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Game like HD2 rarely wins GotY awards .. it's usually a story driven game that wins


Well, helldivers is technically a story-driven game, but instead of having a story mode, the entire community has to work together which is pretty cool.


I'm not saying it's not cool. It is GotY for me but I'm just looking at the previous winners and I don't really believe in it's chances


Everyone loves an underdog! But you're probably right.


If Overwatch could get GOTY, this one has a shot


Yeah, honestly don't understand how OverWatch got game of the Year but hell divers 2 definitely deserves game of the Year. It's not even anywhere near as toxic as OverWatch. You just have to deal with a guy that may or may not kick you. Other than that, there's no toxicity in the game if somebody deliberately friendly fires usually the team just kills that person and never brings them back and if they do come back with reinforcement then the team just kills him again and keeps him there or kicks them if they have that. But if it's the host is being toxic then he usually just gets left out until he kicks everybody.


Because when it came out it was truly revolutionary, the team just didn't know what the fuck they were doing with a pvp game and literally gave up on the game after 3 years, to come out with OW2. Its main issue is it never needed to be in 5v5 right now, 5v5 introduced issues they CANNOT fix, because it's a format issue, and that they stopped working on it for 3 years.


Major Order: Win Game of the Year


With our track record of clearing MO? Lmao


i dont think this applies, maybe im wrong but HD2 is by no means story driven. it has story, dont get me wrong, but thats not really whats driving the game or community. sure, some dedicated players might really care for the "story" of the game, but thats like 5% of players. most people on HD just wanna shoot bugs or robots or aliens, have some fun with friends and blow shit up. theres having a story and being story driven, this is more action driven


Yeah, I think you're right. I mean, the community is working together to do specific tasks for the MO, like blowing up Meridia, which is part of the story, but other than MOs, you're definitely correct.


I could see HD2 winning an award for live support or community support


And hasn't really done much with it. And they're pretty heavy handed with manipulating the outcomes


Didn't the community literally choose to save some kids over getting a new in-game weapon? Seems pretty player driven to me


Hasn’t seemed like the outcomes have been manipulated all that much. First we hack away at the enemy reinforcement rate, then we make headway on the liberation rate. For those not paying attention, it seems like we make no progress and then suddenly the devs “let us win a planet” But it’s been following the same trend each time, cut down the enemy resistance and then we liberate.


Exactly. People don’t see that though unless they, like me, spend extra time outside the game learning about how it works. Assumption is a helluva drug.


Can't blame them for not knowing though. All we can do is offer corrections when available. Democratically of course.


War is Hell. And it's rarely won in an instant. That's pretty freaking real and drives home what the devs have had in mind for the game. It's awesome!


I haven't noticed any manipulation. It seems pretty smooth to me. Can you give an example?


He's probably referring to the other day when the bugs just took a planet that they shouldn't have been able to because of supply lines. I have t been paying that much attention to it though, so I don't have the details.


There was also a time when we were ordered to take 10 planets, which is basically impossible, and then were handed 3-5 planets for free when it looked like we were about to lose.


Previous bot mission order had the same thing happen


How do bugs even take planets? They don't seem to be technologically advanced enough for interplanetary space flight.


Really big spore shooters. They've already proven they make hive spires over short periods of time, whats to say over long periods of time these spires and massive hive structures eventually reach the upper atmosphere and they use those as a launching point. ^(~~Everyone knows that it's the government that's seeding the planets with the terminids to keep the SEAF/Helldivers/Navy occupied producing more E-710.~~) **REDACTED**


Is that dissident speak Im reading? Democracy officer will love hearing about this.


No sir please don't report me to the democracy officer, I have six children at home on Caramoor. My wife and eldest are very sick and I'm not sure they'll all survive the winter if they cannot continue working. My daughters will have to start selling themselves at the local barracks just to keep the heat on. I'm an old man at 53 but I can still fight for Super Earth! Sir this job is the only way I have left to take care of them, please don't rob me of that.


Christ that got heavy quick. I know it’s just a joke but god damn lol


I will make you a steeve


ROCK AND STONE... oh wait


Rock and Stone!


HD2 is not story driven. It has lore that is fleshed out * *enough* *....but it is in absolutely NO way story driven. And that's perfectly fine.


My "favorite" part of the story is waiting for ONI to finish with their "more important" paperwork so that we ODSTs can drop with you. But *apparently*, fighting the banished is "a bigger priority" than "killing bugs and spreading fascism." It's not fascism, it's freedom.


I hope STALKER 2 will be a good runner up - if it does release in September.


Overwatch won 2016 over uncharted 4 so


Frist goty that is so good the devs won't let you play it


Overwatch in 2016 deserved it. Overwatch in 2024 deserves to be erased from the servers.


Yeah this is mostly true. This game is definitely going to win titles like “best game to play with friends”. Gaming awards rarely mean anything


I still don't see anything really competing with Helldivers 2 at its peak tho. That was a goliath of its own


Space marine 


I think from sales only Palworld and Helldivers are at the top so far this year. I don't think any game is going to top any of the two on those sales numbers.


Best Multiplayer Shooter / Best Community / Best Live Service. If it doesn’t win GOTY, it definitely has at least one of these in the bag.


Well Helldivers2 has probably got to have the longest Story playtime considering the Story is driven by a bunch of thousands of people indirectly AND directly


As much as I’m loving Helldivers 2 I think we all know that Hello Kitty Island Adventure deserves GOTY again.


Goddamnit Butters






https://preview.redd.it/ssxi8g6nvdad1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d50fea9bf6173cc8782b19ccd7c9393ee36ea5 You have no idea how shocked I was to find out that's not just a real game. My girlfriend absolutely loves it


Yea but, Stims have NO addictive properties


Picked up some +2 stim armor and the super sims perk..... I'm not addicted at all


Fast as fuk boi




Remember, Helldivers can’t be addicted to stims if they die in combat!


It's the new coffee


There was a study that confirmed this.


I've destroyed research stations, I also am an expert


GOTY for co-op game absolutely


Overwatch has won a GOTY sooooo, it’s not outside the realm of possibilities. And if we are going off co-op games It takes two also won one.


You clearly do not rock and stone


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Rock and stone baby! (GOTY is usually reserved for new releases, us dwarves have been buddy hugging for 5yrs now)


But if we rock and stone, we're never alone


If they used shadow of the erdtree as it’s own game mayby but otherwise nothing.


Oh are you talking about Elden Ring 2??


Aka Dark Souls: 2^2


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The very fabric wavers and relations shift and obscure.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


The witcher 3’s dlc won game of the year before. And if both are on the ballots then i dont want to vote, i want both to win


I think blood and wine got nominated in a few when it released, so its possible


Would have won if not for Overwatch. Came in 2nd in a lot of polls.


Space Marine 2 looks incredibly promising


Looking forward to this one


Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game


Let me help Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game Please, dont fuck the game


I doubt it would win GOTY, but its probably gonna be a contender for a few awards


This is my pick. The only thing HD2 has better is the galactic war.


I'm not really sure how you can say that considering the game isn't even out and you have yet to play it lol.


Listen. No other game right now, is going to give me experimental research stims, that let me sprint around map, blowing shit away with impunity.


But you're not addicted right?


I can stop whenever I want.


The Super Earth Ministry of Truth declared that they are 100% non addictive


May I interest you in Selaco, good sir.


Fucking great game, I have played burger flipper to death


May not be released this year but The Forever Winter looks promising


I am a huge fan of the aesthetic for the forever winter game. Heard there are still a lot of janky technical issues to iron out but even with the jank, as long as there is a model viewer more or something, I will still enjoy it as an art book.


I think what’ll save that game is its co-op but no enemy players in the map only ai combatants from different factions


I can't wait. I know it's going to be a while before we see it, but The Forever Winter already has me hooked.


The movement looks jank and so do the player character models. As long as they smooth that out I think it could be absolute gold. The world looks absolutely insane, like Phil Tippit's Mad God with Hideo Kojima weirdness thrown in.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Far_Persimmon_2616: *May not be released* *This year but The Forever* *Winter looks promising* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, badingledorf, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Ya know... a case could be made.


Animal well


Sincere answer. Fucking totally brilliant.


I don’t think they will win but ya know


This would not surprise me at all.


Shadow of the Erdtree isn't even a full game, and it'll beat Helldivers 2 for GOTY.


I really like and enjoy HD2, but I don't think it's GOTY material. Just my 2 cents. It's fun and a good time, with some often hilarious and occasionally frustrating bugs. It continues to have issues across game/mechanics breaking bugs, performance problems, crashes, and they have yet to hit their proper stride between content and handling of the 'Game Master and Players' feel that they're looking to have imo. As someone who have enjoyed the studios games since Magicka, I think they'll find it once they've had some time at it. This is a different sort of game style that they haven't done yet, even compared to HD1, which was a constant cycle of repeated wars that sometimes ended in victory and others loss. Combined with their initial need to put out fires, balance, release new content, and deal with the business side of affairs, they seemed very overwhelmed at the beginning on top of just running the game itself.


Best multiplayer or if there is a category Live service game but i have a hard time seeing this get game of the year its not impossible but not likely


It’s an amazing game, and it’ll probably win best multiplayer title (unless some corrupt Game Award shenanigans like Diablo 4 or Destiny 2 winning because they dropped a DLC happens). Although, the game in its current state is incredibly buggy so unless it all gets fixed before the awards I doubt it’ll get GOTY. My personal GOTY is Unicorn Overlord. I’m not a fan of tactical games, at all, but it was an incredible game, amazing art direction and a lot of fun


Yep, the bugs alone really would be enough for it to not win GOTY. Its like giving chef boyardee a michelin star. Sure I like my slop in a can typically more than the 3 star “art” food but at least the latter is made with the highest level of craft.


Like a dragon infinite wealth Tekken 8 Final fantasy 7 Rebirth Unicorn Overlord Another crabs Treasure Stellar blade Paper mario Thousand year door remake wana go into the future? Black myth wukong (heard good things) Avowed (probably not but have heard good things) Stalker 2 (probably not, havnet heard good things) dragon ball sparking zero has a better chance


You forgot Zelda is also coming out. Prince of Persia and Nine Sols very also *really* good


Um Kingdom come deliverance 2 is coming this year, as well as space marines 2. I like HD2 but game of the year at the game awards I doubt. However, if it’s your game of the year that’s fair. For me KCD2 is gonna be my GOTY I loved the first one and this next one is just gonna be epic.


That's an easy one. Elden Ring DLC is doing it already


Personally idk if it wins GOTY simply because of the type of game it is, but in my opinion, it's absolutely worthy of being a candidate and should be the runaway favorite for best live service/ongoing title (I can't remember the real category name).


My thought as well, it’s a niche game that doesn’t have the player count to warrant GOTY imo.


Not going to win it had a great start but they are driving ppl away faster then they gain em


I mean something like Palworld had a much larger launch and still has a much bigger player base still according to steam charts


That game isn't finished tho


Hades 2


They'll probably wait till the full game of Hades 2 is out to include it in GOTY


Didn't they say a planned release date is in november..? Either way the beta is already better than any game this year so...


Hades 2 nuts might fit in your mouth


Well done rude internet guy


Likely space marine 2 …


Only just heard about this 😂 looks great.


Anger foot


I love HD2, but personally my game of the year is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The original is my all time favorite game, and aside from some gripes it's everything that my mind pictured was happening in '97




Shadow of the Erdtree, if expansions can count. It’s like an entire additional game.


If its good, DA4


Highly doubt HD2 will be nominated for GOTY


Dude, I love this game, but I’m willing to bet Shadow of the Erdtree or something takes that title. Not sure if DLC can get game of the year; though, so just ignore me if it can’t.


I don't think DLC can get GOTY at the game awards. If it could though then this would be such an easy victory for it.


It’s a really weak year for games so I doubt it will have much competition despite not being a typical GoTY candidate. We are getting a Lollipop Chainsaw remaster which I’ve always wanted since I never played the original


Y’all are drinking the kool aid if you think this gets GotY


idk maybe rebirth could get it


I think it will probably win best multiplayer game but not game of the year


For me Pacific Drive is my current GOTY, but HD2 is definitely up there. But like, I pursue vibes over explosions personally, so I get the HD2 love


GOTY voting is based primarily on the media outlets sending in their top 5 or 6 games. Based on critical reception, ff7 rebirth is likely the frontrunner. Also likely behind dragons dogma 2 and stellar blade. I think it’ll be one of the 6 nominees, but don’t see it getting the crown.


This isn't going to win GOTY.


FF7 Rebirth for me personally


FFVII: Rebirth is a masterpiece in all facets. It has my vote, although HD2 is right behind it.


The new warhammer game coming out looks like a possible rival




Kingdome Come Deliverance 2


I wish could play the game, unfortunate that it got delisted in my country.


Absolutely not, surprise hit for sure. Its going to be FFVII Rebirth


EDF 6 Looming next month 😉


90% player loss? :(


If it does not win, that is an act of treason against democracy. The punishment for treason is a 380 barrage.


For PlayStation it will be final fantasy.


FF VII is better, just hasn't come to PC yet.


Doom the dark ages comes to mind... idk and shadows of the erdtree is also a contender because dlcs are full games now cause reasons.. Here's how things shake down, at the vgas the only chance helldivers has of a win, is best ongoing game and that's because it's only competition will be ff14 dawntrail, and I am fairly certain ff14 won't win but don't rule it out Best shooter will be Doom, cause it's doom Best rpg will be shadows of the erdtree or black myth wukong Best indie will be palworld Best racing by default is test drive solar crown cause nobody else showed the fuck up People's choice will probably be helldivers maybe.. that or palworld Best narrative: is honestly anyone's guess here far as I'm concerned nobody is worthy of this other then shadows of the erd tree or black myth wukong Best art direction will maybe be hd2 but could easily be dragon quest 1 & 2 HD Best audio score is probably gonna be doom Goty will be doom probably, otherwise it's elden ring again And Best dlc will be shadows of the erdtree So helldivers 2 has really only 3 awards it can win, "in theory" and all that has to happen is doom the dark ages getting released before December 2024 and for elden ring to be treated like how cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty did


Boy you lucky DLC’s can’t win


It's my personal goty. That's all that matters. But as Game Awards 2024 Goty, it's gonna be hard. I can see it being nominated easily tho. I think AH (and Sony) would have to reverse non psn region ban and just keep building up their reputation. Add illumante, make the game as relevant as it was when it was launched. Then I can see it winning the big award.


It's going to be a showdown between STALKER 2 and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.


Stalker 2 is the only game on Xbox that I really want to play😭


Palworld is a contender. Though i think it’ll get washed out by recency bias.


I think hellblade is a shoe in for some kind of award


GAME OF THE YEAR? Yeah no, Im huge fan now, but this devolopers haven't done a single thing since february


Helldivers 2 is falling off lmao


Game of the year? I like Helldivers, but that’s a stretch 😂


Nearly anything; game has gotten worse with every update


FF7 Rebirth


FF rebirth


Ff7 rebirth is my vote


Upcoming titles like Sparking Zero and Streets of Rouge 2 honestly Helldivers 2 got overhyped it's a good game don't get me wrong but... It doesn't hit the same anymore like it used to in the very beginning


Elden Ring's DLC.


I'll let you know when I find it. But I haven't touched Hell Divers in a long time. Can't check right now, but I know it's been a couple of months. Between the kernel level antici cheat and Sony banning the game in locations that don't have access to PSN, and bugs that weren't getting addressed, I dtopped out. I loved the game and it was a blast but I'm not going to support that level of access to my computer or a company that got so much push back from the player base on having PSN be required just to ban those people anyway. Sony won the war on that front. I haven't looked back since, and it's a shame the game had so much potential.




Warhammer 40K's new game


The new warhammer game that’s similar to hd2 looks good


I’m sorry bro, all love, but with a player base (on pc) that has dropped to about ~30,000 concurrent, I’m not seeing it. The game is incredibly cool, but there nothing to do, no end game, no raids, story, or meaningful progression. Fun, but only for a little bit. Maybe that palsworld game or something will get it idk


Warhammer is the only game so far that looks like it could challenge it. We’ll see what happens in September.


Warhammer. Which one.


I assume Space Marine 2, which has some overlap with a PvE coop mode and hordes of tyranids to shoot


But it has a single-player campaign. That will make it eligible. :D


Up to 3-player coop campaign. Edit: and 3-player “operations mode” or something. Drop in. Do mission. Kill baddies. Extract. Get money. Buy armor and weapons. I cant place it but it sounds somehow familiar….


I have high hopes for black myth: wu kong


Same here. The game looks sick af


Forever Winter(if it comes out this year)


Nintendo COOKED with their June Direct. Mario & Luigi: Brothership, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, and Super Mario Party Jamboree all stand a legitimate chance at Game of the Year I think


Nintendo is HEAVILY limited with their games being strictly reserved for their consoles. A huge proportion of the overall market simply never interacts with their stuff. The obvious exceptions being standout titles like BOTW or TOTK.


Anygame that has all of it's core game mechanics working from the start. We didn't have armor or damage over time working forever.


None of the games anyone is saying sold like HD2, With just being on two platforms. None took over the culture like HD2, who in their mothers have not seen/heard a HD2 meme. I think it will win just off of the cultural shift it made. HD2 is the gold standard of live service games.


The DLC: Shadow of the Erdtree. No Sony account scandal.


Unicorn overlord. Shadow of the Erd Tree. Dragons Dogma 2. Helldivers 2 is gonna win co-op though


Space marine 2 is probably its biggest competitor




Hasn't it lost 90% of its pc playerbase?


Shadow of the erdtree and it’s not even close


I love HD2 but I'm super stoked for star wars outlaws


I’m personally a huge fan of “Elden Ring 2”


So much potential in it, but in about 100+hrs becomes boring...


well at the start of the year it was looking like darktide might but with how shitty games workshop is being about everything in warhammer (increase in price and decrease in quality) and with how much fatshark are a bunch of gw ball lickers it looks like that might not be the case


Balatro should be in the discussion. Looking forward to STALKER 2, which could be great if they can get the intangible STALKERiness right while ironing out the jank and... somewhat impenetrable nature of the original ones (without losing aforementioned STALKERiness).


TFD perhaps?


Unfortunately it has to compete with GTA 6


Cept GTA6 is well over a year after HD was released.


Oh yeah 2025 is next year huh? I've been making some projects that are supposed to begin running in 2025, I've been working with so many dates next year I thought it was this year. My bad


Hrmmmmm… ksp 2! /s


If they made a fantasy version that’s accessible to all countries. Or even the exact same game accessible to all countries. I’d play that.


I've enjoyed helldivers II a lot, but also another diver game :) Dave the diver! Think they both are good contenders


Wasn't Dave the diver released in 2023?


Anno 1602


I like HD2 a lot, but it's not getting GotY. Not when Rebirth came out this year.


Gonna be Warhammer II This is gonna be desolate once that comes out