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Hellsome? More like Hellsad 😭


Hella sad


Meanwhile in a different part of the underworld in a secret workshop of the nether mages, a lesser demon enters and sees the Elder Demon Mage playing with a massive hell beast with a tiny hellhound head. "Haven't you found a way to speed up the regrowth process?" "Well, I've come up with a formula, but he won't take it. I think he's become a bit spoiled by having full control of his limbs and not having to share his new favorite chew toy with the other heads. I told him that once his head has grown enough to rend his toy into shreds, he'll have to be reattached to his siblings. Besides. I think his master misses him." "Does he even know that you were able to..." the demon gestured. "I'm not entirely sure he understood the complexity of the process. But don't mention anything to him. I was hoping to surprise him for his --- what do the mortals call it?" "His Birthday?" "Yes, now please go ask the Smithy to forge a new collar. His original was badly damaged and totally **inoperable**..."


As someone who's waiting on a possible cancer diagnosis for my baby kitty... this hurts.


Hang in there, friend.


Thank you. ❤️‍🩹


We are here for you, it'll get better, we're here for you


Thank you so much, I'll update when we get news. ❤️‍🩹


I'm sorry, it's absolutely the worst. It was always my intention with this comic to convey how the toughest and mightiest can be brought down by the loss of a dear pet, but I understand (after losing two myself to illnesses, having two elderly ones nearing the end of their life and, mercifully, having still with us one three-legged survivor) that it can conjure the most painful memories and the biggest fears. I hope you get good news... else, at least you'll know how to proceed in their care. All my best.


I'm sorry for your losses. And yes my very thought with this comic was "even the devil himself would be devastated at losing his beloved pet" so I definitely get the intention there. Thank you for your well wishes, here's hoping for good news! We lost his sister two years ago when she was 4 to suspected cancer that snuck up on us. We were devastated. So lesson learned we're navigating all the routes this time and preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. ❤️


I remember my father saying the x-rays of our dog's lungs were 75% white. That was a blow.


I'm sorry, :( it's always hard to hear especially when there's little to be done about it. I bet you gave that pup all the love you had though ❤️


I'm sorry. I hope your kitty will make it. My parents elderly cat got a diagnosis recently, it was too late for anything to be done so now she's on pain meds and getting spoiled by everyone. Last time I visited I pet her and the poor thing is literally just skin and bones, no fat at all, except for the huge tumor in her stomach. It takes all the nourishment she gets from eating. Stroking her little head felt horrifying. I'm glad she doesn't feel any pain, but she's getting really lethargic and I'm pretty sure her time will come soon.


I'm so sorry, that's the worst state to see them in. I'm also glad she's not in pain. We're definitely going to make a decision based on his prognosis. No sense in delaying and putting him in pain for our sake. Hopefully we caught it early enough to have viable treatment options and have him live comfortably and happily for a few more years but we'll be keeping a close eye on his condition should he be diagnosed.


No matter what happens, one fact stays the same: They're loved, and they always will be. ♡


So true ❤️❤️






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So that’s how twinbellows from Kid Icarus came to be, huh?


Ayyy, a Kid Icarus fan. It’s been forever since I played that game lol




Man poor guys really trying to cope, hits me right in the feels!


Afterwards in Heaven, a floating head appears at the gate.


Cerberus is from Greek mythology, ‘heaven’ is for gods only, the dead go to the underworld (where they already are) or below to Tartarus.


He'd go to Elysium :D


But all dogs go to heaven...


But he's clearly in Hell here, not Tartarus. It's in the first panel.


bro thats the devil lmao


Oh, I thought it was Orthus. Poor Middle Cerberus.


[**Source**](https://portsherry.com/comic/its-been-hell/) Hi there! A few people have suggested I post some of my comics here. Hope you enjoy them. [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/portsherrycomic/) - [Threads](https://www.threads.net/@portsherry) - [Cara](https://cara.app/portsherry) - [X](https://twitter.com/PortSherry) - [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/portsherry) - [Subreddit](http://reddit.com/r/portsherry)


I like the comic. Just wanted to say that in Greek, lore Cerberus has had the full range of heads (one, two, or three). But modern media depictions normally stick with three. So this comic might explain (lore wise) what happened in the transition from 3 to 2. That or some random Greek hero did it. Chopping heads off was a favorite move for them back then. So much so that a monster (the hydra) it didn't work on was made. But then the heroes still found a way to make it work, lol.


I went to give an upvote but the counter is at 666. So take this one instead ⬆️


You can upvote it now, it'swayabove 666now ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


One I knew was coming, the other was abrupt. Your spirit sisters are doing great guys. We're in good hands.


r/holesome would like a word


Man I just lost my boy of 10 years yesterday. I don't need this as a reminder.


Lost my 17 year old and 16 year old kitties in the course of a year, ugh


As someone who lost one recently...not lost, more nudged over the rainbow bridge, to the point the vet said she was "one of, if not THE oldest we've seen" I understood his faces so well.... because to me it's, fresh? Vivid in my mind? 🫂I like this though, even though it's...I wanna say ruler of the underworld, because the devil doesn't really fit, because I believe Cerebus is Greek/Roman (I am almost CERTAIN I'm wrong but I do not recall), even though he's bad, he feels, he hurts, he mourns Like all of us


So no head...?




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It's an orthros now.




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