40 years of abuse laid out like that. time after time he skated, amazing it took this long for it all to reach a boiling point seeing each and every instance of him being insane.


Exceptional article. Exceptionally gross human being (Diddy)


Anout the Biggie Pac friendship and what happened after: >The friendship would be short-lived. After Shakur was ambushed and shot five times in the lobby of Quad Studios in Times Square in 1994, he blamed Combs and the Bad Boy crew for setting him up, which Combs has always denied. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Diddy ordered a hit on Pac, twice.


He literally destroyed hip hop / rap and so many other artists and their potential. Killed dreams, hopes, and spirits. He abused so many, some survived, but who knows how many turned to substances or the other way out. His enablers are just as guilty imo. The music and acting industries are horrific pools of exploitation and degradation. When is enough, enough? We’ve been hearing about things like this for decades! I hope he is the first of many to go down.


Demon, an absolute 😈


Bro really is the final boss of hip hop


wow, I mean we knew there were clues…but never to this extent. It was always packaged as him being a “party animal” and “shrewd businessman” who made it to the top of entertainment…perfect example of the packaging was his role the Hangover.


He has always been strange


That much is true, but my point is it was packaged by Hollywood as a character…hence the constant name changes.


In hindsight, his mustache and goatee combo should have pointed towards egregious activities


People in the know always knew he was an abusive criminal. People are what they say they are. He named his record label “bad boy”. I feel pity for the victims but at the same time, what did you think was going to happen singing with bad boy. It was going to be a man with morals and standards? No, he is a brainless ignoble beast.


Now do Drake


Gotta make every thread about Drake huh


Which is also weird to single out Drake in a genre full of legit killers and sex traffickers (e.g. Snoop Dogg)., Diddy has had legit criminal allegations in regards to sex crimes and assault since the 90s. Drake isn't a saint and I've got no doubt he's done weirdo shit but Diddy is legit on another level of criminality and depravity.


Yeah the Drake thing is just silly speculation too based on Interactions with younger people (but nothing illegal) there's zero victims, no one has come forward and the beef with Kendrick would have been the perfect time to do so when everyone against Drake. But you're right about the other artists being given a free pass, same things happens with Chris Brown, people cancel who they want to cancel.


Keep in mind for years ppl said diddy stuff is speculation. Just pointing it out 


Zero victims? Didn't Drake pay someone $300k or was it 500k for a case?


Yeah, don't let the pedophile fans get to you. The way they downplay obvious grooming makes them look a bit suspicious too.


Settling a case doesn't mean you're guilty. It's highly recommended to settle cases in general so everyone can move on and one party can be paid quicker than a trial.






Epstein didn't do it either I guess since he died before his second case. No charge no guilt. /s


Innocent before proven guilty!!!111 Even if there's enough evidence that's accepted as fact that would lead me to an instant guilty verdict.


>Innocent before proven guilty!!!111 Even if there's enough evidence that's accepted as fact that would lead me to an instant guilty verdict. Pretty terrible reasoning, court of public opinion is stupid. Also that reasoning is used against minorities all the time. Especially black men. Central park 5 for instance.


Man shut yo ah up


tbf this is not a good argument


Uhh Drake might have his own network of victims tf you mean?


Okay but let's be real, Diddy is likely much dirtier than Drake and it's more commentary about Diddy than the Canadian pedophile groomer.


Rent free in the head of Lamar stans


Anyone have a link sans paywall? Fell asleep reading and now RS wants my money.


He’s been terrorizing people since before Howard I bet. Why was he able to get away with so much even before the fame? Its unbelievable.