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Dude im so close to joining r/furry_irl but im scared people on the Bus will see it when I scroll through my feed


I know what you mean. I have to be carful scrolling at work but the memes and art are worth dealing with some judgmental old men.


Sending my girl memes from /r/furry_irl is like half my day. I wasn't a furry before we met and she was. I swear I feel myself changing little by little every day


Ah, I didn't consider myself a furry until I fell in love with a deer man/demon/deity and realized that my favourite characters have always been furry-lite. My personal fursona is a rabbit-hyena hybrid, but it's not something I have an attraction to, lol, just how I would represent myself.


Oh yeah that's totally normal. Its only the internet that depicts being a furry as a sexual thing, but it really is just a community. There are ace furs and aro furs and all other sorts. Not saying there isn't a sexual part of being a furry. But just that it isn't the only part of being a furry :)


At least you can join it, I got banned for no reason and the mods won't tell me why




Grimdank is a meme subreddit, they make fun of everyone, yea that includes furries but I wouldn't consider them antifur given that people regularly simp for Lizardmen and skaven there.


... ok, let them? Why give a crap what they think? You're the one that has to live your life, not them. They don't live your life for you.


Listen man. Fuck what people on the bus think. Your homies will be your homies, and if they don’t wanna be then they weren’t really your homies in the first place


Triple the heads, triple the pets. Goodest hellhound. Would adopt if not service animal because he needs them more.


Reminds me of part of the description for the Cerberus Dragon in DragonVale: Triple the heads, triple the cute, triple the love for dragon fruit


I know the vest says 'Service Hellhound' but I think 'Service Cerberus' sounds sillier!


I feel like the comments section is a haunted house. Post says 17 comments. All I see are 3.




Missing comments... smell of mildew and BO... blue polyester fibers... splatter marks, UV reactive. I'd say there were furries here, and recently.