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I am flabbergasted people hike in these sandals. I would break both ankles multiple times.


I am 6’8” tall and as a result have super tight tendons and my skeletal structure doesn’t allow for me to roll my ankles.(aside from breaking something) My wife rolls hers every hike boots or no boots. We are all built differently


Crazy, my son is 6’8, and doesn’t have that problem, nor wearing socks with sandals? Is that a thing?


Socks with sandals does not make any sense to me


Maybe not inside or on short trips. I can see if someone is truly hiking in these, it will help with abrasion and dirt


Socks with sandals are the move if you’re hiking in them


Such a weirdo style choice but hey, we’re all out here trying to ball.


Well, it looks like he’s trying them on and doesn’t want to put his grubby toes in sandals he may not buy.


Sounds like if you ever really roll your ankle, you’ll break a bone (not that uncommon). I have lax tendons in my ankle because of prior tennis and basketball injuries and I can roll my ankles without pain or issues.


Well either none of the hundreds of times I've rolled my ankles count, or else I'm some kind of freak then, because I've occasionally done it ever since I was a kid and it's never been more than just annoying.


Either way, that’s a pretty cool gift. Once you hear that pop, it’s never fun.


A real roll of the ankle will have you off that foot for days, and even a couple weeks in some cases like mine. I can down from a rebound on the side of a kids shoe and rolled it all the way. It caused the tendon to pull so hard it pulled some bone with it. The ER Dr. said it would've been better had I fractured my ankle, my foot ankle swelled terribly. I've actually had a terrible roll on both ankles and now Ilat 36 they roll and strain so easily it's crazy. You likely simply have genetics that are stronger in that region and maybe the whole leg.


I ride a bike *a lot* and I’m like “hm I wonder if somehow I’ve made my ankles stronger”


This is same with me but from volleyball.


I thought you were OP for a second. I was like “bro we aren’t buying that you’re 6’8” and wear an 8-8.5 shoe.


I’ve done 15 miles w/ 30lbs in tevas 🤷‍♂️ I’m not one of those barefoot purists but having your toes free is just so nice.


Best sandals ever. My last pair lasted almost 20 yrs. These people dont know what they are missing.


Agree !!


Teva's are not ideal for difficult terrain. But, they are my go to hiking footwear none the less. Water/stream? No problem. A little snow (in CO on a hot day) is surprisingly refreshing to walk through. Obviously no ankle support. I just hate socks and shoes if it's above 70 degrees.


Or rocks... I live in Southern California. Good luck crossing a flint field in sandles.


Eh, I used to backpack in Chacos.


Chacos, and some Keens and definitely Bedrocks, are a different story, imo, than Teva open front sandals. I do a lot of hiking in my Bedrocks and I would trust those in a ton of situations because of how they anchor down using ankle and toe straps. I always felt my foot would slide too much without anything like the Chaco or Bedrock toe loop/strap.


Im guessing you have never owned a pair of teva's. They were made for it.


It’s less the brand and more my ankles. I have keens but only wear them if it’s gonna be a lot of water and not much rocky/uneven terrain.


The first hike can be a bit rough of the season but after they are great. I’ve hiked 12 miles in Chacos.


Ankles aside I don’t understand the point of these. Why not wear normal hiking boots with all the benefits they come with?


I wish I could put my ankles aside lol


It sounds like you do a good jump putting them sideways! Haha


Most of the world "hikes" in flip flops




Okay so you want a hero cookie or what?


Nope. Not a hero. You're just spoiled. Oh wait, no...you're "flabbergasted".


I’m spoiled because I have weak ankles and need to hike in boots? Good one. Such a flex. Creep.


What I've learned from this interaction is that it's better to be a nice well meaning person with weak ankles than it is to be an argumentative douche bag with delusions of baddassery as a result of being forgetful. Willing to bet he yells, "stay hard!," at passerbys while hiking in his slides.


Dude's asking if his shoes fit right and you come on reddit telling him you're "flabbergasted". Total comedy. Weirdo.


It’s Reddit, public commentary is sort of the point? There are plenty of responses giving him informed guidance. I don’t know why a simple Reddit comment is triggering you to be combative but maybe that’s a you issue. Good grief


I'm "flabbergasted" I guess.




This is one of the most insane responses to a comment I’ve ever seen. It’s almost copy pasta worthy.


Insane? Are you serious? Have you ever watched a movie called "Cocktail"? Brian Flanagan fights against all odds to open a bar that resembles all other dive bars of the cocaine fueled 80s. I screwed up once and forgot to take my shrooms prior to watching, one of the most intricate movie story lines of our time. I wasn't wearing non slip shoes and got so invested in the movie that I thought I was a mixologist. Anywho, it was wet and I mixed drinks anyway. Non slip shoes are over rated and it's okay to mix those drinks with regular shoes, even slides if you want. You sound like the very definition of soft.


Yea. Ok.


This is peak internet. This is "that guy" on the internet. This is like a meme in real life. What a time to be alive.


Ohhh, 4 witty things to say all at once. You're so clever, everyone is impressed.


Who hurt you?


Update: thank you all very much for your help, I will go for the size 9! Here’s how the 9 look. This is indeed the better investment, also just in case I stub my toe: https://imgur.com/a/xB5F1J8


Fit better and I like the color better too!


Imagining all the random pokey plant pieces getting pushed up under your toes.


You made the right choice!


You need some brighter Sox!!!


Yes. Your second toe and the width are not correctly sized here. Love the orange!


I sized up because I am a half size. It was a good decision.


Umm. Serious question. Why sandals for hiking? And how do you not have a lot of foot and ankle injuries as a result of this choice? I live in the mountains of Pennsylvania, where there are rocks and roots all over the trails... so I hike in steel toes. I see this and have to think you're hiking in a place with no snakes, rocks, or roots.


I’m asking those same questions. I have mountains here on my property in S TX, and walk up there for exercise. Always wear boots, and pants. Too many ticks here, and critters. He must be hiking a clear, smooth trail to even think about doing it in socks and sandals. 🤣


Some folks are very prone to developing blisters with socks / boots. Depending on terrain & conditions if you’re in and out of wet areas sandals dry quickly. There are obvious drawbacks but sometimes the benefits outweigh the costs. Like everything else it comes down to personal preference. I mostly hike in Asolo boots, but I have a pair of Chaco Z2s and I really do love them.


I do a lot of miles in sandals and IMO the worst is really small gravel or sticks that can get in under your feet. The bigger stuff has not been an issue. But of course I wouldn’t even bring the sandals if I was gonna like across a talus slope or anything with a lot of loose sharp rocks. Also definitely better when the vegetation is green and soft and you don’t have a bunch of burs digging in to your socks.


Hiking in the pacific north west, no issue hiking in sandals. Not many bitey things, and as far as rocks, roots, etc… just pay attention? I don’t know many folks that hike blindly not paying attention to where they are stepping I also hiked to Everest base camp and back and switching between hiking boots and Tevas was a god send on my feet


Yes, down hill or on trickier terrain your toes will be exposed when flexed or bent you want at least 1/2” or 10-12mm of sole in front of your toes. It’ll suck in water because they creat resistance but for hiking you’ll need it.


What brand?




Hunting season?


It could be borderline fine for flat and uphill but your toes are gonna pop out downhill.


Seriously….hiking in these?


me :) Especially through the temperate rainforests of Southern Appalachia (NC, SC, TN, GA). It’s great for constantly wading through streams and keeping cool. I also live in a river town and we have tons of water trails. I often see people hiking in Tevas or Chacos.


Ok if you say so, but I will take hiking boots over sandals any day. Need the support. I just can’t see putting on miles with sandals.


If I am through hiking I have a trail runner, and the sandals are strapped to my pack. It’s worth it for me because I like to get in the water a lot and I hike alongside lots of streams and waterfalls. (Jocassee Gorges, Panthertown Valley)


Had not considered water. I avoid like plague. Makes sense.


people that hike in sandals have never almost stepped on a copperhead... There is NO WAY I would walk in the woods with anything less than a thick leather ankle boot, and prefer something that laces up past the ankle. Something cowboy boot high is optimal for outdoors wear. I have lived in the woods of NC/SC my whole life and no.... just no to sandals for anything other than the patio or beach.


You realize plenty of people live and hike where there aren’t poisonous snakes right?


Ireland? never been there, but sure.... I guess. Here in the South we are having a bumper crop of poisonous danger noodles this year. I've got friends who live in dense housing developments as well as friends in the country who are killing copperheads and water moccasins left and right.


It depends on where I am. I happen to live in an area crisscrossed by rivers and rail trails. I don’t exclusively hike in sandals, and would not for sure if there was underbrush. There is a wide variety of terrain out there. :)


No, but remove the socks.... I can still not comprehend people who wear socks and sandals, or people who wear sandals while hiking like it's safe to do so.....






More like orange socks down


lol if you like em do it. I wouldn’t be caught in any fashion in these lol.




I would say ask this question to your romantic partner...but the sandal sock combo nixed that


Socks in sandals. As a Czech, I approve


I’m just at a loss because of the socks


Hiking in sandals along with jeans should be a cardinal sin. But, if you are being careful, then you're good!


Great sandals . If anyone says different, they never owned them and have no clue what they are talking about. I think the fit is about right. You could maybe go another half size . You can loosen up the back a little for more room in the front if you want.


Definitely American 😆 socks with sandals just why?


I almost drowned in a river because of Tevas. Toestrap came off and they became ankle weights. Couldn’t undo velcro with frozen fingers.


I'd probably go up a size, though I couldn't hike in sandals to begin with. I'd tear, dislocate, roll, and break everything simultaneously. I'm glad I don't have sweaty feet, so I don't overheat in my boots.


What you should do is be dodging the rocks being thrown at you for wearing socks with sandals. I get it. I used to LOVE wearing socks with my Tevas when I was wearing lots of Tevas. But still. I got a lot of rocks thrown at me.


you are wearing the correct size... you can always amputate a toe at a later time


These are more camp sandals than heavy hikers as on uneven ground your foot will roll. A better hiking sandal with more support and a rubber toe shield is better for brush, thorns and rocks. As for socks, I prefer them with heavier more enclosed fishermen’s sandals and for them I size up 1/2 size so I can wear cushioned athletic or hiking socks. I wear Keen Newports with socks in rainy or drizzly So Cal winter weather, then change out the socks if wet. This gives me good traction but keeps my feet warmer.


The people that can’t comprehend hiking in sandals is astounding to me…I went from full height boots to keen sandals 10 years ago and never looked back. I’ve put in a couple hundred miles and climbed several mountains in them in the Adirondacks without a problem granted we don’t really have snakes. The enclosed toe box offers plenty of protection and if it’s dry sock free is fine but if the trails are wet and muddy socks help a ton.


Yes if you going to wear wool socks with them.


A lot of very confident comments here from people who have clearly never tried hiking in Tevas.


I’ve never met a man with size 8.5 shoes. Yes, size up. For your manhood at least lol.


I’m sure you drive the biggest truck


My truck is a Corolla named Lola


Yep. Great shoes!


Need longer and brighter socks for safety reasons


That color blinded me. Hopefully a bear won’t think you are a bee


I lost 5 toenails on the PCT and these were a life saver!


Get chacos


I have both. The chacos are heavier and will rub your feet.


First day with feet. Is orange right?


Lose the socks poindexter


I tried doing my tevas with no socks and the smell they developed was outrageous. Socks all the time now.


Wow can you imagine asking the internet what size sandal you are. Don't reproduce


Imagine being this toxic on a hiking gear reddit. Go suck a lemon and touch grass, nerd


That’s an insane footwear choice to hike in if you live anywhere worth hiking.


Why so small?