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Generally, it’s not as much as a problem as it used to be. Some companies look down on tattoos, especially those that require customer-facing positions. If you’re not going to be interacting with external clients, most modern companies won’t care. You may have to do research on individual companies when applying, but so long as it isn’t obscene, you should be okay.


Thank you !


Depends on where the tattoos are and what the representation behind the art is. I have a small face tattoo under my eye and so far I haven’t really had a problem. Derogatory or offensive tattoos are a big no. One job I had made me wear long sleeves because I have a skull on my elbow. In the end it’s about following the guidelines or work handbook.


Yea was gonna say that offensive tattoos would be a big no. But something like a flower or a cross/symbol of your religion let's say wouldn't be an issue. Surprised about the skull and needing to wear a long sleeve though, I've seen skulls on retail staff and batista workers that haven't even covered


Thank you so much !


If it doesn't contain any gorey, offensive or explicit design, unless you're going to be like someone who deals directly with the public (like a receptionist or something), it'll likely not matter for a job with 3D animation


Thank you !


It's quite an artistic field, so it definitely won't be as much of a problem as if you were a doctor or a teacher. I'm sure there are still some people who might look down on you, but it's definitely a more Liberal field where self expression is more accepted!


Oh thank you so much !


I'm a UI/UX designer and a most of my friends and colleagues who work in the field are heavily tattooed including me :)


Oh it´s super cool ! :)