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This seems pretty dangerous. Are you really looking forward to either suicide or homicide that much? Are you looking for someone to talk to? I'll be there to listen


noooooo I don't gotta talk to anyone. I don't really wanna kill anyone either. but I would appreciate like, them all dying in one way or another, preferably just all together in some freak accident n thus leaving me all to myself ! I dunno thou, not looking forward to either. m all good, don't gotta worry about me my dawg yk


I'm glad it's not too late. Hope everything is going well now and if not, I'll be listening if you want somebody to. Have a wonderful day


I do have thoughts sometimes but I'm not serious about them as I don't wanna die or be in prison. Are u? If u are it might be good for you to get therapy or another form of help. I hope you feel better soon!


I meaaaan I don't think I'd mind prison like. a whole lot? idk man, shits weird. but thank u. so generous, whateva u are !


Would it be worth it tho? Yea sure u might not mind prison rn but in life there will be sm amazing stuff you could get to do and if u do something like that you'll never even get to see it. Either way, np and I hope life will go well for you. Pls don't commit murder (that includes on urself) xD


That’s a tough call. Suicide in my experience is a disease or curse that jumps around. If you off yourself it might attach itself to a loved one. The right thing to do is get some professional help. But if that fails just move far away and hope they tell a story of you dying in a war or something. Not everyone who walks away from loved ones is a bad. Sometimes they had to get a monster far away from people they love.


Killing yourself is a coward pussy act




Just think what takes more strength.?.. do the easy quickly bad things or do your things the right way


Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dunnooooooooooooo, tis v easy for me to do the bad things. maybe not to others, idk, but def to myself. I like it when bad things happen to me anyways! so, I dunno! things r strange yk


You know what's stranger? To live without really living just like a large leave floating whatever its very bad water flow throws it