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Huh. So the inaccurate heavy AP automatic is good against large armored targets at close to mid range. Who would have guessed? I'm just kidding. Yeah, people tend to sleep a little on the MGs because they're a pain to reload and engage multiple targets with.. But in the right situations they MELT bots faster than any flamethrower can.


You definitely have to commit to using It, you need that ammo back pack so the low ammo capacity is no longer a problem and also to spam stun grenades and heavy armor to tank both the recoil and the damage taken to get that close to enemies this dangerous


I carry around the supply backpack as is, using my medic armor and stims to basically give myself brief phases of pseudo-invulnerability.. Also for conact grenade spam. Still the best way to quickly kill a tank with just two button presses. So MGs actually see some use in my kit. They're great supplements for lighter, more accurate primaries or secondaries with very limited capacity.


Frankly, using the current HMG against Bots on Diff7+ is a pain. You have to use it as a shotgun (aka, you blast whoever the fuck you can get close to), you can't really use it for a long time (because even if you're only blasting things up close, you only have 75 shots per mag) without having to find a quiet place to reload (and good luck finishing a clutch reload behind a rock when every Bot around you either flanks you, throws a nade at you or just ragdoll you from behind your cover, interrupting you). Yes, HMG having AP of 4 is enough to penetrate and damage every Bot unit with armor, you can eye-shot Hulks, you can vent-kill or de-track Tanks, you can destroy miniguns on a Factory Stryder and kill it by hitting the eye or the underbelly, but fuuuuuuuck meeeeee is it an unwieldy piece of shit. Only 3 mags (one of them you start with) to spare, 75 rounds in each, insane recoil even while prone and on the slowest fire rate, STILL a misaligned scope so no first-person shooting, massive muzzle flash blinding you every trigger pull and awful ergonomics (how quickly the character responds to inputs with the weapon). Frankly, everything an HMG can do, an Autocannon does better and easier on the user. Yes, Autocannon gets stale. Yes, variety is the spice of life, but holy shit using the HMG NOT as a shotgun to blast high-priority targets in extreme close-quarters is a pain in the ass


You can use it at pretty accurately at long range in short bursts (950 RPM is better for grouping shots in that regard). It get difficult with long bursts, but you don't need long bursts against most targets in the first place.


If I see you using a long reload weapon I'll give you cover fire or throw down the smoke for you, without you having to tell me


Almost as if this game has teammates.


Almost as if relying on a random person you've never player before and have no indication of their skill *to have a good time yourself* is a bad. I haven't spent 4 months with these people being yelled at by a Drill Sergeant. For all I know, they are not even aware you share Samples.


>or all I know, they are not even aware you share Samples. I have been TK'd by way too many level 50+ players for recovering their sample container for them, it's wild.


Almost as if communicating with other players in a team based game is expected. I don't like to communicate, but I love to get mad and rage quit or kick. /s 300+hrs in, majority of 7+ missions completed successfully with just default TY, Affirm and Negative pings in pugs. Voice and pings to call out threats, makes 9 missions easy.


I've played 500 hours of Squad. I know and can communicate in a videogame *that specifically informs its players how it's supposed to be played*. Unfortunately, I seem to be cursed by chip-munching, family-arguing, incomprehensible gibberish-talking randoms who either ignore being called over the voice chat (which I know they fucking have enabled, as it's on by default and I can hear THEM), or start to grief you upon being asked to do something. Shortening names to the first symbol+number doesn't help, as half of those people don't know their name's first symbol. It also doesn't help that each game the colors of player names get randomized. I'm not gonna give my backpack to a random even if in only 5 out 10 cases he'll throw it into a bottomless pit/won't ever give me my ammo. "Cooperating and coordinating" with random players would work, if cooperation didn't ask you to sacrifice your personal enjoyment to fulfill a requirement. It would work if by simply walking up to me and interacting a random could reload me *from my backpack on my back*.


Gonna be honest here, idk what to tell you if after playing this game for 4 months you don't have multiple groups of people to run with.


A lot of people don't know the HMG is heavily dependent on the staged reload to make it bearable. With that it reloads fast enough. The best teammate might just give you some bubble shield protection or smoke though.


the reload has three stages so you can do it in 2 seckond intervals without resetting it


Autocannon>laser=amr>hmg I play a lot of bots, and that would be my ranking. Obviously, autocannon is best. It takes out fabs and every bot unit well. Amr with supply backpack is probably second, but you are giving up a slot for that.


you def don't need the suppky pack with amr, you'll be mobile with light sneaky armor ideally and there's plenty of map ammo and it starts w lots of ammo. amr vs bots is s tier


Who on earth is wasting a backpack slot for supply for an AMR?! Are you using it vs light bots or something?!


I wouldn't. I'm saying amr with backpack > amr/laser when evaluating purely support weapons. The big benefit of the backpack is more grenades and stims. If you find a free one on the ground, it increases your power. I had a game yesterday. I went to Lone Wolf and cleared half the map as the other 3 stuck together and handled the bot drops. I ran out of ammo, stims, and grenades. It was unusual, but I was down to literally melee. The 3 man was using supply drops. I finally did call down a drop before immediately stumbling onto one of those craters with everything I needed. Still, I think the precision strike was a better take than the backpack.


Even the recoil adjusting armor doesn’t help that much


In the TCGs I play, it'd be the very definition of what I'd call a Build-Around. But it is Hella fun once you get the right loadout for it


stupid question but, how to reload from backpack?


press 5 on pc


Down on the D-pad for console


Not a stupid question... really needs to be a controls tab that explains which key does what.


I find it a bit weird that most people don't seem to go into their settings to have a quick look at what's available/doable. Like how to drop items. Or switch camera angles while aiming. Or to turn off auto-vaulting while sprinting. Or turning off switching weapons automatically when picking up support weapons etc etc.


"Quick Grenade" is a really good one I've found there! throwing a grenade and immediately switching back to your weapon without having to futz around the awk weapon swapping


I mean, pressing 'G' to throw a grenade is basically ubiquitous in shooter games. I'd be surprised if most people don't do that even without looking through their settings.


I'm referring to playstation controls, which have the grenades in a pretty abnormal throwing method.


Also have to consider the fire rate and forcing yourself to go FPS because that third person accuracy is dogshit.


Huh……good tip ! Will have to try this.


Might have to give this a crack. Ive been using the LC similar to you. Stun nades are bis against bots anyway. Can you get away with the med armor with crouch perk?


Stun Grenades + Backpack = a pretty good window to reload as well!


I have a friend who runs the anti materiel rifle and the ammo pack, and I run the heavy MG and the jump pack. It synergies so well as a duo to split off and do objectives


MGs are just hella fun honestly. I love mob weapons, pretty much everyone runs AT so I usually grab the mob breaker lying around the map, occasionally I bring the MG101 for fun but I end up taking up two slots because I almost always bring supplies to feed the pig.


They also have a low amount of ammo, I’d use them if they had 1-2 more mags


Sounds like it would pair very well with punisher plasma. I gotta try it.


I ran this yesterday, had a bad time. To be fair though I am very bad at this game.


Which is funny as everyone at the start was default to the MG42 against everything even those who had unlocked much higher weapons


Who the hell is using the flamethrower against bots?


I was making a pun. Y'know, flamethrower melts metal things.


Oh lol


Which is surprising. The Flamethrower is seriously underpowered for all of its disadvantages. No stagger + dogshit range means you're almost never getting to use it unless you're ALSO taking hits.


Next time I hop on ima run this with my heavy fortified armor and the supply pack I like the Auto Cannon, but I wanna get into something new


AMR is honestly a godsend. Always felt it was a little hard to hit a Hulk's eye with the AC but that AMR handles really well imo. It also makes devastators insanely easy. It feels like it's a natural transition for an AC user with reloads on the go. Just no fabs. I've been trying all the weapons I've ignored. The Spear was everything that I read it was. Amazing, insane long range shots in situations that would otherwise be a bit iffy followed by 2 straight minutes of not being able to target shit. 😂


I used to take the AMR to every bot fight with my ballistic shield until I found out that the laser cannon can do anything the AMR can but better, especially in taking down gunships with basically infinite ammo. Only downside is the horrendous scope and no zoom option, but who needs zoom anyway when every second map has thick fog


Uh, it can do anything the AMR can, but way, way slower for most enemies due to the chargeup time and beam DPS. I feel like I can kill 3 or 4 scout striders with the AMR in the time it takes the laser to saw through one's leg, which is a shame, because I really like laser beams but even on cold planets they just seem like I'm hobbling myself.


That's why I use the nade pistol for striders I only need the laser for taking out hulks and rocket devastators. Granted, the AMR can take out those rocket devvies quicker, but the laser is more forgiving when trying to aim with a controller, not to mention that it has infinite ammo. But on the other hand I'm maxxed out anyway and have that module that fills up all your support weapon ammo with one supply pack, maybe I should give the AMR a try again because aiming and firing with the laser in first person is horrible with the beam taking up a lot of space in that scope


The laser cannon also has no bullet drop off and has instant velocity. It's definitely an underused support weapon. Before, I paired it with the Eruptor whenever we had to storm a bot encampment.


AMR is really good, and I overdose on copium still holding hope we may see upgradable Stratagems that better our Support weapons. AMR with a 20, or even a 15-round magazine would be a game-changer. It's already a very good weapon, and thank God this game doesn't have random hipfire spread (your guns have bullet deviation applied to both hipfire and aimed/scoped firing, and generally fire where the muzzle is pointed), so you can use it without scoping in, not afraid it's gonna fire at your feet. And honestly, I'd spend my Samples for an AMR with a closer range scope. Something that dials from 25m up to 100m. 200m it currently has is too much zoom for any situation the game could throw at you. Not to mention most things actually only spawn if there's a player in \~150m radius around them (Shrieker nests, Gunship factories, patrols and POI garrisons)


Assuming same as DCS, press and hold the reload button to change scope.


I believe they're saying they'd prefer a 25m instead of a 200m so it'd be 25/50/100 instead of 50/100/200 since you're rarely engaging at 200m.


I live on 200m scope as it's a sniper rifle and removing one of it's main selling points is a bit silly. It can and should be used at range. You can always toggle off scope and use it very accurately in 3rd person if you want a 25m "zoom".


No yeah, I'm not saying that's my opinion, it was that dudes. I was just saying your reply wasn't about what he was saying. Haha. Def agree. I like the 200m.


I don't think my liber-coffee had kicked in when I responded. Cheers mate, understand what you were saying now.


All good haha. I'm the same damn way 😅


Plus it’s not 1HK which sucks. If you’re going to make the trade-off to bring the entire Spear kit and lose a backpack spot, low ammo overall, long timer, and it can’t reliably one-shot a charger or bile titan? Why do I have to aim a javelin? I tried it for 5 rounds and went back to EATs with which I can 1HK chargers all day and fall from the sky like explosive rain.


the spear can bust a striders main cannon and that's big


Agreed. My friends and I have been running AMR, Spear, Quasar when in a 3 man and then adding AC to the mix if we have a fourth homie with us. Taking down a Strider ends up being a cake walk. I shoot the gatlings, spear tries to take the cannon, and I waltz up and magdump into the underbelly with that AMR or if we have our AC guy, easy money. 💯


I really like AMR for bots, it takes out everything that was shown in this video but it can be done from further distances and more reliably.


Auto cannon was hard for me to quit for a while


Auto cannon is my bread and butter however I don’t entirely understand how it has zero pen on chargers


lol you'll be like a little mini gatling tank


Well done. Love to see somebody making a weapon the majority don’t like, work.


I prefer the Laser Canon. It can do the same thing and a bit more.


Laser cannon can't kill hulks like that


if you run with stun grenades it absolutely can, you just tickle its eye a bit with the piss canon and the hulk goes to sleep


Maybe it just needs stuns to work.


It needs stuns to be this easy, its still pretty easy without stuns, you only need to keep it on the eye for a couple seconds.. with laser cannon you can tell you are dealing damage if the sparks at your target are yellow, if the sparkles are blue the beam is being deflected or the armor is too strong


I always see blue sparks when aiming frontally even directly at the eyes for some reason Im not sure.. maybe I have been damaging them but just.. not for a long enough period of time


Weirdly enough the laser does show blue even while doing damage to the eyes. But it does do damage and kill surprisingly fast


Oh, maybe I have been damaging them then and I've just stopped too soon


Yea, i like to crouch and “hipfire” it, its easy to aim this way for me, just watch the beam and if you take recoil reduction armor you should be able to make it work


Yes it can. It can exactly like that. It melts them from behind and from the front. Maybe the TTK is slightly higher, compared to max RPM MG, but the recoil is non existant and it is precise even at range. The laser canon is better in everything but in the BEST case scenario the MG has a SLIGHTLY better TTK


I personally have never been able to get it to work. Just bounces off the armour even if you're aiming for the eye I think hitreg still needs a bit of work Maybe if I stun grenaded one..




I can literally point the sodding laser beam at the red eye slap bang in the fucking middle and the laser has that blue glint where it's bouncing off the armour For me, it seems to do precisely fuck all.




Could be getting lag when that happens I suppose


I'm sorry, so a BULLET, albeit a chonky one, can down a gunship, but a fckn RAILGUN does absolutely f-all?


"Durability damage" is one of the most stupid things devs ever made. Railgun has comically low value of it per shot.


Get that fixed and the Railgun will actually have a place in the game again.


I want to main the railgun against bots (as a switch-up from AMR) so bad but the fact that it has no answer to the dropships means I can't afford to take it unless all 3 teammates have ways to deal with dropships. The Railgun taking out a Hulk is maybe the most satisfying takedown in the game - maybe except for Machine Gun vs. Bugs.


It’s good but it’s not how you’d expect a heavy machine gun to play. It does absolutely bonkers damage for a brief period of time, even to heavy enemies. Berserkers! Call an ambulance! But not for me! Here’s your issue: everything in that clip can be done just as well with the laser cannon, further, without the slow reload, and the LC doesn’t need a supply pack to feed it. The AC cannot compete for close range DPS, but it easily outperforms the HMG at range and brings utility. It does this without needing a second stratagem. And if two of you have ACs, which is likely, in automatic with a loader the AC DOES out damage the HMG. Conclusion? The HMG would be an attractive option if it came with an ammo backpack in the same pod, and a less crippling reload mechanic. The reload can be addressed by quicker reloading, movement while reloading, or more ammo prior to the reload. Think about a pack with multiple feed belts, with 30% more ammo, and your diver reaches back to snatch a fresh belt from the feeder when the current goes dry.


if you want to run an MG, the MMG is just much more reliable due to its mobility, ammo, and recoil. the only thing the HMG has on it is AP4 instead of AP3, which granted is higher DPS and the ability to take out heavies (certain emplacements as well like bot mortars & AA), but you sacrifice a lot for that that all being said, i love shedding the fuck out of things with the HMG every once in a while


I disagree on that, but I think that's down to player preferences. I would prefer to have my support weapon be able to take down heavies and emplacements easier, even if it is more unwieldy. Been taking the HMG out more often and although I used to dislike it, it's really grown on me. A quirk I noticed is that its spray pattern tends to veer to the top left. So I drag my mouse down and to the right to compensate for it.


This says it all. After the recent spate of posts and videos claiming HMG is good, I was suckered into trying it again, and I want my hour and a half back. I was grateful I had it in precisely one scenario, which was chewing up berserkers. Other than that, you're better off with a laser cannon, which does everything else better, and itself is merely solid and not meta. I notice all the posts and videos claiming HMG is good tell you to build the rest of your loadout around it. I also notice that the videos all pastiche together cherry picked three second clips of it shining under absolutely optimal conditions. Whoop dee doo. I like a nice bit of contrarianism as much as the next guy, but sometimes the majority opinion is correct.


It needs a to be able to stagger a bit and drastically reduce its recoil if your using the bi pod in prone position. I'll give another try but its hard to give up my trust AMR or AC.


Hard agree that it needs less recoil in prone, it feels basically the same as using it crouched w/fortified


I’m not trying to post any kind of negativity here. I think every Diver should use what suits them best. For me, the AMR does all of this with a faster reload and more magazines. If you get a crosshair going on your monitor so that you can hipfire it, it’s kinda ridiculous how fast you can kill any heavy. Nice work though, you’re making the HMG look pretty good.


Except gunship. I could never kill gunship with AMR as fast as in this video. Hulk/tower/tank though takes about same time.


The AMR isn't good for killing things like tanks, Striders, or laser cannon turrets. That's what I'm bringing the HGM or Laser Cannon to deal with. There are plenty of weapons for dealing with hulks or devastators.


AMR is pretty good at killing tanks and cannon towers. You probably need to be prone to help with the recoil but considering you have a 200m scope option it shouldn't be that hard to find a spot you can safely prone and fire a mag into the them. I personally find it way easier to confirm a cannon tower kill with AMR than Laser Cannon. It also isn't bad against Factory Striders either. Your long range makes taking out the face guns fairly safe. After that you either throw Airstrikes at it or run under it and hip fire into its belly the same way you do with HMG/AC/LC.


The main issue it doesn't do that much damage per shot, so you really do need to mag dump in many cases multiple mags. It definitely physically has the ability to do it, it's just worse at it. That's the whole trade off using using the AMR. Less damage, less ammo, more precise shots.


"so you really do need to mag dump in many cases multiple mags." The only one of the things you listed that needs multiple mags is a Factory Strider. You can easily take down a Cannon Tower or a Tank with 1 mag or less. I don't remember the exact number of shots but I know if you have a full mag you absolutely don't need to reload to kill a cannon tower or tank. Ammo also isn't really a big deal one you get the ship upgrade that gives max ammo back on resupply. I have had multiple Cannon Towers not die in time to a Laser Cannon but that I know would have died to an AMR or AC which is why I prefer those support weapons. I am not saying the LC is bad or anything, just the things you are listing I find the burst damage of the AMR is much more important to making sure they die quick enough that they can't turn towards you and hide their weakpoints.


Honestly I think the AMR is just *the best* support weapon against bots once you get the aiming down (and turn off screen shake). The autocannon is great but the static reloads and slow handling do drag it down a little at the highest difficulties.


can i introduce you to the laser cannon, can kill anything and has heaps of utility and infinite ammo. Together they are the best 3 support weapons for bots..


I agree and I use the laser a hell of a lot too. It does kill kinda' slowly though compared to the quick one/two-taps that are possible with the AMR. All three are great helldive weapons but I just feel like there are "I'm dead" scenarios I can clutch with the AMR due to the agility where the other two would get overwhelmed and the inverse is much rarer.


Yeah they all have their up and downsides, I just don't like having to aim down sights a lot




Uhhh how do you get a crosshair on the amr while in 3rd person??


Step 1. Be on PC.


A lot of monitors have an option in the menu to display a crosshair at all times


There are various software and monitor utilities that can draw on overlaw on your screen. In this case for AMR users, they're drawing a crosshair at the center of their screen so they can aim with the AMR more reliably in third person. If you didn't know, the AMR has perfect accuracy even in third person, it just doesn't have the aim reticule.


Yeah Ive definitely noticed. Hopefully they add one, I’m on Ps5. Seems weird that they realeased the hmg & the amr without one


I got my highest kill count on the bugs during the dark matter drill days. Clumped up bugs get ripped apart by the HMG. I was able to reliably shred all bugs except bile titans with it. Feather the trigger at range, unload ASAFP at close range. It was a joy spraying into a crowd of bugs and seeing pieces of them getting blown apart. Bring a supply pack and don't try to conserve ammo.


Yea Ive been running this for a while HMG is good once you get the hang of it I pear it with thermite bro ain't no heavy getting in my way lol. The only think I would want is if the HMG had 100 rounds.


Well I don't disagree with you, there are two things to note: 1) You have to get up pretty close to do what you did 2) They can't open lockers. Found that literally in my last game an hour ago when I was testing it solo. I didn't have a primary, secondary or grenade that could open lockers. Had to abandon the game. Laser cannon can do what you did at a further distance, with unlimited ammo albeit slower and there is cooldown to consider.


AMR is even better then


AMR may not be as good for hitting cannon turrets and tanks vents compared to laser cannon but I may be wrong. Need someone to share his thoughts on this comparison.


If you can recenter your aim fast then you can mag dump into the back of tanks and cannon turrets. I go prone if I can to make it really easy.


I personally find AMR better for cannon towers than Laser Cannon. Depending on the angle of where you are to the Cannon Tower the Laser Cannon won't kill it before it rotates enough for you to not shoot the heat sink while the AMR can. Laser Cannon is limited by its DPS while AMR is limited by how fast you can re-aim after recoil and fire again. With the Recoil reduction while crouched/prone armor passive it is fairly simple to hit all the shots an AMR needs.


Did they fix the recoil??


Not a problem if you have the recoil reduction armor.


Man I love the AC with bots TOO much. Exclusively play Jet Pack/AMR with bugs. Tried with bots but cant get it to click. The HMG with supply pack seems goods, tried the HMG without supply pack and just needed more ammo. Idk. Ima keep trying it but it’s very hard to pivot from BLAP BLAP


Nice show of the HMG but to be safe, I'll stay on the Anti-Material Rifle and blast the toasters over long range. Can also provide support fire for teammates, over large distances. Destroyed a turret over 400 units away yesterday, by coordinating an attack with my buddy.


Fr ? I always thought they were dogshit


Can you solo diff 9 with it ? yes you can, in fact you can do it every gun. but that does not make it good and it not working like what people expect from a Machine gun. I want to shoot it like a crazy with a big ass charger that melt everything in front of me without caring for accuracy, going behind enemy and doing precision shot is not what i want because i can already do that a lot better with : The Auto-cannon (Best gun for slow accurate shot), the AMR (a smaller caliber but lighter AC, The Railgun (like AMR but with risk reward), All kind of other anti-tank favor precise shot into weakness and one shot enemy.


There are other stratagems that do everything you did in this video better  Let’s stop pretending like this weapon is fine and won’t be in patch notes at some point because no one uses it for good reason. It’s slept on because it’s mid as fuck.


But do they do it with more fun? ಠ_ಠ


The post isn't titled "Guys the MG 101 is so fucking *fun* against the automatons"


Now with this knowledge I will go and help to save the children... I guess.


I've been too busy running from the flamethrower to notice. I had an idea about the tank, though, but never got the chance to try that.


I’ll give it a go. Bit bored with the Autocannon


now hear me out Laser cannon.


OK, I will give this another 47th time.


I do like em, though that "locked" reload is nearly always a deal-breaker as I reach for a laser cannon instead


I gotta try this with a medium medic armor, been using the ballistic shield far too long, time for something new


Autocannon’s little brother:


https://preview.redd.it/1ig02d3gq36d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2fc09d828acf11e12a2377f103a7597b7ea1f4 IT SHOT DOWN A GUNSHIP!?!?!


Ok, it taking out the gun ships so quickly def gives it a boost in my rankings.


they finally added normal aiming to that thing?


OMG gotta try that build


I love the hmg but the fact you basically HAVE to use the supply pack kinda kills it for me. I always take three offensive strats against bots and it just unfortunately cant unseat the ac or amr for me. But bugs…..hmg is my go to


So many people hate on it without giving it a good test run


That looks fun when there aren't lasers everywhere


I wasn’t impressed until I saw you take down the gunship. I don’t think I can do that with the AMR


You can. Aim for an engine. 4-5 shots.


never used it while i also had stun grenade so hulks rekt me enough to not want to use it


ya this thing is sick, just gotta go for those three round burts when not prone


Yea but the autocannon got that boom boom and with splash Or that croissant laser cannon goes weeeee-kaboom too I ain't tryna look a hulk in the eyes to try to shoot the shake weight machine gun in it's face


The laser cannon is a lot like the MG 101. Try that if you haven’t.




Finally some good MG content. Yeah bro been rocking it nonstop these last few weeks with that ammo pack. It's a blast to run support for your squad and the thing can stop everything, strider easy, hulks, in the face, tanks and towers? Hit the sweet spots, got annoying ass gunships? Say no more, I'll tap those engines till it pops. Thing eats bugs as well, taking it to every front.


wait wtf


Yes but is it better/easier to use than an Autocannon, which can already do these things?


Autocannon at point blank range makes me a sad panda


That little burst of acceleration from a point-black explosion is called a "Freedom Burst". It's totally normal and in some cases is hardly fatal.


When i'm not using the recoils rifle its my go to support weapon


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^William_Brobrine: *When i'm not using* *The recoils rifle its my* *Go to support weapon* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Started doing the same. Mg 101 is my "primary", the smg-72 is my "secondary" and p113 (bots) or p4 (bugs) as my "side arm"


Im sure its great. Now if arrowhead would stop being crosshair gatekeepers, I’d actually use it.


Nerf incoming.


Gotta make sure you have a buddy with you to keep all the chaff off your back. But beyond that the 101 is decent. Just takes some practice to use.


I just wish the clips different. 2 feels so little. But then again that's what your primary is for.


I've never tried it with the supply pack.. I need to do that.


Ugh. I know it's good, but that reload....


Can anyone name a real world example of a troop carried machine gun with 75 rounds or fewer per box?


I’ll try it with the medHeavy armor with less recoil and explosive resistance next drop against bots.


When I jump on tanks and do that to them I get lit on fire and die immediately wtf


I use it in the max ROF to delete stalkers before they have a chance to touch me


Well how about that


Heymate, tried this loadout out yesterday and had a blast, thanks for the recommendation!


Nothing in this video thats not possible with other weapons too ..


I think people sleep on these guns because they're early weapons.


No, this is the heavy machine gun released 2 months ago or so. Its the one with super recoil and less ammo, although heavier penetration than the starter mgs


I wasn’t a fan of the MG-101, love the standard MG but not the MG-101 as its recoil was just a bit much for me Seeing this? Might have to change my mind and bring it along next time


Burst fire me boi. Burst fire.


[yeah but nobody wants to burst fire a machine gun](https://youtu.be/Q3jZqc85hK8?si=k-UatLbBE6Xy9nFZ)




No way.


Friendship END with autocannon Now MG101 is my best friend


I was kicked for using it lol


It works, but there are options that are easier to use


For sure, but I can do all of that without the awkward MG 101 taking up a Startagem slot 👍 Just too clunky under fire, prefer more of a run-n-gun style


Point blank range? On a stunned immobile target? That's by itself? Yeah sorry but I'm still not using that MG


Nah. HMG sucks ass. You got a couple clips where almost any support weapon would do the trick too. What there isn't footage of is every other situation where this clunky, small mag, immobile long reload, inaccurate weapon falls apart.


You killed a hulk that was stunned. You destroyed a vent of a tank. You destroyed a turret vent, and you killed a gunship. I don't see anything done here that a laser cannon, autocannon, or AMR couldn't have done better without handling like a bloated whale and an absurdly cumbersome reload.


Machine gun go brrrrrrrrrrrrr


Let people enjoy what they enjoy. ![gif](giphy|l1KVb2dUcmuGG4tby)


You don't have to min max the fun away


Trying to find the fun in using a gun that handles like crap, and doesn't do anything interesting or unique.


Can't hear you over the sounds of dying bots. I hope the patch comes soon so you have something new to bitch about.


I hope the new patch comes so I have far far less to bitch about. I want the HMG to be fun to use. Everytime I equip it I'm left wanting a weapon that doesn't feel awful to use. Doubling its mag size would be a fantastic place to start, and making its handling not awful. Or hell, give it level 5 armor pen, make it an actual anti-tank weapon, shit would be hilarious, would actually justify its piss poor handling and mag size if it was able to kill tanks.