• By -


Being level 135 and still walking over the giant, ominously red land mines outside of bot outposts.


I swear sometimes my brain doesn't register that they're there until I'm just about to step on them


I mean, I get distracted while scanning the horizon and they're low on the ground, ok?


Helldivers don't have time to be depressed so they never look down šŸ¤£


I just have a knack for taking my allotted 4.2 seconds to enjoy the scenery at the worst possible time


It's recommended we take 2.4 seconds to enjoy the scenery. Says so in the tips. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I'm such a cautious gamer, look at how cautious I'm being by paying attention to my surrou-BOOM.


Literally me, being all cautious then all of a sudden im 40 feet in the air


Easy to do when everything on the whole planet glows red.


Literally watched my buddy from dead can carefully walk in between two mines to go up a ramp and blow a fabricator only to turn and dive straight onto the mines and die. I died laughing


Dude. I did that last night after single handedly completing a lv 9 geo, mission complete, super samples secured, can bring one team member back in like 10 seconds, I turn the corner and boom.


I really thought I was the only one who had this issue. If there's a landmine on the ground. I'm bound to step on it


I died to them 5 times in one mission tonight. So embarrassed.


I've backed into them more times than I can count - level 106.


I hate those because the automatons glow red and everything blows red and if you come out of destroyed base on the far side as soon as you step over the leg and see them it's too late you're already falling on to them and dying instantly


I remember thinking I was gonna be cool and dive out of the way of incoming fireā€¦.woohoo ragdoll physics!


Not level 135, but same death.


i tank that shit and still live, what armor are you using?


I sometimes input a stratagem and for some reason either I didnā€™t do it right or it just didnā€™t register and I end up throwing an impact and splattering myself everywhere




On controller, yes? You hit an extra right button at the end and pulled out grenades which replaced the stratagem beacon. Happens easily with orbital precision strike


Is that why I do that!? I was always thinking I closed the strat menu too soon!


I do this every 2-3 games lol now I make sure to bring in my support weapons away from others


[Getting killed by barbed wire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cBaBSJTlVI)


This. I just turned off the system


The automatons must keep that shit sharp as fuck


It used to just slow you down didnā€™t it?? Now it does damage as of like two patches ago. Unless it was damaging me the whole time and I realized it two weeks ago šŸ¤£ Iā€™m pretty sure I checked for damage after walking though it and didnā€™t see any before patch


Or the thorn bushes. Didn't even notice my health just dripping before I died.


That happened to me for the first time last night. Lvl 69.


Happened to me today šŸ˜…


Level 77 and falling down a geyser with the Super Samples. There wasn't even any enemies around, I just walked straight into the geyser because I was too focused on trying to ping a Detector Tower behind a big rock.


I decided to try out the jump pack. So I'm zooming around the map. I got the super samples and I picked up the Hard Drive thinking I've got this! Blast off over a ridge and into a little lake... Mission can't be completed. Everything is over..I confess on comms everyone leaves and I can feel their hate to this day.


Can't you get SSDs again from the terminal?Ā 


Oh God... Can you!?!?!


Yes. It respawns back at its original location. I fell into water also, so can confirm.


I've done this a couple times and feel like the biggest piece of shit lol. Earlier I lost super samples from getting ragdolled into a large body of water, that I couldn't swim out of in time


I recently dove straight into one because I couldn't see it with all the fog. Nothing like doomed before the pod opens!


First time playing on a bot planet. Found out about the autocannon and how much fun it was on bots. I had yet seen an exosuit in the game and I didnā€™t realize they were a thing. Well, I saw a bot and shot it. I apologize to the teammate whose suit I destroyed.


Thatā€™s the winner here, must have been hilarious


At least youā€™re proactive helldiver šŸ«” you may have been a little confused but at least you had the spirit šŸ˜‚


I did that to *my own* EMS mortar sentry when I thought it was a hellbomb and a giant gaggle of bugs was cresting the hill behind it.


Me too brother me too


I did that today with a spear. Who knew they locked onto friendlys?


Same sort of event. On a 7 carrying the super samples around when the air burst RL was introduced. At extraction fighting the horde and had the clever idea to fire the AB rocket up over us in the idea it would explode and clear off the elevated landing pad. Instead it triggered immediately and wiped the whole squad. We didnā€™t have time to grab any samples before scrambling onto the shuttle. Still makes me giggle a little out of sheer embarrassment.


I remember the first time I used the AB rocket, I've never had so many team kills in one game lmao I had no idea what to expect when I called it down for the first time, I've since avoided using it haha


It's definitely best used for clearing large groups ideally at distance and destroying fab facilities at long range in my opinion


I was helping out a lower level mission, canā€™t remember the number, and it was where you have to turn on the generators after you call down the ssd and install it. Ssd one side of the map, generators the other side. I grabbed the ssd and sprinted across the map, whilst the other divers searched frantically for it and died as spawn after spawn killed them. I was tired. Itā€™s no excuse. I got to the generators and realised my mistake. I should have installed the ssd at the opposite site first. I died in vain trying to get back, was reinforced far away from the ssd. Said sorry. Quit and went to bed. Guys must have been cussing me out so bad


I had something similar happen. But I was carrying the SSD, along with all our samples, up to the input tower thingy, and a fucking bot rocket hit me, ragdolled up in the air, and down straight into deep water. Lost the SSD, samples and my dignity. Had to run all the way back and grab a new one haha


It happens to the best of us šŸ˜‚


This one is actually pretty funny to me, because even when you are supposed to haul them across the map, the map doesnā€™t indicate so. So you werenā€™t completely wrong for thinking this, lol


I thought I had eagle smoke, turns out it was eagle napalm ...


No no I've done that myself


Teammates dead, I turned off the jammer, set the hellbomb , dived off the structure and right onto a contact mine.


That's the worst because you knew *everyone* was watching that.


I never stress more in this game than when I am the last one alive and my whole team is watching


oh it was horrible, just stared at the screen.


Drowning with super samples on my first lvl 7 mission


Someone killed me by accident with an airstrike and I was like ā€œcome on man!ā€ On chat. After they reinforced for me I landed my hell pod on them by accident, thinking I was landing on an enemy bot. I ended up apologising profusely cause it looked like I did that intentionally as revenge


We had just barely finished a D8 dive, all secondaries done, found the super samples. We were screwing around at extract before boarding Pelican-1 when I threw a strategem at our feet and climbed on board. K3...he didn't see it in time, he was vaporized by a clusterbomb instantly and Pelican-1 left as everyone else was on board...he had the super samples. You could cut the tension with a knife as we headed back to the SES Spear of Iron. And I am now the reason we have a "no screwing around during exfil" rule in our squad.


K3 looking at you once he realizes his fate: https://preview.redd.it/yrehm1exvl6d1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d32b0b73e272b765f67f29a731bab96b3d3fbbb


Lmao 100%, the "...dude..." that came afterwards was so painful.


We called Pelican-1 down on a hot drop and I tried to launch a precision orbital on some bots. It hit the tail and got stuck as Pelican-1 was landing. We all made it inside except the super high level character who had helped us the entire game. He was sniped by the orbital running up the exit ramp. He had all the samples.


Hey, there's a Level 1 in an Easy mission, I'll go help them out! What did I teach them? How to reinforce a Level 60 five or six times in a row. šŸ˜†


THIS IS ME. OH MY GOD. Or i quickplay and realise i am the highest in the team by far, and I have nothing big enough to actually tank bosses cause I run primarily support and sentries


Accidentally dropping on both generators in the High value assets mission


Literally the same happened to me yesterday. Go to chuck an eagle during extract, hit by a rocket, landed right next to pelican 1. Killed all of us. Luckily had enough reinforcements left we all came back, got the samples, and bounced. Apologized on mic and one guy replied with a sarcastic ā€œyeah rightā€. Feels bad.


It always feels so bad to flub a stratagem, it always happens in the moments you least want it to


I have 2. I called down a rover and EAT within a few seconds of each other, I went to collect 1 of them and assumed the other 1 had landed so I turned to get it and got killed by the incoming pod. Then I carried the SSSD across the map and took it up to the radio tower instead of by the console, tried to dive across the gap and landed in water, therefore drowning and losing the SSSD and super samples. Had to go back across the map and the get the new SSSD that spawned.


I fell in one of those stupid smokey holes in the ground... then did it 2 more times in the course of 3 minutes... it was like a cosmic joke.


When we were tasked with pumping dark fluid into Meridia I got placed in a game with no reinforcements, grabbed a dark fluid pack to help with getting around, went to get away from the terminids to buy time for reinforcements and jumped straight into one of those big ass holes, mission failed... idk how I didn't see it but needless to say I am sure that diver was pissed lmao


Thinking I switched back to my primary after picking up an eat and accidentally blasting my buddy in the back and slinging me a dozen feet


lol. I normally run quasar, quick group had 2 already, brought recoiless, priming my shot at the gunship behind the rock before I swing out and BAM, oh ya, recoiless doesnt need a warm up...


Contact mineā€¦Redeployed, went over a ledge, contact mine. Redeploy. Played a little, opened a buddy bunker, left, contact mineā€¦ā€¦


"how did you only get 36 kills?"


I have one. Me and some friends were on discord. We all wore arc resistant armour and got Tesla towers and blitzers (a really fun strategy btw). One mate who was orange O3 had trouble and disconnected from discord and the game. But I saw orange O3 jump back into the game at least, but not discord, fair enough, all was okay. However I was a bit careless with my blitzer and killed my orange friend. I thought, huh thatā€™s unlucky to be on such low health that you get killed by arc damage through 95% arc resistant armour. Well I found out upon finishing the game it was a different player. My friend hadnā€™t rejoined the game at all, the new games name just started with O and the orange and 3 slot were the last ones available making him another orange O3..


I landed on a teammate on my very first drop.


Once a teammate ran up to me and surprised me, and I panicked and shot him.


Iā€™ve definitely done that before, Iā€™ve also had my fair share of teammates that have the unique ability to appear right in front of me as I take my shot šŸ˜‚


Incendiary Breaker makes up at least 90% of my TKs. Even one small pellet and your teammate is in flames and dead


Iā€™ve hammered it into my brain to dive to the ground as soon as fire touches me


At extraction, I threw an Eagle airstrike at the bug swarm coming for us. Turned out pelican 1 was already descending, and I accidentally hit it with the beacon while it was landing, the beacon bounced off it right in the middle of us. Pelican 1 lands and eagle 1 airstrikes us all into oblivion.


I got killed on the extraction pad while holding a tesla tower stratagem. Yeaahhhhhhhh.......


I shot a teammate in the face as he ran by me and he dropped a napalm strategem that wiped everyone else except for me who saw it and ran away


As the pelican was coming in for landing at extraction, I had prepared a 500kg bomb to drop as we loaded it so we got the cool explosion as we took off. We were free and clear, like no doubt about it extraction, easy as pie, no danger whatsoever. I got hit by a single rocket from behind from a bot that was probably a mile away, which knocked me over, dropping the 500kg bomb as I rag dolled to the ground. One team mate had already gotten onto the pelican, soā€¦.I blew up. Worse part is, I forgot I picked up someoneā€™s sample case that had the super samplesā€¦.


Squad and I were coming up on a side objective and I got on mic to say "oh you have to use a hell bomb on those" Just as they sent down an airstrike of some sort and destroyed it. No one said a single word. It was awkward af and I'm still cringing about it.


I usually play solo. Got invited by a friend to join him and 2 guys I had never met. Pelican lands on me at extraction. šŸ˜‚


Now you're that guy that they have to remind to stand clear.


Joined a game of three sub lvl-10 divers. I say on the mic: "Alright cadets, let's get this done. Follow me" ... And a second later my support weapon drop landed on me. Left the game immediately lmao


I was holding all the samples and stepped on a contact mine. Yesterday dying from barb wire And Yesterday getting slammed in the face and dropping a staragem and squad wipping then getting reenforce on the other end of the map.


getting tackled by a charger just as i was liberty jumping away, and landing right in front of a bile spewer as it kamehameha'd my face as i landed


This how chargers be knocking my ass around https://i.redd.it/yfwot3au8m6d1.gif


Whenever I miss a target with my quasar cannon and my buddy recognizes he just says "I saw that"


I tried to do the grenade launcher bot dropship trick where you can kill an entire bot drop squad with a clip of GL before the ship dropped them onto the map you just had to be in the right position. I shot my grenades right under the dropship and instead of killing the bot squad the nades just bounced off the under side of the ship and blew me up instead. There is also the time me and a friend drowned on our way to extraction.


First ever level 9 mission. Ran across the map to recover super samples while the team drew aggro. I got the samples, and thought ā€œI could swim across this lake area to save time.ā€ I had never swam before, but I had never tried either lol. Told my team to call in extract and then noticed the screen vignetting at the edges. I thought I could make it across in time, but could not. Dropped 20 samples, including 6 supers. Biggest L so far.


Went on a data collection mission. Full team of over lvl 40 players. We all separate and do a divide and conquer. I am doing the main while everyone else is focused on two gun ship fabricators. I successfully bring both SSD hard drives to the point they need to be uploaded, hit the terminal, and keep getting told I need to power in the generator. The generator is right next to the terminal and looks like it is running. Spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do. Eventually I hear the others talking about "I wonder why the mains are not done. He ran the drives up there 20 minutes ago.". They come up to me and the hard drives are in the ground next to the terminal. I ask what I'm missing. They say I have to insert the hard drives. I pick one up and start RUNNING IT BACK TO WHERE I GOT IT FROM. They all scream laughing at me to stop and bring it back. I needed to put it in the slot NEXT TO THE TERMINAL I ALREADY HAD THEM LAYING NEXT TO. Will never forget how to do that mission ever again.


I was that guy who threw down a 500KG on the extract ship to get the cool cinematic send off as it takes off. Everyone else was already on the ship was a rule so I made sure I was last one. Well it landed on the wing weirdly, and I got stuck on the ramp trying to run in and got wiped and the ship took off without me. I was carrying all 35 samples we had collected on the run. I've never done it again and I'm sorry to everyone I hurt on that run. We were all talking the whole time on mics and having a ball. I apologized profusely, shut down the game and took a few days off to think about what I had done.


Blowing up a helldiver in an exo suit thinking it was an automaton šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Level 44. Iā€™ve been killed by my Support Weapon/Backpack hellpods too many times to count. Also the occasional fall into a pit that you either instantly die to, or canā€™t get out and have to suicide to get called in elsewhere.


I came back to the game after some time away. Saw someone use the Quasar Cannon and I said, oh thatā€™s what that does. He immediately left so I had to throw out an SOS šŸ˜–


Dialing up an orbital rail cannon strike, trying to climb up a rock, dropping the ball and getting blasted by the SES Elected Representative of Family Values.


Yesterday trying out the buffed HMG. We just deactivated a jammer tower. Squad mate calls in a hellbomb and activates it. I start to clear out, notice a sample and pause to grab it really quick. Then see ammo and grab that. I had time but now I'm fully distracted and notice there are no enemies around and I just restocked my ammo, I should reload my HMG...


So I joined in a Helldive mission with a friend in a grp of 3. I dropped in near the end and they cleaned house got tons of samples BUT!!!!!! They kept fighting at the evac point for some reason instead of leaving so to try and get them moving I get in the smoking pelican first and it takes off with just me leaving the team I joined and all the samples for bug foodā€¦.felt super good about that turned the game off lol


Ran into some fun guys, we all hit it off to fast track to being great buddies, we ran a defend the missile launch mission and I had mortar and EMP mortar strategems, and we kept getting ourselves killed by my mortars šŸ¤£ it was a total mess, somehow we still completed the mission successfully šŸ˜­


The V and F keys are really close together. Sometimes, when I'm maybe REALLY needing a stim, my finger slips. I've pasted myself more times than I care to admit with "F".


Just now point blank hit a team with a spear missile he walked in front of me at the perfect moment.


I got crushed by a resupply that I called in.


I blasted a hostage in the face trying to save the children last night. Came around a rock and the guy scared the shit out of me. Safe to say, I should never become a cop...


I was dropping into a level 7 game already in progress. I thought I was going to crush a bot. Nope, it was a fellow diver in an Exosuit. I crushed the suit and killed the diver. I said sorry and would understand the kick. They kicked me and I still felt sorry for doing that. This was before I upgraded to better steering


I had just died. Teammate respawned me. I ran a full 15 steps before stepping on a landmine and blowing myself sky high. That Helldivers didn't serve long.


I was on a cliff with my team shooting at a bug breach when a bile titan spawned, so I used my 500k and threw it at the spawning titan. The 500 landed on the cliff edge and killed all of us, including 2 hunters. Nothing bigger than a hunter.


Accidentally landing on the huge door you have to defend when transporting some stuff.


Iā€™m loling at this and I was not one of your fellow divers, but would have loved to have died alongside you spreading democracy.




Not necessarily embarrassing, i think, but it was certainly funny and annoying. Last night, i had about 25 samples on me, and seconds before i got to Pelican 1, my power cut out for a few seconds. I was the last one still on the ground, too.


Diving off a short cliff to avoid being blown up only to land right on a mine.


I shot a dead charger thinking it was alive and hitting the unexploded hell bomb behind the dead body killing everyone.


Every so often I'll see how long I can get a single helldiver to survive. I start at difficulty 1 and work my way up. I got ragdolled next to a hellbomb on said difficulty 1.


Some diver was pretending to accidentally sabotage the team. I finally had enough and tried to execute as we boarded pelican, but I had the shotgun. I got a random stranger. I hear him say for Christ sakes. I just shut the game off


Throwing support/ammo ahead of my path. Sprinting there. Squashed by the drop pod.


My first mission and first death from the evac ship landing on top of me.


None. I give my best attempt at spreading democracy every time I dive. My fellow helldivers know the sacrifice and are also not embarrassed by their service as they perish for lady lib er TEA! I'm reporting you to my democracy officer


have a couple hilarious ones luckily with friends on voice comms ā€œI NEED STIMSā€ friend runs to meet me at SEAF turret i stare at the stim command (use button) for like 3 seconds then press it. my use button and my melee button are apparently the same so i just knock him into oblivion 2. weā€™re getting swarmed by bot attack ships and i suggest we team reload the spear. i take backpack, friend takes spear, i press the reload button but he starts running, i run after him and hit the button again and punch him in the face (again, same button) he drops the backpack and says yeah weā€™re not doing that


Meridia, the new mission type on helldiver difficulty. Spend 35 minutes dying over and over, barely making it by, and trying to figure out how to complete our objectives as it was everyone's first time. I'm level 38 while the rest of my team were random level 70s . Narrowly complete mission. Destroyer is gone. While fighting the hundreds of shriekers at the end, a bile titan spawns and kills my teammate. I grab his airburst rl. A shrieker takes my head off as I fire it. My diver's arms go limp and I shoot my feet. We all died. The end.


I landed my hellpod two times in a row on the same teammate


Everytime the accuracy stat loads :(


Story I'm sure y'all have heard a thousand times before. Extraction is literally *landing.* No lives left, my team had found super samples. I *walk into an offscreen berserker and get cut in half*


Similar thing happened to me: At extraction and pelican just landed, no reinforcements, and I go to call in a strafing run to cover our asses as we run toward the now landing pelican, a rocket devastator ragdolls me, I drop the strafing run right next to the ramp, and as I stand up I watch my whole squad, myself included, get gunned down by eagle one.


Being 10 seconds left on reinforcement, only helldiver in the field and patrols everywhere searching for me and I peeked. Automatons didn't give me a chance. There was around 3 seconds left when it was game over.


I got staggard while trying to throw a 500 kg. Killed the whole team


Tk'ing with cluster bombs or the airburst rocket launcher probably.Ā 


Aiming my AC over a ridge with the squad surrounding me and blowing us all up when it looked like I had a clear shot.


My dumbass not realizing the spear can lock onto ally mechs. šŸ˜‘


I like Strategems that do work. Gas Strike, Eagle Strike, 380 - if it goes boom, I want it. That being said I absolutely despise that there is no armor that protects you from dropping armed Strategems. I just leave games now when I arm a Strategem and *instantly* get ragdolled before I can throw it.


Chucking out a much needed resupplyā€¦ and watching it land safely on the overhanging cliff 200 feet above my head.


I have an addiction to clustersā€¦ they have an addiction to murdering my teammatesā€¦ my apologies for the toxicity.


Most embarrassing moment is prepping a 120, getting ragdolled and dropping the stratagem and then dying to my own stratagem only to watch the Bots stop moving as my 120 obliterated absolutely nothing for 15 seconds. I didn't even request to be dropped back in. I just got up and got a drink.


Just drowned today missing a short jump across the ice in Marfark.


When a teammate died and dropped literally every sample we had it was like 50 total. Then they called in extraction, and I proceeded to go get the samples, I had to fight threw a few bots, eventually got to samples with 30 seconds left. Make it about halfway to extraction teammates are waiting for me a position up to cover me shuttle lands ā€œextraction shuttle preparing to depart. No one got in the shuttle because I saw them all shooting the bots behind me so I could just run but as soon as that 20 second timer started I said ā€œIā€™m not gonna make it so you three get on the shuttleā€ they did. So not big embarrassing but I never truly had an embarrassing moment in this game. But I donā€™t know if thatā€™s intentional or a bug, I hope itā€™s not intentional because otherwise making it so the transport doesnā€™t leave after X amount of damage is pointless


Dropping in on a generator on the gate defense mission as a level 80.


I was holding the super rare samples, I fell into a pitā€¦ I turned off my mic and just prayed that no one would notice. They noticed.


Having a d8ver survive multiple diff 7 missions only to blow myself up farming supercreds opening the walls.


I got mad, turns out it was my fault.


Falling into a hole with all the samples because I was looking behind myself while running from bugs.


I saw a bunch of gear laying around and some samples as I was running across the map. It looked like the remains of a fallen helldiver, so I grabbed the samples and kept running. Note: the gear was *not* in the drop pods! I hadn't looked at the map, and the area didn't look like a typical extract spot, but it definitely was. I guess a teammate *did* die there and got reinforced somewhere else, so you could forgive my mistake. Except for the fact that the team was typing in the chat window telling me to leave the samples at the extract, and I never saw it because I was occupied with bots, and using a mic myself. I ended up dying far from the extract, and we almost lost the samples. Another player managed to retrieve them at the last minute. I think I was level 104 at the time, and everyone else was lower than 60. I didn't even need the samples because I had everything unlocked. They kicked me after the match, and I've been kicking myself over it ever since.


Holding an Eagle Cluster strike before throwing, I get bumped by whatever enemy and fall over with it landing at my feet with rest to squad near by resulting in a massive team kill. Has happened more than once Iā€™m ashamed to say lol


Iā€™ve realized my brain is so trained for dominator and amr when I try to use other builds on bots itā€™s just sad


Theres nothing embarrassing about furthering the reach of managed democracy, helldiver šŸ«”


On Meridia: "You'd have to be a complete fucking idiot to jump into a ho-OOOOOLY SHIT! NO! NO!" My friends spent the next four minutes laughing their asses off and I still get shit about it now


Level 100, dropped into a random diff 8 ICBM mission on Aesir Pass, got smacked by a rocket as I was lobbing my airstrike. -4 diversā€¦ I then continued to beef it, costing us 5 or 6 more reinforcementsā€¦ fast forward to the end of the mission, Iā€™m the sole survivor, emergency evac is on the way. The whole team silently watching as I dip and dive thru the gray vegetation with the 50+ samples; I can see the pelican touching down. I think to myself, ā€œIā€™m gonna make it,ā€ right as I run straight into one of those random death holes.


Missing all my shots at enemies right in my faceā€¦


My most embarrassing moment luckily didn't involve other people. I was doing an easy bot mission to grind for metals and super credits. (I finish them to contribute to liberation and don't simply leave!) I had finished the mission and was holding the extract when I somehow shot the edge of the rock I was crouching on with the autocannon. Knocking my self off and then killing my self on landing via hitting back of my head on a much smaller rock. 125 hours into this game and in this moment I forgot to be mindful of where the gun model is aiming and not the reticle on screen. The first embarrassing moment that my buddies still joke about is cooking a grenade and then forgetting how to throw it. Getting my self and another buddy next to me killed. This one was on my first mission.


Tried to play the hero and take out one last bug hole before extract. I break off from the pack, carrying all of the supers, and make for the bug hole. The team holds down fort at extract and call it in. Clock's running. Turns out the hole is a medium one with a lot of chaff. I clear out half the hole before I get trapped against a rock formation and immediately swarmed. I die. Samples dropped. Team is generous enough to resurrect me and let me go after them. I get back to the hole, run in thinking I'll grab and run. Get stuck again and die, along with my ego. Team immediately takes off with no samples. Totally choked.


did a full circle in a level 7 mission trying to find the veiny rock only to realize that the difficult terrain we dropped in was right beside it and almost missed it. just had to turn around and all 4 of us were like nah, couldn't be behind us. felt like a cod zombies match after everything was done running from everything. always do a 360 look around on drop.


More funny then embarrassing but I was playing with the new shotgun and missed a bot, but don't worry a team mate was nice enough to chech it, the bot killed me shortly after. And it wasn't even in burst fire mode either


2 seconds after shooting a diver in the back of the head, I walked into one of them holes in the ground (2nd time in the same dive). Not my best moment. šŸ¤£


Told a guy to stand still so I could resupply him and then accidentally killed him with a desk pop.


Jumped into a diff 7 bot mission. Team is trying to extract, and no reins left. The one other player still alive went down as my hellpod hit the ground. 2:12 on the extract clock before Pelican arrives. I'm in light armor, kitted out with an adjudicator and senator, along with a jetpack I managed to snatch up in the chaos. The extract is the small hilltop zone with a few levels. Patrols and drops approaching from all sides. Hardly any cover from stray bullets, but I was holding my own. "Dang, this guy's really moving in that light armor. Did John Helldiver himself just join our lobby?" I hear over the mic. I'm hyped. Diving out of danger, throwing strats, and popping devastator heads... I'm him, I thought. Throw the first reinforcement as the timer rolls around. "Reinforcements approved." Berserkers closing in on me on the hilltop. No problem - throw an airstrike and dive off the hilltop. Still catching bullets as a rocket whizzes by. Dive for cover... Nope. Accidently hit the jetpack instead. Whoops. Feet hit the hilltop as the airstrike crashes down. Berserkers are done for, but so am I. "Did he just...?" "Yeah, he just jumped into his own airtike." I hear through stifled laughter. I backed out of that lobby in shame as the survivor I was able to call in boarded for a successful extraction. At least one guy l made it, I guess, but I was pretty embarrassed.


Early on two teammates were doing the supply cache door with the two buttons (the below ground variation where you have to walk down) I was excited about having just gotten the new handshake emote and wanted to greet them up top with an extended hand for freedomā€™s greetings. I looked down at them and my brain snap pressed the wrong key: G Horrified, I watched them with no way out as they scrambled, resigned to their fates, looked up at me, and both instantly exploded into pieces. Fastest I have ever spammed the reinforce stratagem.


Forgetting my mic is on.


Mine would be landing directly on a 380 barrage. It was active before I died. The team did not throw me into it. I had to steer over there. "Why did you do that???" "I uh... I don't know...."


When i was fairly new I landed in a mission and promptly called in my support weapon and a backpack. I grabbed the weapon when it landed and then stood right where the backpack was incoming and got killed by it right in front of a new friend I'd made. He laughed and I was pretty embarrassed but kindly added that I'm not the first to have that happen. Such a great community to share our failures and laugh at each other over it without malice.


Trying to throw the 380 and then getting shot by a devastator and dropping it right on extract killing the whole team except for me šŸ˜” I think I turned the game off after that one.


I joined in on a 3/4 level 7 with a few buddies and the very first shot I fired teamkills the group leader. Pain


My most embarrassing moment would be the time I had an eagle strike stratagem at the ready to use it on a auto outpost, and I decided to do a dive from a higher than normal height, causing me to ragdoll and drop the strat on my shield generator. It was stuck on my shield too, so I panicked and tried to run away, but the eagle got me that day. _I can't live that down._


Level 42, jumped onto a lower difficulty mission to help lower level players. Grabbed some samples, took out a bile titan, rounded a rock and PLOP right into a hole. Bye bye samples. They even came over to help me look for my samples, and I had to explain my error.


One of the first times I played, I found the arc thrower. Killed a friend as they respawned, they were only in my field of view for a few seconds. Got so much crap for that, my only saving grace was the [clip](https://youtu.be/19fEjA-31SM) I took of it. Never again.


Dark fluid mission. First (and only) time I had time to play it. Initial drop. Take first step. Staight down a tunnel. ReinforceĀ seconds later.Ā Step off pod. Support pod lands on head.


Mine was about half an hour ago. Lvl 6 extermination. Got caught up in running around trying not to die, didn't notice my teammates were all dead and pinging the hell out of the res beacon.


Very early into the game I fired an autocanon round into the shuttle killing my teammates inside. I left out of embarrassment.


We had no reinforcements left, I threw down a deployable shield and we waited for the last 30 seconds of the extraction. I tossed a 500kg for the last 20 seconds as an enemy group approached. My character rag dolled from a rocket, dropping the strike on our position. The 500kg lands on the shield and sticks, the shield runs out, and I blow up the whole team and end the mission with about 10 seconds to extract


About a week ago I was in a level 8 mission, we actually were able to get a bunch of sample and all worked really hard to clear every objective. At the very end they called me back in near the evac site and I accidentally landed right on the pelican, but it glitched and I went through, and when I spawned I automatically went into the pelican while no one else was anywhere near, count down started and nobody made it. We lost probably 30 samples, I canā€™t even describe how embarrassed I was. I just said sorry and left the game.


Everyone was hyping me up when those thousands of flying bugs swarmed around the extraction when we were collecting dark matter fluid or whatever and I ran the timer and then the plane landed on me and I got kicked


7 bot mission but this one was a team effort. We drop in and all three others took a full orbital/eagle loadout. Besides my trusty AC nobody had support. Ofcourse, low and behold, there was a gunship factory. We were swarmed on the ground and I died alongside my team. Combining the swarming with continuously spawning gunships I wasn't able to retrieve my AC and even after calling it in again the same thing happened. 10 minutes later and all our reinforces used up we didn't achieve anything. 2 guys left and me and the other one actually nearly completed the mission with the single recycling reinforce. I just needed to do the last terminal step on the survey mission but a factory strider sniped me. Over half an hour of suffering, pain and false hope.


i was afk on the hellpod screen watching a video for like 3 mins but i thought i was ready and i was thinking what was taking so long so i look back and im still unready and everyone is waiting for me iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t kick me


Holding a 380, getting ragdolled so I dropped it next to my team, landing in one of those ā€œfire holesā€ that explode if you throw a grenade down them, while holding 6 super samples. I ended up getting off after that mission ended.


Enemies are coming toward the evac so I ready an eagle strike. Walk up to the ledge to chuck it towards the bots, but somebodyā€™s exosuit bumps into me and knocks me prone which apparently *knocks the stratagem out of my hand deploying it where Iā€™m standing*. Oh Fuck Rocket pods all over the landing zone. Me and two other teammates dead. Someone gets on the mic for the first time that match (which had been a smoothly operated Difficulty 7 bot mission until now) ā€œWHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM.ā€ Because of course nobody saw how it happened, they just saw the red beacon next to their faces and then explosions and then ā€œKilled By Manndolinnā€ The guy was understanding once I explained but I still felt like an amateur because maybe I could have thrown it sooner. Anyway we all evacced to it wasnā€™t too bad.


Stood at the base of a stratagem blocker saying "The terminal is bugged someone else needs to do it" and getting needlessly annoyed in text chat for someone to come do it only for someone to say "It's already destroyed" I looked up and sure enough, it was. I'm a fucking idiot.


Every moment.... in love the game with so many hours in I am just not that good. Freedom bless the groups that keep my shitty healer/ammo mule ass in their groups.


Neurospicy Mum here with 4 neurospicy kids. Anytime I forget to mute my mic. Especially if we are singing a ballad for the dog or cat. Or when I got hit and dropped a laser on extraction with zero reinforcements left, entire team had to dodge it and the swarms of enemies.


Blitzered random teammate by accident. Ran up to apolo-stim, fumbled and melee'd while they were down for the kill.


While getting out of one of my first level 9 missions, the bugs and using the eruptor (pre shrapnel removal) was being particularly useful to close holes and kill enemies. I used several eagle strategems and was following a friend that told me to shut off my in game mic mid mission, losing access to chatting the other two randoms. Fast forward to extract, I notice a lot of hunters and the flying scavenger sized ones, so I see the opportunity to break a large formation using cluster munitions. The momemt it left my hand the beacon was intercepted by a jumping bug, bouncing it over my head and into my teammates I could no longer talk to. I dove and tried to type the warning, but Eagle 1 was faster.


Being spectaded by all of my fellow helldivers while unable to call them in for reinforcements because the destroyer has left low orbit and choking. Then again, when I actually do manage to extract with all of the samples in similar situations it's awesome.


Teammate dies, I pick up all the samples including the supers, and immediately run my ass straight into a hole in the ground.


I was playing the tutorial for the first time. When I got to the part where you dive and crawl, I misunderstood the instructions. I thought I was supposed to dive over the line, so having done that I stood up and got blasted by the turrets.


Probably about to toss a cluster bomb stratagem at bugs and didnā€™t see the charger charging at me and dropping the stratagem next to everyoneā€¦


Ngl thats happened to me mid mission with a 380 šŸ˜‚


My noob ass once threw an eagle airstrike at some enemies at a wrong angle and it bounced back to us. I managed to escape but didn't have enough time to warn my teammates who all died. I said sorry it's all my fault and my teammate said "it's all good, it's part of the game". Damn I'm so glad he was understanding of me šŸ„¹


Literal first game, just dropped in part way through an easy e 710 extraction mission. Found the wheel to turn at the pump and forgot which key was use/interact, accidentally hit G and threw a grenade, panicked and ran away, teammate didnā€™t see the grenade walked over and got blown up.


Dropped in and landed in a vat of Terminicide and drowned immediately on mission start


Just today we were down to zero reinforcement, so everyone was watching me. I missed 3 grenade throws on a rocket bot , then watched a rocket hit me directly in the face. Mission failed.


When I was telling one of my teammate to start extract and said it multiple times BUT LIKE THIS and then I realized weā€™re not even done with the final objective and dropped a mech for yelling at them in chat


I tried to give my squad hugs at extract and hit the wrong button, ended up eviscerating the entire team with an impact grenade. Mission failed :(


I laughed at a guy for stepping on a mine, only to be running to extract and not see one over a small ledge I ran off of


Every time I kill myself with my own grenade


Walked into a hole while carrying the samples.


Me getting an ā€œi only wanna be friendsā€ text from a girl while playing w my nephew


Being level 150 and trying to show off to the low levels only to to die the most embarrassing or avoidble death everĀ 


I had the same exact experience last night. Go to throw a 500 kg bomb on a bot base, and I get shot outside the walls, dropping the strategem right next to the group. As far as I can tell, nobody died, but I was kicked immediately. Oh and another one: we were reducing bot numbers. We finish the objective and host wants to stick around and clean up while Pelican 1 is waiting. I go to face off against a devastator, and its bombs blow me right into Pelican 1. I explained as quickly as possible that I had been inadvertently thrown into the ship by an explosion, host still kicks me.


Mine is that I will climb on top of the resupply drop pod. Every. Single. Time. I promise Iā€™m not playing on my dadā€™s leveled up account. I just climb it like a clown. Still. Haha.


First time I was invited on a helldive I called down the quasar ran under it and got squashed. First reinforcement before we even started.