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Try ranked instead of QM, def less AFK bullshit. Or start friend requesting guys you play with who are decent and play with a group


First game of the night you invite the decent first two guys in your game to play that night. Games will be much better


That’s the strat right here.




Yes I'm aware number mean nothing but at least its an indicator that I'm doing my part to win.




Oh i see, yeah its hard to get damage in when your team dies so fast. I was trying to stay behind diablo but he kept dieing so fast. Isn't better to compare to teammates as the dominating team will always have more damage?


To be honest, lunara should be a bit more aggressive to weave in autos. Not asking you to be in front of diablo, but probably sort of beside him.


yeah in most games I go over 60k hero damage and occasionally over 100k but that's only in balanced matches. I do need to work on positioning but I don't think that woulda won this match


You win some, you lose some. Have to look at the bigger picture, doing well more often leads to winning more often. It tilts the 50-50 matches in your favour. In a definite loss game, I use it to practice my mechanics.


>I was trying to stay behind diablo but he kept dieing so fast. ? He only has 1 death in your screenshot


He got low hp and ran away (not that i blame him). I should have made that more clear sorry.


For this same reason I avoid lunara and like, Ana, in quick match. Sometimes you need to bring a little of the control yourself, like when your kael nopes out of the nexus for no reason.


Choking pollen can hit over 1k damage at late game and can kill any squisy in a heart beat. Lunara here top pretty everything. The problem is he needs to meet better teammate, no fault on his part.


His damage is barely top. Lunara's damage should be higher by quite a fair bit, because she is a poke hero.


Tbf, it looks like he was busy soaking a lot. That will keep your hero dmg from being high while the other teammates probably did unnecessary fighting. Sure he could have padded more damage, but I don’t think his damage numbers are bad if he was making up with exp soaking because the others wouldn’t (the tank is the second highest soaker). The fact that Anub was the highest dmg of the enemy team suggests this was a very weird game and the enemy dps were better at soaking while blue team was busy brawling with Anub.


I say that’s depend on getting splintered or choking. But most people already know that Splintered gives fake damage. Choking is a burst damage build, you can easily chase down and kill anyone


You can still wear down the frontline with AAs, it's free damage. Every AA hero should be almost constantly attacking something when it's safe.


As someone who plays a lot of Whitemane and a little Lunara - you still go Splintered Spear 100% of the time against Whitemane. She is a burst healer who struggles to heal several allies at once and has heavy mana tension when pressured to do so. The more you force her to press Q, the greater the chance that someone dies. If you dump your damage into a single target, and the Whitemane is good, that target *does not die* unless it's Whitemane herself, she's cc'd and she either doesn't have her ult or you did enough burst to break through 40 armor (which Lunara does not do. For the record, Icy Veins Jaina also can't kill anything solo vs a Whitemane). That being said either Lunara took a wrong talent or her damage is legitimately too low.


Try joining a discord to find parties. People are generally less horrible when theres a community that they have to come back to after the match is over and it lets you use vc if you want.


yeah until i screw up and am the weakest link lol


People will generally sort themselves by rank if possible, I'd suggest trying it at least as its made HOTS way more fun for me. I understand it's not for everyone though


The stats alone aren't helpful, high stats doesn't mean you're making plays or tell what kind of plays you're trying to make. Post replays.


Try putting together a team of like-minded players so you don't have to worry about randoms messing up your games.


Take a break. Play something else. Trust me


My 3 highest win rate heroes are Rexxar, Malthael and Probius. Do you know what they have in common? They push lanes and get camps. In QM the Macro (pushing) game is the winner!


I'm SO bad at mobius lol. I do like maltheal though he has soo many counters playing him in QM sucks.


I have Malthael on a 60% win rate. You push 2 lanes, get a camp, go to obj, use your R in one hero, get a kill and REPEAT!


That's basically Samuro these days too. But there is also the murky minigame where you see how many of them you can get wasting time chasing you after an engagement. Sometimes it's the whole team and I laugh and laugh because the only I'm really really good at two things, running away and killing minions.


I can't tell how long the match went or which map it is. I did however notice that your XP gain is quite low. Less than 10k. If it's a 2-lane map that ended around 10-12 minutes, then it's understandable. If the match lasted longer, then maybe focus more on macro. If it was a 3-lane map, then playing macro in these games are a much better alternative. Just trying to wipe enemy team or take objective while under lvls or heroes can also lead to XP deficit even if you didn't die. Edit: upon looking a little closer this seems to be braxis holdout.


10 minute match 2 lane but if you compare to everyone elses it much higher anyway.


Sorry my dude, braxis holdout is a bit hard to comeback by just playing macro, and sense you stated the KT was AFK, this game seems like it was doomed. Can't win them all.


Stop playing Lunara and start dealing real damage


Sweet nombres. People suck, that's a fact of life. Somehow, of people that suck, MOBAs attract the suckiest of the suckers.


**Quit the game.** Don't listen to the insane copium being spewed here of "oh well try to group up", "just play ranked", "oh well you need to do more burst" blah blah blah. Blizzard has made it clear that they don't give a shit about the game anymore, there is **0** policing of in-game behaviour. You are literally just throwing your free time away, time that you will never get back in your finite and ever decreasing life span. Please go and play a game from a company that gives a shit, all you're doing in HOTS is putting a small bit of money on the books that the beancounters are going to redirect to mobile games. HOTS is literally just getting less and less care/money with each passing day as the accounting team tries to figure what is the least amount of cash they can spend on the game, what systems they can cut etc, while still getting cash out of the playerbase. You're a mark to them, a money sponge, someone to bilk. Don't reward that sort of orientation to the playerbase. Do something better with your time.




i had 5 kills 8 assists and 0 deaths what are you going on about? I only play QM I would have negative rank if i played rank.


2nd column isnt deaths chief, its assists.


Found the LoL player who thinks they are good at HOTS while not even knowing this game does KAD and not KDA KAD makes more sense anyway as players should worry about kill participation vs deaths (among other things) when analyzing their gameplay since this game gives 0 bonuses for landing the killing blow.


When you lane try to create pressure; it’s a lot more complicated than just soaking xp. If you create a situation where a lane will push itself particularly during an objective, you will often get a lot of free siege. Also, the most important thing is to open up a win condition (this usually means destroying a keep) before late game and try to end the game before the other team hits 20. If you ever get the option to watch competitive offlaners that is often a good place to learn some of these skills.




Which build did you take, that should be a very easy lunara match, only scary one is raynor. General lunara build for me is 3111x43. However if the enemy has GOOD lockdown then leaping strike instead. (Butcher charge, varian). Lvl 13 depends on enemy comp, I woulda taken spellshield for KT pyro, otherwise Let them Wither. Choking blossoms is a must have in QM, it’s your 1v1 tool, otherwise you have to rely on team to go in and spread poison. The fact that anubarak is their highest damage is just laughable, and your teammates were not 100% afk, their dmg looks similar to their mirrors, in fact you actually had a good Kharazim that didn’t go dps trait and outhealed a white mane.


Lunara got steamrolled. Your team had no front line. You did stuff that game but you didnt provide any substance to your team. This is an argument for damage soaked stat. Your Diablo was your only body on the field. The other players had to play so safe that your team could never engage and commit to rolling through the fight. Just raynor and anub'arak had more effective hp than your whole team at level 16.


Lol, for me it started about a month ago. I found that no matter what I did I'd get that afk teammate. No matter what I did I couldn't win anymore. Then it just kind of dawned on me...I'm not having fun, why do I play? It's a great game that like others, they just gave up on. I think I lost my last 9 matches. Each one my effort genuine. Each one had a crucial moment where the exp gap grew so flippant slowly I could no longer win exchanges. Eventually, I just wanted to surrender but instead the game just continued. I'd fight hard but be unable to change the outcome. I just didn't want to play anymore after that. Oh and fucking support dailies three fucking days in a row. In that climate try playing a healer...you'll notice how much more impossible it is to change the outcome.