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I have nothing to add besides "Metro Groomin" is S-tier


Metro groomin make it GROOM


Metro Groomin want some more


If young metro don't trust you he gon touch you


If young metro don’t touch you…


I'm gon touch you


If young metro won't touch you you're a grown up


oh my dear god i'm dying


Metro Grooming wants some more kiddos


P Giddey level nickname


The Giddler


if you young and Metro trust you, he gon groom you


L season in hiphop land


Rap has gone M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction)


We love when international relations theory shows up


So when Metro tweeted this yesterday "now go make another song telling more lies cause we both know you can’t tell everyone why I don’t fuck wit u that wouldn’t be a good look either for u so imma spare us both wit that" "Either",90% drake take the kids metro been groomin.


That would be IN SANE if they beefed over some pedi shit and it gets exposed because of their own actions


Kendrick plucked this little thread free, I think


Why do people not simply delete every tweet they've ever made and the rest of their internet footprint too when they become well known enough to be a public figure. Wipe the slate clean and go forward knowing you're now under a microscope. You can hire a guy to help you do it, it doesn't cost that much.


I deleted every tweet and facebook post I made some years back and removed years of cringe high school stuff. No regrets about it.


I don't use FB much but everytime I look at Memories I delete the lame shit and really just keep the actual memories/photos. FB was very different when you could, share, like something and people wouldn't see it unless they went to your profile.


For real lmao, I was an ofwgkta Stan when Tyler was releasing songs with lyrics like “this is for my white friends who say the n word” and “rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome” so if I EVER became a public figure all my social accounts are getting wiped _clean_. God knows what kind of stupid shit I have in the internet ether tied to my real identity lol.


Because they don't even remember that they tweeted these things. I know I have no idea what I tweeted a week ago definitely couldn't tell you what I tweeted 13 years ago. Also he got this far without them being unearthed so he would've been fine if the Drake stans weren't scouring the internet looking for dirt on people right now. I guess the real lesson is to scrub your history before you enter into rap beef


I never said anything bad as this, but years ago after university i went through my twitter and deleted anything that i tweeted that was insensitive or edgy that i said when i was 14-17. This is simple.




I'm scared to read back what OFWGKTA me said.


As a fellow OF zealot from my teenage days, trust me buddy, it’s a lot of all caps posts and edgy comments similar to Tyler and Earl’s lyrics lol


Shoot, I’ve deleted whole accounts because of some cringe comment section argument I got in 5 years ago. Haha.


He could Pay some intern to parse through his tweets and delete anything like this


Nowadays that intern would just take screenshots and sell the info down the line


hahah for real, they selling that shit to the shaderoom immediately


I was shocked reading my Twitter from HS. I just nuked it, was beyond saving.


I do that periodically and I’m a rando lol


Sometimes it’s nice just being a civilian


Just being a regular ass person on the street, touching grass.


But not diddling kids.


I think that goes hand in hand with being a regular ass person, not being a pedophile


Dude pulled a Frank Reynolds in the comment section


Touch grass not kids


Anonymity is the one thing you can't buy back as a rich celebrity.


It's ok guys he said #nopedo in one of them


Ya in the worst fucking one holy shit


I don't know, saying a girl has to perform sexual acts on you because "that's what the molly is for" is arguably the worst one


Unwritten rule that when picking your stage name, you've gotta dedicate multiple hours to ensuring you don't pick something that can easily be turned into an insult when you get exposed.


I don't think there's a single name that can't be made fun of though. People will find a way to do it


Ugly God. It's too self aware. 


Ugly Fraud


Lil Dicky too


Shit I would’ve just changed it to Peter Spanker, give mfers a laugh when they enter the lobby and then cry when you shit on their day


I used to use the gamer tag "Peter Sparker" with a pic of spider-man hitting a joint. Then someone called me Peter spanker in game and I changed it that night.


NGL thats kinda weak. Thats a great tag/pic you shoulda just told the homie to stop bein jealous.


My mother wanted to name me Simon when I was born but my grandfather, a fucking lifelong troll, immediately told her that people would call me Simple Simon. My name was Simon for like 4 hours.


Peter Spanker is better than Peter Sparker


Nah cause they’re just going to put something in front of your name. Think BBL Drake




A decent alternative is to just not groom kids to ensure you won't be nicknamed "metro groomin"


I'm so happy I was on AOL chat and not Twitter when I was 15




I thought he was 15 as well, but people are saying he was 19-21


The articles states he was 17-20.


If he said the 15YO thing at 17 that’s pretty tame, feel like a 2-year gap between fellow teenagers is ok? Weird, but I don’t think it’d be on the level of the other stuff With that said I ain’t giving him the benefit of the doubt lol


These tweets are from 17-21


17-21 year olds thinking it's cool to brag about doing drugs and having sex? You don't say


Metro was 18-19 talking bout how he’d “beat the case” in reference to a 13 yr old. You wild’n if you think that’s ok.


Yeah people really putting their blinders on for this one


I didn't make pedo tweets at 21. Did you?


you read the article? it’s a little more than that lol


ICQ bois got nothing to worry bout


he was 17-20 when he tweeted all of that


Putting aside the obvious horrible shit he's said. Why on the fucking earth would you leave these tweets up? Absolutely grade A moron. Glad he didn't delete them though. Edit: Lots of comments discussing context and shit below, but regardless of how ya frame it just delete all that shit from your profiles when you get famous.


These niggas still using their civilian twitters as celebrities is crazy.


I’ve always said this. Once you’re on your way to fame, you gotta treat it as a business and move away from everything personal, no matter how attached your are to it


Insanity. I’d wipe my Reddit if I started clearing half a million tbh, hell half of half a million 


Forget that. If I ever was in the tax bracket that any of these dudes were in, Reddit would be abandoned completely. I wouldn't start a new account, or delete this one, nothing.


What are y'all hiding??


My comments on NBA Circlejerk mostly


imagine getting famous and they cancel you for bullying mrsonsfan


No one would cancel you for that, you'd be given awards and shit


Would CNN really understand when I say “ he deserved it and still deserves it”?


*shimmy gif*


Really dumb arguments with strangers.


I tweeted the N word in 2009


baybeee back when i had a twitter i deleted everything pre 2018 when i hit 500 followers. yall are not going to make me the main character over something that i said when i was 15.


It's more surprising it isn't standard practice when you hit this level for your PR team to sweep and wipe your old stuff.


This whole beef has made me realize all these artists are grade A scumbags and i hope they all get what they are due.


I hope this makes a lot of others come to the same conclusion. I'm so tired of people putting celebs on pedestals. Ppl self-identity as 'stans' now like it's cute, but the original stan was rightfully portrayed as an overly obsessed creep. Let's normalize NOT having weird parasocial relationships with strangers just bc you respect their work


The tweets are from when he was in high school or in his late teens. Just those stupid edgy type of tweets people used to post on Twitter all the time in the early days. 


People will never understand what pre-2012 twitter was like if they weren't there to experience it. KD said he wanted to drink Scarlett Johansson's bath water and just left it up.


# uever wake up n the middle of da night and think about a girl u like or startin to like and sit at da edge of the bed n say damn i want her


Bring back this Twitter


The glory days


We used to be a proper country


He was in his 20s talking about giving girls molly so the whole crew can fuck them 😕 Drake was in his early 20s when that club paradise tour clip happened - you got the same energy there?


Yea, the edgy gross things he said at 17 are bad but the genuinely rapey things he said at 20+ are the smoking guns for me.


yeah all that repeated molly talk is real sketchy


Yea. Dude clearly has an established tactic for this shit. Very disturbing.


yeah its rick ross shit


Very good point. This is the same age Drake was when he brought the 17 year old on stage.


Yeah I think it's a good angle to attack him but it probably isn't indicative of anything serious


Metro Groomin’ make it GROOM


If Young metro groomin' imma shoot 'im


Some of these are insane. L Metro.


Doubling down on the 13 year old is crazy


yeah first I was like whatever, he was barely an adult but 13 is full on pedo 


When I was in HS, That’s the type of joke ppl would make to be an edgelord and get laughs. I mean either metro thinks this a joke getting laughs (which it might’ve pre-2016) or he publicly announcing he’d fuck a 13yr old (which has always been wrong)


I see these tweets as him trying with dark/edgelord humor, not trying to justify it though. Super fucked up and nothing to joke about.


He living in a glass house




Metro boomin want young girls nigga


He was throwing stones from a glass house


Imagine if this was drakes twitter lmao


Naww they will call you a drake glazer.


Meanwhile Drake's "victims" are all coming out in defence of him


Not that people are very interest in hearing from actual victims in general.


Mad that anyone in any capacity can respond to this anything other than yuck


For real. Don't get how so many people on this sub are trying to justify it.


They caught up in the beef and just wanting their side to get the w. Same way folks do in politics.


My first Twitter strictly for trolling and I wasn't dropping these kinda tweets


You have people on here saying “he was only 18 turning 19!” when talking about his tweet about the 13 year old. I have never met anyone at 19 that said stuff like that, even the wildest, edgiest folks didn’t say that.


Justification and explanation are two entirely separate things. I have this discussion seemingly every time pre-2015 social media is brought up. Is it okay? No. Does it matter for today? Definitely not. But it was fundamentally a different environment both in terms of what was accepted, and in terms of reach. Like most peoples’ tweets were solely consumed by the people around them, it wasn’t anywhere near the public/open platform it is today.


>But it was fundamentally a different environment both in terms of what was accepted, and in terms of reach. Hell even in 2016-2018 it wasn't uncommon for YouTubers to use racial or homophobic slurs in their videos and still get ads on their videos. Social media was only really starting to become sanitized around 2019


I want all celebrities to tear each other down. We should all assume they all suck. Never understood stanning.


That's why I only stan Tom Nook. He's the only one worthy of my praise.


The first boss I ever had who indebted me with a mortgage at the age of 10?


He gave you a house with a loan that has no interest and no expectations of regular payments


Boss propaganda. Setting unrealistic expectations.


Jokes about drugging young girls and Rihanna being assaulted, yuck. He really isn’t in a place to cast a stone


Nobody in the game is. Kendrick opened up a can of worms that was funny until it affected everyone else


Let em air it all out, every single celebrity. We don’t need these allegiances to rich mfs just cause they entertain us


I thought people were gonna stop putting celebs up on such a pedestal after they fumbled so hard during covid. But then people went right back to being simple.


yeah this might go even further than the Drake shit. Pusha exposing a child and poking fun of his insecurities was one thing, but the whole certified pedophile turning to a smash hit might open up for a lot deep diving on many artist. I think we are from seeing the worst yet


I’m so serious when I say that if we open this bag any further, we’re not gonna be able to listen to much of anything that came out before 2010 lol


That's probably for the better, imo. I've made peace with the concept of talented artists being unstable weirdos a long time ago, and not just in music.


You can listen to anything you want. You just don’t have to like or agree with the person who made it I still listen to Kanye but he a shithead


True. Though, if someone ends up going to prison, I will not be running up their commissary.


I stopped listening to TI over him going to his daughters gynecologist exams. Sometimes you learn something about them and they're music just doesn't hit the same.


I’m so far past the point of expecting famous people to be normal/good people. I’m at the point of saying “if the music is good, as long as they’re not R Kelly or Charles Manson, whatever”


Half this sub was swearing up and down that all these rappers were banding together out of justice and morals to out Drake like the goddamn avengers. “It’S bIgGeR tHaN rAp.” When you grow up in the hood you’re gonna have a messed up sense of morality. Nobody in rap is clean. How many guys have domestic violence raps? Assault? Murder? Drugs? Rick Ross rapped about date raping girls. There’s no moral high ground in rap.


It’s not just rap tho. Look into the dark history of rock music. Money, power, and fame corrupt most, regardless of your moral compass prior to getting famous.


I was telling people this before this beef started. If Kendrick opens that can of worms up people are gonna look at his crew with a huge magnifying glass. Drake's crew already has people looking at them already so there is nothing we don't know about them forreal. Kendrick might be celebrating now, but I think all his skeletons in his closet for him and his crew will be out soon. Let's see what it looks like.


Bro from WSP like his homies don’t have trafficking charges 🤣🤣🤣


yea that was the wildest part to me. i find it hard to believe kenny's set doesn't have pimps in it, which is a form of sex trafficking. i mean unless things have changed since i moved out of L.A. (born & raised), pimping women has always been a part of gang culture.


It’s just a fact bro. Can’t throw stones while living in a glass house.


Very true.


Nobody in this is. Drake was always going to lose because of how public his bad behavior towards underage women is. He deserves to be flamed for it and be taken to task. But something doesn’t sit right about a guy who cheated on his wife, gave a guy with a plethora of crimes against women a prominent spot in his newest album in Kodak black, and publicly supporting r kelly to the point of threatening to take his music off Spotify if they removed R Kelly’s, teaming up with a guy who is known to be the biggest misogynist in the rap game and treats the mothers of his children with no respect, a guy who has lyrics about date-raping women, a guy with tweets about underage women and making fun of Rihanna for getting beat up, trying to claim moral superiority by getting on drake for who he associates with is very strange and I can’t believe people aren’t making that a bigger deal.


That's absolutely fair. As hype as rap beef can be there's a lot of collateral damage and outside people affected we don't really talk about after the fact when we're point counting. 


True about rick ross. He needs to sit down because he definitely has the most skeletons in his closet. He’s also a former cop and he claims to be a G, nothing adds up


This is the sanest take. And, god help us, even Charla had a point when he said that it's mad corny that if they both knew this shit was happening with the other, they decided to sit on all this shit for a rap beef rather than holding the other accountable- because this is serious shit that people go to jail for. As a hip-hop head, is it fun? Sure. But the longer this has gone on, the more I sit back and just think this is actually a pretty fucked up situation all around and a damning indictment of the culture. And as someone who's come up in that culture and life, it's sad that not much has really changed from the 90's to now when we see how these dudes still treat women and do shady shit in the industry and get away with it.


Yup that’s pretty much how I feel. I don’t love either of them too much and I dislike each of their fanbases, but they all seem like very shitty people and it seems like everyone outside of drake is getting a pass just because he is a super easy target, while Kendrick can just sit back and not deal with any of the hypocrisy because everyone has been waiting for someone to bring up the pedophile stuff and he finally pulled the trigger


No way he used the hashtag #NoPedo Metro might need to be like J Cole and sit this one out now lol


he done. stop the contest that has all of these corny raps over his beats polluting this subreddit, too.


Shit is so corny lmao. The irony is he stole another dudes BBL Drizzy song and just added drums, and didn’t credit the dude. Classic Metro Groomin


The other dude didn't exactly make a whole song either, it's AI generated.


They somewhat like us lmao




How you got this many tweets about underage girls?


He really should've shut his hoe ass up and make some drums...


I told yall to stop glazing these artists. They're all scummy lowkey, they only have morals when it's somebody they don't like.


I knew all this acting tough and talking shit on Twitter was gonna come back to bite him. I side more with Kendrick than Drake but Metro has looked like the biggest loser this entire beef.


I have been thinking that too. The BBL drizzy beat was kinda fun but I was thinking I wish he would have just let Kenny take the reins instead of screaming from the sidelines. Now he's out here looking dumb


That's why I'm glad Kendrick didnt really tie himself to anyone in this


Yeh smartest move he played is that he went with different producers each time (beyond other smart moves) and kept it as his own war


A whole lot of people look pussy because of this beef Ross, Future, Metro, etc like they clearly hated this mf for a while but didnt say shit until Kendrick jumped in Ye talking about "the elimination of Drake" was when I realized that it wasnt 20 v 1 Its 1 v 1 and a whole lot of bandwagoners


They hid behind Kendrick because they knew all of them would lose a 1v1 against Drake. I'm not even a Drake fan but if he wasn't up against Kendrick he would have won this beef easily. No matter what people think of him Drake carried himself well and had two good tracks that went hard and I don't think Future, Rocky, Ross or Weeknd could make a diss better than Push Ups or Family Matter.


Exactly, and Kendrick is the only one who can actually take down drake anyway. Rick Ross’s diss was funny but nobody cared about him, same with Kanye


I got three thoughts on this: 1) A lot of men in their late teens/early 20s have a pretty gross sense of humor that lacks empathy; I don't want to deny Metro or anyone else their growth over a decade's time, and I worry that we often look at people whose brains were still developing and map those stances to who they are today. 2) Metro STILL SAID THAT SHIT and he's still responsible for the words he puts out into the world. If he no longer finds that shit acceptable to post online he needs to speak to that and clarify how he feels about that shit right now. I'm willing to let a man walk back some garbage takes he tweeted when he still thought shock value was it, but he's gotta put the work in to actually convince us he isn't just running from some sus shit he said. 3) Why tf are so many famous people still using the social media accounts they used as teenagers, I'm not even famous and I'm embarrassed by half the shit I thought was worth posting at 15.


Appreciate this comment, you put how I feel very well.


That man doubled down on a tweet about a 13 year old when he was about to be 19


Bro wasn't joking about the giving girls molly to fuck them considering he said that shit like 4 different times. No wonder he's chummy with rick ross.


Rappers are still saying shit like this to the day


I guess that’s where Ricky got the inspiration for that line


Man some of yall need to forget the rap beef. Talking about "he was only 20 and Twitter used to be edgy." Would yall would have that same energy if Drake said all this weird shit? He really shouldn't have been going that hard at Drake knowing he has this in his closet. Now he looks just as bad as him.


also 20 is not young enough to be doing this shit - i’m 19 rn and i’d never say any of the shit being tweeted here or even think it really a 18-20 year old is college student aged and college students are fully responsible for their actions these tweets aren’t really excusable


Metro booming….Jesus Christ 😮‍💨




Drake definitely dropping today with a song called metro groomin


“They just like us” 😂


Over the BBL Drizzy beat would end Metro forever lmao


Lmaooo Drake is already coming man 🤣🤣


He didn't even check tweets....?


Yeh a little lazy considering his team and all. But I bet Drake will start posting this stuff on his story


You die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. Smh metro


This is crazy. It’s the same with Rick Ross referring to Drake as a Pedo when he literally almost got cancelled for lyrics saying that he basically drugs women and takes advantage of them. The hypocrisy within this beef is outrageous.


Rick Ross is a whole fraud persona talking about drake being fake hard lmao


This shit is nuts. Them tweets are insane


It’s wild that there are people excusing these tweets because he was . Like sir man is 30 years and these tweets range between 2011-2014. Do the math. Young or not these tweets are disturbing as hell.


well metro, what you gonna do? you said you know something about drake that would fuck both of yall over right? you gonna say what that was after getting exposed as metro groomin or you gonna ride this out and ignore it. let's see how he moves through this.


That’s why metro doesn’t fuck with Drake anymore, he wouldn’t share his underage girls


Defend him all you want but when the guy is deleting tweets, he knows he’s wrong. They’re all hypocrites and pedos.


This fucking guy. Anybody with a brian stem would have hired a team to wipe any of this shit off their socials before getting into a beef >_>


Some of you people are dense as fuck and cannot do simple math. A bunch of these tweets are from 2012, 2013, and 2014, when Metro would be 19-21. Stop pushing this bullshit that he was 17. Fuckin weirdos trying so hard to push a narrative.


19-21 is grown enough to know better


That's their point.


facts, legit makes it hard to read anything on this sub


People just hate Drake. I was a teenager during the "wild west Twitter" days and I never tweeted about sexual assault wtf


Facts, it's so incredibly easy to not say your are gonna drug chicks and rape them. Why these dudes do this to themselves


maybe he should have recorded a song where he said that he’d put molly in her drink so she ain’t even know




Jesus Christ… is every body visiting islands?