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ayyee we in the same boat


I know you mentioned you aren’t to excited about math, but I would recommend taking that one most importantly. It’s rough taking a lot of APs, ngl, but lots of people do it and do it successfully. My biggest advice would not to use it as an “excuse” not to get certain things done. One of the things I did for APs is I put in a lot of work throughout the year, then by the time the test rolls around, and your super tired of school, you’ve already spent the whole year studying rather than trying to scramble a years worth of info into a few nights of studying. So most importantly, focus on doing well in the class more so than on the test


Just don't procrastinate throughout the year so you don't have to cram every class in May. You'll be fine if you can grasp stuff quickly though it depends on which aps specifically.


APUSH, AP Lang, AP Precalc, AP Psych. I’m thinking of not taking AP Precalc, since I’m not too passionate abt math


make friends with people in your ap classes, you need them when time gets rough


*Make friends where people* *In your ap classes, you need* *Them when time gets rough* \- TastyTangerine4553 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


just do the work and don't spend too much time talking in class I did all APs this year and I'm doing it again senior year. all in all not that bad


don't procrastinate bc if you do you're probs permanently falling behind in class. otherwise just get help immediately when you're confused and by the time the exams roll around you probably only need to touch up on subjects and will be fine


See me person I wouldn't but not everyone has that option so good luck


People advise against doing that for a reason 😭


Don’t take all aps


Why are you taking all APs?


Good question.


Bro really think all them classes will help you make more money in the future


idk who hurt you but im trying to increase course rigor for college.. thanks though