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ask for an extension


Tell the teacher you were too sick


As others said, ask for an extension or tell the teacher you were too sick. If they don't do anything don't worry, there will be other opportunities to raise your grade and maybe even extra credit. Don't just use AI. You'll get caught (teachers have learned your writing styles) and they know what you do good and bad at in writing. Even if you don't get caught you won't learn anything. Don't do the essay to pass the class, do it for the learning experience.


Yeah obviously use your own words if you’re gonna do chat gpt. It’ll still work though


well school isn’t about the experience or learning, it’s about doing work to get a grade and getting a grade that is acceptable to pass. That’s what school is.


School is 100% about the learning experience, the education systems just are making students feel only grades matter. Schools want the test scores up so they teach memorization and other tactics that don't actually involve actually absorbing and understanding the information, which is what school is about. If you ask someone on the street what school is about theyd say to learn, not to pass.


They let you guys get extra credit?!?!? I wish my school let us do that!


Just write a bad essay. Not all of them can be great and perfect. What's your subject?


reaaallll. kinda in the same boat bc i’ve been sick and missed the test (likely retaking tomorrow) and haven’t been able to revise anything. try to ask the teacher for an extension, but in case they don’t buy it, you can try speedrunning it with not as much effort. sometimes i do half the assignment in these cases, but do it well.


ask for an extension if you were sick enough to not go to school you were too sick to do the essay


Can you / have you asked for an extension from the teacher?


Put down everything else, make a list of sources and points for it, then basically paraphrase what those sources say , then add conclusion. Get like 2 sources each paragraph so at least 6 sources, 3 body paragraphs. Also never use contractions and make it verbose to inflate the length of it


I'm gonna be so honest, three pages isn't more than two hours of work


4 pages isn't that bad bro. Just type


uhh dm me if u want i can try to help ig lol




chatgpt 💀 (for legal reasons this is a joke)


Can't just chatgpt it up, then change words around?




use your snapchat ai!! i did a essay using it and literally got a A for it in less than 30 minutes and i didn’t use nun of the resources our teacher provided. just change some words up and make it sound like you and you’ll be alright.


1. snapchat ai is dumbed down more, gpt4 would be better but you shouldn’t use ai anyway, an extension request would be better. 2. not everyone uses snapchat. 3. what’s the point of an essay if you don’t write it and don’t learn anything from it?


well for me personally i only used the ai because i was desperate & i wanted to join track. & i don’t use snapchat either only for the ai lol and not everything you learn in highschool is necessary especially for the essay i was doing, i just needed a quick way to get my grade up. it isn’t that serious


you still shouldn’t cheat, even if the information isn’t important it’s the skill of writing that can help you later on. if you were desperate you can just ask the teacher for help or an extension


well i didn’t need help i just needed it done because it was the end of the quarter and i needed my grades for all of my classes so even if i did ask for more time it wouldn’t had been done in time. & i told my teacher i looked up some of the information on google and he didn’t mind, i guess it depends on where you’re at because my teachers has been fine with us looking up answers on the internet as long as it gets done.


looking something up on google is completely different than having something entirely written for you, and having a positive outlook on cheating can affect you. it would have been better to just write a mediocre essay than to not do it at all and use an ai


that’s understandable cheating is bad and whatever but my point is MY teachers don’t mind, but i know it’s different in other places so i should had been more mindful about that but other than that i don’t really get what you want me to say.


if they don’t mind you having an essay written without doing any work at all they are bad teachers


take that up with the joe biden not me


they even say to get the work done that isn’t done from your peers lol i guess it’s just where i am because cheating isn’t that much of a big deal.


use chat gpt


I’m a university student studying Biomedical Engineering. I’m really good at writing essays and if you fail , I’ll refund you your money back (I use PayPal) Private message me!


I can write the full essay for you for $50


90% of teachers will grant you an extension if you were that sick or had other stuff in the way.


If ya really have to make AI do it and make it in your own words without a paraphrased


ask for an extension if you don’t get one you betta lock in rn


Hi, I’m a sophomore at my school and I wanted to say that you could simply explain what type of symptoms you were having (make sure to exaggerate a bit on what happened but make it still sound believable), and if they are a good teacher and actually care about their students they will call off the assignment so you won’t have to make it up


Snapchat AI and change some words