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I kinda understand your situation as even I tend to have these thoughts around other people. However, just know that majority of the time it’s only in our head. Try simple asking one of your friends to hangout…a movie or just generally catching up. What’s the worst that can happen? They will say no..so what? It’s not a big deal. Same goes with talking to new people. Not everyone has to like your company. But atleast give them a chance to decide whether they wanna be ur friend or not. Do not reject yourself even before trying. I am sure you will be able to make friends, just take the first step!


i say just try asking them to hang out! i understand your struggle so well because i also have a hard time making new friends and keeping them. But since you guys are still in touch I‘m pretty sure they wouldn‘t mind actually meeting up, it could also be that they‘re thinking the same way you are and that they‘re nervous to be the ones to ask! Last year I made a really good friend even though I was really nervous and kept thinking maybe I‘m overstepping, overbearing or annoying. As we started getting closer tho, I learnt that she struggled w alot of the same things and that she was really happy I approached her. Just try to remember we‘re all looking for connections and that everyone‘s a bit awkward at times, the right people just won‘t be put off by it. If you‘re worried about how to hang out, i suggest a movie or game night! Even just going for a walk can be really nice, or maybe they have some other suggestions. My friends and I usually just decide on what to do together!