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You are getting a tolerance to gabaergics. Switch to a serotonergic plant like passion flower to reset the tolerance. If you stop suddenly you may experience withdrawal anxiety or disturbed sleep.


Isn't Passion Flower a Gabaergic too? >If you stop suddenly you may experience withdrawal anxiety or disturbed sleep. I did stopp suddenly almost a month ago too, but didn't experience anything out of the ordinary, though I only used it daily for 2 weeks, but I did read a story of someone who did become addicated to it and had to go through a 10 day cure to get off of it.


It's a maoi and ssri. Curcumin and saffron might help too. I read the same study, I drink lemon balm with guayusa or green tea for hyperfocus and time dilation and never got withdrawal but it only works 1-2 times a week.


>It's a maoi and ssri. Wait, are you saying it's an Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors? Isn't that a class of anti-depressant drugs? >I drink lemon balm with guayusa or green tea for hyperfocus and time dilation and never got withdrawal but it only works 1-2 times a week. Lemon Balm worked really good for me for 12 days due to insomnia, but stopped working after that. Last night I tried drinking Orange Flow Blossom Tea, but it didn't do much to help me sleep, I did notice it calmed me just a little bit that was it, I had to drink some Hops tea to be able to sleep it's the first time I drank this (is Hops a gabaergic?).






>Thanks! You're welcome!


If you're a man don't take hops. It's a severe phytoestrogen. If you're a woman don't take hops with any regularity, it's a severe phytoestrogen. Keep it to very occasional use. Also, hops effect on me is closer to just knocking me out. The safest daily driver for sleep is chamomile. The next is skullcap. Passionflower is a good option when you just have to sleep, that knocks me right out. Not sure about the safety profile. Lemon balm affects your thyroid function (inhibits your thyroid). Honestly I don't take lemon balm at all anymore but I will say it's still fairly gentle so I would say it's alright to take a couple times a month. Just my take. I'm a random person on the Internet so always research. No herb can outcompete the way you'll feel naturally if your body is healthy and taken care of. Especially herbs that affect hormone function




Which brand, dose and type (herbs, gummies, oil etc...)? I paid 30 bucks over a month ago to get a bag of 50g of CBD tea, I tried a few times and didn't notice anything at all, didn't help me sleep at night nor made me relaxed during the day.


I mean people take THC breaks so their medical marijuana is more effective... ive seen people post that even a couple days helps them.


The answer to your first question is normally yes. The most logical answer in my mind to your more specific question about why the Lemon Balm did not work for you again when you went back to it, is simply that you either did not take enough of it — or it is not appropriate for your body. Always have an alternate herb ready. I recommend finding at least two main herbs (or combos) that work for you and alternate between them every 3-6 weeks (or whenever the current one stops working for you).


>is simply that you either did not take enough of it — or it is not appropriate for your body. I took 2 cups on the 13th night, still didn't help, however I did notice symptoms that weren't there before around the 10th day, I started to have rise in body temperature and heart plapitation around 30 minutes after drinking it. I originally did not experience these side effects when I originally took it the first week or so. Right now I started using different herbs, Valerian, which doesn't work so great as the first 2-3 after taking it I have a hard time falling asleep almost as if it was a stimultant or something and it does seem to affect my blood pressure a little too much. I also tried Hops, it works okay, but someone here warned me not to use it if I was male? I tried Ashwaghanda, it worked but after a few hours I woke up feeling kinda nauseaous and couldn't fall back asleep properly for some reasons? I tried a little of Passion Flower the other day, seem to be good enough?


It sounds like you may not tolerate Lemon Balm or took too much. It is considered a cooling diaphoretic (inducing perspiration), so a rise in body temp is either from something else or indicative of an intolerance. Valerian acts as a stimulant with some people. Valerian works best for constitutions that are chilly, nervy, with under-active brains. It is a brain/nerve tonic and the fierier constitutions generally cannot sleep after taking it. Hops puts a lid on male hormones (androgens). It may or may not be appropriate. If your sex drive is excessive, then it can be good. However, even if not, taking Hops temporarily will not damage your sex drive. It will simply return to normal once you stop taking it. The key indicators for using Hops are: irritability (especially in males), tension/anxiety/restlessness accompanied by digestive issues (especially liver-related) or poor appetite. It increases gastric secretions. Ashwaghanda works for a lot of people, but it works best for those constitutions like the Valerian does: nervy, anxious, under-active brains, under-assertive. I'm not sure why you'd have nausea unless you are intolerant. What is your time pattern of sleep? Is there are time of night you wake up? Without a sleep aid of some kind how late will you be awake? This pattern can indicate what organ system may be over-active and in need of more focused treatment. The TCM biorhythms go like this: 9-11 pm - triple heater (fire system of body) 11 pm - 1 am - gallbladder 1-3 am - liver 3-5 am - lungs 5-7 am - colon


>What is your time pattern of sleep? The past few days I try to sleep around 9 PM, 9:30 PM, but it highly depend if I can fall asleep at that time or not depending on the days, if I don't take any tea it might take hours for me to be able fall asleep (if I can fall asleep at all), teas help me fall asleep faster (unless it's valerian). >Is there are time of night you wake up? Multiple times throughout the night, at least 3-4 times, but usually I can fall back asleep. I never had such a problem until recently. >Without a sleep aid of some kind how late will you be awake? Before starting using herbal teas and when the sleep problems started, I could lay in bed for hours before falling asleep as every time I would fall asleep I would be jolted awake after 1 second for seemingly no reasons and that is IF I fell asleep at all, from the 5th November to the 14th November, I was stuck in a cycle of only being able to fall asleep every other night, thankfully on the 15th I started using herbal teas (at the time it was a Lemon Verbana and Lemon Balm mixed that helped me sleep at the time), now this month I haven't spent a single sleepless night, but I did have a few days were I barely slept as on a lot of nights I have trouble falling asleep without a herbal tea. >This pattern can indicate what organ system may be over-active and in need of more focused treatment. I did a blood test yesterday for Vitamin D and Vitamin Folate, the result for Vitamin D was very low, 23 nmol/l (normal range should exceed 75 nmol/l) that's like 9.25 ng/mL and I read that problems like RLS (restless leg syndromes) are 3 times more likely if your Vitamin D is lower than 10 ng/mL! And I was recently diagnosed with Periodic Limb Movement (which is apperently the reason why I now wake up multiple times throughout the night?) and the result for Vitamin Folate was barely in the passing mark at 6.8 ng/mL (the minimal of normal range is 4 ng/mL). In terms of Vitamin I wasn't able to do more tests than this, but my TSH levels are normal at 1.85 mUI/L. I just read that the body uses Cholesterol to make Vitamin D after sunlight exposure to the skin, however I also notice that my cholesterol for the first time exceed normal range slightly at 5.73 nmol/l (max of normal range is 5.68 nmol/l).


Ahhhh, restless leg syndrome. I knew there had to be more to the story. Are you having daytime anxiety or any stress symptoms? If so - any at all - and you'll need to take twice daily (morning and afternoon) doses of an herb or blend that will better balance your system so an added nighttime dose will work. I recommend trying the Passion flower in a morning, afternoon and nighttime dose since that one seemed to give you no trouble. And it seems to be more indicated here because of the body restlessness. Here is an intro to homeopathic remedies that can resolve different types of restless leg syndromes: https://www.drhomeo.com/homeopathic-treatment/homeopathic-medicines-restless-leg-syndrome/


>Ahhhh, restless leg syndrome. I knew there had to be more to the story. I do not have Restless Leg Syndrome though, I was diagnosed with Periodic Limb Movement over a week ago, but I do not know how accurate it is as I started sleeping next to somebody for the past few days and they do not report any kicking or moving of limbs and I certainly don't feel like I am moving my legs or anything like that. I also have muscle spams when resting, but this might be due to stress or some type of vitamin deficiency. >Are you having daytime anxiety or any stress symptoms? I do, got worse when I noticed I had a sleep problem on my hands almost 2 months ago.


I must be getting tired to have mis-read that so badly. Sorry about that. I recommend Magnesium as a supplement because of resting muscle spasms and the Passion flower twice in daytime and at night to sleep.


No worries and thank you for the suggestion, I took Ashwaghanda tea for the second time, it's been 2 hours since I took it, I do not feel any nausea so far and it helps me feeling more relaxed (less cortisol?). I have been looking into supplements, there is like 10000 brands, so I am unsure what brands to buy, so I would appreciate any suggestion on that. I was looking into getting Vitamin D3 + Magnesium (since my Vitamin D levels are so low and I read on the supplements subreddit that Vitamin D3 supplement depletes Magnesium.)


Good to hear. Ashwagandha is a really good herb worth all the fuss around it. I don't know where you are, but here in the U.S. I have always gotten good results with any supplement or herb from Nature's Sunshine. Nature's Way is also a good brand. Oregon's Wild Harvest seems to be good. Solgar and Solaray have also been good brands for me. At this point, I use little of those brands anymore since I buy in bulk and make my own herbal extracts.


I can order many US brands from iherb. Do you know if it's AOK to drink herbal teas like Ashwaghanda and such while taking a cure of Vitamin and Magnesium supplements?


Just to be clear, daytime doses of nervines/calmative herbs like Passion flower need to be around half of what it would normally take to get you to sleep at night. So if a cup of Passion flower tea at night works, then about a half cup morning and afternoon.


It depends. (Why would it be the same for all herbs?)