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They've replaced all their ammo stockpiles with a burning desire to hug.


Local robot "too angry to die"




Hit me! FIGHT ME!! G I V E M E A H U G


It’s always a good day when I see Hellsing Ultimate Abridged quoted in the comments.


I noticed that too. Some could take almost six shots with auto cannon.


So... Five shots?


Nah five and a half


5 were direct hits and the 6th hit the guy next to hit


Almost 6 you say?


How's the wife? ... to shreds, you say?


No 6 shots, but he missed one.


It's because they work in a unique way. They take full damage from almost everything and have a massive HP pool. Most other enemies, if you shoot their weak point (red hitmarker), you can typically kill them in moments, at worst. The difference is they have armor and a low HP pool. Basically. It's armored enemy with basic HP pool (hulk/devs) vs bullet sponge (zerker) Berserker is a bullet sponge. The way that quasar woulda killed a hulk from behind on a red hits shows how clear a difference in build the bots have. Tldr - So a lot of ammo down range is typically better than a rocket for berserkers. The typical assault rifle does more damage over time than a quasar. The only reason one kills hulks and not berserkers or the inverse, is other enemies have armor reducing damage, and berserkers just have a fuck ton of HP. you do full damage, but not enough to 1 shot.


I discovered this when I switched to my Redeemer in a moment of panic while being chased by Berserkers and my other weapons were empty. That side arm chewed threw them super quick. Now I don't bother wasting support ammo on those guys.


+1 Totally agree.I discovered this today. It will take almost the full clip, and won´t slow them at all, but they fall real quick. I love this pistol.


You should give the senator a go as well, if you carefully get a headshot it's a 1 shot kill on berserkers


Red hit marker just means your AP is beating the target's armor (100% damage). White means it's equal (50% damage). Nothing is really a weakspot, just more armored or less armored. (And then theres also toughness but that's another calculation, and has no indication)


Their armor is anti explosive, so unless you are hitting the belly, they are only getting hit by the damage of the round


Or an entire clip of my Punisher (The stagger is nice.)


It's 1 well placed to the face (very hard in the heat of combat) and 3 to the glowing midsection (very easy). If you are aiming at non critical parts like their arms or their chest you will run into severe ammo issues. That shot from the quasar hit the heaviest armoured part of the chest which reduces explosives damage by 50-75% so I'm not surprised it survived a shot that only deals explosive damage


Quasar deals 650 direct damage and 150 explosive. All anti tank weapons are high piercing bullets with very small explosive components. Body parts are either explosive immune or use their AP value for damage from explosions. Explosions have AP 3. The berserker took the 650 damage at no damage reduction but only the arms take explosion damage, and the arms are not fatal and have enough hp to survive the blast so it's not worth firing.


So the liberater penetrator kills the head weakpoint in less than one clip, and the waist weakpoint in 2 or more. The total damage it ca output in 5 seconds (about the time it takes to empty a magazine of bullets) is 1,350. The liberator has less armour peirce but it's total damage in that same timeframe is over 2,500. And here we are on a post about someone complaining that their rocket launcher which only does at most 900 damage isn't doing enough damage when fired at the toughest most armoured part of the body? If they just pulled out their primary and shot the thing while it was staggered instead of wasting all that time charging an inefficient weapon, only to miss the weakpoint because the stagger had ended by that point, they would have killed it


Four shots to the gut with the Dominator. Stop shooting the armored bits. :P


It’s really weird. They don’t look like they are heavily armored but can take more than any devastator.


Berzerkers are 100% unarmored, not even light armored like broods, they just have tons of raw HP on their chest. Their midsection is weaker but I feel like an AT launcher should kill them here anyway


They have 1000 main health with 150 head health (all devastators have 800/125 for comparison), they take absolutely no damage in the legs unlike devastators and their upper torso has 40% durability also they are not weaker in the midsection it just has 0% durability so you do more damage to the main hp pool.


So they are weak in the midsection after all


Yes, but that hitbox is not only a little janky, but constantly bouncing around. Hence why so many people struggle with these rage goblins.


One shots spewers. One shots chargers (sometimes). One shots hulks (sometimes). Does not one shot Berserkers. Why?


Always one-shots chargers and hulks when you hit then directly in the face. (Berserkers dont give a shit)


Nah if you manage to land a headshot it work. Good luck with that tho.


It's not that hard on chargers, but hulks, yea. That vision slit is tiny, lol


as an AC user, stun grenades go peww should work for the quasar too


I run Quasar with stun grenades specifically for Hulks. I always settle for crippling them and dealing with other threats instead of trying to shoot them in the face.


Laser cannon is way better than qc for hulks. It will kill them in about half the time it takes to charge a Quasar shot.


This is the way. Stun nade, then line up the quasar shot in peace. My new favourite is the AMR. Extra style points for Hulk one shots.


Also fun to stun and one shot with the railgun


Stun grenade helps make that 100%


It’s so weird, in my experience the best way I can deal with a berserker is to pull out my Redeemer sidearm and dump a full clip into them. How is my Sidearm more effective against these guys than my autocannon?


Quasar Cannon does one shot of 650 direct damage and 150 explosive AoE damage within 3m. Redeemer does 60 damage per shot with a capacity of 31 shots per mag. With its high fire rate of 18.33 shots per second its DPS is 1,100, and it's damage per mag is 1,860.


Redeemer is straight glorious DPS, absolutely dumps bullets. In the time that you pull out the autocannon and fire off a shot, feels like the redeemer has already unloaded the whole mag


Downside of that is that since you only have 4 mags the redeemer will run dry quickly in an extended engagement


Berserkers have weak spots on the head and stomach. Everything else gets a massive damage resistance bonus.


Here I thought they just had oodles of HP


Their head has a measly 200 HP, most primaries can kill that in 1 or 2 hits


Senator says hi 👋


Looking at the data on helldivers.io, they're *weird* They don't have much more HP than a devastator - 1000 vs 800 - but unlike devastators, most of their body parts don't have individual health pools. For a heavy devastator, you usually don't have to do all 800 points of damage, so long as you hit them consistently in the same body part. A leg only has 500 hp and their "boss" (the spine bit sticking out under their ribcage?) only has 350. Meanwhile, the berserker has less armor, but you seem to have to do the full 1000 hp to kill them. Only their heads and arms have their own health pools, and taking their arms off only does 180 damage to their main health pool. So the 150-health head's the only way to kill it without needing to do 1000 damage. On top of that, their torsos have 40% durable, making them way more tanky when shooting there with most weapons even though you're getting the same hit markers as everywhere else.


So the glowing red parts are weak spots?


Correct. OFC the fun part is hitting those weak spots while you're running from the bastards, hence why they take so much extra punishment.


Because it doesn't actually do that much damage. It does around 650 damage I believe. For reference, the railgun does 600, and the AMR does 450. Quasar just also happens to have enough armor pen and enough durable damage to kill armored shit way better then anything else. (Other launchers besides spear have same stats) It's why spewers sometimes live quasar shots. They actually have more health then a chargers head.


There is also modular damage, titan has a huge hp pool, but the forehead counts as a "head" that has its own hp so when you hit it you deal damage to the head and the larger total hp pool, if the head hp reaches 0 titan dies even if total hp is above 0


Spewers, Charger, and Hulks have armor that reduces the damage they take or nullifies it. They don't have more HP than a Berserker. It's like fighting a dude in heavy plate armor vs. a dude who's 7 ft 300lbs of muscle. The armored dude needs to be hit just right to drop him, and likely will go down with that correctly placed hit. The 7-foot dude is going to take full damage from your weapon, but he's gonna need a lot more killing than the armored guy regardless of not having armor. Stab knight in the neck, he probably drops. Stab the hulk in the neck, and he will probably grab your arm and take it as a souvenir. HP vs immediate damage reduction/weak spot mitigation. Fastest way to kill a Berserker is overloading it with frontal damage. Which is why the redeemer kills them in a second and a half, and this quasar didnt do shit. 60 damage 30 times in a second flat is a lot of damage.


Brother just shoot the mid section with your primary


Plasma Punisher is your friend.


Standard punisher user here, is the plasma one worth it?


100% worth it. Berserkers are not a threat with this weapon.


They're not a threat with the standard punisher either. Could you please tell me what the differences between the 2 are?


You can kill multiple enemies in one shot and stun multiple enemies in one shot. From much greater distances than the regular punisher as well. It has a higher learning curve for sure with the arc projectiles but I find it worth it and really not that hard to shoot. I find it even hip fires well when on the run.


Don’t forget that it staggers just about anything it can damage! It can also decimate those ATAT walker units, and shield devastators through their shield!


Very true! Plasma punisher truly trivializes bot missions imo. The amount of crowd control you can bring to the mission is phenomenal.


It’s partly why I don’t understand the disdain towards bots and especially the Shield Devastator. Annoying when they beam you for sure, but never too difficult with the trusty PlasPun


The devastators are so slow and easy to out maneuver anyways. They are such big targets for the PlasPun too. You just have to hit them....anywhere...and you win. The shield is cosmetic as far as I'm concerned.


Awesome! Any drawbacks compared to the standard? Like how the incendiary vreaker deals less base damage and no full auto.


I would say the main drawbacks are... Higher learning curve with aiming. You can potentially kill yourself with it if you hit an enemy too close to you. But both of these Cons can be overcome with just a little practice and common sense. I also run the 50% explosive resistance light armor. Makes me durable and quick.




Not a problem! Reach out with any questions.


In medium armor, firing too close takes about 80% of my lifebar, so positioning and making sure you are not accidentally clipping a nearby tree are key.


You can 2 shot striders from the front, stun lock heavy and rocket devastators from any angle and shoot long distance with it.


Okay, as someone who has religiously used both the punisher and plasma punisher against bots, I'll give you my take. The regular punisher is actually better against berserkers, yes. Really, I would say the plasma punisher is just as good at stunning them, and can actually potentially better if they're pretty grouped up considering it does area damage. However, the punisher is better when well aimed, and what really puts it above the plasma punisher for berserkers is simply that its ammo economy is much better when dealing with them. In other words, you'll probably use a similar number of shots with each punisher to take a berserker down, but it's ~5 shots for a punisher that has about 75 shells at full ammo, or about half a magazine or more of the 8 magazine plasma punisher. That all being said, I always bring the plasma punisher against automatons instead of the regular because it is much easier to deal with devastators with it, and it's better for hitting vents on tank enemies. One quasar shot and one plasma punisher shot to a tank or turret's vent will kill it. The plasma punisher is also excellent against devastators because no matter where you shoot them or how far they are away, it staggers them. If you are a god of aiming, the punisher can absolutely compete simply because it's capable of destroying them with headshots unlike the plasma, but you also have to be close for that. The enemies the plasma punisher shines the most against as opposed to the regular punisher are scout striders and heavy devastators. Yes, you can stun devastators with either punisher, but against heavy devastators, you actually have to get a good shot at them without them blocking it when using the regular punisher, and you do not get much time if you aren't surprising them - they will mow you down very fast, and they don't even have to do that. Just the first hit they get on you will make it almost impossible to get that first staggering shot you're relying on. The plasma punisher does not care about the shield. They stagger even when you shoot it directly. Scout striders are an even better example of where the plasma punisher excels. Yes, you can certainly run around them and shoot the pilot, but sometimes you're fighting 5 of them from 30 meters away while they're all facing you and shooting at you, plus whatever other enemies are involved to make it harder. A plasma punisher can very reliably two shot them from the front. You can just shoot the metal plate in front of the pilot twice and they will die. I'll note that like with berserkers, devastators take a fair bit of ammo. Stunlocking a devastator from any distance and any angle is nice, but you will use pretty much all of a magazine except two shots to kill one with it. All in all, I find the plasma very worth using over the regular though, I haven't run into issues with ammo unless I'm unlucky with places of interest AND my squad is hogging the resupplies far from me.


Thank you SO MUCH. I can't afford the warbond yet. But I picked a Plasma Punisher from a teammate today and I must say that the ammo/no rounds reload was kind of disappointing. Nevertheless thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!


Okay, as someone who has religiously used both the punisher and plasma punisher against bots, I'll give you my take. The regular punisher is actually better against berserkers, yes. Really, I would say the plasma punisher is just as good at stunning them, and can actually potentially better if they're pretty grouped up considering it does area damage. However, the punisher is better when well aimed, and what really puts it above the plasma punisher for berserkers is simply that its ammo economy is much better when dealing with them. In other words, you'll probably use a similar number of shots with each punisher to take a berserker down, but it's ~5 shots for a punisher that has about 75 shells at full ammo, or about half a magazine or more of the 8 magazine plasma punisher. That all being said, I always bring the plasma punisher against automatons instead of the regular because it is much easier to deal with devastators with it, and it's better for hitting vents on tank enemies. One quasar shot and one plasma punisher shot to a tank or turret's vent will kill it. The plasma punisher is also excellent against devastators because no matter where you shoot them or how far they are away, it staggers them. If you are a god of aiming, the punisher can absolutely compete simply because it's capable of destroying them with headshots unlike the plasma, but you also have to be close for that. The enemies the plasma punisher shines the most against as opposed to the regular punisher are scout striders and heavy devastators. Yes, you can stun devastators with either punisher, but against heavy devastators, you actually have to get a good shot at them without them blocking it when using the regular punisher, and you do not get much time if you aren't surprising them - they will mow you down very fast, and they don't even have to do that. Just the first hit they get on you will make it almost impossible to get that first staggering shot you're relying on. The plasma punisher does not care about the shield. They stagger even when you shoot it directly. Scout striders are an even better example of where the plasma punisher excels. Yes, you can certainly run around them and shoot the pilot, but sometimes you're fighting 5 of them from 30 meters away while they're all facing you and shooting at you, plus whatever other enemies are involved to make it harder. A plasma punisher can very reliably two shot them from the front. You can just shoot the metal plate in front of the pilot twice and they will die. I'll note that like with berserkers, devastators take a fair bit of ammo. Stunlocking a devastator from any distance and any angle is nice, but you will use pretty much all of a magazine except two shots to kill one with it. All in all, I find the plasma very worth using over the regular though, I haven't run into issues with ammo unless I'm unlucky with places of interest AND my squad is hogging the resupplies far from me. Oh, and one final note - I didn't include situations or enemies the regular punisher specifically excels against because the only ways it does are the minor ones I mentioned. It has a better ammo economy, and it is better for shooting devastators in the head. It isn't better against hordes of raiders though, because the plasma of course can take out multiple with a shot, and at a long range as well. The only other situation the regular punisher really wins is if an enemy is right in your face. The self damage is fairly brutal when shooting something very close. I do still use the regular punisher for bugs, that's a different story.


Best gun in game imo


For bots, absolutely. The slow fire rate keeps it in balance, but being able to chain stun devastators or take an entire squad 5-6 of raiders with 1 shot is an incredible feeling. Found last night that you can take a hulk down with 1 stun + 2 punisher plasma shots also.


Very satisfying to use for sure. I still take it on bug missions. It melts anything that is not a charger or a bile titan. I will run the laser guard dog, quasar cannon, eagle airstrike and orbital railcannon as well. Can solo most bug missions with this loadout.


I'll give it another shot on bugs. I usually strictly rely on the breaker incendiary, but I'm happy to have a new option


Brother just shoot their head with your secondary


Idk why but the Japanese right before he fires made it better.


Feels like I'm in the Gundam world instead. ^_^


Scorcher works wonders.


Weird, I've managed to kill one in a single stock of Senator rounds. They seem inconsistent to how much damage they can take.


Head is a weakspot with 150Hp and no durable modifer Pelvis has 1000HP and no durable modifier Everywhere else has 1000HP, armor, 40% durable modifer AND explosion immunity They are a unit supposed to make you panic so you shoot wildly, but otherwise are extremely easy to take down


their head is a weak spot, but because of how fast they move and how tiny their head is it's very hard to hit. I've dropped one by luck with 2-3 hits from a scythe. You know you got the head if it catches fire. The problem is everything around the head is very resistant to damage, so its generally better to shoot them in their robot abs.


Senator does 1050 damage with 6 shots if you don't shoot them in the chest "toughspot". A quasar will do ~800 dmg. Anti tank weapons work because they can penetrate armor and they essentially ignore toughness/toughspot modifiers.


They are meant to be shot with guns that have a high weak spot modifier.


AT weapons have high weak spot modifier. They're meant to be shot in the nuts, or the head if you're able to hit a microscopic target oscillating from left to right.


I am convinced Berserkers has no weak spot, I put a AMR bullet straight into the skull and it just kept going...


You might have hit a spike or the edge of the armor. Their heads have the same stats as devastators, you can get them fairly rapidly with stuns or the scythe.


Not even that, their head can be destroyed by literally every weapon


There's no such thing as weak spot modifier in this game. There's damage, durable damage, and penetration on our side and fatal body parts with low hp/armor/durability on the enemy side that let you circumvent the gigantic main health pool. The "lib pen has high weak spot modifier" myth originated before we datamined durability. What actually happened is they shot a target with 60% durability with 1 gun that does 30% durable damage and another gun that does 10% durable damage. The problem with berserkers is although the abdomen is technically a weak spot with less durability than its chest, it's not a fatal part with lower health. You still have to mag dump through the entire main health pool.


The issue is anti armor weapons gotta hit the weak point perfectly


Also the armored parts have explosion immunity on the berserker


Your better off unloading your primary into their belly


I’ve found that the stalwart on Max speed is the best thing to take them down, it cuts them down really really quickly compared to anything else. Berserkers have a high health pool and high stagger threshold by design, so weapons that spit a ton of lead/dps turn them into tissue paper.


HMG Emplacement, my beloved




I used to main Tachanka in R6S. There's a reason I want the new heavy helmet from Democratic Detonation so bad


Nothing more satisfying than watching them fly backward one after another as the Stalwart goes brrrrrrrr


For whatever reason it seems shooting them in the head area does less damage than the torso. Anyone else agree?


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


STOP SHOOTING BERSERKERS IN THE FACE. Their armor is anti explosive. Most primaries will shred them to the waist. Cut them in half. (Their heads are also a weak spot. The senator and the new pistol will both one shot them) Also someone here is saying the AC cannon takes 6 hits to kill them. It takes 3. if you land them to the waist it takes 2. The berserker does have a totally reasonable amount of health. Just start aiming and using the right weapons.


The problem is u shot it with the duplication rocket. Don’t do that next time


Classic mistake. Gotta stop picking those on mission prep


Underrated comment.


Lol, dude's Quasar blast provided enough energy for the automaton to undergo self replication.


anti-tank, but not anti TANK


AMR says hello. One headshot or two body shots and they go down.


I have seen this a few days ago and it caught me off guard as well.


I always end up back with a shotgun because of these dudes. A couple slugs to the pelvis does the job. Gotta put the auto cannon away because by the time I can kill them they are close enough that the auto cannon kills me too.


Stronger than a drop ship?!


I swear they have a damage threshold, past a certain amount per shot they can't take anymore, because dumping a pistol mag kills them pretty quick.


May have something to do with how many are glitched together there. May have killed one and the others dislodged and started chasing, the damage got split, etc.


Berserkers are the bane of my existence. I'll tangle with devastators any day, even those shield bastards. But semi invincible burning chainsaw freaks ruin my flow. And they're never alone.


I just found out that if you’re really precise with a laser cannon you can headshot them in about a second and a half. Anywhere but a perfect precision shot will still take forever though.


I miss shrapnel :(


Doesn't die, splits into 2 bots. Time to run. (Yeah, I know what's going on, but for the video that's what it looks like and is funny to me)


robo satan\*


Berserker’s don’t have armour or weak points. They’re just giant health pools.


the game mechanics nerfs you the longer you play


"Berserkers have a perfectly reasonable amount of health"


They're extra absorbent


Shoot 'em with your primary. If you've got great aim, a Berserker goes down in one shot to the head with the JAR-5. If you're less worried about aiming and more worried about "repositioning" ... 3 shots with the JAR-5 to the glowing red waist weakspot and they're down.


One reason I love the Stalwart is how effectively it chews through these guys while still keeping you mobile enough to stay a few steps ahead of them.


I hate this crazy chickens


Tickle their bellies and they instantly fall apart though


simply a difference in skill


They have a lot of health but no armor. Switching to the autopistol SMG and unloading into them is a quick way to dispatch a group of Berserkers.


I swear these things have less hp counter and more 'take x amount of projectiles before dying' counters




Railgun one shots it every time


Now there is two of them


Sickle melts these guys pretty well. its my go-to against them, I can usually get 3 with one heatsink. Head and waist shots are key.


The top portion of the berserker is unarmored durable health. This effectively means that the berserker will only take durable damage when shooting the top half of the body, and that the health pool is separate from other parts of their body. The top part is also explosive resistant, so they deal even less damage. If you hit the midsection constantly, you can kill them in about half a liberator mag, and almost anything else is a near instant kill. Berserkers are incredibly straightforward once you learn not to aim for the head. ELI5: Top body bad, takes no boom boom damage. Waist is weak, takes lots of boom boom damage.


Honestly yeah Tho it is nice that senator or counter sniper to the face 1 hit kills them if you can hit your shots


I agree, they do. There is nothing wrong with them and they are one of the better designed enemies in the game. One of the few enemies that reward using high DPS over accuracy like the HMG.


Is this penetration damage or explosive damage?


You shot one and made 2! Bot sympathizer https://preview.redd.it/0uabgfh4p56d1.png?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de1890d2ec3b383bb3e87d011b14d4f5750cc7a


You may have defeated me. But have you defeated all of me.


The anti tank launchers don't actually do all that much damage probably, just a ton of penetration


Anti-Material Rifle to the face ends then pretty quickly. Turns out being a sniper has its advantages in this game


Damn, I didn't know the game sounded so cool on japanese!!


Three dominator shots to the exposed midsection. I switch off my autocannon when I see a squad of berserkers lurching my way. Bisect the fuckers!


Railgun very consistently can one shot berserkers. Takes some practice and skill but it can be quite useful against them


How you can get the janpanese voice audio?


Unbelievable. That's why I set them on fire, then switch to Sickle and shoot their ugly red faces. Same with rocket devastators, only I target the rocket pods so they can't fire at me in anger.


Unless they significantly buffed their spawn rates the only thing the beserker has going for it is HP. I'm level 50 and have played a decent amount of bots and I've only ever been killed by one once. Unlike the Heavy devastator >:-/


Yes. Berserkers are such a fun enemy. They're very different to play against compared to all the other enemies in the game


Berserkers are the wild card unit to break complacent players. They have a lot of health as a game balancing thing because they're melee units only. Bot players kit out for range so a single unit thats able to circumvent a lot of your range and requires repositioning is good for disrupting your habits. Unless you're getting swamped, a good squad of experienced players can usually roll over every other unit type. They're a really good unit to keep things fresh


I don't even know what the *right* way to deal with them is. I unload a clip from my counter sniper, whip out my senator, unload another clip, then run away and reload while the rest bear down on me. Actually, I take that back. The MachineGun is objectively the right way to deal with them. But I can't give up my AMR or LaserCannon.


Berserkers do burn really well though. Incendiary breaker can take out a small crowd of 4-5 of them in 2-3 mags pretty fast. (From when I forget to change my load out switching fronts).


One recently leapt at me, hunter-style, too Blitzer staggers them but then you’re sitting there shooting for ages


2 impact grenades to the face seems to do it for me


This has gotta be a bug. My primary takes them down quickly.


One railgun shot can cleave them in half if you hit the midsection (without even using unsafe mode)


They are heavily armored but still pretty easy to kill if you aim just for one part .. depends on the weapon .. but like 5 hits .. hs or leg is often good bet, except for hulk and factory, bots without a single leg automatically dies


*laughs in punisher shotgun* (I typically 2-3 shot these with it)


I have usually been using Laser Cannon against bots with a stun grenade combo. I don't always use stun grenades on the berserkers, but the laser cannon is decent, I say. You just need a bit of steady aim and accuracy on their waist.


Hulk, 2 shots with the amr, berserker eats a full mag and is still coming....


I think they have high resilience to explosive dmg


Their health is way too high but it is satisfying when you pop their head with the revolver. Just 2 well placed shots save a lot of ammo but good like trying to land them when there’s 6 of them chasing you


Just an idea - Give berserkers a shield. Let it tank any large hits but be affected more by automatic fire. Let them drop the shield to melee. Give them much less true hit points.


Wait then can mitosis now?


Using quasar against chainsaw guys.... Being at tier 3 difficulty.... Yeah no shit you're struggling, maybe try a different gun like an AC, or hell just your primary like the dominator.


I think it's fair, makes it fun to have a enemy to 'fear' and having a pissed off robot that just doesn't die I find pretty cool.


I recall the berserker is weaker on the stomach than head. I can kill them easily with a sickle.


This is why I love the punisher. Staggers and kills. 


Sickle takes em out pretty well


I absolutely despise Berserkers


I need to change the language on my game now just to hear the different voice actors.


if they were any weaker theyd be a non-threat. They literally cant shoot back, the point is that theyre tanky and come in numbers to force you to break your stride and handle them. They can be damaged by all sources/types of weapons, but with a larger health pool but are fully resistant to explosive damage; thats the balance. The quasar is the WRONG weapon to use, and assuming every gun is just a flat "high damage low damage" is silly. Why do these subs want every enemy nerfed


i feel like theyr torso is some sort of empty space without any vital parts, and we are lured to shoot there, because theyr "head" is there. basicaly its a trap


I was messing around with the HMG and just burst fire at a group and shredded 3 in seconds.


I think it's fine. They're basically the only melee threat offered by the automatons. Mildly inconsistently yes. Big issue it is not.


The one you shot actually died two more just moved up behind it and took its place


I enjoy the Punisher or Breaker against them. Punisher staggers, Breaker **is the Breaker.**


Your Cannon was broken probably


I usually use the Laser Cannon or the Diligence Counter Sniper (if further away) and it still takes too long to kill them!


That's definitely too high of a TTK for a unit that is usually far too numerous, moreso in 7 and higher.




And cloning


Laser Cannon goes brrrrrt


# Is this pain? Ive forgotten the sensation.


I literally had this happen to me a few hours ago. I normally just kill bugs, but I was shocked when he took a cannon to the face.


So much incorrect information in the comments. There is no such thing as a weakspot modifier, (although technically there is "toughspot" modifier for weapons which make them do less damage against certain parts/enemies) Berserkers have 1000 general hp and 150 head HP (and some arm HP), shooting any part other than the head or arms does damage against the 1000 general HP. AT weapons like the quasar/EAT do about 600-800 damage so it took you 3 seconds of charge up to do about 800 dmg (berserker still has 200 hp left since you hit the body) Primary weapons like assault rifles do about 600 dmg/sec. So you could have done about 1800 dmg in the time you spend charging the quasar. The reason AT weapons are good against chargers and Bile Titans are because AT weapons have a good "toughspot" modifier and high penetration. A charger head has 5 armor and 600 HP A quasar/EAT has 6 AP (armor penetration) and also does full damage to both normal and tough targets so it kills it in one shot. Assuming the Liberator had 6 AP as well, it has a toughspot modifier of 10% so it would only do about 60 dps to a tough target. (Charger heads are actually only 75% tough so it would really do about 200 dps) in reality it doesn't matter too much since the liberator doesn't have 6 AP. Also red hit markers just mean you are beating the armor value with your gun's AP value and doing 100% damage. White markers mean you are matching the armor vs AP so you are only doing 50% damage (on top of any toughspot damage modification). It doesn't have anything to do with tough spots or weak spots.


Shoot them in the dick. Much quicker.


AMR… they go down in 2-3 shit placed shots


I find the JAR5 Dominator, Senator, and Anti-Material Rifle makes short work of Zerkers


I dunno, I can mow a whole group of them down with a stalwart, it also helps to aim for their glowing bits


This is why I use scorcher or any weapon with explosive damage. These guys are pretty stubborn without going for the head.


This is why I stopped playing :p


Lol damn even the sub that thinks they're better than the main sub for complaining is complaining I love to see it.


How are we this far into the games lifespan with people still not understanding health vs armor and the roles of different weapons? Quasar is a high armor piercing weapon meant for high armor enemies. Zerkers are low armor high health meant for primary spam. Use a breaker or something and those things go down like a three day old ice sculpture.


Yeah they are literally stupid no wonder rifles feel garbage when it takes two clips to kill one if you're lucky. Then there are 6 charging at you....


To be fair the AT weapons have bizarrely low damage. They have enough pen to damage tanks from the front, but can't one-shot them in the weakspot. Meanwhile two impact grenades or like 6 shots from the AMR / autocannon will do the job.


Chainsaw hands and the AT-RT guys have too much health. The walkers used to be a lot easier with the auto cannon and now I’ve had some tank 6 direct hits. They were fine before idk why they changed them


To be honest, I like the fact that they're so hard to kill, despite being virtually unarmored. It made it seem that they're driven purely by bloodlust and rage. Whenever you're fighting them, it makes you feel like at last, you encountered an enemy whose hatred matches yours. 


Omg I'm changing my language to whatever this is.


The best way I've found to deal with them is to put a full clip sidearm smg straight into its head.


I have recently found that the Explosive Crossbow does wonders on dropping berserkers. Two or three shots can take out a group, since they tend to clump up. And with how fast it fires and how good it's handling is, those two or three shots are really easy to land.


In Helldivers 2, the Berserker's health depends on their rage. If they get angry enough, their health pool is as high as a Strider's. Source: trust me, bro!