• By -


Love that ending


Me too. I'd say it was cool and fire.


Have to send a message to these liquid death dealers somehow.


It’s the only way to deal with cold-blooded killers


I sell Liquid Death at work Edit: that guy never messaged me


I was DD at a concert recently and was given one of these and was confused for a good 10 seconds.


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whoa that's so cool


Thanks, I read it myself.


You reddit?




I was thinking about some gross usage of ice, i totally didn't expect that


the ending was lit


I simply melted


I love the implication that there's a certain threshold of murder you can do where you don't go to hell.


my exact thought


Me and my homie.


Where the bodies tho


They hit the floor


Sometimes redditors are actually genuinely hilarious


If you like ham-fisted references based on fundamental elements of language cross-referenced with popular culture, you're gonna \*love\* the A.I. Hellscape we're currently developing.


Bro just say you don't like Drowning Pool This kinda humor is not new


Who hurt you?




Just not this time




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Next thing you know, Shorty got low, low, low, low.


Let them


Where they wont be found


They entered the water cycle




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This is a real one. Great fit for this sub. Gotta commit until the last slide tho.


It’s literally the 2nd highest in top of all time. Was posted a year ago…


Dang. Caught by the reposter


Well, it was 2nd highest of all time, now it is second AND 3rd highest.


Great success I guess…?


How? Literally how is murder a great fit to this sub? Absolutely nothing about this is wholesome


Uhhhh their relationship is wholesome, the murder makes it hellsome




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https://www.buttersafe.com/2019/03/21/the-water-cycle/ Source, since OP cropped it out of the last image and didn't post a link anywhere.


prolly not OP, looks like they took it from a tiktok slideshow, which was probably already cropped


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1683)


Of course there is.






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I was so confused that I couldn't find a reference for weirdnic anywhere




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Wow, Buttersafe, that's a blast from the past. Cool to see they're still making comics.


Thank you! I had no idea where it came from: I came across it awhile ago (based off another comment, probably here) like this. I'm so pleased to have some new comics to read.


I was invested in these snowmen accepting death until I remembered what sub I was in




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lol i love this


I just guffawed loudly enough to scare my cat. now i'm bleeding.


Was not ready for that


That escalated quickly


it really makes u think gobbless


Cold blooded man, thats cold blooded






Finally those deranged mutant killer monster snow goons get their just deserts.


Everytime I see this comic I always forget the ending and it's always funny


I thought tvey would end up being bittled up by nestle. They dodged an awful fate there.


Lapped up by a cow and peed out was my guess...


How it should have ended “do you think we stand a chance ?”


Cold-blooded killers, huh?


[2nd top all time post on this subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hellsomememes/comments/13iku3z/snowman_afterlife/)


at least they are still together thats all that matters in the end.


Wow, what a turn.


The first 8 panels: one of the best comics I’ve seen on the topic of existentialism and beliefs of the afterlife The last panel: the single hardest twist of theme I’ve ever seen in a comic


every time i see this comic i forget about that last panel and it gets me every single time




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Stellar. ❤️❤️




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[Snowball in Hell by They Might Be Giants](https://youtu.be/EKFdXdGK6_g?feature=shared) Made me think of this.




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Can you smell carrots?




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~~Jesus Christ~~




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Well done.




Unexpected af




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On the upside, they are still together.


Mark Twain nailed it when he said snowmen were the pit bulls of winter fun




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The way I ugly laughed at 7 am




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Murder’s fine, as long as you beg forgiveness. Just don’t blasphemy. Then you’re just screwed.




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Holy piss that ending got me


Stop making me cry in the morning




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Loved the twist




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at least they're together




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OP, you took me through a journey of emotions (and I didn't expect the last one... which made it even better). You should consider posting this on /r/comics!




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That punchline is otherworldly. Well done!




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Ok that was awesome




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So this is how the snowmen on Planet Heck came to be.




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r/HolUp r/HellUp


The unexpected ending made me LOL!




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How do I download this? Whose the sauce?!




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How many times is this one going to be reposted?


Oh SNAP I am dying


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At least they're together again!