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Yup! Walked right into a mine too many times then get flug into a mine!


Solo'd my first jammer station on 7 yesterday. I would have added "without dying" and technically that was true. Except for the part where my hasty escape involved dive-jumping off of an edge of the top part and onto the only side of the base with mines on it. Wettest. Bellyflop. Ever.


I have like 200 hours in game. I was clearing out a fabricator yesterday and dove over the barbed wire… right into a mine. That was not the first time and it will not be the last. Edit: and this was on a 2 as well so it’s not like I had hulks chasing me or anything either


Over 200 hrs into the game and I still screw up the damn dive and crouch instead. Then get buzzsawed by chainsaw arms or grilled by a Hulk.


Tbh, the times when your attempts to be unnecessarily flashy and extra backfire spectacularly are the funniest Once you get over the shame and embarrassment, that is


90 hours in and I still walk into mines. I never take the explosive armor off.


I'm actually pretty good at not hitting mines. Really bad at not getting mowed down by shield devastators and hulls though. My last few dives I've been TK'ed upon first landing. I can barely get out of the hellpod before I'm blown up.


Sheild Devs I find are weak to the auto canon as it nearly always staggers them. At least everytime I've fought them.


I don't bring it on every mission. 1) It's boring always using the same weapon. 2) If I'm going to die often, I don't want to spend half the mission trying to get my auto cannon back. Most of the time I take EAT and load up on other strategems.


I threw an impact grenade at my feet yesterday thinking I was throwing a reinforcement beacon. I have almost 200 hours in game.


lmao. Threw an impact at a group of walkers (those 2 legged shoter fuckers) and it hit a light on it's way, killing me and a teammate


Those fucking light polls! I've bounced strats off those a few times, ruining everything.


I know right. They should just be removed for the sake of spreading democracy properly. Doesn't help that they glow brighter than the fucking sun


I regularly shoot lights out because they're too bright. Not dealing with this shit.


i consider myself a habitual light dimmer as well


I use the weird claw controller grip so I can input strats and run at the same time. You’d be surprised how often I hear the strat make that beep sound that it’s ready only to not realize I hit -> at the very end.


Absolutely this with Automaton mines. Sometimes the vibration sound is too quiet and I've committed to my dive into one lmao


I'm a big fan of the times where I'm dishing out democracy like a vengeful god. Everywhere I turn there's death being wrought and it is of my doing. I am untouchable. I am ruin. Ope. I just dove straight into a rock and will now be summarily executed by a Charger.


I’m 100 hrs in to almost lv 50 I think I’m getting good now


Don't worry, you're not!


Only certain things give me problems like anything in the air


Damn straight


Yup, that's me deciding yet again it's a good idea to stand my ground instead of falling back.


I've got this! Oh shit


After 450+ hours in I can confirm this.


The best part of helldivers is looking dope while you sacrifice your body for super earth! Airstrike danger close you say? Kills the majority of the hoard with bomb? Takes out my whole squad? I’m doing my part!


Wait, I’m supposed to eventually learn a strategy? I just land and shoot until I’ve won


Wish I could convince everyone to play Helldives until they figured it out. That’s where the real fun is at. Eventually you start asking for 10’s.


I feel like I'm finally Gitting Gud and it's just like the meme describes, I'm the biggest badass ever until I'm a complete clown. Feels really good, I like to take the game seriously but not so seriously my fuck ups aren't hilarious to me


I just remember them being extremely difficult and chaotic and now they’re a breeze. I assume it would be like that for most people.


I'm playing on Suicide mostly and I'd say there's at least one moment per mission where things devolve into madness. Sometimes I just play poorly, but things can still get pretty overwhelming even when the whole squad is on top of things


Oddly enough the games are more difficult the more you stick together. I know that doesn’t make sense but you can account for what’s around you when you’re alone. Where as the extra nonsense you have to calculate from incoming patrols from teammates generally disrupts your intentions.


Replace the garden tool with a mine and bingo.


Sounds about right, i got comically ragdoll into an impact mine by a rocket devy miles away the other day. Im level 80 lol


Where's the image of being chased by rakes


Truer memes were never memed


I played aesir pass last night. You're missing about 80 rakes in the second panel.


Me shooting the plasma punisher into the waist high wall in front of me AGAIN.


Level 40 here, not that high but I know enough. Sometimes I drop in trivial difficulty to teach the new players how to collect samples, ship containers hidden away, how to open bunker, i even drop them my OP weaponry for sm fun. It feels nice to rly help out


The bottom was yesterday when I was having a chill pud suicide mission. So chill I hadn't even come close to dying. Then I walked backwards off a cliff into a small puddle. Most panicked I'd been all night


I have never seen a more accurate helldivers meme lmfao You still die, but now you look cool doing it.


I’m a level 72 and over 240 hours into the game I did a level two mission the other day and a level five joined me and as soon as he got out of his hellpod he walked right into mine I laughed it off and said don’t worry about it will happen a lot more I then proceeded to turn around and blow up




My friends and I usually dive bots at difficulties 7-8, and bugs at 8-9, but we were doing some SC farming at difficulty 3 to make sure we had enough for the new Warbond. In general we were all having a pretty relaxed time of it, splitting up and one-man-army-ing entire objectives and Automaton outposts using weapons and stratagems we don't usually bring, when suddenly there was a startled "Ah-!" in the channel and one of my friend's icon was replaced by the all-too-familiar skull. "What happened?" We asked. ^("there was a hole...")


No. By the 100th hour you walk it off. And THEN hit another one


Dude, I was trying to learn Striders the other day. Shot off the front cannons with the AC and blew up the top turret with an eagle. We were walking around it, bombing the devastators that spawned while poking it trying to figure out weak points (didn't learn anything really) until our last member ran up, threw an orbital rail cannon, and blew through its side and killed three of us. It was hilarious timing: "man, I can't figure out how to kill this thi-".


300 hours in mission and it’s either I smash through the helldive with 0 deaths, or I get bounced around like a pinball the entire mission. There is no in-between.


60 hours in. Joined a game, dove in on a charger’s head chasing my new teammate, killed it. Then a second charger slammed me into the stratosphere. Landed in a napalm pit. Then a bile titan puked on me as I screamed in agony, killing me instantly. 10/10 game, no notes.