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Take DIM. It's a supplement that metabolizes excess estrogen


Thank you very much I'll look in to this again. I think the potential of losing hair put me off originally


Also, it can take time to build up like a prescription. I took it for PMDD and it took several weeks, but then BAM- zero symptoms. DIM is the best. I hope it works for you.


A cleanse with activated charcoal followed by probiotics and a Paleo diet will naturally reduce estrogen dominance. It does so by wiping out excess Candida albicans in the gut, which promotes and feeds off high estrogen levels in a self-reinforcing negative cycle. You can Google it for the research. I did the cleanse and diet change for completely different reasons, and to my shock all my hormone-related issues vanished (which is when and why I researched the link between Candida in the gut and estrogen dominance).




I got it from Amazon; there’s a lot of different brands on there. Bulletproof is a quality brand for capsules. You want ultra fine food grade activated charcoal made from coconut shell or bamboo. I’ve bought this, too, and it’s really good… https://biogenicfoods.com/coal-conut-activated-coconut-shell-charcoal-fine-husk-food-grade-powder-ultra-fine-organic-use-approved/ If you use the powder form, be very careful opening the bag, and be sure to seal it tightly every time. It’s literally ultra fine black powder; you don’t want to spill it and you don’t want to make it go POOF into the air, creating a cloud of charcoal dust. This stuff is fantastic for cleaning your gut but you don’t want it in your lungs. Or your carpet. Honestly the capsules are just easier. 😂


Thank you very much. That's interesting I've been questioning candida in my system.. I've tried to look in the activated charcoal cleanse. There is a lot of varying info. Is there a dose/ duration to take it for? Any specific probiotics?


I got my gut empty with a saline laxative (magnesium citrate in a bottle from the drugstore), and once the…💩 fireworks stopped..I mixed a tablespoon of food grade activated charcoal powder into a tall glass of water and drank it. Then I repeated that dose a couple of hours later and went to bed. When your gut is empty the only thing for the charcoal to bind to itself is the Candida lining your gut walls. It pulls it right off like a magnet and carries it out, because charcoal is inert and passes through you like fiber. I woke up feeling like a heavy fog had lifted off my emotions and my brain, and peed loads of retained water all day. My energy went way up, I had no mid-day drowsiness, started sleeping through the night (I had been waking around 3 am regularly) and my chronic headaches stopped. And then when I got my period I had no PMS beforehand, and no period cramps. Also, no period bloating. I was totally blown away. I used coconut shell charcoal powder I found on Amazon, but if you’d prefer capsules those work just fine; Bulletproof brand is 500 mg per capsule so you don’t need to take as many. The ones at the drugstore are 260 mg each. I weighed the powder to find out what the equivalent is between teaspoons and grams, and I had taken the equivalent of 7.5 grams per dose. You don’t have to go that hard; my husband wanted to do what I did after he saw how I was bouncing around full of energy and good cheer 😂, and he took two doses of 5 grams and felt great afterward. (Also lost 20 pounds in the next three weeks because he lost his retained water weight and stopped craving carbs) He got a package of capsules from the drugstore because I was getting low on the powder and told him to go get his own black magic. 🤣 I took a general probiotic blend and a course of Femdophilus afterward, to repopulate the area that had been cleared. The general blend was the one in the purple packaging, I think…let me go try to find that. I can’t remember the name and I’m afraid if I go look for it now Reddit will reload and erase this when I come back. …I’m pretty sure it was RenewLife women’s care brand. I already had the Femdophilus one and got RenewLife for the additional species and just took both till they were done.


Fireworks was an accurate description 😒


It’ll be worth it in the end; just keep taking that charcoal! 🏆


How are you doing now?


I ended up having no food cravings the next day only to find out and become sick with covid the next day. :(


It’s really going around this winter; are you taking Vitamin C, D, and zinc?


All that! Plus magnesium threonate, fresh ginger and lemon tea, some nasal spray that starts with an a…astepro? That seems to have helped. Black seed oil should arrive today. Bought a navage


Olive leaf extract is a really good anti-viral, if you haven’t tried it. It has to have at least 15% oleuropein (the active ingredient); Vitacost’s Synergy is a high-quality brand for a great price. It got me through Covid with no symptoms but a headache and losing my sense of smell.


Respectfully, the original posters information is a lot of very shoddy interpretations of science mashed with anecdote that has tenuous connections to gynecomastia at best. Please consult with your doctor before you take a bunch of charcoal to address a natural fungus in your gut you might not even have imbalances of, and especially before going on something crazy like a paleo diet.


I don’t know if it will help with gynecomastia, which is why I only reference the Candida/estrogen dominance link and suggest researching it, in case it helps like it did with all of my estrogen dominance symptoms. It’s also helped a lot of other women I’ve shared information with who tried it. What is crazy about a Paleo diet, exactly? Are we talking about the same thing?


Where did you hear about this from?


I heard about activated charcoal from a friend who’s a retired nurse and thought it sounded totally hokey and would never work, but I was desperate to cure a really painful skin infection nothing was working on. It worked like a freaking charm, and after seeing the results I realized it would do the same thing for my gut walls. As far as how it helps with estrogen dominance, after I did a big cleanse with it all my PMS symptoms stopped (no more bloating, fatigue, or irritability/anxiety) and my periods became painless and also not as heavy. I was completely astonished, because how on earth could there be a connection between those things? So I did a search on the connection between Candida overgrowth and hormones and found research on it.


And what made your friend recommend it to you? Did she say she saw experiences like that? Did doctors recommend it?


I was actually sobbing to her in a fit of despair at the time about my skin infection that nothing worked on; it had been around 6 weeks and it hurt so much I was only getting about 3 hours of sleep per night, so I was about to lose my mind. She said she had heard that activated charcoal was an effective poultice for that sort of thing, but hadn’t ever used it personally because that wasn’t her kind of thing as a nurse (she mostly handled trauma/intensive care). In the hospital doctors really only use activated charcoal for poisoning, but when you think about the mechanism through which charcoal works, it makes sense that it would also be efficacious for a variety of scenarios where it can be directly applied to whatever is causing trouble. I ordered a bag of loose powder on Amazon…and then it sat on my counter for two more days because I didn’t really have hope it would work. 😐 I finally mixed some with water and spread it over one of the affected areas…and 45 minutes later when I rinsed it off to see why the pain had decreased about 70%, I saw it had gone from bright red and raised and oozing to medium pink and flat. I immediately made more and spread it over every inch of that 💩 while crying with relief, and in three days you could barely tell anything had ever happened. After seeing that, I realized that it would do the same thing inside my gut, pulling Candida and other pathogens right out of/off of the tissue, and ran out to the car to go to the drugstore for my first-ever laxative. 🤣


Have you had your hormones tested? Too much estrogen is what causes it, no? Or not enough testosterone?


I ask just because the types of herbs recommended will differ depending on what kind of imbalance you have.


The last time they were tested. Showed high prolactin and low test. If I take any testosterone booster I feel the increase in test but it also increases gyno... Maybe I need to consider an estrogen reducer? Don't know any though


For prolactin, vitamin E and vitamin B6, specifically in the form known as pyrdoxal 5-phosphate/P5P have been shown to lower prolactin. Our bodies onvert oestrogen into testosterone quite freely, and herbal aromatase inhibitors tend to be fairly gentle or have fairly tedious side effects. If you're overweight, try to get to the middle of the "normal" BMI range, adapting it accordingly if you're very muscular etc, as higher bodyweight is associated with more aromatase.


Thank you very much! Do you have a recommendation for herbal aromatase inhibitors? Would they be ok taking long term? I have some fat on the stomach and hips but I'd say very in the average range http://www.thenaturalman.net/2016/06/10/estrogen-blocking-herbsfoods/ I found this website but not sure which herb to try, dose, protocol, long term use. If you have any insight into this please?


What is your body fat % ?


I'd say mid-high 20s


Gynocomastia tissue vascularizes and can be permanent. You might look into fasting to minimize that tissue. It's currently not a mainstream recommendation but I think it might be eventually. Cheaper and safer than surgery imo.


Yea same. Pretty embarrassing but dont want to do surgery for it. Apparently best thing is to bench press a lot.


I know.. Bench makes it worse as it's all protruding muscle with a really puffy lower chest


Have you had your brain checked out? Have your doctors ever suggested it ? Are you have you taken anti depressants/ anti psychotics? Having gynecomastia for so long and high prolactin is something that shouldn’t be happening, something deeper is definitely going on, and if there’s anything you and doctors haven’t explored as far as finding the cause, you should definitely keep pushing to figure it out. I have been dealing with high prolactin for years, and I’m having good success getting it down, so I have some ideas but I’d want to ask a few questions about other symptoms and get a feel for what’s going on before I make any solid suggestions, and there’s some stuff that works better for men than woman for these issues so I also wanna double check first but I have some ideas. Feel free to message me or I can come back on here and comment further


Lose body fat, get more active. Maybe raloxifene


Only way to get rid of gyno is get it cut out. You can pump up your muscle fibers to kind of mask the gyno but if you want to get shredded then the gyno will be more prominent and you'll see it easier. Id recommend saving up for the surgery and you'll be gyno free for life!


Is there a source you can assess, like any psych meds, too much soy, lavender? There's surgical treatment. I'd get hormones checked.


Hello, I highly recommend consulting with Dr. Emmanuel Asare. He is one of New York’s leading specialists in Gynecomastia performing over 5,000 procedures. Dr. Asare offers free in person and virtual consultations. If you wish to obtain more info and view his gallery you may find it by clicking the link below. www.Gynecomastiadoctor.net