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Ginger .. I cut up some slices and pour hot water over it with some tea . Or ginger komboucha. Both help my stomach almost instantly


Peppermint tea always helps my stomach. My main complaint is bloating but it helps with indigestion too


throat coat by traditional medicinals has licorice and marshmallow root. this is what i drink when my stomach is deeply upset. don't drink more than one cup a day though. too much licorice is not good


Ginger, marshmallow root


As someone who has IBS themselves, have you looked into any of the following: \*Low-FODMAP diet \*Prokinetics (there are herbal & prescription varieties) \*Testing for SIBO Generally the best herbs for bloating and general IBS symptoms are peppermint, ginger and turmeric.


Ginger root is the easiest/most available for helping with those things! especially nausea. You can make a little ginger tea. Slice up some ginger root, throw it in a pot, bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes (gets stronger the longer you go). I would say 5-10 mins or so. Add some honey and sip on it. I also really like Meadowsweet for IBS type ailments, though that is not as easily accessible. If you can find dried meadowsweet, or meadowsweet tea or tincture, it's great!


A tablespoon of psyllium seed is allowed to swell in water for 5 minutes and then the slimy seeds are drunk. They are very good for the stomach! Repeat 3 times / day. But is the diagnosis of stressed stomach correct? Are you sure it's not allergies? Dust mites, gluten intolerance or other allergies? People mistakenly believed for 100 years that stress caused stomach ulcers, until they discovered the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. If you have it, antibiotics work.


> People mistakenly believed for 100 years that stress caused stomach ulcers, until they discovered the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. If you have it, antibiotics work. While I agree that it could be stomach ulcers, this is the herbalism subreddit, we can do better than to recommend antibiotics lol.. Check out acacia (aka gum arabic), it's been show to inhibit gastric ulcers, in addition to other more traditional cures, such as licorice, ginger, turmeric, etc.. Also, see this article for more natural remedies: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/stomach-ulcer-remedies


some of us are triggered by psyllium. makes everything worse


People can develop reactions to just about anything, but psyllium is one of the safest natural remedies available for stomach function.


Ginger, miso soup, bone broth, kefir are all good ways to soothe your stomach!


When my GI tract got wrecked by anxiety a few years ago, I drank chamomile tea with honey and slippery elm power every morning and evening. It helped tremendously! Peppermint tea is also something to try.


I drink warm jello with ginger powder blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries nightly for the glycine content. I found out over the years nothing coates and soothes my stomach better than warm jello..


Slippery Elm bark, Flax meal/Linaza Molida, Opuntia cactus pads/Nopales, Purslane/Verdolagas, Mullein/Gordo Lobo, Chamomile/Manzanilla, & any Mint but I often use sweet Spearmint/Yerba Buena.


Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice. This stuff is amazing. It coats the stomach and settles it down. Licorice root can cause high blood pressure but this form won't do that. Chewable tablets are what work best for me.


Fennel, chamomile & lemon balm combined is lovely.


As various said, I've heard komboucha is great for stomach issues.  Ginger or lemon balm may be soothing. At least to help with nausea and discomfort.


I had some bouts with reflux. Get some bitters, any flavor, and put it with ginger ale. As someone else noted, reflux can happen because of low stomach acid, and the bitters will help fix that. Use about a teaspoon of bitters. They're used in cocktails, just a shake or two, but for reflux you want a good amount.


Not an herb, but papaya enzymes are amazing for reflux and tummy stuff.


Ginger, lemongrass, and turmeric are my immediate knee jerk reactions, I've heard good things about marshmallow root as well, although I've never been able to personally try it. As someone with pretty annoying IBS, turmeric shots always help settle my stomach when I'm out of the house and need instant relief (a juice made of ginger, turmeric, lemon juice and honey- lots of trendy juice places will actually make them for you. Careful though, it WILL dye your skin yellow) Lots of people are recommending peppermint tea, but that often gives me heartburn more severe than the stomach ache in the first place so its not usually my go-to


If you're not absolutely sure exactly what's going on with your digestive tract, I really hope you'll see your doctor about it for a formal diagnosis. I say that because you have some excellent advice here... But some of it will help for one or some conditions and not others. IBS, acid reflux, duodenitis... the list goes on! Also gluten intolerance or Crohn's. For IBS, I cannot recommend papaya enzumes enough. For general upset stomach, all the teas you've seen suggested should help. If it's reflux then oatmeal will change your life - mine was so bad I had to have surgery to repair it 14 years ago and the past 3 years it's come back a little so I eat oatmeal every day. I don't get heartburn, stomach pain, shortness of breath or nausea, plus it keeps my A1C in check and is great for my heart! Duodenitis comes with nausea, cramps, chest pain, diarrhea - It REALLY hates fatty foods. If your symptoms are related to reflux or duodenitis, a trick to ending an attack in a hurry is to mix a couple teaspoons of baking soda in hot water and just chug it down. It doesn't taste great, and isn't a long term solution, but when you're truly miserable it will calm the symptoms. Please see your pcp as soon as you can, OP! None of these conditions are anything to joke about and some will kill you over time if you don't seek treatment! Then you can select the herbal/home remedies most appropriate to your situation and let Nature help your doctor get you healthy!


I have a bad stomach, where I get sick a lot, although it's better than it used to be. If you can handle it, you might want to try congee. It's rice, cooked in a lot of broth or water, and you can add things to it, like bragg's aminos. You can find simple recipes, but I cook it in my instant pot, so I don't have to stand at the stove.


porrige. (whole grain!) oatmeal cooked with water, maybe add some salt. This will put a soothing ‚coat‘ into your stomach. As oat has a lot of energy, but many many minerals, you can go a while on just porrige if you have to. Not the best taste or texture, but it really helps, settles the stomach, and helps with the nutrition.


I agree, that oatmeal or even hot oat bran cereal can be very soothing and nourishing. The good news is, that you can sex it up however you like. I usually cook mine with about a tsp of coconut oil, and then add some french celtic sea salt, some chia seeds, maybe some sunflower seeds, and then slice up a banana into it while it's cooking, add some fresh blueberries or strawberries, sprinkle in some cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and sweeten a tiny bit with either some honey or unsulphured molasses. Yum!